Научная статья на тему 'Exercise as one of the practical methods of formation of communicative skills'

Exercise as one of the practical methods of formation of communicative skills Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Khoma Olga Mikhailovna, Khoma Tatyana Vasilyevna

The kinds of exercises in didactics are analyzed; some of them, which are used in the process of teaching Ukrainian language as mother tongue in a higher education institution, are proposed. The method of performance of exercises for the formation of language and speech competence is described. The emphasis is made on communicative tasks.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Exercise as one of the practical methods of formation of communicative skills»

Section 2. Higher Education

Khoma Olga Mikhailovna, Mukacheve State University, Candidate of pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor, Ukraine Khoma Tatyana Vasilyevna, Mukacheve cooperative trade-economic college, Candidate of pedagogical sciences, Teacher of Ukrainian, E-mail: tatyanahoma@mail.ru

Exercise as one of the practical methods of formation of communicative skills

Abstract: The kinds of exercises in didactics are analyzed; some of them, which are used in the process of teaching Ukrainian language as mother tongue in a higher education institution, are proposed. The method ofperformance of exercises for the formation of language and speech competence is described. The emphasis is made on communicative tasks.

Keywords: Ukrainian language, didactics, lingua-didactics, language and speech competence, exercise, tasks.

Ukraine is a multinational country with a certain sta- language teaching, system-based approach to assimilation of language knowledge and formation of speech skills.

European integration processes in the sphere of education require new approaches to content of exercises and their focus in the course of teaching Ukrainian language, which determines the relevancy of this topic of research.

The goal of the article is to characterize separate kinds of exercises aimed at the formation of communicative abilities in the process of teaching Ukrainian language in a higher education institution.

From the point of didactics, exercises are smoothly organized, consciously comprehended multiple repetition of certain actions and methods, which become more complicated in order to form, solidify and improve practical skills and abilities of students [3, 340].

M. Fitsula defines exercises as multiple repetition of certain actions or kinds of activity for the purpose of their assimilation, which rely upon understanding and are accompanied by conscious control and correction [4, 140]. V. Yagupov, based on the research ofM. Fitsula, classifies exercises as follows:

tus of Ukrainian language as official language. Mastering of Ukrainian language is an important component of socio-cultural activity of a personality and its entry into inter-cultural communication. In the process of assimilation of Ukrainian language, special significance is given to practical methods of teaching, the important place among which is taken by tasks.

The method of exercises was developed by scientists throughout all stages of development of didactics (S. Goncharenko, V. Sukhomlinsky, K. Ushinsky, M. Fitsula, V. Yagupov and others) and method of teaching the language (A. Bogush, O. Belyaev, L. Var-zatskaya, M. Vashulenko, O. Karaman, L. Simonenkova, O. Khoroshkovskaya and others). The scientists express an opinion that profound and strong knowledge of Ukrainian language is the result of well-considered system of exercises.

V. Doroz, the author of the method of teaching Ukrainian language in general education institutions [1] and method of teaching Ukrainian language in higher education institutions [2] draws attention to the important questions of content and principles of

Section 2. Higher Education

- preparatory (designed for preparation of students for comprehension of new knowledge and ways of its application in practice);

- introductory (contribute to assimilation of new material on the basis of distinction of notions and actions);

- trial (first application of newly assimilated knowledge);

- training (contribute to the acquisition of skills by the students in standard conditions);

- creative (contribute to the formation of skills of application of obtained knowledge in real life situations);

- control [3, 340-341].

In lingua-didactics, the exercises are multiple repetition by the students of certain actions in order to develop and improve practical abilities and skills [5, 94]. O. Bely-aev calls them training exercises used for practical assimilation of comparatively narrow questions, which include the composition of a word, gender of nouns, spelling of adjectives etc. Moreover, exercises may contain one or two additional tasks (find synonyms and antonyms to highlighted words, find phraseological units and explain their meaning etc.).

Modern method distinguishes between reproductive exercises (reproduction of the learnt material as per example), constructive exercises (replacement of one language model with another) and creative exercises related to creative imagination, which are designed for variability and individuality of performance (forming a sentence, editing of a text, translation of a text, composition etc.) [5, 13].

Since the Zakarpattia oblast is a multinational region and border territory, according to our observation, the speech of the students has most number of lexical mistakes. In the process of research, our task was to select exercises involving the adherence to the norms of literature word usage, lexical compatibility of words and ability to choose a word depending on the speech situation. At the same time, the attention was drawn to orthoepical, morphological and syntax norms of Ukrainian language. We defined general requirements to the selection and application of exercises:

- socio-cultural focus;

- professionally oriented content;

- advantage of text exercises;

- gradual complication and systemacity of performance;

- control of performance, error correction.

In our opinion, in higher education institution, the use of language, speech and communicative exercises

and tasks is effective in Ukrainian language classes with lecture-practice form of study.

Speech exercises (non-communicative) are designed for the performance of actions with language material outside speech situation, where the attention is concentrated only on orthepical or grammatical forms. Speech (communicative) exercises and tasks are aimed at the formation of partially speech and communicative abilities. Among speech exercises, the scientists (I. Gudzik, O. Khoroshkovskaya, relying on the studies of B. Lapidus, Yu. Passov) distinguish nominally speech exercises involving speech actions during specially created situations of communication and peculiarly speech (communicative) exercises, when students analyze the act of speech activity depending on the need of communication.

In the process of formation of lexical, phonetical-or-thoepical and grammatical abilities, language exercises on the analysis, construction of word combinations and sentences are used. For instance, at the stage of assimilation of the norm ofword usage after obtaining respective knowledge, the students were offered analytical exercises.

Analytical-constructive and constructive exercises that covered building ofword combinations and sentences took place in practical classes. They are transitional between exercises aimed at assimilation of knowledge and exercises on the formation of partially speech abilities and skills. Among constructive exercises, substitutional and transformational exercises are separately emphasized in the method of teaching Ukrainian language [6]. Substitutional exercises required replacement of separate words and word combinations in a phrase proposed by the teacher.

Transformational exercises imply a certain transformation (rebuilding) of the proposed phrase, change of its structure by way of changing a grammatical form, replacement of words or word combinations etc. Such exercises are required in the process of formation of dia-logical speech abilities.

Substitutional and transformational exercises were aimed at the formation of partially speech abilities in order to develop communicative speech. We used nominally speech exercises and tasks of academic character and communicative tasks involving independent speaking depending on the goal and orientation to the audience or communicant. Such exercises and tasks are based on a motive, i. e. a desire to express an opinion to inform, ask, convince and rouse to action. Using nominally speech exercises, the teacher relied on modelling of artificially created situations based on word picture of an imaginary situation of reality.

Monological speech was formed in the process ofbuilding Thus, we proposed separate kinds of exercises, which,

coherent statements (translations, writings and different according to our opinion, are effective for the formation messages) of professional focus. of communicative abilities.


1. Doroz V. F. Method of teaching Ukrainian language in general education institutions: Tutorial/V. F. Doroz -Kiev: «Center for academic literature», 2008. - 386 p.

2. Doroz V. F. Method of teaching Ukrainian language in higher education institutions: Tutorial/V. F. Doroz - Kiev: «Center for academic literature», 2008. - 176.

3. Yagupov V. V. Pedagogics: Tutorial./V. V. Yagupov - Kiev: Lybid, 2003. - 560 p.

4. Fitsula N. N. Pedagogics: Tutorial. 2nd edition, revised, supplemented/N. N. Fitsula. - Kiev: «Akademvidav», 2005. - 560 p.

5. Belyaev A. N. Lingua-didactics of mother tongue: Tutorial. - Kiev: Geneza, 2005. - 180 p.

6. Khoroshovskaya O. N. Method of teaching Ukainian language in primary schools with teaching in Russian language/O. N. Khoroshovskaya. - Kiev: Luch, 2006. - 256 p.

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