EVOLVING ROLE OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT IN SUPPORTING TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN UZBEKISTAN Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Ключевые слова
Local government / tourism industry / local tourism / tourism product / investment / tourism legislation. / Local government / tourism industry / local tourism / tourism product / investment / tourism legislation.

Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Olimova Zarina Baxodirovna

The article analyzes importance of local government in tourism development especially, relationship between local authority and tourism industry. Also discussed top issues of supporting tourism development in the country.

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The article analyzes importance of local government in tourism development especially, relationship between local authority and tourism industry. Also discussed top issues of supporting tourism development in the country.



Olimova Zarina Baxodirovna,


E-mail: zarina.ziyo14@mail. ru



Keywords: Local government, tourism industry, local tourism, tourism product, investment, tourism legislation.

The article analyzes importance of local government in tourism development especially, relationship between local authority and tourism industry. Also discussed top issues of supporting tourism development in the country.


In recent years reforms in the Republic of Uzbekistan demonstrate that tourism sector is one of the strategic sector of national economy which in the long term will help to solve such important social and economic tasks as job creation, diversification of the economy and accelerated development of regions, increasing incomes and quality of life of the country's population.

The aim of this paper is to gain a better understanding of the evolutionary processes of tourism

development towards sustainability in country according to the main stakeholders: local government, tourism enterprises and local community, focusing mostly on the challenges and weaknesses that expand within and beyond the boundaries of local government.

The research data-gathering methods: literature reviews, secondary data and semi-structured interviews are all used to gain insights into the core research questions. Each method feeds into

and is strengthened by the others and their combination.

The results of this study point out the fact that there are wide ranges of factors that constrain tourism industry from adopting more sustainable tourism practices. All of these factors play a crucial role in materialization the actions of all stakeholders in relation to sustainable tourism principles.

Nowadays history of tourism development can be divided of Uzbekistan into 3 stages. First stage covered 1992-1999 years. While, in this period national company "Uzbektourism" [1], which coordinated tourism activities in the country has been established. Further Uzbekistan joined to UNWTO in 1993 [2], which was one of an important steps towards to developing international tourism. As a part of this, in 1994 it was adapted Samarkand declaration, a long "Silk road" with participation of 19 countries of the World [3]. During that period foundation of tourism industry has been created.

Second stage has started with adoption of law of the republic of Uzbekistan in 1999 [4] and continued till 2016. During that time it was created a base of tourism legislation. Government programs has been adopted to develop this sphere.

Tourism infrastructure also has been formed during this period.

Third period characterized by reformation of the sphere. The main change was reorganization of "Uzbektourism" into state committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Tourism Development in 2016 [5]. The State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Tourism Development was organized in order to identify and coordinate the implementation of targets and priority areas. We can say that this stage has already become an important time for industry. During this short time a lot of works have been done and lot of tasks have been resolved. If we look at it from point of view of legislation then we reveal that strong foundation for further reform has been created. Simplification of visa procedures and registration is one of the examples for that.

That facts show that tourism sphere has its own developed way in the country which improved day by day.


From first day of election the president of Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.Mirziyoyev paid attention to modified industry.

In particular, on August 16, 2017, President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed a

resolution "On priority measures for development of tourism sphere for 2018-2019 [6] aimed at improving regulatory and legal regulation and development of international cooperation in this area, ensuring availability of traveling to Uzbekistan, development of tourism and related infrastructure in all regions of the country, diversification of the tourist product and creation of new tourism facilities, as well as the promotion of the national tourist product in the domestic and foreign markets.

Decree of the President of Uzbekistan dated December 2, 2016 "On measures to ensure accelerated development of the tourism industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan" defines the main tasks and priorities of the state policy in the sphere of tourism, including giving for tourism the status of a strategic sector of the economy and making this industry a powerful tool for sustainable development with a purpose to widely propagandize tourism capacity in areas, to create convenient conditions for visitors [7].

Besides, to solve problems in the sphere and increase responsibility of local government to fulfill their tasks President of our country Shavkat Mirziyoyev has signed the decree on « On measures to further increase the responsibility of local executive authorities in the

development of tourism », which defines role of local authority for supporting industry [8].

Also, on the article 100 of our Constitution it was defined that joint conducting of the local bodies of authority shall include:

matters of economic, social and cultural development within their territories. Accordingly, we can say that local government also responsible for improving tourism because this is one of the significant element of economy of the country.

We also know that one of the developmental duties of municipalities is to structure and manage their administration, budgeting and planning processes, to give priority to the basic needs of the community, and to promote the social and economic development of the community [9].

While investigating we must study two issues: Impacting of tourism sector for development of local government management and the impotency of the government in the development of tourism sphere. After that we can improve other concepts which relates to this.

Let discuss the first, as it known that tourism is one of the developing branches of the economy in our country. As Prezident Sh.Mirziyoyev noted, "concrete measures on increasing contribution

of tourism to Uzbekistan economy, agitation of historical and cultural values as well as reinforcement of hard currency reserves should be intensified" [10]. Obviously that tourism plays key role on economic social and cultural and environmental progress of the regions. If widely consider this issue we can understand importance of tourism to life expectancy in regions.

In addition, it can really change economic environment of regions such as employment and attraction of investment to promote local handicraft, which is very necessary for improving life welfare of population. It proves high impact of local authority to supporting tourism at localities.

Territorial local authorities (district and city councils) have two principal functions relating to tourism: the 'enablement' of tourism development, and the management of tourism's effects [11].

To enable tourism development, territorial local authorities:

• Support economic development initiatives, such as funding for regional tourism organizations, preparing business feasibility studies,

• Help to develop local facilities and attractions, such as zoos, art galleries, parks and reserves;

• Promote events, such as cultural or sport festivals.

To manage tourism's adverse social and environmental impacts, territorial local authorities:

• Regulate tourism development, for example, setting environmental, health and safety standards,

• Plan utilities, such as transport networks, waste management, and sewerage, and,

• Monitor tourism development and trends, such as host satisfaction surveys and environmental monitoring.

However, the local government sector has traditionally played an important role in supporting tourism development of local areas. This included the provision of infrastructure, the development of tourist attractions and experiences, support for festivals and events and the implementation of tourist promotion plans. Tourism plans, policies and development objectives are core elements of the Country and City Development Plans. Importantly, the sector mobilized a network of stakeholders including agencies, community groups and the private sector to invest in and promote their local tourist offering. These activities were driven by the ambition of each local authority to harness the development

opportunity of areas throughout Country as places to live in, invest in and visit in a sustainable way [12].

By improving the activity of the local government in developing tourism subject of private sector becomes more important and important. Creation of new jobs, protection and restoration of historical objects, education of young people by developing local tourism, protection of ecological environment and organization of ecological zones, Support of handcraft, developing nono-technology and architecture are the consequences which might be coined.

Governments nevertheless have a critical role in creating the context and stimulating actions to ensure that tourism is more sustainable in the future. Local government has become an important arena for discussions about the interpretation and implementation of sustainable development (Commonwealth Department of Environment and Heritage 2004; UNEP 2003). Discussions at international and national levels reinforce the importance of local government because it is at this local level that local policy debates unfold and decisions about resource use are made.

Governments should provide an environment that enables and encourages the private sector, local community, tourists and other stakeholders to respond to sustainability issues. This can best be achieved by establishing and implementing a set of policies for tourism development and management, drawn up in concert with others. The principles of sustainable development put emphasis on local determination and implementation of policies and actions. This should be placed within a supportive national policy framework.

Indeed, it is often local governments which assume much of this responsibility as they are closest to many of the problems associated with tourism development (Aronsson, 2000) and they control most of the development planning aspects associated with tourism (Dredge & Jenkins,2007) [13].

Local authority gets fast information about the problems that community faces. In addition, locality knows in details about natural resources and human capital so through the careful assessment it can plan the future to help the community in employment, local business, infrastructures etc.

Local governments are face with a range of challenges to the

effective planning and management tourism with other functions and of tourism at their destination level. activities of local government. The most important challenge is that Table indicates some areas of

of integrating the management of local government responsibilities as

they relate to tourism. Local government responsibilities relating to tourism [14]

Local government roles and responsibilities and areas of planning and policy development Potential Influence on tourism

Infrastructure provision and maintenance Transport infrastructure may shape access to the destination and travel patterns within the destination. Basic infrastructure capacity may shape the destination capacity to absorb tourist and may limit development

Land use planning Development assessment and strategic land use planning influences the built character and spatial integration of the destination

Environmental management Protects and preserves unique environmental features of a destination and manages visitor pressures on natural resources

Open space planning and management Protects and conserves open space, influences the character and amenity of the destination and helps create a 'sense of place'.

Public health and safety management Protects and enhances visitor satisfaction, destination image and quality

Community development Encourages a community supportive of tourism activity and enterprise

Local economic development Encourages synergetic economic activity, the development of

appropriate tourism business and support services.

Education, training and employment Influences quality in the delivery of tourism services and facilities.

Tourism promotion and marketing Fosters branding and destination image development.

Arts and cultural development Encourages the development of unique and positive sense of community and belongingness attractive to tourism

Human services Encourages positive attitudes and improved service delivery

The findings from this qualitative research aims to gain a better understanding of the role and responsibilities of the local government in Uzbekistan.


Reforming the activities of local executive authorities in the field of tourism will lead to the following results:

First, the development of the tourism industry will lead to an increase in the number of small business entities in the private sector;

Second, the emergence of new jobs will lead to an increase in employment;

Third, it will contribute to the preservation and restoration of existing historical sites;

Fourth, the role of local tourism in educating the younger generation,

especially in expressing their national identity, is important;

Fifth, it will pave the way for improving the environmental condition of the regions and creating eco zones;

Sixth, the further development of the national economy will lead to the support of various forms of handicrafts;

Seventh, it will lead to the introduction of innovative nano technologies in our country;

Eighth, it will contribute to the improvement of cultural ties between peoples, nations and states.

Despite the high tourist potential of the country, some factors are resulting low level of positive impact on the economic development of the Uzbekistan. These problems should be explored by next papers.


1. https://www.uzbekistan.de/en/nachrichten/nachrichten/national-company-uzbektourism-celebrates-23-years-anniversary

2. https://www.uzdaily.uz/en/post/29084

3. https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000159189 (The Silk Roads Project: Integral study of the Silk Roads: Roads of Dialogue, 1988-1997);

4. https://cis-legislation.com/document.fwx?Rgn=840 (law of the republic of Uzbekistan of August 20, 1999 № 830-I ABOUT TOURISM (as amended on 18-04-2018);

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6. https://www.uzdaily.uz/en/post/40491

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14. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/292463544_The_role_of_local_governme nt_to_facilitate_and_spearhead_sustainable_tourism_development

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