EVOLUTION OF THE ENERGY EFFICIENCY PRACTICE IN THE MODERN RUSSIA Текст научной статьи по специальности «Энергетика и рациональное природопользование»

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Ключевые слова
energy efficiency / energy saving / cost-effective use of resources / energy / environment / energy resources

Аннотация научной статьи по энергетике и рациональному природопользованию, автор научной работы — Steiner V.

In the article there are considered the main stages in the evolution of energy efficiency practice in modern Russia and worldwide. Prospects for development and its limitations are presented and analyzed.

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Steiner V.

University of Applied Sciences for Management and Communication of the Vienna Economic Chamber (FH

Wien der WKW), Austria, Vienna


In the article there are considered the main stages in the evolution of energy efficiency practice in modern Russia and worldwide. Prospects for development and its limitations are presented and analyzed.

Keywords: energy efficiency, energy saving, cost-effective use of resources, energy, environment, energy resources.

At present, Russia's economy is moving to a new economic stage of development. That makes the subject of energy saving throughout the entire lifecycle of the construction site - from the set-up of the project to the clearing for operation and demolition of the building -to the issue of the day [1].

In the conditions of market formation and modernization of the Russian economy, energy efficiency and conservation is a strategic task of the state development.

Russia today is one of the leading energy powers in the world, that fully provides domestic energy needs at the expense of its own resources. However, the efficiency of using primary sources and converted energy in the country is extremely low. In turn, this restrains the economic development of the state, since energy costs determine the cost of goods and services produced to a large extent and directly affect their competitiveness.

One of the main directions of the energy saving policy is to increase the efficiency of energy use over building up its production, which allows achieving positive economic, social and environmental effects. [2]

Energy saving allows to provide a transition from the case when the main task of energy supplying organizations is to sell the maximum possible amount of energy carriers to the case when their main goal is to satisfy the needs for the services that the consumer receives. Increase of the energy efficiency in this case allows to cover the additional needs of the consumer without additional increase of the production volumes. This practice takes place in many countries and makes energy efficiency approach to the important part in regulation of the energy monopolies activities. [3]

International practices indicate that countries with significant progress in energy conservation get legislative, legal and financial support from legislative and executive authorities. In all these countries special laws on energy conservation and state-funded programs for their implementation have been applied. [4] In addition, in many countries there are programs for the pilot testing of energy-saving technologies, financed from the state budget, as well as programs to stimulate industrial production to produce innovative materials and equipment financed by commercial organizations. Without formation of a supportive organizational and financial system, many innovative inventions in the

field of energy and resource saving would not have been further developed.

Energy and resource saving contributes to the positive development of the economy, ensures the country's energy security, and also reduces the negative impact on the environment and the depletion of natural fuel and energy resources.

Government measures, such as energy saving programs, as well as the introduction of new technologies in this area, are the driving force for the development of energy efficiency in the country.

Energy norms for buildings, constructions and engineering equipment, energy efficiency requirements in the construction design, use of advanced equipment, establishment of environmental requirements on air emissions and limits on energy consumption are the main compulsory steps applied in different countries. To control normalized values, compliance procedures are applied.

Information programs play an important role in the evolution of energy efficiency: the latest results of research and experimental inventions, as well as new methods and systems are reported at conferences and workshops, provided in training courses and supporting scripts.

By implementation of energy saving programs one of the key factors play economic incentives, which are currently underdeveloped in Russia. [5] This is related both to the lack of experience in financing of energy efficiency projects and the underdevelopment of the lending market for the respective purposes, as well as to the lack of ability to shift the increase in costs to the consumer, lack of developed competitive market and cross-subsidization.

Russia holds one of the leading positions in energy consumption worldwide and at the same time - Russia spends more energy resources per unit of GDP than any other country within ten largest energy consumers. Russia's economic activity is one of the most energy-intensive in the world.

Up to date there is a number of legal proceedings in Russia (bylaws, references, acts, specifications, territorial norms) regulating energy consumption of buildings and constructions. The main one is the Federal Law No. 261-FZ dated as of November 23, 2009 "On Energy Saving and on Improving Energy Efficiency and on Amending Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation".

The federal law regulates energy saving and energy efficiency proceedings in Russia. The purpose of this law is to create a legal and economic framework in order to encourage energy conservation and improve energy efficiency. The main focus of energy-saving measures in modern Russia lies whereby on engineering and construction of energy-saving buildings [6].

At present, just less than a half of all fuel produced in Russia is spent for heating and cooling of buildings, while the reserves of natural fuels are steadily depleted both in Russia and globally. Thus, energy efficiency is becoming even more relevant - there is a high need in innovative solutions that enable to reduce operating costs and negative impact of buildings and constructions on the environment while improving the quality of life.

In addition to the use of energy-efficient materials and equipment during construction, it is recommended to apply existing solutions for energy preservation. The energy efficiency of the building is significantly influenced by such factors as the location of the building object, its cardinal direction by taking into account the prevailing wind direction, as well as by constructive and three-dimensional solutions.

Increase of the energy efficiency of buildings not only by applying materials and equipment, but using efficient volume-spatial, architectural-planning and constructive solutions, allows to reduce energy consumption and negative impact on the environment, while increasing the quality of life. The use of alternative energy sources makes it possible to increase the level of ecological compatibility of construction projects and creates favorable conditions for saving of energy resources.

The potential for energy saving in Russia is huge, but to achieve this result the active joint work of state authorities, researchers, project developers, heat supply

specialists, power engineers, construction industry and housing and communal services specialists is needed. Therein, the increase of energy and resources efficiency directly in the construction and housing-and-munici-palities sector is of utmost importance, since it is here where the potential for the real savings is accumulated.


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2. Girya L.V., Sheina S.G., Fedyaeva P.V. The procedure of substantiation of selection of the energy-efficient design solutions for residential buildings // International Journal of Applied Engineering Research. 2015. - № 8.

3. Novoselova I.V., Strabikina S.I., Boyko N.S., Danileiko I.Y. Prospects of «green» construction and use of energy-saving measures in modern Russia // Engineering journal of Don. 2017. - №4.

4. Sheina S., Fedyaeva P., Chulkova E., Pavlu-kova T., Belousova O. Ecological aspects of energy conservation programmes //Internationaler Kongress& Fachmesse EURO-ECO: Program Abstracts.-Hanno-ver. 2010.

5. Novoselova I.V. The Formation of the Social and Economical Policy of Austria, Germany and Russia in the Sphere of Provision People with Housing Using the Method of Comparative Analysis // The Bulletin of the South-Russian State Technical University (NPI). Social and Economic Science. 2011. - № 3.

6. Sheina S.G., Tikhomirov S.A., Minenko E.N. Implementation of green building proj ect within the example of techno-eco-park, Rostov-on-Don // International Journal of Applied Engineering Research. 2015. - № 12.


Альрашdi А.

астрант кафедри фтанав Кшвський нацюнальний yHieepcumem iMeHi Тараса Шевченка


Al Rashdi A.

PhD Student of Department of Finance Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


Розглянуто шституцшний аспект залучення швестицш в економ^ ОАЕ. Проаналiзовано бюджетно-податковi важелi стимулювання шоземного швестування в ОАЕ. Запропоновано рекомендацп щодо ак-тивiзацii прямого шоземного швестування з метою забезпечення шновацшно-швестицшно! моделi ро-звитку.


The institutional aspect of attracting investment to the economy of the UAE is considered. The budget-tax levers of stimulating foreign investment in the UAE are analyzed. Recommendations on the activation of foreign direct investment in order to provide an innovation-investment model of development are suggested.

Ключовi слова: шоземш швестицп, податковi тльги, програми шдтримка, фшансовий важ№, ме-хашзм стимулювання

Keywords: foreign investments, tax incentive, program support, financial leverage, incentive mechanism

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