Научная статья на тему 'Evaluation of the labor incentive system in OOO proftehnologii (LLC)'

Evaluation of the labor incentive system in OOO proftehnologii (LLC) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Romenskaya Natalia

Today, companies are increasingly aware that a major production resource is employees. Most managers tend to reduce the company's costs in terms of personnel costs exactly, but awareness of the need for tangible and intangible investments in human resources has become increasingly common at the present time. A lot of companies are considering personnel as the main investment fund, practicing various forms of incentives and rewards. The development of recruiting business is not far behind for this trend. The article focuses on stimulating employees of one of the recruiting company in Yekaterinburg city. It goes about payment, bonuses, work organization and workplace organization. In the article the author finds out how often the ideas of increasing the improving the working conditions cost for employees are applied in practice, in order to improve the efficiency of staff labor activity.

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На сегодняшний день компании все осознаннее отдают себе отчет, что наиболее важным ресурсом производства являются сотрудники. Большинство руководителей стремятся сократить затраты компании именно на персонале, но на сегодняшний день осознание необходимости материальных и нематериальных вложений в трудовые ресурсы набирает все большие обороты. Множество компаний рассматривает персонал, как основной фонд капиталовложений, практикуя различные формы стимулирования и поощрений. Развитие рекрутингового бизнеса не отстает и в данной тенденции. Статья посвящена вопросу стимулирования сотрудников одной из рекрутинговой компании рынка услуг города Екатеринбурга. Затрагиваются вопросы оплаты труда, премирования, организации труда и рабочего места. Выясняется насколько часто применяются на практике идеи затрат на улучшение условий труда сотрудников, с целью повышения эффективности трудовой деятельности персонала.

Текст научной работы на тему «Evaluation of the labor incentive system in OOO proftehnologii (LLC)»

redactor@ progress-human.com

УДК 331.1


Natalia Romenskaya

Master student of the labour economics and personnel management department in Ural State University of Economics

npromenskaya@gmail. com 62-455, 8th of March Str., Yekaterinburg, Russia, 620144 +7 (323) 22-11-757

Annotation. Today, companies are increasingly aware that a major production resource - is employees. Most managers tend to reduce the company's costs in terms of personnel costs exactly, but awareness of the need for tangible and intangible investments in human resources has become increasingly common at the present time. A lot of companies are considering personnel as the main investment fund, practicing various forms of incentives and rewards. The development of recruiting business is not far behind for this trend. The article focuses on stimulating employees of one of the recruiting company in Yekaterinburg city. It goes about payment, bonuses, work organization and workplace organization. In the article the author finds out how often the ideas of increasing the improving the working conditions cost for employees are applied in practice, in order to improve the efficiency of staff labor activity.

Keywords: motivation; personnel management; salary; recruiting.

JEL code: J24.


Recruitment business aims to support, develop and maintain a manpower company and not only those that can be called a «product» of the company, but also those that are directly members of the recruiting agency.[1] The most pressing issue is to stimulate governance in the recruiting business in the conditions of the crisis broke out, as the primary measure was the minimization of costs, and especially the reduction of salary, and the rejection of virtually all forms of material incentives for the personnel. In such a situation, the leader has to decide how to keep employees motivated to paying less money, the quality of work remained at least at the same level. [2]

1. The motivation system in the company LLC PROFTEHNOLOGII

At the moment, LLC PROFTEHNOLOGII Company uses the following methods of personnel management:

1. Administrative and organizational management methods [5]:

- Control staff relations by the rules of structural subdivisions and job descriptions;

- Using the power motivation (orders, instructions).

2. Economic methods of management [7]:

- Material stimulation of employees: 400 rubles in addition to the payment for each new


3. Socio-psychological management methods:

Developing a sense of belonging to the organization of the employees with the help of the formation of standards of service, the company makes extensive use of its logo to ensure employees of branded working clothes, etc.

The main focus in the system of incentives for staff placed on material methods of stimulation. In accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the organization independently establishes the form of a payment system, wage rates and salaries, as well as forms of material incentives. The basic rules of remuneration and bonuses are fixed with wage regulations of employees of LLC PROFTEHNOLOGII. All new employees will become acquainted with these regulations.

Salaries are paid on the third of each month. Prepayment - 18 of each month (40-50% of salary).

Bonuses for employees are paid every month.

The purpose of the premium is a reward for the quality and timely execution of work duties, initiative and enterprise at work. The indicator of bonus payment is the performance of the established monthly plans on the timing and quality of work.

Employees shall get bonus when they are:

• fulfillment of vacancies closure plan;

• lack of reasonable complaints from the customer on performance of works;

• timely closure of vacancies in areas;

• compliance with the rules and deadlines of reports;

• no substantiated complaints from leading employees to perform job duties by the recruiters;

• the absence of substantiated complaints by employees to perform their duties;

• work qualitatively, in accordance with established deadlines.

redactor@ progress-human.com

Table 1 shows the employee benefits separation on a permanent part and a bonuses in 2013-2015. According to Table 1, we can say that the amount of salaries and bonuses increased every year since the increased number of employees and the profit in the enterprise.

Table 1 - Wage analysis of PROFTEHNOLOGII 2013-2015 years.1

Indicator 2G13 2G14 2G15 Absolute deviation. Relative deviation

13/14 14/15 13/14 14/15

Salaries 1799б8,б 195248,б 2G6737 1528G 11488,4 1G8,5 1G5,9

Bonuses 498G9,4 6G462,4 73294,3 Юб53 12831,9 121,4 121,2

Total 229778 255711 28GG31,3 25933 2432G,3 111,3 1G9,5

In Table 2 the sizes of bonuses in the company PROFTEHNOLOGII in 2015 are considered separately. Table 2 shows that the limit of the bonuses is 50%.


Table 2 - The size of bonuses by employee category for the period of 2013-2015 years

Categories of employees 2G13 2G14 2G15

RUB. % RUB. % RUB. %

General leadership Up to 25GG Up to 5G Up to 27GG Up to 5G Up to 3GGG Up to 5G

Recruiters Up to 2GGG Up to 5G Up to 23GG Up to 5G Up to 25GG Up to 5G

IT Department Up to 5GG Up to 5G Up to 7GG Up to 5G Up to 9GG Up to 5G

Employees may be fully or partially deprived of bonuses and may be dismissed in the following cases:

1) non-performance or bad performance of employment duties, provided by an official or technical instructions;

2) a disciplinary offense;

3) damage to property or damage to the business reputation of the enterprise;

4) violation of technological discipline;

5) violation of the rules of safety and labor protection and fire safety regulations;

6) truancy of work;

7) coming to work drunk, and in a state of narcotic or toxic substances;

8) drinking alcohol on the territory of the organization;

9) Theft of property of the organization.

1 Compiled on the basis of the author researches

2 Compiled on the basis of the author researches

Full or partial deprivation of the premium takes place in the period in which the flaw in the work was committed.

The specific amount of the premium reduction is determined by the director of the organization (in terms of staff - heads of departments), depending on the seriousness of the offense and the consequences.

Surcharges and incentive payments in PROFTEHNOLOGII do not practiced. Employees' overtime working does not received by salaries in excess of any parts of surcharges.

All forms of incentives should be used to determine the material reward, while labor costs will not increase sharply. The introduction of such forms should be carried out gradually.

In process of economic development and improvement of enterprise management methods, management personnel PROFTEHNOLOGII should take into account that the maximum efficiency of the economic methods impact in management is achieved when they are combined with other methods (reinforcement of economic methods by using the organizational and administrative and addition of material stimulation of socio-psychological motivation). [6]

During the study of stimulate labor methods a survey was conducted by the author for clarification of job satisfaction.

The survey involved 5 managers, 6 recruiters and 5 representatives of the IT department. By age group employees divided into: from 31 to 40 years - 5 people, 21 to 25 years old - 3 persons, from 26 to 30 years - 2 persons, 41 to 50 years - 6 people.

Because of the survey it became clear that the most relevant needs at this time are:

- low wages;

- state domestic premises (lack of canteens, state of offices, the lack of order in the workplace);

- no way to communicate its opinion to the leadership.

An illustrative example of the survey results can be seen in figure 1.

In figure 1, we can see that material needs are the most relevant at the moment, they make up 43%. This is due to the economic situation in the country; the workers do not have enough money for good living. Second place goes to the state of offices - 25%. Employees are uncomfortable and inconvenient to work at their workplaces. As recruiters justify their answer -«uncomfortable and depressing situation, on the table a lot of documents and folders that have nowhere to put, a lot of employees are in an office, do not provide comfort to make personal phone calls». 22% are not satisfied with point catering.

In PROFTEHNOLOGII there is no dining room, which would be able to fit more than three employees, so some employees are forced to eat in the workplaces. Accordingly, in the

redactor@ progress-human.com

canteen a lot of space occupied by the machine dishwasher, microwave. And 10% of workers are not able to communicate their opinion to the leadership.

Fig.1: Elements of the work that employees are dissatisfied with in 2015 by the results of the survey3

■ Wage level

■ The ability to express your opinion to the leadership

■ State of offices

■ Catering service

In addition, the answers to the question about the forms of moral incentives which are the best for employees, allocated as follows: 5 people (31%) of employees responded for better working conditions; 4 people (25%) for the opportunity to study, the ladder of growth, increase accountability and influence; 4 people (25%) want the feeling of belonging, usefulness to the company, respect and recognition from colleagues, manager, the feeling of the usefulness of their work; 2 people (13%) responded that they expect praise from the manager; 1 person (6%) wants to assign the title of «Best Worker».

On the question of how do they assess the system of moral incentives in the company, 13 people (81%) answered that nobody needs moral incentives, if the money are paid, and 3 persons (19%) responded that moral incentives is not seen, no one will say «thank you» for work.

The survey showed that the motivation of employees working in increasingly affects high wages and good working conditions than, for example, the atmosphere in the team, or the attitude of the management. Unfortunately, moral incentives in the organization are not observed. The system of personnel motivation wages stimulates is bad, because employees are not satisfied with their income.


Improving the incentive system in the recruitment business involves the development of events. We conducted a survey, which revealed that the employees are dissatisfied with their workplaces, the lack of a spacious dining area, the lack of ability to communicate its opinion to

3 Compiled on the basis of the author researches © N.P.Romenskaya 5

the leadership, low salaries. Revealed an urgent need for point solutions to existing problems of incentive policies, through the introduction of intangible and tangible measures to improve the employees' moral and physical comfort.

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3. Egorshin A.P. Motivation of labor activity: Textbook. [Test]: - 2 nd ed., Revised. and ext. - M .: INFRA-M, 2008. - 464 p.

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5. Motivation of staff in modern organizations: Textbook / under total. Ed. SY Trapitsyn. - SPb. [Test]: OOO «Book House», 2007. - 240 p.

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8. Ambitny management [electronic resource]. - Access: http://www.manambition.ru

9. The Bureau of Personnel Center personnel services [electronic resource]. Access: http://rb-service.ru/article12.html

10. The training center: [electronic resource]. Access: http://www.syntone.ru.

11. Fanti L., Meccheri N. Labour Incentive Schemes, Effort, and Market Outcomes in a Differentiated Duopoly with Simple Institutional Constraints / Journal of institutional and theoretical economics-zeitschrift fur die gesamte staatswissenschaft / JUN 2012. T. - 168, ISS. 2

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

- Pp.: 290-310.

12. Huffman S.K., Jensen H.H. Linkages among welfare, food assistance programmes and labour supply: evidence from the survey of programme dynamics / Applied economics / JUN 2005, T. - 37; ISS. - 10, Pp.: 1099-1113.

13. Brown W., Nolan P. Wages and Labour Productivity: The Contribution of Industrial Relations Research to the Understanding of Pay Determination / 1988, 26 (3), pp. 339-361.

14. List J.A., Rasul I. Field Experiments in Labor Economics Handbook of Labor Economics / 2011, 4 (PART A), pp. 104-228



Роменская Наталья Петровна

Магистрантка ФГБОУ ВО «Уральский государственный университет экономики»

Аннотация. На сегодняшний день компании все осознаннее отдают себе отчет, что наиболее важным ресурсом производства являются сотрудники. Большинство руководителей стремятся сократить затраты компании именно на персонале, но на сегодняшний день осознание необходимости материальных и нематериальных вложений в трудовые ресурсы набирает все большие обороты. Множество компаний рассматривает персонал, как основной фонд капиталовложений, практикуя различные формы стимулирования и поощрений. Развитие рекрутингового бизнеса не отстает и в данной тенденции. Статья посвящена вопросу стимулирования сотрудников одной из рекрутинговой компании рынка услуг города Екатеринбурга. Затрагиваются вопросы оплаты труда, премирования, организации труда и рабочего места. Выясняется насколько часто применяются на практике идеи затрат на улучшение условий труда сотрудников, с целью повышения эффективности трудовой деятельности персонала.

Ключевые слова: мотивация; управление персоналом; оплата труда; рекрутинг. JEL коды: 124.


1. Лукичева Л.И., под ред. Анискина Ю.П. Управление персоналом [Тест]: Учеб.пособие - 8-е изд., стер. - М.: «Омега-Л», 2013. - 263 с.

2. Маслова В.М. Управление персоналом: Учебник. - М. [Тест]: Юрайт, 2011. - 488 с.

3. Егоршин А.П. Мотивация трудовой деятельности: Учебное пособие. [Тест]: - 2-е изд., перераб. и доп. - М.: Инфра-М, 2008. - 464 с.

4. Клочков А. К. КР1 и мотивация персонала. Полный сборник практических инструментов [Тест]: — Эксмо, 2010. - 160 с.

5. Мотивация персонала в современной организации: Учебное пособие / Под общ. ред. С. Ю. Трапицына. - СПб. [Тест]: ООО «Книжный Дом», 2007. - 240 с.

6. А. А. Литвинюк, С. Ж. Гончарова, В. В. Данилочкина Мотивация и стимулирование трудовой деятельности: Учебник для бакалавров. - М. [Тест]: Издательство Юрайт, 2015.

Екатеринбург, Россия

398 с.

7. Захарова Т.И., Гаврилова С.В. Мотивация трудовой деятельности: Учебно-методический комплекс. - М. [Тест]: Изд. цент ЕАОИ. 2008. - 216 с.

8. Амбитный менеджмент: [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: http://www.manambition.ru

9. Кадровый центр Бюро кадровых услуг: [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http://rb-service.ru/article12.html

10. Тренинг центр: [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http://www.syntone.ru.

11. Fanti L., Meccheri N. Labour Incentive Schemes, Effort, and Market Outcomes in a Differentiated Duopoly with Simple Institutional Constraints / Journal of institutional and theoretical economics-zeitschrift fur die gesamte staatswissenschaft / июнь 2012. Т. - 168, Вып. 2 - Pp.: 290-310.

12. Huffman S.K., Jensen H.H. Linkages among welfare, food assistance programmes and labour supply: evidence from the survey of programme dynamics / Applied economics / JUN 2005, Т. - 37; Вып. - 10, С: 1099-1113.

13. Brown W., Nolan P. Wages and Labour Productivity: The Contribution of Industrial Relations Research to the Understanding of Pay Determination / 1988, 26 (3), С. 339-361.

14. List J.A., Rasul I. Field Experiments in Labor Economics Handbook of Labor Economics / 2011, 4 (Часть A), С. 104-228


Роменская Наталья Петровна

ФГБОУ ВО «Уральский государственный университет экономики» 62 - 455, ул. 8-е Марта, 6202144, г.Екатеринбург, РФ npromenskaya@gmail. com

Научный руководитель: доктор экон.наук, профессор кафедры экономики труда и управления персоналом И.А.Кулькова

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