Научная статья на тему 'Evaluation of culture and heritage in the district of Plovdiv Bulgaria'

Evaluation of culture and heritage in the district of Plovdiv Bulgaria Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Petkova Elena

The aim of the paper is an evaluation of certain attributes of culture and heritage in a particular region of Bulgaria the district of Plovdiv to be performed. That is done through a questionnaire survey with local residents, domestic and international tourists.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Evaluation of culture and heritage in the district of Plovdiv Bulgaria»

Научни трудове на Съюза на учените в България-Пловдив, Серия A. Обществени науки, изкуство и култура том III, ISSN 1311-9400 (Print) ; ISSN 2534-9368 (On-line), 2017, Scientific works of the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria-Plovdiv, seriesA. Public sciences, art and culture, Vol. III, ISSN 1311-9400 (Print); ISSN 2534-9368 (On-line), 2017.


ПЛОВДИВСКА ОБЛАСТ Елена Петкова Софийски университет „Св. Климент Охридски"


PLOVDIV BULGARIA Elena Petkova Sofia University «St. Kliment Ohridski»


The aim of the paper is an evaluation of certain attributes of culture and heritage in a particular region of Bulgaria - the district of Plovdiv - to be performed. That is done through a questionnaire survey with local residents, domestic and international tourists.

Key words: culture, heritage, tourists, Bulgaria


Culture and heritage are important elements of the overall tourism product of a destination where cultural tourism is developing. They should be attractive for tourists that the destination strives to attract. However, they serve the needs of local population, too.

Culture and heritage are characterized by certain attributes that should be evaluated with a view of subsequent improvement of their state and attractiveness. Scientific literature points a number of attributes that characterize the attractiveness and opportunities to use cultural and historic monuments and sites as tourist attractions.

Some of these are: significance, uniqueness, orientation, popularity, state, transport accessibility, facilities, organization of tourist visits, etc. (Marinov, Bachvarov 1990).

These and other attributes are often used in the evaluation of cultural and historic heritage. Sometimes, some of them are synthesized in various evaluation models.

For example, such a model is the evaluation matrix, which allows to illustrate the position of each cultural and heritage site in terms of attractiveness and tourism preparedness. The evaluation is carried out based on a total of 10 indicators. The indicators of attractiveness include importance, popularity, maintenance, etc. and the indicators of tourism preparedness - socialization, utilization, etc. (Assenova, Marinov 2013).

Attributes of cultural and historical heritage that should be evaluated could also be derived from various management models.

Such is the Interpretative framework for management histories of indigenous rock art sites and other cultural sites that includes attributes that could be evaluated as a part of the management of the sites. Some of these are: authentication of the origin; site visitation surveys; protective measures; grilles, stabilization works; graffiti, rubbish and vegetation removal; installation of interpretative material; information sheets and tourist guides, etc. (Clark 2002). In this sense, some

attributes could be derived, such as: whether the sites are cleaned; whether there is rubbish and vegetation around them; whether they are stabilized and strengthened; whether there is enough information about them in place, in guides, etc. Based on the evaluation of these and other attributes cultural and historical sites can be selected and suitable programs and measures for turning them into tourists attractions developed. The sites of interest for visitors should be restored, strengthened and cleaned, i.e. turned suitable for visits. They should be promoted in advertising and informational materials. These sites should be included in tourist routes. Appropriate the organization of thematic excursions/ routes is.

In thematic routes "the choice of specific tourist sites is influenced by the theme of the excursions"... The excursion may contain "an analysis of a specific historical period or a significant cultural event" (Obreshkov, Ivanova, Somov 2012).

Therefore, the evaluation of culture and historical heritage is a factor for effective tourism management in the regions.

Methodology of study

Plovdiv district is situated in the central part of Southern Bulgaria and occupies an area of 5972.9 sq. km, which represents 5.4% of the territory of Bulgaria. The district is characterized by a convenient transport geographic position and possesses high natural, economic and human potential, favorable bioclimatic resources, protected areas, highly productive lands, thermal mineral waters and an extremely rich cultural heritage. The favorable geographic position of the district is complemented by the availability of transport access infrastructure (www.pd.goverment.bg/bg/ region.html-June, 2015).

The aim of the paper is an evaluation of certain attributes of culture and heritage in a particular region of Bulgaria - the district of Plovdiv - to be performed. That is done through a questionnaire survey with local residents, domestic and international tourists. The questionnaire contains a question, where evaluation of the attributes of culture and historical heritage of the district of Plovdiv should be performed in order the level of their state and attractiveness to be determined. The attributes are evaluated by respondents through a 5-point scale with estimates from 1=very poor to 5=very good. The questionnaire is prepared in Bulgarian, Russian and English. The survey was performed during the first half of 2014. The questionnaire was filled by 52 people. Results are summed and presented as mean values.

The questionnaires were spread as pilot surveys. Although the number of respondents is too small and that may be statistically troublesome, some useful results were achieved.

Results of study

Most of the respondents are local residents (27 or 52%). Large is the share of domestic tourists too (23 or 44%). Only 2 (2%) respondents are international tourists (from Romania and Ukraine).

The highest estimates (mean values 4 and above 4) by the total number of respondents are given to the following attributes of culture and historic heritage of Plovdiv district: uniqueness (4.25), authenticity (4.23), significance (4.15), popularity (4.06) and attractiveness (4.04). The lowest estimates (about the average 3.00-3.49) are given to the attendance fees of the sites (3.29). Residents of Plovdiv district have given the highest estimates to the attributes popularity (4.33), authenticity (4.19), significance (4.04), attractiveness (4.04) and uniqueness (4.00). They have also given high estimate to the accessibility of the sites (4.07). They have given the lowest estimate to the attendance fees of the sites (3.26). Domestic tourists have given the highest estimates to uniqueness (4.52), significance (4.30), authenticity (4.30) and attractiveness (4.09) and the lowest - to the attendance fees of the sites (3.26), followed by the convenient work time (3.43) and variety of services offered in and around the sites (3.43). The highest estimates by Bulgarians overall have been given to the attributes: uniqueness (4.32), authenticity (4.30) and significance (4.24), followed by popularity (4.14), attractiveness (4.12) and accessibility (4.02). International tourists have given the highest estimate to uniqueness (4.50), followed by significance (4), authen-

ticity (4), attendance fees (4), convenient work time (4), accessibility of the sites (4) and stability and strengthening (4). They have given the lowest estimates to quality (3) and variety of services (3), as well as to the cleanliness (3).

Residents of Plovdiv district have given higher estimates than domestic tourists to the attributes popularity, service, convenient work time, variety of services, and quality of services, state and accessibility of the sites, cleanliness, advertising and information. Attendance fees have received the same estimates by both groups of respondents. The rest of the attributes have received higher estimates by domestic tourists than by the local people (significance, uniqueness, authenticity, attractiveness and strengthening). Local people have given higher estimates than international tourists to most of the attributes of culture and heritage. Exceptions are uniqueness, attendance fees, convenient work time and stability and strengthening, for which international tourists have given higher estimates than residents of Plovdiv district. Domestic tourists have given higher estimates than international tourists to most of the attributes of culture and heritage of the region. Exceptions are attendance fees, convenient work time, accessibility, stability and strengthening of the sites, for which international tourists have given higher estimates than domestic tourists (Table 1).

Table 1. Evaluation of culture and heritage in Plovdiv district

Total Plovdiv district Other districts of Bulgaria Bulgarians overall Foreigners

Significance 4.15 4.04 4.30 4.24 4.00

Uniqueness 4.25 4.00 4.52 4.32 4.50

Authenticity 4.23 4.19 4.30 4.30 4.00

Attractiveness 4.04 4.04 4.09 4.12 3.50

Popularity 4.06 4.33 3.78 4.14 3.50

Service in the sites 3.63 3.74 3.52 3.70 3.50

Attendance fees of the sites 3.29 3.26 3.26 3.34 4.00

Convenient work time 3.65 3.81 3.43 3.72 4.00

Variety of services, offered in/ around the sites 3.69 3.96 3.43 3.78 3.00

Quality of services, offered in/ around the sites 3.60 3.70 3.52 3.66 3.00

State, condition of the sites 3.67 3.70 3.65 3.74 3.50

Accessibility of the sites 3.94 4.07 3.78 4.02 4.00

Stability, strengthening of the sites 3.85 3.81 3.87 3.92 4.00

Cleanliness of the sites 3.62 3.67 3.61 3.70 3.00

Advertising and information 3.73 3.85 3.61 3.82 3.50


It can be concluded that all attributes of culture and heritage of Plovdiv district have been given high estimates by respondents overall, as well as by local people, domestic and international tourists in particular. However, very high estimates by all groups of respondents have been given to significance, uniqueness and authenticity of the sites. The lowest estimates - average and about average - have been given to the attributes: attendance fees of the sites (by respondents over-

all and by local people and domestic tourists in particular), convenient work time (by domestic tourists), variety of services (by domestic and international tourists), and quality of services and cleanliness of the sites (by international tourists). In our opinion, these are precisely the attributes, which values should be improved.


Assenova, M., Marinov, V (2013). Tourism Potential of Bulgarian Danube Limes Sites. Proceedings of the Conference "Cultural Corridor Via Diagonalis. Cultural Tourism without boundaries. Sofia-Belgrade". 3.10-6-10.2013, 237-242.

Clark, I. (2002). Rock art sites in Victoria, Australia: a management history framework. Tourism Management 23, 455-464.

Marinov, V, Bachvarov, M. (1990). Anthropogenic Conditions and Resources of Recreation and Tourism. University Press "Kliment Ohridski". Sofia - in Bulgarian.

Obreshkov, I., Ivanova, S., Somov G. (2012). Development of project of panoramic tour on thematic route "Unification of Bulgaria". Scientific Research of the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria - Plovdiv. Series C. Technics and Technologies. Vol. IX. Union of Scientists. Session 10-11 November 2011, 164-168 - in Bulgarian.

www.pd.goverment.bg/bg/region.html-June, 2015

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