Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences
SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7
(E)ISSN:2181-1784 www.oriens.uz 3(9), September, 2023
Kosimova Azizakhon Botirali qizi
Teacher at the Department of Foreign Languages in Natural Science
This article discusses vocabulary and its importance in second language learning, and evaluates a range of materials and tools available for teaching vocabulary. Moreover, it covers the the strengths and weaknesses of common teaching methodologies.
Key words: realia, evaluation, dictionary, gesture, mime, deductive, inductive, approach.
В этой статье обсуждается словарный запас и его значение в изучении второго языка, а также оценивается ряд материалов и инструментов, доступных для обучения словарному запасу. Более того, он охватывает сильные и слабые стороны общепринятых методик преподавания.
Ключевые слова: реалии, оценка, словарь, жест, мимика, дедуктивный, индуктивный, подход.
According to the translation realia means real things and materials. In education when teachers use real objects in order teach their student by real thing it is realia. For example: the theme is "fruits and vegetables" teachers should bring such kind of items to the class.
Evaluation: In my opinion realia is very useful both for teachers and students. However there are benefits and drawbacks of realia.
> Very useful for kinesthetic learners. It is known that such students can learn through physical activities (touch, sight, smell). When teachers show real things, they remember them easily.
> Realia engages all types of students. Because it's much easier for students to answer questions or participate in a lesson when they see real things.
Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences
SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7
(E)ISSN:2181-1784 www.oriens.uz 3(9), September, 2023
> Teachers have to be creative in their daily lessons and prepare all the necessary tools in advance.
> Teaching using realia takes too much time and leads to inefficiencies in the allocation of class time.
Mime and gesture are mostly used for younger learners because they are interested in learning through games. In mime and gesture teachers do not have a voice and must show what the words mean through action.
Discussion. Evaluation: Providing the lesson with mime and gestures have also pros and cons during the lesson.
S Mime and gesture help to increase students' interest in the lesson because they see the teacher constantly moving without sound.
S creates competition among students, and at the same time they strive to be active during the lesson.
S Not all students like constant movement because they prefer to think than moving
S It takes a lot of time for the teacher to explain which word the students need to identify.
Dictionaries. Dictionaries are usually arranged alphabetically and are a source used to translate words from one language to another. There are different dictionaries depending on the student's level, which can help students improve their vocabulary. Even young learners can use picture dictionaries without difficulty in order to learn s second language.
Evaluation: As we know vocabulary is the key to improving a foreign language. Therefore, every student uses them in their daily life. However, there are advantages and disadvantages to using dictionaries.
- Language learners have the opportunity to learn synonyms and antonyms of each word while enriching their vocabulary.
-They learn the rules of using the words listed in the dictionary and with which prepositions they are used.
-Sometimes using vocabulary makes learners a bit lazy cause they do not want to learn by heart the new words.
Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences
SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7
(E)ISSN:2181-1784 www.oriens.uz
3(9), September, 2023
-It is time consuming. Because learners have to look for "words". Also, now we are in the 21 st centure there are many modern applications according to the dictionaries.
Deductive method is an effective way to provide the lesson productively and making English atmosphere in class . Because it is teacher-centered method, of course by teachers' clear explanation of the theme through theories students are not confused and teacher can prevent time-consuming during the lesson. If we compare the strengths and weaknesses of this method, it has more strengths.
Strength: This method has many strengths. For example. Deductive approach increases student's listening skills. It is known that students should listen carefully when teachers explain the rules through theories. Step by step their listening skills will improve. Moreover, teachers explain new rules with examples without hesitation as a result they save a lot of time. Finally, this methos is the best way to deliver the new theme, rule or information to a large group of students.
Weakness: The main weakness of the deductive approach is that it requires a lot of energy from teachers. It is known that it is very difficult to speak not only in English, but in any language for a long time, especially for a large group of people.
Another weakness is that verbal rules are sometimes more difficult to remember.
Inductive approach is an effective teaching methods and is becoming more fashion among teachers. Because this method is learner- centered and students have to learn rules, information and other themselves through teachers' used realias in class. In my opinion this approach is really uselful both teachers and students during the lesson. I can say that this method has the same strengths and weaknesses. Because the more weaknesses there are, the more strengths there are.
Strength: The main strength of this method is students can improve their problem- solving and of course critical thinking abilities. Aslo, by this approach students feel self-reliance and can memorize rule more memorable. Moreover it provides participation of students during the lesson.
Weakness: However, this approach also has its weaknesses. Firstly, without teacher's proved information or rules students may confuse and of course it leads to wrong hypothesis. Secondly, it makes heavy demands on the teachers because it is difficult to teach students of mixed or all levels. Finally, inductive approach requires a lot of time. Therefore, both teachers and students will spend more time even simple tasks because of students' lack of experince.
Communicative approach is also one of the best methods of methodology that all teachers can use in their lessons. This approach has a great importance in
Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences
SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7
(E)ISSN:2181-1784 www.oriens.uz
3(9), September, 2023
making lessons more effective and meaningful. It is also student-centered approach, focuses on how to use language and helps improve students' communicative skills.
Strength: As I mentioned above it is really helpful for students. Because they are able to improve their fluency in language. Weakness:
Amplification: The focus of this question is to compare the strengths and weaknesses of various teaching methodologies. You don't need to compare them with each other, you only need to compare the strengths and weaknesses of each individual method. In the response template, we have included the deductive, inductive, and communicative approach as these are the most commonly used methodologies. Make sure to label them clearly so that it's very obvious where the strengths and weaknesses are for each one. You are welcome to choose different methodologies if you wish, but try to aim for a minimum of three.
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