CHANGE IN TEACHING CONTENT AND TEST DESIGN IN ESL Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
Methods / trends / transition / learning process / assessment / test designing. / Методы / тенденции / переход / процесс обучения / оценивание / разработка тестов.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Pardaeva, Mokhinbonu Fazliddinovna

Recent trends, methodologies and developments portray the vital role of education sector. English language teaching has undergone tremendous changes over the years, especially the last ten years. Students are burdened with studying, learning and grasping the materials. a change in the trend especially the teaching learning. This paper discusses briefly the most recent trends in English language teaching and learning and the methods of assessment in ESL courses.

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Последние тенденции, методологии и разработки отражают жизненно важную роль сектора образования. Преподавание английского языка претерпело огромные изменения за эти годы, особенно за последние десять лет. Студенты обременены изучением, изучением и пониманием материалов. изменение тенденции, особенно преподавания обучения. В этой статье кратко обсуждаются самые последние тенденции в преподавании и изучении английского языка, а также методы оценивания на курсах ESL.


SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

3(7), July, 2023


Pardaeva Mokhinbonu Fazliddinovna

Uzbekistan State World Languages University


Recent trends, methodologies and developments portray the vital role of education sector. English language teaching has undergone tremendous changes over the years, especially the last ten years. Students are burdened with studying, learning and grasping the materials. a change in the trend especially the teaching learning. This paper discusses briefly the most recent trends in English language teaching and learning and the methods of assessment in ESL courses.

Key words. Methods, trends, transition, learning process, assessment, test designing.


Change is the only thing that is constant. Nature's law is that things change. A trend is an overall propensity for or direction of change. For the better, the English language process has to change. Seasons, fashion, and human views all change, but it is depressing to see how little the English curriculum has changed over the past 100 years. Technology is all around us. It is become a part of peoples' daily lives. It affects daily activities because it is prevalent in homes, stores, banks, and other places like schools. As technology has advanced over time, it has gotten smaller, faster, and more accessible to the general people. The Internet is one of technology's most widely used innovations. It has entered many households and is altering how people interact, learn, work, amuse themselves, and even socialize. Technology is a major source of entertainment and is present everywhere, from movies to games, music to videos. People have access to a wealth of entertainment options on the Internet, including the ability to view videos, download music, talk with friends, and read anything that piques their interest. Technology also performs the important function of communication.

New trends in teaching content in ESL. An ever-increasing amount of change is occurring in the realm of language instruction. Traditional ideas about education are being replaced by fresher, more creative perspectives on how we learn, teach, and amass knowledge. English is the most widely used language in the world today for intercultural communication. As a universal language, its many facets have received extensive research, particularly that of EFL teaching and learning. As a result, teaching English as a second language is important for achieving language acquisition goals. English teachers must abandon conventional approaches and switch

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences

SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

(E)ISSN:2181-1784 www.oriens.uz 3(7), July, 2023

to cutting-edge ones in order to effectively teach the language. Different functions, such as those of a facilitator, communicator, motivator, mentor, guide, and bridge-builder between theory and practice, are required of English teachers. The teacher's job is difficult today because of this. Innovative approaches can be useful in overcoming difficulties, making teachers more successful, and assisting students in learning English in a productive way.

Changes in goals of English teaching and learning. Instead of just honing language abilities and imitating native English speakers, ELT now seeks to instill in students a feeling of social responsibility. Teachers now fully understand that the teaching of English is not just a project to prepare students to imitate native English speakers as language learners but that it should produce fully competent language users, critical thinkers, and helpful social change agents, as noted by Crystal (2004) and Cook (2005). This is due to the growing awareness of the importance of producing responsible citizens for society.

Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). Through the use of cross-curricular material, the English instructor uses the CLIL method to help pupils acquire both the subject matter and the language. An innovative methodological approach called CLIL seeks to encourage the integration of language learning with other subject matter. Additionally, it has been demonstrated that CLIL enhances and strengthens students' foreign language proficiency as well as motivation and focus. However, the proper application of CLIL necessitates reinforcement in areas like teacher preparation, team teaching, planning for education and assessment, and additional resources. Luisa and Renau (2016). The following 4Cs of the curriculum should be included in a well-planned CLIL class, according to Coyle (1999-in Lusia and Renau, 2016).

> Content: enabling progress in the knowledge, skills and understanding of the specific issues of a particular curriculum.

> Communication: using language to learn while learning to use language itself.

> Cognition: developing thinking skills which link concept formation, knowledge and language.

> Culture: allowing exposure to diverse perspectives and shared knowledge that make us more aware the others and oneself.

Change in Teaching content. According to Boraie (2014), instructors use a variety of regional texts or literature that has been translated into English in the classroom. In listening exercises or assessments, the use of language and different accents is encouraged in English language classrooms. Additionally, the focus is on

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language testing conducted in classrooms.Growth of language testing in classrooms, in both developed and developing nations (Davison & Leung, 2009). Various names are used, such as formative assessment, alternative assessment, assessment for learning, and teacher-based assessment. Classroom-based language assessment can be defined as any reflection by teachers (and/or learners) on the qualities of a learner's (or group of learners') work and the use of that information by teachers (and/or learners) for teaching, learning (feedback), reporting, management or socialization purposes.' (Hill & McNamara, 2012, p. 396). The creation of materials, publishing, and syllabus design for ELT courses have all seen a lot of innovation. For instance, (Underhill, 2004) guarantees important changes in content (becoming less ethnocentric, more intercultural, less stereotypical, and more critical), in the syllabus (reflecting new descriptive information about language), and in the methodology (reflecting ideas of student learning style and self-direction). Additionally, there has been a growing trend toward non-global, regionally appropriate course and material publishing.

New trends in test design in ESL. Assessment of language learners' progress in a language classroom is crucial in the teaching and learning of languages. It can also be used as a technique to assess how well someone performs on accomplishment tests like the TOEFL and IELTS. Four language skills—reading, writing, listening, and speaking—are assessed in the discipline of English as a Second Language using techniques that assist students quantify and track their progress. Additionally, testing as a crucial component of instruction gives ESL teachers important information into the growth and achievement of English language learners' learning challenges, learning preferences, and levels of anxiety (Desheng & Varghese, 2013).

The Definition of a Language Test. Theoretically, language assessment involves a variety of methodological tools and procedures and is a continual process (Brown & Abeywickrama, 2010). Good teachers never pass up the chance to evaluate their students' performance because it is an integral element of regular classroom teaching and learning. A language exam, on the other hand, is a subset of assessment that consists of instruments that make it easier to gather quantitative data on students' performance at the end of the course. As was said above, it comes in a variety of forms that are all related to the goals of the testing.

Types of Language Tests. Language examinations serve as measuring tools for learners rather than for teachers or the course contents. Because of this, they don't 'directly' explain to us how the 'teacher' or the'materials' contributed to the learning process. They are created solely to assess a student's "knowledge of" or "competence" in the language at a specific point in his study. One student's knowledge can be

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compared to that of other students, to that of the same student at a different period, or to some kind of standard or norm, like in the case of height, weight, temperature, etc. Similarly, Halliday et al. (1966) state that "tests are an attempt to construct an instrument for measuring attainment, or progress, or ability in language skills" (p. 215). According to Bachman (1991), "a test is a procedure designed to elicit certain behavior from which one can make inferences about certain characteristics of an individual" (p. 20). Language assessments fall into two broad types, according to academics: a) Testing skills, such as vocabulary, spelling, grammar, comprehension, and punctuation, as well as subskills like listening, speaking, reading, and writing; b) knowledge of the subject matter. There are many tests that evaluate language learners' knowledge, including aptitude tests, accomplishment tests, non-referential exams, and diagnostic tests. The most common types of language tests identified by Alabi and Babatunde (2001) are; achievement, proficiency, aptitude and diagnostic tests. Ozerova (2004) draws another important distinction between language tests that is the tests are either direct or indirect. In the former, the test aims to check learners' particular skills, such as listening or speaking. Students listen to the tape recording and complete the associated tasks. In the case of the latter, the test aims to measure the language usage of students in a real-life situation, which marks the difference between direct and indirect language tests. Similarly, Brophy (2012) categorizes tests into direct and indirect assessments of students. Direct assessment involves direct examination or observation of learners' acquired knowledge or skills that are measured against performance indicators, whereas indirect assessment indicates the self-reports or opinions about the extent or value of language learning experiences (Brophy, 2012).

Aims and Objectives of Language Tests. Several studies in the field of English Language Teaching (ELT) have highlighted the goals and objectives of language assessments. Language tests, in accordance with Alabi and Babatunde (2001), measure students' learning outcomes in accordance with the set syllabus. They consider the language test to be a diagnostic tool for identifying the strengths and shortcomings of learners. Additionally, it aids in the teachers' acquisition of knowledge about various exam kinds, such as aptitude and proficiency tests. Pedagogical goals are intended to be accomplished by language assessments (Bachman & Palmer, 1996). According to Buck (2001), the purpose of language assessments is to provide administrators and students with opportunities for learning. Although tests may serve a variety of functions, they must be dependable, fair, and valid in order for the administrators to understand the communicative proficiency of the test-takers. Similar to this, Tomlinson (2005) views language examinations as a

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source of fresh learning chances that make it possible for the language to pick up top-notch knowledge and improve abilities and awareness when taking various tests. Ozerava (2004) connected the sorts of tests to their objectives in the context of English as a foreign language (EFL). Using diagnostic exams, for instance, language teachers can compare students' results and determine whether they made improvement by presenting the learners' performances in the form of a diagram at the beginning and end of the year. Similar to this, a placement test is created and used to classify language learners into the proper groups according to their competence levels. Taking a proficiency test is one way to determine how well-versed a student will be in communication by the end of their courses. The last one is the progress test that helps language teachers to assess students' progress and see whether the taught materials were successfully learned by the learners.


The traditional approach is teacher-focused and places more attention on the teacher himself. The traditional approaches are characterized by memorization, mechanical drills, and repetitive practice. In the ELT, theories and techniques are continually changing. The finest strategies for teaching and learning English, as well as how they might benefit students, are known to the ELT teachers. Every child may learn English in the most pleasant way imaginable. Fewer research has taken EFL/ESL learners' perspectives into account because most studies focus on EFL/ESL teachers' opinions or experiences with language examinations. Future study should consider students' perspectives because language tests have the most impact on them; this will allow the test's planners or designers to adjust the test as necessary. Despite the fact that studies have looked into EFL/ESL teachers' perspectives.


1. Alabi, A.O. & Babatunde, M.A. (2001). Primary English curriculum and methods. Oyo, Odumatt Press and Publishers.

2. Boraie, Deena (2013) 8 Current Trends in Teaching and Learning EFL/ESL. http://blog.tesol.org/8-current-trends-in-teaching-and-learning-eflesl/ Posted on 16 December 2013.

3. Bachman, L. F. (1990). Fundamental Considerations in Language Testing. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

4. Bachman, L. F. (1991). What does language testing have to offer?. Tesol Quarterly, 25(4), 671-704.

5. Bachman, L. F. (2011). Fundamental considerations in language testing. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences

SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

(E)ISSN:2181-1784 www.oriens.uz 3(7), July, 2023

6. Bachman, L. F., & Palmer, A. S. (1996). Language testing in practice: Designing and developing useful language tests (Vol. 1). Oxford University Press.

7. Brophy, T.S. (2012). Writing effective rubrics. Institutional Assessment Continuous Quality Enhancement Series.

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