ЭТАПЫ ФОРМИРОВАНИЯ УМЕНИЙ МОНОЛОЛГИЧЕСКОГО ВЫСКАЗЫВАНИЯ НА УРОКАХ АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
английский язык / методика / наглядность / монологическое высказывание / стимул / мотивация / личностно-ориентированный/личностно-ориентированный подход / образование / English language / methodology / clarity / monologue statement / stimulus / motivation / personality-oriented/learner-centered approach / education

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Кулмагамбетова С. С., Байдуллаева Н. Ж.

В статье рассматривается такой аспект речевой деятельности, как монологическое высказывание. Авторы предлагают использовать визуальные материалы в качестве одного из вариантов успешного обучения монологу для развития навыков монологической речи у изучающих английский язык. Цель данной статьи изучить особенности обучения связной монологической речи на уроках английского языка и развить познавательные процессы обучающихся, одновременно включать несколько образовательных аспектов и способствовать формированию мотивации к изучению

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Предварительный просмотрDOI: 10.24412/2701-8369-2021-13-30-33
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The article is discusses to such an aspect of speech activity as a monologue utterance. The authors suggest using visual materials as one of the options for successful monologue training for the development of monologue speech skills in English language learners. The purpose of this article to study the features of teaching coherent monologue speech in English lessons and to develop the cognitive processes of students, simultaneously include several educational aspects and contribute to the formation of motivation for stydy.




Kulmagambetova S.S.,

candidate of pedagogical sciences, ass. prof., M.Utemisov WKU Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk Baidullayeva N.Zh.

master student of M. Utemisov WKU



Кулмагамбетова С.С.,

кандидат педагогических наук, доцент ЗКУим. М.Утемисова г. Уральск, Республика Казахстан Байдуллаева Н.Ж. магистрантка ЗКУ им. М. Утемисова


The article is discusses to such an aspect of speech activity as a monologue utterance. The authors suggest using visual materials as one of the options for successful monologue training for the development of monologue speech skills in English language learners. The purpose of this article to study the features of teaching coherent monologue speech in English lessons and to develop the cognitive processes of students, simultaneously include several educational aspects and contribute to the formation of motivation for stydy.


В статье рассматривается такой аспект речевой деятельности, как монологическое высказывание. Авторы предлагают использовать визуальные материалы в качестве одного из вариантов успешного обучения монологу для развития навыков монологической речи у изучающих английский язык. Цель данной статьи - изучить особенности обучения связной монологической речи на уроках английского языка и развить познавательные процессы обучающихся, одновременно включать несколько образовательных аспектов и способствовать формированию мотивации к изучению.

Keywords: English language, methodology, clarity, monologue statement, stimulus, motivation, personality-oriented/learner-centered approach, education

Ключевые слова: английский язык, методика, наглядность, монологическое высказывание, стимул, мотивация, личностно-ориентированный/личностно -ориентированный подход, образование

One of the most urgent problems in the methodology of teaching a foreign language is the problem of teaching monological speech. Monologue statement is considered as a component of the communication process of any level - pair, group, mass. Recently, in connection with the change in the paradigm of general education, the requirements for the possession of monologue speech have changed significantly. This required clarification of approaches to teach in monologue speech, conditioned by a personality-oriented paradigm that is close to the needs of a modern schoolchild" [1, p. 41]. We offer to implement a personality-oriented approach in teaching monologue speech through a system of exercises built taking into account the level of language training, individual style of activity and interests of students, as well as through the selection of language skills means that allow the student to express their individuality. Monologue speech is a type of speaking. Speaking as a type of speech activity is pri-

marily based on language as a means of communication. Language is a system of signs that has developed in the process of social activity. It is in speech that the expression occurs the language. Language acts as a means of communication between people, because it is understood both by the one who communicates information, encoding it in the meanings of words selected for this purpose, and by the one who accepts this information, decoding it, that is, deciphering these meanings and changing their behavior based on this information. A monologue is a series of logically and consistently related sentences that are united by a single content or subject of an utterance [14, p. 71]. In other words, a monologue allows you to describe an event, phenomenon, object, express and expand a certain idea, express your attitude to a certain problem, argue E. N. Solovova highlights the following most important characteristics of the monologue:

1. Purposefulness or conformity to the speech task.

2. Continuous character.

3. Consistency.

4. Semantic completeness.

5. Independence.

6. Expressiveness [31, p. 125].

It is the monologue that disciplines thinking. Building his statement logically, the speaker learns to think consistently. Composing a monologue, it is necessary to build your statement in such a way as to convey your own ideas. Therefore, when composing a monologue statement, the problem of choosing lexical and grammatical means is important. Since speech is a kind of speaking, it is essentially a verbal communication, a verbal process of communication with the help of language, which is carried out with the help of words with certain meanings, fixed in the social experience. In speech, language finds its expression.

There is no single universally accepted definition of "monologue speech". Many scientists, psychologists, linguists, and educators E. I. Passov believes that there is no monologue or dialogue speech, but there are statements of different levels: at the level of a word, a phrase, a phrase, a super unit and a text [27, p. 98].

According to I. A. Zimnaya, a monologue is a smaller or larger part of a dialogue, always assuming the presence of an interlocutor [10, p. 85]. In accordance with the definition of G. V. Rogova, a monologue is a form of oral coherent utterance, the presentation of thoughts by one person [28, p. 145].

The language form should be so developed by this time that it does not serve as an obstacle, does not prevent students from thinking about the content of the statement. Also, there are speech-preparatory ones. They contain a micro-situation, according to which the student should speak. Although the sample statement is usually given in the wording of the task, the content of the statement is completely relevant to the speaker. Different authors necessarily distinguish these two groups of exercises. I would like to emphasize the main thing that speaking as a learning goal, that is, mastering the ability of coherent utterance and conversation, should be preceded by work on language and speech material. In other words, students need to provide sufficient training in the correctness of the phonetic, grammatical and lexical design of statements. The performance of the first group of exercises is associated with the use of speaking as a means of learning and it is reproductive, in the broad sense of the word, in nature. The second group of exercises provides students with the opportunity to creatively use the formulated skills in solving communication problems. At the initial stage, exercises are used to prepare for independent utterance. As already mentioned above, Weiser and Klimentenko conditionally divide the exercises in oral speech into preparatory and speech. The basis of speech exercises is the ability to speak out or conduct a conversation in connection with a topic or situation, that is, the ability to speak out or conduct a conversation in connection with a topic or situation. The focus of the speaker's attention is no longer on the material being worked out, but on the content of the speech. The task of speech-preparatory exercises is the assimilation of the material. Therefore, these exercises can take the form of both coherent statements and dialogues. The ability to express

one complete thought, one statement on a topic at the level of one phrase is developed. The teacher names the topic, and the students take turns pronouncing any one phrase (more precisely, a sentence, because this is not speaking). If the student utters two sentences, then they can be two independent statements, there is no mandatory connection between them. Use such exercises of the following types:

1. Reproduction - imitative reproduction of a speech sample. It is performed during the choral reproduction of the speech unit, but only after the teacher is sure that each student has realized its meaning and the new sounds have been worked out. Choral reproduction, first, involves all students at once, second, "removes fear" from insecure students, and third, helps the teacher to hear inaccuracies in the reproduction of the speech pattern in individual students (and as a rule, he knows such students in a group), which he fixes in memory, in order to provide them with greater assistance in individual pronunciation. The chorus can be repeated 2-3 times, after which it is necessary to individually pronounce in the sequence strong medium weak student. Thus, the weak student gets the opportunity to hear the correct sound of the sample several more times. When performing an individual pronunciation, the teacher ensures that the pronunciation is correct and corrects all inaccuracies.

2. Substitution - the speech sample is filled with other lexical units known to students and thus conditions are created for involuntary memorization of the grammatical structure, since the attention of children when performing this operation is directed to the semantic (semantic) side of the utterance, since the replacement of words also changes the semantic content of the speech sample. Substitution is somewhat more difficult than the previous operation. If the reproduction does not require any changes in the sample from the students, then when substituting, he must remember the sample itself, understand which element of it needs to be replaced, remember the word given by the teacher or find it in memory, make a substitution and reproduce the sample with a new content.

3. Transformation. The most difficult and very important for speaking is transformation and, therefore, requires careful training of students in its formation. Transformation exercises best shape your grammar skills. Transformation requires a lot of intellectual activity of students, since when it is performed, a given sample is reconstructed, and for this it is necessary not only to know what needs to be done, but also to be able to do it quickly. For example, a teacher puts an object (a book) on the table and says: There is a book on the desk. Then he puts down two or three more books and says: There are books on the desk. Using different subjects and varying their number, the teacher first gives the original statement in the singular, then this function is performed by one of the students, and the children, looking at the changed number of subjects, transform the statement into the plural. In the example given, students must put the noun in the plural, and for this, discard the indefinite the article, since it is not used in the plural, and add s to the noun; to coordinate the noun

with the verb, in this case is replaced by are and say: There are ...s on the table.

4. Combining monologue statements with or without a plan. It allows students to develop the skills of operating with different structures, depending on the task at hand. Students have great difficulty in combining the grammatical elements of structures known to them and the structures themselves when constructing statements. Therefore, they need to be taught to combine the newly assimilated material with the previously mastered one.

For example, students can be given a task to listen to a sample statement of 3 sentences and ask them to build a similar one. At the secondary level, the teacher should teach students the following:

• Make oral reports on the topics covered

• Express their attitude and explain it

• Master new types of monologry statements

• Teach spontaneous speech

At the senior level:

Put statements based on unprepared speech-pretext stage (improving grammatical, phonetic, lexical skills)

Text stage (working on the text - purposeful commenting on the material, the development of reproduction abilities)

Here there are 2 sub-stages:

Prepared monologue speech (report)

Prepared monologue speech (story on request, statement of point of view). The statement is built without a preliminary story of the teacher, without keywords.

Also, in the conditions of learning a foreign language at school, you can talk about different levels of formation of monologue speech, depending on the creativity and independence that the student shows.

Level I- reproductive. At this level, students ' speech creativity is not assumed, and, therefore, it is characterized by a lack of independence both in choosing the language design (how to say it) and in determining the content (what to talk about), it is usually set from the outside.

Level II- reproductive and productive. At this level, some elements of creativity and independence of utterance are already assumed. They can manifest themselves in varying the learned language material, using it in new ways.

Level III - the level of productive monologue oral speech. It is characterized by the fact that the student, based on his language and speech experience, can express his attitude to facts and events, give an assessment, and build a statement in accordance with his plan.

Speaking, especially in monologue form, is very difficult for the student, both in their native and in a foreign language. It has to do with choosing what to say and how to say it, etc. As mentioned earlier, the formation of this complex skill should proceed with the help of supports that can be associated with both the content and the form of presentation, as well as simultaneously with both.

Monologue speech is very often used to control the speech activity of the student. Separate the external

and internal monologue. In the context of foreign language education, the value is precisely the external monologue directed by the speaker at the listener, and not at himself. In turn, an external monologue can act as a narrative about any events, a description, or a discussion on a specific topic. All these types of monologue statements are characterized by the use of a certain set of vocabulary, grammatical and syntactic means, the completeness of the content, and duration. But, nevertheless, such common tasks as retelling close to the text (almost by heart), can be diluted with other more creative tasks. After all, it is clear that with a simple retelling, the student simply learns the necessary sentences, not always fully understanding their content [3, p. 158]. To avoid such situations, students should be interested in. To do this, you can suggest using visual aids. This need is due to the fact that the skills and

abilities of monologue statement in a foreign language are not required, not only in the conditions of a foreign language linguistic environment, but also in the framework of various state and international exams, as well as tests for knowledge of a foreign language. Such visual materials can be used to develop monologue skills. You can choose an online service as one of the image sources https://storybird.com/ [4].

The support for a monologue of the reproductive level can be a structural "skeleton", the purpose of which is to help students both remember and reproduce the text. The "skeleton" can be projected on the screen, written on a blackboard or on cards. For example, when showing a picture of a horse, the teacher offers the students of the 2nd grade the following structural "skeleton": This is..., This is home .... He ..., He lives..., He eats .... He drinks .... I like... very strongly.

Performing such a task on their own in the classroom or at home, the student can make their own supports for the statement (and this should be taught). These can be keywords, individual important sentences, or sketches (who can).

In conclusion, it should be noted that school education cannot sufficiently ensure the true mastery of oral speech. Therefore, taking into account the learning conditions and the nature of the monologue, it is advisable to establish 3 levels of mastery in secondary school: intermediate, advanced and high, taking into account different learning conditions (different types of schools). The general education school in its majority can provide an average level (it can be called basic), the main purpose of which is to form skills in reading and understanding texts and the development of oral speech based on the text in the form of description and narration. At the same time, such parameters of monologue speech as coherence and logical sequence must be present.


1. Galskova N.D., Gez N.I. Theory of teaching foreign languages. - Moscow: 2004, - p. 26-30 2.Zim-naya I. A. Psychology of teaching foreign languages at school. - M: 1991, - p. 59-62

3.Passov E. I.; Kuzovleva N. E. Foreign language lesson. - M: 2010, -pp. 70-71

4.Weiser G. M., Klimentenko A.D. Development of oral speech in English. - M: 1972

5. http: / / letopisi. ru/index. php / Discussion of the Participant:Kma

6. Gabeeva K.A. Features of the application of personality-oriented exercises for teaching

monologue speech // Domestic and foreign pedagogy. 2018. T.I (48), № 2. S. 41-46. [In Rus].

7. Shabanova A. E., Baldova V. A., Gnevysheva A.V. Development of foreign language competence:

methods of teaching monological speech / / In the collection: Actual problems of the quality of education in higher school. Materials of reports of the scientific and practical conference. Tver, 2018. p. 157-161.

8. Storybird URL: https://storybird.com (accessed 26.10.2018).


Uimanova X.,

Master student of Makhambet Utemisov WKU Uralsk, Republic of Kazakhstan Kakishev M.

PhD, Associate professor Makhambet Utemisov WKU Uralsk, Republic of Kazakhstan


This article analyzes the individual style of Harper Lee, whose works, such as "To kill a mockingbird" and "Go, set a watchman", have become masterpieces. These texts are comprehensively studied by students in American and European secondary schools. Her works reflect the life of American South in the XX century through different stylistic devices including lexical, phonetic and syntactic means.

Keywords: individual style, Harper Lee, stylistic devices, stylistics, idiostyle

In the 21st century, human-centered learning comes to the fore. In linguistics, anthropocentrism is also traced, since a language cannot be considered in isolation from its creator or author. The first studies of the individual author's style are associated with the names of Yu. N. Tynyanov, Yu. N. Karaulov and V.V. Vinogradov, who in the middle of the 20th century studied the linguistic personality on the extra linguistic level. [3, p. 89] In particular, V.V. Vinogradov introduced the term "linguistic personality". [6, p. 175]

Now it is a rapidly developing area, the study of which arouses enthusiasm not only among scientists-specialists, but also among ordinary readers. The presentation of an individual author's style is closely integrated with the idea of a concept, since considering the manner of the writer, the writer draws attention to the key concepts that are found in his texts.

For many years, the researchers have been analyzing the artistic means of expressiveness of writers and poets. If the author chooses one or another method to create expressiveness, this reflects his picture of the world. The choice of linguistic models in the author's style depends on the writer's verbal activity and his motives [5, p. 92]. Such an individual author's style of the writer has received the concept of "idiostyle" in modern linguistics.

Let's consider the concept of "idiostyle" in linguistics. It has several definitions, but we will focus on the following. Idiostyle (individual style) is a system of substantive and formal linguistic characteristics inherent in the work of a certain author, which makes the author's way of linguistic expression a unique embodiment in these works [7, p. 8].

The study of the language of fiction provides ample opportunities for analyzing the linguistic personality, therefore, the object of our research is the idiostyle

of Harper Lee, and the subject is directly the main components of her idiostyle, such stylistic devices as slang, metaphor and repetitions, to name but a few.

Since the action of the novels "To kill a mockingbird" and "Go, set a watchman" takes place in the South of America in the 20th century, Lee's characters tend to use slang, which consists of typical expressions (ain't, wanta, yessum, I'll knock you bowlegged), as well as grammatical errors inherent in people of that time and place of residence.

In the novel, epithets are freely presented, which accentuate its general qualities, features and signs in objects or phenomena. For readers, epithets are presented as pictorial images that emphasize their distinctive properties [4, p. 55]. For instance:

1. an ominous voice

2. a pompous, narrow-minded old lady.

As a rule, epithets are formulated by adjectives. Lee, using them, emphasizes those properties and features of the phenomenon she depicts, for which she wants to address the reader's attention. Through the epithet, the writer concretizes the actions and their properties.

In the text "To kill a mockingbird" you can see such a lexical device as personification, one of the forms of metaphor. For example, "the ceiling danced with metallic light". Naturally, the ceiling cannot dance in the literal sense of the word, and this just adds expressiveness, since they were just reflections from buckets. The same with the example "Summer was our best season: it was sleeping on the back screened porch in cots". The inanimate phenomenon "summer" acquires the qualities of an animate one, capable of "sleeping". If we consider the metaphor in this text, then it can be illustrated using the expression "A storm of laughter". Here there was a transfer of the phenomenon of the storm to laughter [4, p. 51].

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