UDC 633.34(571.61)
Dubovitskaya L.K., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Semenova E.A., Candidate of Biological Sciences Polozhieva J.V., Post-graduate student Far East State Agricultural University, Blagoveshchensk, Russia E-mail: dubovitzkaja-liubov@yandex.ru, elenasemen@yandex.ru, plzhieva@rambler.ru
The usage of the resistant varieties in the soybean protection system takes a leading place in the Far East. The article gives the results of estimation the soybean parent material for resistance to Septoria glycines and Peronospora manschurica. The greatest number of samples which are resistant to S.glycines were revealed from West - European and East -Asian groups (58,5-62,5%). 19 varieties and variety samples that were affected with P.manschurica, 31.6% are the varieties of the Amur region.
Soybean; World collection; Diseases; Agents; Resistance; Septoria; Peronospora; Variety; Variety sample.
Soybean (Glycine max. (Z.) Merr.) is the main protein oil crop of modern world importance. In the South-East Asia it is known for more than 6000 years and it was used for nutritional purposes for the sake of high content of protein and fat components. It contains 14 - 15% of fat, 29 - 53% of protein and to 20% of starch [1, 2].
World experience of the advanced agriculture testifies that the most rational way of solving the protein problem is increase of soybean production, utilization of its gluten for food and also transformation of soybean protein through fodder into protein of animal origin.
The Far East is the main region of soybean production in the Russian Federation. Here there are centers of this crop selection - All Union Scientific Research Institute of soybean, Sea Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture, Far Eastern Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture. The soybean planting acreage in the Amur region in 2011 was 574 thous. ha with gross collection 843 thous. tons [3]. But in these conditions in the Far East 3/4 of the gross collection of soybean grain is produced. The main soybean seeding region is the Amur region, where 60% of its seeding is concentrated. New varieties crop productivity at State Grade Testing Establishment of the Amur region is 30 dt/ha, but regional average productivity in production remains still 12 dt/ha.
In the Amur river region yield decrease is the result of widely spread soybean diseases: Septoria and Peronospora [4]. Soybean productivity decrease also occurs as the result of its affection with numerous varmints.
Soybean productivity upside potential can be really provided for the sake of intensive technology of growth and cultivation of new disease resistant varieties and crosses. At present in soybean disease control the most rational is the package of measures where the agrotechnical method takes important place. The usage of resistant soybean varieties is the most effective protection measure that allows to apply resource saving cultivation technologies and to obtain environmentally friendly production.
Broad involvement into the hybridization new forms of the world collection immunologic potential from different cultivation regions will allow improving the soybean parent material of disease resistance.
Experimental part of the work was done in 2009-2011 in the field conditions of the experimental field of Far East State Agricultural University. On the experimental field in
natural conditions of infection the estimation of the soybean parent material for resistance to Septoria and Peronospora was carried out. The All-Russian Research Institute of Plant Industry collection of 157 varieties and varieties samples of different ecological groups with 70% dominated white-flowered types was estimated.
The disease recording was carried out in flowering period - the beginning of bean formation according to the methods developed for soybeans and other grain legumes [5]. Disease progress in the field conditions was taken into consideration applying the All-Russian Research Institute of Plant Industry scale [table 1].
Table 1 - Scale for estimation of soybeans plants prevalence with diseases
Affection degree Estimation Immunologic feature
By 5-point grading scale By All-Russian Research Institute of Plant Industry index %
very weak 1 1 1-10 yy - highly resistant
weak 2 3 11-25 y - resistant
intermediate 3 5 26-50 C - intermediate resistant
strong 4 7 51-75 B - susceptible
very strong 5 9 75-100 BB-strongly susceptible
Septoria, rustyspot Septoria glycines T.Hemmi, agent - Septoria glycines Hemmi.: S. Sojae Syd. Et Butl. Numerous small spots (2-4 mm) with leaf areola are formed on the soybean leaves. Usually leaf ribs edging a spot inflate. First spots are yellow, then rusty-brown and at last they become black-brown. At large-scale disease progress spots fuse into entire rusty-brown spot and can occupy half and more of leaf blade (Fig.1).
Peronospora, agent Peronospora manschurica (Naum.) Syd. Peronospora affection particularly can be observed from the under-side of the soybean ternate leaves where bluish-violet pannose pruinosity of fungi ascus. From the dorsal side of leaves in the affected spaces, at first tissue is light-green but at the end of the vegetation period it becomes brown and gets torn. At both forms of affection seeds inside beans get covered with easy scraped yellow-gray thick farinose consisting of fungi oospores (Fig. 2).
Figure 1. Septoria Figure 2. Peronospora
The varieties samples were distributed into six groups: the East-Asian, the East-European, the Central- European, the North-European, the West-European, the North-American, which in their turn were divided into the groups according to ripeness and resistance.
In a quantitave sense the variety samples of the East-Asian group - 39 types dominate. That corresponds to 28,5%. This group includes varieties and varieties samples of the Amur selection, the Khabarovsk Territory, Japan, Korea, China, Georgia (Fig. 3).
According to the samples number the second place is occupied with the Central and
East Europe. This ecological group includes the varieties samples of the selection of Ukrainian, Krasnodar, Saratov. Voronezh, Ryazan, Byelorussia, Moldavia, Czechia, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Austria, Germany, Sweden, they correspond to 43,8 %. The West Europe is represented with the samples from France and Great Britain, they correspond to 5,8 %. Great number of samples is from The North America (19%).
□ East Asia
□ East Europe
□ Central Europe □Western Europe
□ North America
□ Oceania □Africa
□ Northern Europe
Figure 3 - Quantitative ratio according to ecological groups, %
Analysis of prevalence of varieties of different ecological-geographical origin S.glycines at epiphytotics development shows that according to the quantity the resistant samples were more than from the West- European and East-Asian group (58,5-62,5%) (table 2).
Table 2 - Sample group distribution according to resistance to S. glycines, 2009-2011
Ecological geographical group Sample number, %
yy y C B BB
East-Asian 58,5 29,3 7,3 4,9 0
East-European 50,0 36,6 6,7 6,7 0
Central- European 20,0 53,3 10,0 16,7 0
North-European 50,0 0 50,0 0 0
West-European 62,5 37,5 0 0 0
North-American 50,0 38,5 7,7 3,8 0
Note: yy - highly resistant, y - resistant, C - intermediate resistant, B - susceptible, BB - strongly susceptible.
The largest number of susceptible samples was of the Central-European origin (16,7%). In the groups of resistance to Septoria, the North-European and West-European groups, the varieties susceptible to disease are not detected.
While distributing soybean varieties along the groups of different origin resistance it is determined that each ecological geographical group scope includes both resistant and susceptible varieties. Maximum number of resistant to S.glycines varieties was marked in the Asian group. The study of varieties samples prevalence of the All-Russian Research Institute of Plant Industry collection shows that at selection of the types for hybridization is necessary to pay attention to the ecological geographical group in total but also to the diversity of its varieties with different immunological feature as well.
As the result of the investigations the tendency of increase in number of the samples resistant to S. glycines at their vegetation period increase independently from ecological geographical origin is determined. Late ripening varieties were affected with diseases less than early ripening and mid ripening varieties. In early ripening group the intermediate resistant varieties constitute from 14,3 % to 20 %, and mid ripening varieties constitute 7,14-
10,5 % (table 3).
The All-Russian Research Institute of Plant Industry collection includes 34 weak affected varieties and varieties samples to S.glycines from U3 Latvia (Vetsautses), Australia (Leslie), Canada (Maple Amder), OT91-3 OAC Eclips, France (F35R/KW, Dom), Ukrainian (Kievskaya 451; Chernivetska 9; Elena), from Russia (Soer-5, Visa, Lantsetnaya, Maria, Neva, Gratsia, Seor 120-88; Seor 121-88), Hungary (nS-20, Vielnska Brunatna, Kleverhof 527), Poland (Polan), Byelorussia (Byelorusskaya 1, flH, Albut, CH32-15); the USA (Zim; Balesta, Dawson); China (Nunguta 354k, K3-suan), Slovakia (C L CL); Czechia (TO-1649, 1208110).
In Russia and the CIS P. manschurica is widely spread in all cultivation zones but the most harmful in the Far East South. In the conditions of the period 2009 - 2011 the disease on the soybean variety samples mostly affect seeds by the end of vegetation. It is connected with the fact that the agent is an obligatory parasite and practically soil is not a factor of contagion. Since 2005 occasionally poor weather conditions for conditional ascus formation have occurred.
Table 3 - Sample distribution according to maturity groups, %
Ecological geographical group Immunologic feature Maturity group
Early ripening Mid- ripening Late ripening
East-Asian resistant 11,1 66,7 22,2
intermediate resistant 33,3 66,7 0
susceptible 0 100 0
East-European resistant 23,1 57,7 19,2
intermediate resistant 0 100 0
susceptible 0 100 0
Central- European resistant 50 36,3 13,6
intermediate resistant 0 100 0
susceptible 40 60 0
North-European resistant 100 0 0
intermediate resistant 100 0 0
susceptible 0 0 0
West-European resistant 25 62,5 12,5
intermediate resistant 0 0 0
susceptible 0 0 0
North-American resistant 26,1 43,5 30,4
intermediate resistant 50 0 50
susceptible 0 100 0
Physiological specialization of P. manschurica evolves constant changes. Development and spreading of new aggressive races that differ by virulence take place [6]. While studying the soybean world genofond from the All-Russian Research Institute of Plant Industry collection 19 varieties and variety samples were affected with P. manschurica, more than that
31,6 % corresponds to the Amur region varieties. The samples from the USA (T6, Bernes), Germany (Gieso), Czechoslovakia (Olaszo zagi), Poland (LS-8), Russia (Dauria, Garmonia, Luch Nadezhdy) were greatly affected. The rest of the examined samples with vegetation period of 120 days and more are referred to the group of varieties resistant and highly resistant to P. manschurica.
1. The maximum number of samples resistant to S.glycines belong to the West-European and East-Asian group (58,5-62,5%)
2. The tendency of increase in number of samples resistant to S.glycines and P. manschurica at their vegetation period increase is stated.
3. 34 varieties and variety samples weak affected with S.glycines are defined.
4. 19 varieties and variety samples were affected with P. manschurica 31,6 % corresponds to the Amur region varieties. The samples from the USA (T6, Bernes), Germany (Gieso), Czechoslovakia (Olaszo zagi), Poland (LS-8), Russia (Dauria, Garmonia, Luch Nadezhdy) were greatly affected.
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