Научная статья на тему 'Essential oil of Helichrysum italicum and its effect on psychophysiological state of elderly people breathing it in low concentration'

Essential oil of Helichrysum italicum and its effect on psychophysiological state of elderly people breathing it in low concentration Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о здоровье»

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Ключевые слова
essential oil / aroma session / Helichrysum Italicum / psychorelaxing record / mental capacity / psychoemotional state

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Valentina Valeriyevna Tonkovtseva, Yelena Stanislavovna Koval, Timur Rustemovich Bekmambetov, Aleksandr Mikhailovich Yarosh

Helichrysum Italicum essential oil in concentration 0,1 mg/m3 and its effect on psychophysiological state of elderly people were investigated in terms of the research. Low concentration of Helichrysum Italicum essential oil mainly affected on psychological body tone, as a result increasing of vivacity, attentiveness and efficiency level,. Its influence in the same concentration occurred more pronounced concerning cardiovascular system: significant reduction of BPS (blood pressure systolic) and HR (heart rate).

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Похожие темы научных работ по наукам о здоровье , автор научной работы — Valentina Valeriyevna Tonkovtseva, Yelena Stanislavovna Koval, Timur Rustemovich Bekmambetov, Aleksandr Mikhailovich Yarosh

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Текст научной работы на тему «Essential oil of Helichrysum italicum and its effect on psychophysiological state of elderly people breathing it in low concentration»

3. Geun Hee Seol, Yun Hee Lee, Purum Kang, Ji Hye You, Mira Park, Sun Seek Min Randomized Controlled Trial for Salvia sclarea or Lavandula angustifolia: Differential Effects on Blood Pressure in Female Patients with Urinary Incontinence Undergoing Urodynamic Examination // J Altern Complement Med. - 2013. 19(7). - July. - P. 664-670.

4. Peana A.T., MorettiM.D.L. Pharmacological activities and applications of salvia sclarea and salvia desoleana essential oils // Studies in Natural Products Chemistry. - 2002. -Vol. 26. - P. 391-398

5. Pitarokili D, Couladis M, Petsikos-Panayotarou N, Tzakou O. Composition and antifungal activity on soil-borne pathogens of the essential oil of Salvia sclarea from Greece // J Agric Food Chem. - 2002. - 50(23). - Nov 6. - P. 6688-6691.

6. Seol GH, Shim HS, Kim PJ, Moon HK, Lee KH, Shim I, Suh SH, Min SS. Antidepressant-like effect of Salvia sclarea is explained by modulation of dopamine activities in rats // Ethnopharmacol. - 2010. - 130(1). - Jul 6. - P. 187-90.

7. Yang HJ, Kim KY, Kang P, Lee HS, Seol GH. Effects of Salvia sclarea on chronic immobilization stress induced endothelial dysfunction in rats // BMC Complement Altern Med. - 2014. - Oct 14. - 14:396. doi: 10.1186/1472-6882-14-396.

The article was received at editors 26.10.2015

Bekmambetov T.R., Tonkovtseva V.V., Litvinchuk N.I., Yarosh A.M. Essential oil of Salvia Sclarea L. and its effect on psychophysiological state of people breathing it in different concentration during exercise // Bull. of the State Nikit. Botan. Gard. - 2015. - № 117. - P. 23-29.

Essential oil of Salvia Sclarea L. provokes euphoric effect during prolonged medium exercise; on the background of physical activity it is pronounced only in case of the highest study concentrations - 1,0 and 2,0 mg/m3. Essential oil of Salvia Sclarea L. possesses hypotensive and tachycardial effects as well.

Key words: essential oil, Salvia Sclarea L., eastern dances, exercise load, psychoemotional state, WAM test, human psychophysiological state; nervous system; cardiovascular system.

UDK 547.913:634.334:331.103.2:599.89



Valentina Valeriyevna Tonkovtseva, Yelena Stanislavovna Koval, Timur Rustemovich Bekmambetov, Aleksandr Mikhailovich Yarosh

Nikita Botanical Gardens - National Scientific Centre 298648, Republic of the Crimea, the city of Yalta, urb.vil.Nikita [email protected]


Nevertheless essential oils (EO) are used extensively in aromatherapy, there are ones requiring more investigation [6]. Properties of Helichrysum italicum (Rhot) Guss. EO concerning central nervous system are to be examined more thoroughly. We held studies of its effect (1 mg/ m ) on human central nervous system before [5]. It was found out, that Helichrysum italicum mainly influences on psychological tone of body: improvement of well-being, rise of vivacity and attentiveness level and tension slowdown. Neuromotor process rate, velocity and accuracy of simple information processing (proof test), short-term memory, mood and anxiety parameters didn't try any effect of Helichrysum italicum EO [5].

The principal point is to minimize load on body in the course of aromatherapy, what is possible if to reduce EO concentration in the atmosphere.

Objective of this research is to study effect of Helichrysum italicum EO of 0,1 mg/m3 on some functions of human central nervous system and cardiovascular system.

Objects and methods of the research

A group of 20 people, mainly women aged by 55-80 years were involved into this study. Control group was a similar group by composition and size. Tested people of the control group were having a rest for 20 minutes listening psychorelaxation record. In experimental group participants in the same room during the same time listening the same psychorelaxation record, but that room was concentrated with Helichrysum italicum EO (o,1 mg/m ). Tests were held before and after procedures.

To define procedures effect on cardiovascular system the following parameters were measured: heart rate (HR), blood pressure systolic (BPS) and blood pressure diastolic (BPD).

While proof test, WAM test and tests that measure thinking rate were used to determine EO effect on nervous system [1, 3, 4].

Findings were processed statistically applying t-criterion by Student [2].

Results and discussion

According to marks of WAM test, initially control and experimental groups didn't have any significant differences (table 1).

After psychorelaxation session control group didn't demonstrate any changes of WAM test parameters.

After procedure of aromapsychorelaxation experimental group presented significant reduction of tension, tendency to rise capacity to work, vivacity and attentiveness. On the whole aromasession with Helichrysum italicum EO improved psychoemotional state of participants, mainly by tone parameters.

Table 1

Effect of Helichrysum italicum on psychoemotional state of tested people (according to WAM test parameters, standard units)

Parameter Eperimental group initially Control group initially Experimental group after procedure P ex b/a< Control group after procedure

General condition 165,25±4,69 155,90±7,69 167,35±5,07 163,30±5,55

Well-being 163,00±5,41 160,45±6,57 165,65±5,78 163,40±5,36

Mood 163,20±5,89 158,60±6,23 166,00±5,10 162,95±5,81

weakness -capacity to work 159,70±5,60 151,90±8,03 166,45±5,09 ,08 158,25±5,69

Tension - relaxation 143,75±6,26 151,90±6,96 159,805,45 ,002 156,15±5,08

Inertness - vivacity 155,90±6,60 153,85±7,47 164,25±5,86 ,06 160,85±5,77

Absent-mindedness -attentiveness 142,35±9,66 142,25±8,71 146,70±9,65 ,10 149,05±7,38

According to psychoemotional state of tested people by anxiety scale both groups didn't have any differences (table 2).

After psychorelaxation session in control group there were no any significant changes of test parameters.

After aromapsychorelaxation procedure experimental group didn't demonstrate any changes of the test parameters as well.

Table 2

Effect of Helichrysum italicum on psychoemotional state of tested people (by scale of anxiety and depression, standard units)

Scale Experimental group initially Control group initially Experimental group after procedure Control group after procedure

Anxiety 6,25±0,94 6,20±0,87 5,80±0,80 5,60±0,98

Depression 6,50±0,90 6,70±0,89 6,45±0,84 6,65±0,85

As a result of procedures effect on mental capacity by proof test (digital data) initial difference between control and experimental groups isn't significant (table 3). After psychorelaxation in control group there weren't any changes. Procedure of aromarelaxation in experimental group didn't provoke any changes as


Table 3

Effect of Helichrysum italicum EO on mental capacity (according to proof test data)

Parameter Group Initially After procedure

Rate 1, sign/min control 307,30±14,71 324,80±17,13

experimental 314,60±23,55 335,40±26,74

Mistakes 1, signs control 2,05±0,69 3,00±0,70

experimental 1,95±0,36 2,35±0,67

Rate 2, sign/min control 314,65±18,18 292,30±22,35

experimental 302,90±31,24 309,40±28,22

Mistakes 2, signs control 3,20±1,12 3,85±1,03

experimental 2,15±0,67 1,60±0,37

Initially complex mental processes test (filling the missing letters in words) didn't get any significant difference between data of control and experimental groups (table 4). As a result of psychorelaxation procedure a number of mistakes tended to rise in a control group. After aromapsychorelaxation there were no any significant changes in the experimental group.

Table 4

Effect of Helichrysum italicum EO on thinking rate ( data of filling the missed letters test)

Parameter Group Initially After procedure Pc b/a<

Words, units control 23,10±1,42 23,10±1,52

experimental 26,35±2,21 25,40±2,29

Mistakes , units control 1,10±0,28 1,75±0,45 0,08

experimental 1,30±0,27 1,20±0,27

Initially before procedures there were no any significant differences between values of BP and HR in control and experimental groups (table 5).

After session of psychorelaxation values of BP and HR in control group didn't differ from initial data.

In the experimental group session of aromapsychorelaxation provoked reduction of BPS and HR a lot. In this case finite value of BPS in the experimental group was much lower than in control group.

Variations of BPD aren't significant.

Table 5

Effect of relaxation procedure held with Helichrysum italicum EO on BP and HR

Parameter Experimenta l group initially Control group initially Experimental group after procedure Pex b/a< Control group after procedure Pex/c after<

BPS, mm of Mercury 125,25±4,01 130,80±4 ,22 116,25±3,21 ,001 129,30±4,20 0,02

BPD, mm of Mercury 76,55±1,86 77,75±1, 86 74,40±2,32 76,70±2,09

HR, bpm 72,35±1,67 70,85±1, 36 69,35±1,25 ,004 70,40±1,38

Therefore Helichrysum italicum EO being in low concentration mainly affected on psychological tone of body: rise of vivacity, attentiveness and capacity to work. Only anxiety reduction was significant.

Much more pronounced effect of Helichrysum italicum EO (low concentration) concerned cardiovascular system: significant reduction of BPS and HR values.


1. Helichrysum italicum EO increased psychological tone of test participants a little.

2. Helichrysum italicum EO almost didn't affect on mental capacity of test participants.

3. Helichrysum italicum EO possesses hypotensive and bradicardial effects.


1. Karvasarsky B.D. Klinicheskaya psykhologiya. Uchebnik dlya vuzov. CPb.: Izdatelstvo "Piter", 2004. - 553 s.

2. Lakin G.F. Biometriya. - M.: Izd-vo "Vysshaya shkola", 1989. - 291 s.

3. Osnovy psykhologii: Praktikum / Red.-sost. L.D. Stolyarenko. - Rostov-na-Donu: Feniks, 2002. - 704 s.

4. Praktikum po psykhologii / Pod red. A.N. Leontjeva, B. Hyppenreiter. - Izd. Mosk.un-ta, 1972. - 248 s.

5. Tonkovtseva V.V., Kulikova Ya.A., Mokin Yu.I., Yarosh A.M. Vliyaniye efirnogo masla bessmertnika italjanskogo na nervnuyu systemy cheloveka // Aromakorrektsiya psykhophizicheskogo sostoyaniya cheloveka: materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii (Yalta, 4-6 maya 2011 g.) - Yalta, 2011. - S. 64-69.

6. Babar Ali, Naser Ali Al-Wabel, Saiba Shams, Aftab Ahamad, Shah Alam Khan, Firoz Anwarhttp://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2221169115001033 -aff5 Essential oils used in aromatherapy: A systemic review // Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine. - 2015. - Volume 5. - Issue 8. - P. 601-611.

The article was received at editors 26.10.2015

Tonkovtseva V.V., Koval Ye.S., Bekmambetov T.R., Yarosh A.M. Essential oil of Helichrysum Italicum and its effect on psychophysiological state of elderly people breathing it in low concentration //

Bull. of the State Nikit. Botan. Gard. - 2015. - № 117. - P. 29 - 33.

Helichrysum Italicum essential oil in concentration 0,1 mg/m3 and its effect on psychophysiological state of elderly people were investigated in terms of the research. Low concentration of Helichrysum Italicum essential oil mainly affected on psychological body tone, as a result - increasing of vivacity, attentiveness and efficiency level,. Its influence in the same concentration occurred more pronounced concerning cardiovascular system: significant reduction of BPS (blood pressure systolic) and HR (heart rate).

Key words: essential oil, aroma session, Helichrysum Italicum, psychorelaxing record, mental capacity, psychoemotional state.

UDK 547.913:634.334:331.103.2:599.89



Yelena Stanislavovna Koval, Valentina Valeriyevna Tonkovtseva, Timur Rustemovich Bekmambetov, Aleksandr Mikhailovich Yarosh

Nikita Botanical Gardens - National Scientific Centre 298648, Republic of the Crimea, the city of Yalta, urb.vil.Nikita [email protected]


Lavandula angustifolia Mill. essential oils (EO) are used extensively in aromatherapy [6, 9]. It possesses antidepressive and stress-limiting effects [6-9]. It was demonstrated that in case of concentration 1 mg/m3 Lavandula angustifolia EO improves general condition of tested people, reduces personality anxiety, and raises mental capacity [5]. Important task is to minimize load on body in the course of aromatherapy, what is possible if to decrease concentration of that essential oil. It especially concerns elderly people. But in case of lower concentration aromatherapy effect can be not so pronounced.

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Objective of this paper is to investigate Lavandula angustifolia EO on some functions of central nervous system in low concentration.

Objects and methods of the research

A group of 20 people, mainly women aged by 50-80 years were involved into this study. Control group was a similar group by composition and size. Tested people of the control group were having a rest for 20 minutes listening to psychorelaxation record. In experimental group participants were in the same room during the same time listening to the same psychorelaxation record and breathing Helichrysum italicum EO till the finite concentration (0,1 mg/m ). Tests were held before and after procedures.

To define procedures effect on cardiovascular system the following parameters were measured: heart rate (HR), blood pressure systolic (BPS) and blood pressure diastolic (BPD).

While proof test, WAM test and tests that measure thinking rate were used to determine EO effect on nervous system [1, 3, 4].

Findings were processed statistically applying t-criterion by Student [2].

Results and discussion

According to marks of WAM test, initially control and experimental groups didn't

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