Bilous I.,
Department of Nervous Diseases, Psychiatry and Medical Psychology HSEEU "Bukovinian State Medical University», Chernivtsi
Pavlovych L.
HSEEU "Bukovinian State Medical University», Chernivtsi Department of Clinical Immunology, Allergology and Endocrinology Higher State Educational Establishment "Bukovinian State Medical University"
Objective. Education - a purposeful systematic process of identity formation due to the laws of social development, the influence of objective and subjective factors.
In the development of personality involves the family, the educational institutions, it is influenced by micro and macro-environment, socio-political and economic situation in the country, the media, public organizations, etc. All this makes the process of education, on the one hand, more manageable, since there are so many effective ways and means of influence on the person, and with another — complicates management, because it is difficult to integrate all factors of influence, to warn the person of negative influences.
Keywords: content, tasks.
A variety of educational factors impact on personality due to "variability of scientific definitions of the concept of "education". In addition, in the process of development of pedagogical science of education has undergone significant changes. First, the phenomena of education investigated primarily from the standpoint of social functions, sometimes even identified with socialization, that it is wrong.
The notion of education as a basic category of pedagogy currently used in its broad and narrow social sense of the word, as well as in wide and narrow pedagogical sense.
In a broad social sense, education is the transmission of the social experience accumulated by mankind throughout history, from the older generations the younger.
In the narrow social sense of the education — aimed effect on the human public institutions with the aim to convey to her certain knowledge, to develop all the necessary skills and ability, appropriate behavior, scientific beliefs, social values, moral and political orientation, attitudes and perspectives.
In extensive teaching value education - focused, organized and systematic exposure of teachers, organized social pedagogical environment in order to develop a fully rounded personality. The concept of "education" in this case covers the entire educational process.
In narrow pedagogical value education is a process aimed at solving specific educational problems on the formation, development and training of the individual.
Theory of education as a branch of pedagogical science has its object and subject.
The object of education - the process of identity formation, together with its relationship to society, to yourself and to others, to work. Some relationships follow the structure of the mental qualities of the individual and encompass the realm of her needs, knowledge, feelings, voluntary actions and deeds.
The subject of education - specific education problems and phenomena: patterns and principles, content, technologies, methods, techniques and forms to implement the goals and objectives of education.
To educate means to create a system of relations between people, which stimulate a certain attitude of the individual to himself and to others, to society, to work. Education, development and training is a continuous process
The psychological essence of education - in trans-lation-of a personality from one state to another, the in-ternalization of external to her experience, knowledge, values, norms, rules in the internal psychological terms, her beliefs, attitudes, behavior. The effects of education, namely the behavior of the individual, depends on how systematically the process of education combined emotional-sensual and volitional spheres of the psyche, the behavior of the individual.
The process of formation, development of the personality, which contains a deliberate external influence, self-identity, by definition of I. P. Palazolo characterizing the process of education. It cannot be considered spontaneous, chaotic phenomenon. It is subordinate to certain dialectical laws and has its own structure.
First, the practical activity of the individual is, on the one hand, a motivating factor to show efforts to master the norms of behavior (actions), skills and abilities, and on the other hand through practical activities you can check the level of skills to behave in a particular situation.
At a certain stage of education, life circumstances require a person to have appropriate norms of behavior. Former students, and today first-year students begin their lives in a new situation for them (previously unknown form of education, new environment, system of relationships, etc.). With the help of teachers, the curator of their study group, they must timely and painlessly go through the adaptation period, learn a new lifestyle and regulations that must be followed. This is the beginning of educational work at the beginning of each stage.
At the heart of the process - a system of relationships that are always subjective and objective. Their presence is the result of the behavior of the educator and the pupil in a certain pedagogical situation. Some scholars consider the process of education as the passage of basic pedagogical situations.
Pedagogical situation - a way of interconnected activities of the educator and the pupil, the content of which is the exchange of information, knowledge of the individual, assistance, conflict resolution and more. As a result, there are new needs, motives, changes in attitudes to various objects of his life. Consistency, unity and continuity of the process of education is linked with the psychological personality structure. Components of the process of education are the categories of self-education and re-education that simultaneously reflect specific training, and are conceptual-categorical apparatus of pedagogy.
Self-education — "the higher stage of the educational process, systematic, individual and conscious human activity, aimed at developing in yourself the desired physical, mental, moral, aesthetic qualities positive features of will and character, elimination of negative habits." The leading component of the content of self-education is the formation of the volitional and moral qualities.
The need for self-education - the highest form of personal development.
Re - "correction of deviations, defects, adverse effects made in the education of the individual". Rehabilitation is aimed at the restructuring of the incorrect (wrong) views, opinions, beliefs, transform negative ways of behavior in public recognized norms. The key mechanism of rehabilitation is the involvement of the individual in socially useful activities, in which the revaluation of values, behavior change.
Education as a pedagogical category and the process has its own characteristics:
■ twoaspects character;
■ continuity and duration;
■ the interaction, complementarity of the processes of education, self-education and re-education;
■ complexity of the various educational influences (parents, friends, environment, media);
• latent (hidden) nature of the results of education;
■ concentris the formation of qualities of the individual based on the individual, mental and age;
■ a variety of forms, methods and techniques of education;
■ specificity and the difficulty in assessing the behavior and qualities of the person in connection with the inaccuracy of the diagnostic methods of education.
■ the diversity of tasks and variety of content;
■ depends on the specific professional tasks and the need for a citizen - patriot of Ukraine;
■ snakeroot.
Education - a purposeful process of identity formation; it has its own internal logic and it can be defined as functions that are consistently implemented.
The aim of the education is something to aspire to education. The purpose of education in pedagogy is traditionally considered the final outcome of identity formation.
However, such a definition is rather arbitrary, because the "final" result of identity formation does not exist. Man is formed throughout life, depending on the objective and subjective conditions of its ontogenesis. But since the educational system (preschool, school and out-of-school) have a chronological framework that can capture the level and quality of formed-ness of the individual, we can talk about completed regarding the results of education and training at certain stages.
Defining the purpose of the education of the younger generation - the prerogative of the state, which,
with the broad participation of the science and the public formulates it as a major component of its pedagogical policy. The state is obliged to constitute, to legalize the economic, legal and organizational conditions for achieving the declared educational objectives.
The purpose of education is subject to all: the content, organization, forms and methods. Thus, the goal of education is important in teaching.
Distinguish the General and the individual the purpose of education.
The overall objective discovers qualities that have formed in all people, and individual, concerns the education of the individual. Progressive pedagogy assumes the unity of common and individual goals.
The purpose reveals the common purpose of education. In practice it implemented through a system of specific tasks. The purpose and objectives are related as whole and part, the system and its components. Therefore, there is a definition: the purpose of education - the system of educational tasks.
The main functions of education are: organizational motivation - the motivation for the development of the person, its improvement and cultivation, organization of activities, communication and creative engagement of all students to the educational process;
diagnostic - identifying the actual level of human development, factors influencing personality;
prognostically-projective - planning the desired result and the conditions of its achievement, the development of a plan and programs to achieve educational goals;
formula-educational - development and continuous improvement of the person of socially valuable qualities, the harmonious development of personality and the maximal realization of their creative potential;
information and communication - focused psycho-pedagogical and informational influence on the mind, intellectual, spiritual and perceptive, volitional, and motivational sphere of personality, the formation of high culture of communication, rules of common etiquette and behavior, development of socially significant values;
monitoring and evaluation - identification and evaluation of the results of education, the effectiveness of the system of educational work and make adjustments and changes.
The structure of the educational process are revealed through the unity of aims, contents and ways of achieving the result. The leading components of this structure - the purpose and objectives of modern education, which give it a purposeful, systematic, consistent.
Relevant educational tasks revealed through the specific characteristics of the pillars of education.
National education is historically conditioned and created in the nation a set of ideals, attitudes, beliefs, traditions, customs, and other forms of social behavior aimed at the organization of vital activity of the young generation, which absorb the spiritual and material culture of the nation, a national consciousness and reach spiritual unity of generations.
Objectives of the national education:
■ shaping the national consciousness, love to the native land, family, his people, desire to work for the prosperity of the state, readiness to defend it;
■ to foster respect for the Constitution, legislation of Ukraine, the state symbols, the formation of legal culture;
■ to ensure the unity of generations, to foster respect for parents, native people;
■ to form a high language culture, mastering the Ukrainian language:
■ to raise the spiritual culture of the individual and create conditions for the free formation of its worldview;
■ promote the principles of universal morality: truth, justice, patriotism, kindness, tolerance, etc.;
■ cultivate the best traits of Ukrainian mentality -hard work, individual freedom, deep connection with nature, hospitality and the like;
• to bring respect for native language, culture, traditions;
■ to ensure full development of young, protection and strengthening of physical, mental and spiritual health;
■ to form the social activity of the individual through the involvement of pupils in the process of nation-building, reform of public relations;
■ develop individual abilities and talents of youth, providing conditions for socialisation, formation of scientific Outlook;
■ to form the high ethics of interethnic relations and the like.
Mental education is the deliberate and systematic management of the development of the mind and cognitive abilities through a revival of interest and intellectual activity, weapons knowledge, methods for their preparation and use in practice, the development of culture of mental work.
Intellectual education focuses on the development of intellectual abilities, interest cognition of the surrounding world and themselves.
The task of mental education:
■ development of cognitive interest, creative activity, culture of thinking, the rational organization of educational work;
■ a culture of academic and intellectual work;
• stimulation of interest to work with the book and the new information technologies;
■ the adoption of a system of knowledge (facts, concepts, terms, laws, laws, rules, algorithms, activities, etc.);
■ formation of the need for constant development and self-development;
■ to develop the ability to independently acquire knowledge;
■ the willingness to use knowledge and skills in practical activities.
The task of mental education are solved by means of training and education, special psychological coaches-a ng and exercises, discussions of scientists, public figures from different countries, quizzes and competitions, involvement in the creative process of search, research and experiment.
Moral education - educational activities of the University aimed at formation of stable moral qualities, needs, feelings, skills, and habits of behaviour based on ideals, norms and principles of morality, participating in practical activities. In the written tradition the basic tenets of ethical human conduct presented in the Bible and the Koran.
Tasks of moral education:
• formation at students of understanding of the universal and national norms of morality;
■ the development of moral sentiments: honesty, tact, fairness, kindness, mercy, etc.;
■ foster a sense of self-esteem: honor, freedom, equality, self-discipline, hard work;
■ accumulation of moral experience and knowledge about the rules of social behavior (in the family, on the street, at school and other public places);
• the creation of a culture of sexual and family relations, formation of readiness to enter into marriage and family responsibilities.
Esthetic education - purposeful formation of aesthetic tastes and ideals of the individual, the development of their skills of aesthetic perception of phenomena of reality and art objects, as well as to independent creativity in the arts.
Objectives of aesthetic education:
formation of system of knowledge about world culture and art;
the development of aesthetic needs and feelings; mastering the basics of folk art, folklore, music, life, etc.;
willingness to build his life according to the laws of beauty.
Physical education is the purposeful and systematic control of the formation of physical and mental health of a person.
Objectives of physical education:
• formation of positive attitude to healthy lifestyle;
■ the education of a responsible attitude to strengthen your health;
■ develop skills to observe sanitary-hygienic norms, routines and nutrition.
■ physical, spiritual and mental hardening.
Labor education - a purposeful process of formation of creative, hardworking individual, a civilized master of one's homeland and under the influence of the social environment, and in the process of career education aimed at developing appropriate skills, professional skills, readiness for life activity in conditions of market relations, pride in their profession.
The aims of labour education:
■ development of a conscious attitude to labour as the highest values of man and society;
■ development needs in a creative work;
■ education of business and enterprise;
■ the formation of readiness to work in conditions of market economy.
Environmental education - pedagogical activity directed on formation of students ' ecological culture. Objectives of environmental education:
■ shaping the self have an understanding of the dependence of man on nature, the need to live in harmony with it;
■ forming the foundations of global ecological thinking;
■ to foster a sense of responsibility for nature as national wealth, the basis of life on earth;
■ forming an active position on the implementation norms of ecological culture. Economic education aims to enhance students ' economic thinking, respect for individual, collective and public ownership, skills to apply economic knowledge in daily life and activities.
The tasks of economic education:
■ the formation of the system of economic knowledge, certain skills and abilities;
■ the formation of a new economic thinking, the ability to adapt to market conditions;
• rational organization of labor and time;
• respect to the products of human labor;
■ the development of personal qualities; initiative, self-discipline, self-reliance and enterprise.
Legal education - educational activities of higher education, law enforcement agencies, aimed at forming students' legal awareness and skills and habits of lawful behavior.
Tasks of legal education:
■ fostering respect for the Constitution, laws of Ukraine, state symbols (emblem, flag, anthem);
■ forming a deep awareness of the relationship between the ideas of freedom, human rights and its social responsibility;
■ instilling respect for human and civil rights and freedoms;
■ negative attitude and counteraction to cases of violation of laws.
Anti-drug education of students - pedagogical activities aimed at forming in students intolerance to narcotic substances (tobacco, alcohol, drugs), overcoming the habits of using these substances in those young people who have them. Tasks of anti-drug education:
■ equipping young people with knowledge about the harmful effects of tobacco, alcohol, drugs on the human body and its activities;
• formation of psychological brakes in students, which would keep them from using harmful substances;
■ instilling intolerance of their use by peers;
■ timely identification of students who use these substances, conducting appropriate educational work with them.
Types of education. they are classified according to the principle of semantic diversity of educational goals and ways to achieve them.
According to the institutional feature, there are family, school, out-of-school and confessional (religious), as well as education at the place of residence (community), education in children's, youth organizations and specialized educational institutions (orphanages, boarding schools).
Family education - the organization of activity of the child in the family. It is the family within the first six to seven years of a child's life forms the basis of the future person. Family education is productive if it occurs in an atmosphere of love, understanding and respect. A significant role is also played by professional self-realization and material well-being of parents, to create conditions for the normal development of the child. For example, the "power relations" apply where the existing differences and disputes between cowork-ers, neighbors, wife or husband, parents and children where alcohol and drugs.
School education - organization of training activities and the lives of children in schools and extracurricular educational work, which includes the maintenance of school traditions and celebrations, organization of self-government. In such circumstances, the importance of teacher's personality and positive communication with students, educational and psychological atmosphere of the classroom and relax.
Out-of-school education implies that the above problems are solved out-of-school educational institutions and organizations. These include development centres, the house of creativity of a student in police stations (where the Teens who have violated public order or conflict with the law), companies "green" (young naturalists and ecologists).
Religious education is implemented through religious traditions and rituals of initiation to the system of religious values and religious culture, facing the "heart", to the belief in the divine origin of man. Since believers make up about 90% of humanity, the role of religious or Church education is very high.
Education by place of residence - the organization of socially useful activities for people by place of residence. It combines with adult activities (planting trees, cleaning areas, providing support to lonely elderly and disabled people), as well as group activities, sports competitions and festivals, organized by parents and teachers.
According to the Polish scholar S. Nezinskoe, the educational process as a whole and in individual areas can be observed, or to organize on several levels.
First, so-called site level gives an idea of education as a permanent feature of society at any stage of its development in the context of the General importance of culture, namely, such aspects of the life of society, which is associated with the stream of culture in all its forms and manifestations. In Ukraine the educational goals of this level are defined in the law "On education", the Constitution, in International conventions on human rights and other public-policy documents, which revealed the educational policy of our country and the entire international community.
Second, the institutional level involves the implementation of the educational goals and objectives in terms of specific social institutions. That is, organizations and institutions, specially created for this purpose, for example, children's homes and boarding schools, kindergartens, schools and UNIVERSITIES, houses of creativity and development centres.
Third, socio-psychological causes level of awareness in terms of social groups, associations, corporations, groups. For example, the company team has an impact on its employees, the Association of business to their colleagues, the Association of mothers of fallen soldiers, speaking against the war - on the public authorities, the Association of teachers for development of creative potential of teachers.
Fourth .interpersonal level determines the specificity of education as the practice of interaction between the educator and pupils, taking into account individual psychological and personal characteristics of pupils. Examples of this practice: parent education, social psychologist and educator in working with children, universities should prepare the intellectual gene pool of the nation, nurturing the spiritual elite, to increase cultural capacity, which ensure high working efficiency of future specialists.
Fifth, interpersonally level, in fact, is a process of self-education, which makes educational impact on itself in different circumstances, for example, in situations of choice and conflict in the process of implementation of educational tasks during the period of exams or sports competitions.
In the process of theoretical study and explain the nature of education there are three basic paradigms representing the relationship to the social and biological determinants.
The paradigm of social education (P. Bourdieu, J. Straw, L. CROs, Though. Fourastie) focuses on the priority of society is education. its supporters propose to correct the inheritance with the formation of an appropriate socio-cultural world of the pupil.
Proponents of the second, biopsychological paradigm (G. Gal, A. Medici, G. Malara, K. Rogers, A. Fa-bre) recognize the importance of human interaction with the socio-cultural world and at the same time defending the independence of the individual from the influences of the past.
The third paradigm focuses on the dialectical interdependence of social and biological, psychological and hereditary components in the process of education (A. Makarenko, V. Sukhomlinsky).
Higher education institutions must prepare conscious of the national intelligentsia to promote the renewal and enrichment of the intellectual gene pool of the nation, education of its spiritual elite, to increase cultural capacity, which Ensure high working efficiency of future specialists.
This goal can be achieved through:
■ education of future specialists of the authoritative, highly educated people, carriers of the high General, philosophical, political, professional, legal, intellectual, social, psychological, emotional, aesthetic, physical and ecological culture;
■ create the necessary conditions for the free development of the individual student, his thinking and General culture, through the introduction to varied types of creative activities (research, technical, cultural, educational, law enforcement, etc.);
■ enriching the aesthetic experience of students by participating in the revival of the forgotten and the creation of new national and cultural traditions of the region, city, higher education institution; • formation of "I - the concept" of the creator on the basis of self-education, self-development, self-education, self-improvement, moral perfection; promoting a healthy lifestyle, preventing students from using alcohol and drugs, and eradicating bad habits, including smoking.
Thus, the education of students - a creative process, focused on issues related to the specifics of higher
education, the peculiarities of the region. Ideally, higher education institutions should become a school of self-development, self-management, self-discipline, conscious responsibility, cooperation and creativity of teacher and student.
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Bilous I.,
Department of Nervous Diseases, Psychiatry and Medical Psychology HSEEU "Bukovinian State Medical University», Chernivtsi
Pavlovych L. MD, PhD
HSEEU "Bukovinian State Medical University», Chernivtsi Department of Clinical Immunology, Allergology and Endocrinology Higher State Educational Establishment "Bukovinian State Medical University"
Objective. The article reveals the features of the educational paradigm of the information society, argues the need to use new approaches in training in the XXI century. Today we often hear about the information society based on knowledge, about the decisive role of information and communication technologies. The main factor of the new society was the phenomenon of information. It is proclaimed a key factor in production and is superior in importance to all types of material production. Knowledge, information and interactive communications play a key role in social and political change.
Keywords: information society, educational paradigm.
Qualitative transformation of the technological basis can not but affect the processes of human activity and the relationship between people. These changes affect the growing intellectualization of labor, the strengthening of creative moments of labor processes, the growth of the sphere of non-productive interaction
of people, the strengthening of the individual potential of workers.
Constant replenishment and updating of knowledge is a necessary condition for a high level of qualification and competence of staff. This condition is of paramount importance for accelerating the social and economic development of the country. The training