ESSENCE AND LIFE MEANING OF WORLD VIEW Текст научной статьи по специальности «Философия, этика, религиоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по философии, этике, религиоведению, автор научной работы — Aripova Z.S.

Resume: This article discusses the essence and life meaning of the worldview.

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Текст научной работы на тему «ESSENCE AND LIFE MEANING OF WORLD VIEW»

UDK 371.5

Aripova Z.S.

teacher of Humanitarian sciences department Andijan Machine-Building Institute Uzbekistan, Andijan


Resume: This article discusses the essence and life meaning of the worldview.

Key words: worldview, thought, personality, philosophy, science

Person has long been interested in person himself as an object of eternal knowledge. And the greatest mystery in a person is his personal characteristics, the ability to suppress some impulses and develop others. In persony ways, the temperament of the person with whom the child literally comes into this world plays a role, but the person's temperament is finally formed by adulthood and has the peculiarity of almost not changing throughout life, but it affects almost everything in it: lifestyle, attitude to the world , his perception, choice of life goals, on the development of a person as a whole.

Philosophy (from Greek - love for truth, wisdom) is a form of social consciousness; the doctrine of the general principles of being and cognition, the relationship of person to the world, the science of the universal laws of the development of nature, society and thinking. Philosophy develops a generalized system of views on the world, a person's place in it; she explores cognitive values, socio-political, moral and aesthetic attitude of person to the world. This definition is most often found in educational literature on philosophy. But such a definition does not give a concept that could tell where there is philosophy ... In my opinion, philosophy, due to its all-encompassing nature, can personifest itself in all of us around us, although most often unconsciously and not in a philosophical way. Although what does not mean philosophically, if there is white, then somewhere there is black, although everything may be simpler, everything is gray, and the difference is a figment of the imagination, as a life technique, in an attempt to survive, to choose the path of striving.

"... The need for philosophy, - in the opinion, - is much greater than you and I think; every person needs philosophy to some extent, and when he does not find an answer to his philosophical request from professional philosophy, he creates an independent philosophy based on the information he receives in everyday life. It may not be very literate, it may not be very interpreted, it is distinguished by its originality, novelty, but it suits him. "

And each person is faced with the problems discussed in philosophy. How does the world work? Is the world developing? Who or what determines these laws of development? What is the place of regularity, and what is the case?

Person's position in the world: is he mortal or immortal? How can a person understand his destiny. What are the cognitive capabilities of a person? What is truth and how to distinguish it from falsehood?

These questions are posed by life itself. This or that question determines the direction of a person's life.

At certain moments, turning points of epoch-making significance, Philosophy does not so much answer questions as asks them, questions to which have already been answered, but given "yesterday", she asks them "today", and we need to answer them in order to already "tomorrow" ask them again.

A person often faces a choice, often we have no idea what our choice will lead to, but a philosophical understanding of historical cataclysms and knowledge of the reasons that gave rise to them can give a "trump card" in predicting the consequences of a particular choice. Everyday experience is that existential personifestation in my opinion of this "trump card" of knowledge, the ability to use it. It has long been noticed that it is the little things that can lead to the unraveling of sometimes great truths, mysteries. Not everyone seeing a picture notices what exactly is depicted on it, but perceives only the external but not its very essence; and what is more, he does not notice the achievements of the creator, his burning soul.

Philosophy is like art, it helps to creatively, more consciously look at the world of familiar things around us, otherwise life loses its diversity, colors.

The reality of a philosophical answer is not so much the answer itself as a goal, but rather the consideration of the question (problem) in a new way, in the context of a new era, a new time. Reality gives a new impulse for an inquiring mind, perhaps even a stimulus to life itself, and not to existence on the mortal Earth.

"Summing up the results in philosophy is generally a hopeless business -only its history reveals moments of truth in the positions of philosophers, and then truths are not absolute, but relative - in the context of their time."

The main position of the Western European philosopher and mathematician R. Descartes is widely known: "I think, therefore I exist."

And what is a thought if not a question requiring an answer? That there is life in the world without questions and "surprises", surprises, uncertainties, if a person does not have questions and aspirations, will not life turn into a miserable existence, where not only everything can be predetermined, but also known to him in advance. Maybe the meaning of life is much simpler and consists in living for the sake of life, in revealing the secrets we have created ourselves? Is not thought, the fruit of consciousness, the Creator of existence on our planet, and then the personality is the quality of its creativity. Then, probably, there is a limit to creativity, our consciousness, when the thought is forced to pause or make a leap. Isn't this the answer to the question: what was the first egg or chicken that was born.

At one time, Kant came to the conclusion about the existence of the boundaries of knowledge. He warned about the danger of omniscience, that there is a border between knowledge and ignorance. How not to do miracles for yourself? Kant limited the possibilities of science and gave place to faith.

Philosophy is called upon to correctly resolve these issues, to help transform spontaneously formed views in the world outlook, which is necessary in the formation of a personality. But, oddly enough, philosophy itself is dependent on the personality, and develops along with it. I do not think that history can be understood with the help of any formula, it needs to be felt, experienced, imbued with it. A person feels history, the passage of time quite sharply and therefore remembers it more well, it is more essential for us than for others living among us. And having in our hands such an opportunity as leaving behind a memory-history, we sometimes absolutely do not perceive the lessons of the past. Probably a mistake plays an important role in our life.


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