ENVIRONMENTAL STANDARDIZATION IN CONSTRUCTION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Ardatova E.A., Ushanova N.P.

Construction is the industry that has the greatest impact on nature and the environment. Often has a harmful effect on nature, which, with reasonable actions, could be minimized. On the other hand, building technologies can also be used to improve the environment and return it to its natural state. The most significant quantifiable environmental impact of the construction sector is emissions associated with energy consumption. Construction, materials production and building operations account for almost half of all energy consumption.

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Экологическая стандартизация в строительстве

Ардатова Елизавета Александровна

студент, ИГЭС 2-34 Национальный Исследовательский Московский Государственный Строительный Университет, l.ardatova@yandex.ru

Ушанова Надежда Петровна,

старший преподаватель, кафедра ИЯ и ПК, НИУ МГСУ, nadezhdaushanova@gmail.com

Строительство - отрасль, оказывающая наибольшее влияние на природу и окружающую среду. Вопрос охраны окружающей среды сегодня стоит очень остро. Цель данной статьи - привлечь внимание к важности экологической стандартизации в строительстве, соответственно, поддерживать состояние окружающей среды на нормальном уровне. С другой стороны, строительные технологии также могут быть использованы для улучшения окружающей среды и возвращения ее в естественное состояние. Наиболее значительным, поддающимся количественной оценке воздействием строительного сектора на окружающую среду являются выбросы, связанные с потреблением энергии. На строительство, производство материалов и эксплуатацию зданий приходится почти половина всего энергопотребления.

Для того, чтобы экологическим строительством занималось все больше компаний, а также чтобы экологическое нормирование было признано обязательным, государство должно регулировать деятельность в строительной сфере и принимать определенные меры.

Ключевые слова: окружающая среда, защита окружающей среды, строительство, экологическая стандартизация, здания, стандарты, "зеленые" технологии, экологическая группа.

The importance of environmental standardization.

Today there are many problems in the world, one of which is the poor state of the environment. Every day people harm nature, all living beings with their activities. The situation in the world is getting worse every day, so we must prevent this and take control of defending the environment. More than 6 billion kilograms of garbage are dumped into the world's oceans every year. Most of the garbage is plastic, which is toxic to marine life. In America alone, 3 million plastic bottles are thrown out every hour. But each such bottle decomposes within 500 years. Few people know about this, but there is a whole "continent" of plastic waste in the Pacific Ocean, known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. According to some estimates, the size of this plastic "garbage continent" may be twice the size of the United States. There are more than 500 million cars in the world today, and by 2030 this number is expected to increase to more than a billion. This means that the pollution caused by cars could potentially double in 14 year, and this is only a small part of the problems that are associated with environmental pollution.

Construction is the industry that has the greatest impact on nature and the environment. It often has a harmful effect on nature, which, with reasonable actions, could be minimized. On the other hand, construction technologies can also be used to improve the environment and return it to its natural state. The most significant, quantifiable impact of the construction sector on the environment are emissions associated with energy consumption. The construction, production of materials and operation of buildings account for almost half of the total energy consumption.

One of the approaches to sustainable construction is the use of methods and tools to support the achievement of sustainability. One such attempt is a performance requirements management tool for customers during the construction process. It provides an approach and method for documenting performance requirements throughout the life cycle of buildings. It is based on the general classification



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of building properties. The tool includes reference data on the requirements related to the type of building and information on the appropriate verification methods. It is used to form a brief description of the project. To create projects that meet these goals, you need the experience of designers.

Such industry as environmental standardization is developing more and more. This type of activity is able to improve the state of the environment, therefore it plays an important role. Its main idea is taking care of the environment, saving energy and material resources throughout the life of the structure. Environmental standardization is understood as the activity of establishing requirements for rational use of natural resources and environmental protection in standards for products, works and services. The development of environmental regulations and standards is one of the directions of environmental protection activities of authorized state bodies. Almost 20 years ago, the "Environmental Doctrine" was adopted in Russia, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1225-r dated 31.08.2002. It defines the goals, directions, tasks and principles of the state policy in the field of ecology in the country. The purpose of the doctrine is to preserve and maintain natural systems for the development of society, the growth of the quality of life, improving the health of the population and increasing the birth rate, ensuring the environmental safety of the country and today eco standardization is developing more and more due to the aggravation of environmental problems. Certification in construction according to the ECO standards is carried out by independent and impartial organizations. Thanks to these documents, we can understand that building materials are composed of components that do not threaten human health and are produced with environmental requirements in mind. These standards are called green standards. They serve to assess the environmental performance of buildings. They are applicable to both new and existing buildings and are relevant for a variety of types of buildings: office, residential, industrial, commercial, public. Facilities certified according to national "green" construction standards ensure minimal environmental pollution and a high level of environmental safety for people.

At the moment, the most structured and influential in the world are the BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment) standards systems. In many developed countries, consideration of environmental standards is a prerequisite for assessing the quality of an object. In the USA, the issues of green legislation in the construction sector are regulated at all levels of government, from federal to municipal, this allows timely make the necessary changes to the draft laws and influence the standards of green construction. The first "green" standards appeared in 1990, when the BREEAM standardization system (BRE Environmental Assessment Method) was introduced in the UK by BRE Global. Currently, this system of assessing the environmental friendliness of buildings is used in many countries of the world. According to this standard, each task is evaluated according to 8 criteria:

1. Management.

2. Energy.

3. Health and well-being.

4. Transport.

5. Garbage.

6. Materials.

7. Land use and ecology.

8. Pollution.

A number of organizations are engaged in the development and implementation of "green" standards in Russia: - NP "AVOK"; - GC "Olimpstroy"; - Council for Ecological Construction (RuGBC); - Federal State Institution "Central Bureau of Information of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia"; - NP "Green Building Council" under the Union of Architects of Russia. The standards developed by the above-mentioned organizations have a voluntary nature of application, similar to foreign practice. In order to radically change the situation, state assistance is needed, expressed in the adoption of new bills on environmental issues and green construction, benefits for its lending, a simplified insurance system, reduction of real estate prices and related services for buyers, tax cuts and other incentive measures. Green construction should become an important part of innovative transformations in the real estate market and increase the inflow of investments. It is impossible to ignore the world experience in this area, especially since there are already environmental certification programs that have shown their high efficiency in practice. Green construction is a promising area of development, with long-term goals, based on decades of comfortable and efficient operation of buildings. However, nature can exist without man, but we cannot exist without it. Therefore, it is necessary to strive with all our might to preserve it and improve its condition. After all, by preserving nature, we improve our lives and the conditions of our existence. Even if eco standardization is not so widespread today, but they still exist. Thus, environmental standardization, as we see, plays an important role in construction at the moment. Environmental standardization is developing, and thanks to this, in the near future we will be able to reduce the impact of human activity on the environment.

Information about standards already adopted:

British standard BS 7750.

The BS 7750 Environmental management Systems standard was developed by the British Institute of Standardization (following the requirements of the British Confederation of Industry). This standard was adopted in 1992 in England.

This standard does not prescribe or define requirements for the environmental activities of the enterprise, but contains recommendations useful for creating an effective environmental management system, for the development of proactive environmental auditing, which should affect the improvement of the environmental activities of the organization as a whole.

International standards of the ISO 14000 series. In 1992, a summit of heads of State dedicated to the sustainable development of human society and nature was held in Rio de Janeiro, at which, in particular, the Agenda for the XXI century was adopted. The summit also determined that environmental management should be attributed to the key dominant of sustainable development and at the same time to the highest priorities of industrial activity and entrepreneurship.

In 2020 , the NATIONAL STANDARD OF RUSSIAN FEDERATION was introduced it is associated with the "Green" standards and is called GREENED AND OPERATED ROOFS OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES.

This standard is designed to apply and develop "green" technologies in construction. The provisions of this standard are aimed at ensuring compliance with technical and environmental requirements in the design, construction and operation of landscaped and operated roofs, at creating a

safe and healthy human environment, the use of high-tech materials, the use of energy-efficient technologies and constructive engineering solutions and reducing negative impacts on the environment.

In order to increase the practice of using green and operated roofs of buildings and structures in construction, it is necessary to be guided by the requirements of this standard as an effective mechanism of technical regulation.

Green roofs have a positive impact from the point of view of ecology and environmental protection in an urbanized urban environment.

The type, degree and method of the impact of a greened roof on the environment can be different in each specific project. In any case, the creation of a landscape-architectural, landscaped object on the roof should have the following favorable environmental impact on the environment, regardless of the typology and classification of landscaped roofs:

- the greening of roofs gives the territory new functions of a green zone and often simultaneously serves as a place of rest and recreation;

- green roofs soften the urban nature of the urban environment and perform the functions of compensatory landscaping in areas with dense and cramped buildings;

- due to the structuring of private and public areas of the city, the greening of roofs improves the ecological environment of human habitation in both residential and office and industrial buildings;

- during the construction of landscaping facilities on roofs, additional habitats are created for flora and fauna objects (including endangered ones) and biodiversity is increased;

- favorable conditions are created for the conservation of water resources, rainwater runoff is regulated, the balance of the natural water cycle in nature is maintained due to evaporation and transpiration. Water runoff decreases during the rainy season, retention of precipitation in a form accessible to plants, slowing down the process of excess water runoff, there is a reduction in the load on the urban storm sewer system due to water retention in the roof landscaping system;

- green roofs contribute to improving the microclimate, reduce the intensity of reflection of sunlight on neighboring zones, soften the extreme air temperature in summer and winter, increase the level of humidity in the atmosphere, collect dust particles;

- improve sound insulation

- improve thermal insulation both in winter and in summer;

- reduce energy consumption for heating buildings in winter and for air conditioning in summer;

- enhance the image of the owner as an environmentally competent specialist.

This standard applies to the design, construction of greened roofs, repair, reconstruction and operation of greened and operated structures on the roofs of buildings and structures of various functional purposes in all climatic zones of the Russian Federation.

The provisions of this standard must be observed during the design, construction and operation of landscaped and operated structures on the roofs of buildings and structures for various purposes, taking into account the safety requirements of buildings and structures, fire safety requirements and energy efficiency improvements.

The advantages of using "green" technologies in construction can be divided into two large groups: economic

and social. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

In practice, it has been proven that the construction of "green buildings" is economically justified and more profitable compared to the construction of conventional buildings. Houses built using advanced eco-technologies have the following advantages:

energy consumption is 25 lower%;

water consumption is 30 lower%;

Due to the higher quality of the management and control tools used, as well as by optimizing the operation of all systems, the maintenance costs of the building are noticeably reduced;

As a rule, the number of refusals from renting and buying housing in such houses is much lower, therefore, the risks and costs of building owners are reduced;

Eco-friendly buildings contribute to the preservation of the health of the people in them, which is important for employers, as it reduces the cost of medical care for staff;

"Green buildings" have been attracting more and more public attention lately.Such buildings are a tool of rational economy, they are the object of interest of many Western investors, so the construction of such facilities can be an excellent project to attract large investments.;

The basic principles of the construction of eco-buildings correspond to, and in some matters even outstrip, modern environmental standards. Consequently, even with stricter regulations, such buildings will not have to be seriously modernized and additional costs will be incurred.

In addition to economic benefits, "green buildings" have a number of social benefits that are very important for preserving people's health and minimizing harmful effects on nature.

Benefits of building "green" houses for human health and the environment:

• reducing the amount of pollutants, toxic substances and debris that enter the water, air and soil during the construction and operation of the building;

• reduction of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere;

• creating optimal indoor conditions for air quality, as well as acoustic and thermal parameters;

• reduction of harmful effects on the health of people in such buildings;

• conservation of natural resources through the active use of renewable energy sources.

According to a new study by construction blog Bimhow, the construction sector accounts for 23% of air pollution, 50% of climate change, 40% of drinking water pollution and 50% of landfill waste. In a separate study by the US Green Building Council (USGBC), the construction industry accounts for 40% of global energy consumption, and it is estimated that emissions from commercial buildings will increase by 1.8% by 2030.

A lot of chemicals are used in the construction process, many of which, if handled incorrectly, can cause serious harm to both your contractors and the environment. Therefore, the EPA recommends that you develop "install, implement and maintain effective pollution prevention measures" during the project to ensure proper and safe discharge of pollutants with limited environmental impact. The rules state that you must ensure that "pollutant emissions" are minimized from any equipment you use on the construction site, including vehicles, wheel washing water and related chemicals. The rules also state that you must limit "the impact of building materials, products,



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construction waste" and any other related materials on both "precipitation and stormwater."

According to EPA regulations, there are certain discharges that are prohibited, this is primarily to protect both your contract workers and the environment. They include the following rules. Wastewater from concrete leaching if "not controlled by appropriate controls" Wastewater discharge as a result of painting, release of oils, curing compounds and "other building materials" Discharge of fuel, oils and "other pollutants used in the operation and maintenance of vehicles and equipment" Many of these rules will certainly help limit your environmental impact. However, in recent years, many construction firms prefer to include eco-friendly construction in the design and construction process.

According to the environmental group LEED, environmentally friendly materials are used in the construction process, which saves 250 metric tons of CO2 emissions annually. In addition, according to a new Dodge Data and Analytics report, "green" construction continues to double every three years: 60% of construction projects are expected to be "green" by 2018, and approximately 70% of survey respondents call the reduction in operating costs the "greatest advantage" of "green" construction. The study also says that construction firms are increasingly being asked to build projects that are both sustainable and energy efficient.

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In order for more and more companies to engage in environmental construction, as well as for environmental standardization to be recognized as mandatory, the state should regulate activities in the construction sector and take certain measures.


1. https://science-education.ru/en/article/view?id=12975

2. https://www.icsgroup.ru/engineer/technology/green/ ecostandards/

3. https://www.pmi.org/learning/library/environmental-management-construction-8923

4. https://www.letsbuild.com/blog/environmental-laws-construction-site

5. https://bimlib.pro/articles/zelenye-standarty-breeam-i-leed-i-sertifikatsiya-v-rossii

6. https://human.snauka.ru/2019/08/25907

7. Environmental law. Part 1: Educational and methodical manual for the study of the discipline by full-time and part-time students in the specialty 20.04.01 "Technosphere safety" / Authors I.M.Gilmanov,M.M.Gilmanov. - Naberezhnye Chelny: Ed.-polygr. The center of the Naberezhnye Chelny Institute K(P)FU, 2018.- 60 p.

8. Zhukovskaya A.Yu., Geraskin Yu.M. Application of green standards in Russia: problems and prospects //Bulletin of Eurasian Science, 2019 No. 2, https://esj.today/PDF/37SAVN219.pdf (access is free). Cover from thescreen. Yaz. rus., Eng.

9. Green Investment Promotion Policies as a Regulatory Direction for the Green Finance Market Elena A. Borkova Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics, Saint- Petersburg, Russian Federation

10. Yusupova G.F., senior lecturer, Naberezhnye Chelny Institute of Kazan (Volga region) Federal university investment environmental policy and ecological innovations as the basis of transition to sustainable development

Environmental standardization in construction Ardatova E.A., Ushanova N.P.

National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Moscow JEL classification: L61, L74, R53

Construction is the industry that has the greatest impact on nature and the environment. Often has a harmful effect on nature, which, with reasonable actions, could be minimized. On the other hand, building technologies can also be used to improve the environment and return it to its natural state. The most significant quantifiable environmental impact of the construction sector is emissions associated with energy consumption. Construction, materials production and building operations account for almost half of all energy consumption. Keywords: environment, defending the environment, construction, environmental standardization, buildings, standards, "green" technologies, environmental group. References

1. https://science-education.ru/en/article/view?id=12975

2. https://www.icsgroup.ru/engineer/technology/green/ecostandards/

3. https://www.pmi.org/learning/library/environmental-management-construction-8923

4. https://www.letsbuild.com/blog/environmental-laws-construction-site

5. https://bimlib.pro/articles/zelenye-standardy-breeam-i-leed-i-sertifikatsiya-


6. https://human.snauka.ru/2019/08/25907

7. Environmental law. Part 1: Educational and methodical manual for the

study of the discipline by full-time and part-time students in the specialty 20.04.01 "Technosphere safety" / Authors I.M.Gilmanov,M.M.Gilmanov. - Naberezhnye Chelny: Ed.- polygr. The center of the Naberezhnye Chelny Institute K(P)FU, 2018.- 60 p.

8. Zhukovskaya A.Yu., Geraskin Yu.M. Application of green standards in

Russia: problems and prospects // Bulletin of Eurasian Science, 2019 No. 2, https://esj.today/PDF/37SAVN219.pdf (access is free). Cover from thescreen. Yaz. rus., Eng.

9. Green Investment Promotion Policies as a Regulatory Direction for the

Green Finance Market Elena A. Borkova Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics, Saint- Petersburg, Russian Federation

10. Yusupova G.F., senior lecturer, Naberezhnye Chelny Institute of Kazan (Volga region) Federal university investment environmental policy and ecological innovations as the basis of transition to sustainable development

Принципы управления орошением овощных культур

Фартуков Василий Александрович, кандидат технических наук, доцент кафедры гидротехнических сооружений, ФГБОУ ВО РГАУ-МСХА имени К.А. Тимирязева, vasfar@mail.ru

Зборовская Марина Ильинична, кандидат технических наук, доцент кафедры гидротехнических сооружений ФГБОУ ВО РГАУ-МСХА имени К.А. Тимирязева, zborovskya@rgau-msha.ru

Федосов Александр Юрьевич, младший научный сотрудник отдела технологий и инноваций, ВНИИО - филиал ФГБНУ ФНЦО

Меньших Александр Михайлович, кандидат сельскохозяйственных наук, ведущий научный сотрудник отдела технологий и инноваций, ВНИИО - филиал ФГБНУ ФНЦО

Васильев Дмитрий Михайлович, студент факультета физики, Высшая школа экономики (НИУ ВШЭ), vasfar@mail.ru

Овощи имеют высокий процент содержания воды. Некоторые овощи, такие как огурец, томат, салат, кабачок и сельдерей, содержат более 95 % воды. Из-за высокого содержания воды в клетках они являются чрезвычайно уязвимыми растениями к водному стрессу и засушливым условиям. Их урожайность и качество быстро ухудшаются при воздействии засухи. Таким образом, орошение необходимо для производства большинства овощей, чтобы получить достаточный урожай высокого качества. Однако чрезмерное орошение может затормозить прорастание и развитие корневой системы, снизить качество овощей и срок жизни урожая после сбора урожая. Определение подходящих оросительных систем и планирование подачи надлежащего количества воды в нужное время имеет решающее значение для достижения оптимальных преимуществ от орошения. Это определение требует понимания потребности овощей в воде, характеристик почвы и климатических факторов. Все эти факторы имеют большое влияние на успех и устойчивость любого орошения овощных культур. Приведенные в работе определения основных требований к воде для полива различных овощных культур и минерального состава почвы, отношениям роста растений, а также учет концепции управления дифференцированным орошением, позволяет определить тип (вид) системы орошения, временя и продолжительность орошения и других параметров, которые в конечном итоге приводят к повышению урожайности овощных. Ключевые слова: вода, ирригация, овощные культуры, качество, урожайность

Введение. Вода является одним из важных неорганических ресурсов для всех живых существ, необходимых для поддержания их жизнедеятельности. Следовательно, она играет важную роль, когда речь идет о прямом и косвенном потреблении пищи в организме человека. По данным Всемирной организации здравоохранения, для оптимального удовлетворения основных потребностей человека необходимо до 100 литров воды в день [1,2,3]. Однако 4 миллиарда человек в мире уже живут в районах с дефицитом воды. К 2050 г. глобальный спрос на воду увеличится на 20-30 %, а нехватка воды, усугубляемая изменением климата, может стоить некоторым регионам до 6 % валового внутреннего продукта [4]. Вода в сельском хозяйстве играет центральную роль в питании планеты, обеспечении средств к существованию и повышении устойчивости к климатическим потрясениям и экстремальным явлениям.

Орошение, которое является самым большим потребителем воды, охватывает функции, связанные с производством культурных растений. Одним из важнейших условий правильного развития растений является наличие достаточного количества воды в корневой зоне в течение вегетационного периода. Сегодня только 20% пахотных земель в мире орошаются, но они производят 40% мирового урожая, что означает, что орошение более чем удваивает продуктивность земель [1,2,3].

Большинство возделываемых культур в период вегетации нуждается в поливе. Некоторые полевые культуры, такие как зерновые, пшеница, рожь и т. д., могут выжить в условиях богарного земледелия. Но когда дело доходит до овощных культур, полив превращается в необходимость. Овощи содержат очень высокий процент воды. Таким образом, орошение необходимо для производства большинства овощных культур, чтобы получить хороший урожай высокого качества. Однако чрезмерное орошение может затормозить прорастание и развитие корневой системы, а также снизить качество овощей и послеуборочный период урожая. Из этого можно сделать вывод, что овощные культуры могут испытывать водный стресс двояко: во-первых, при недостаточном количестве воды (засушливый стресс) или, во-вторых, при избыточном количестве воды (заболачивание или насыщение почвы водой). В этих обстоятельствах количество поливной воды, когда поливать и как поливать - это вопросы, которые необходимо тщательно рассмотреть. Выбор надлежащего управления орошением жизненно важен для увеличения качества овощей, урожайности и эффективности использования воды при минимальном воздействии на окружающую среду. Выбрать подходящий, эффективный тип (вид) системы орошения для овощных культур довольно сложно, поскольку существует множество переменных, таких как количество и качество воды, тип почвы, выращиваемые овощи и экономические ограничения. После того, как все параметры позволит получить самый высокий выход с минимальными затратами воды и энергии.



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