Научная статья на тему 'Ensuring the population's quality of life in the context of national economic security'

Ensuring the population's quality of life in the context of national economic security Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Grynko T., Filippova Ye.

The article defines the essence of economic security at the micro and macro levels, and also establishes its relationship with the population's quality of. The characteristics of world indices for measuring the population's quality of life and the world countries rating in terms of happiness in the context of national economic security are analyzed.

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В статье определена сущность экономической безопасности на микрои макроуровне, а также установлена ее взаимосвязь с качеством жизни населения. Проанализированы характеристики мировых индексов измерения качества жизни населения и рейтинг стран мира по уровню счастья в контексте национальной экономической безопасности.

Текст научной работы на тему «Ensuring the population's quality of life in the context of national economic security»

В целом система управления рисков в мульти-модальных перевозках должна быть основана на ряде принципов [6].:

-измеримость входных параметров риска; -достоверность основных данных, используемых для требуемых расчетов;

-поэтапность в управлении рисками; -согласованность действий всех структурных подразделений при управлении рисками;

-разработка и внедрение программных продуктов, учитывающих специфику предприятий;

-разработка и использование показателей, присущих предприятию, для определения внутренних и внешних рисков.

Данная система управления рисками непрерывно связана с процессом управления перевозкой и ее интегрированность в процесс управления мультимодальной перевозкой способствует упрощению принятия решений в рамках риск-менеджмента [1]. Несомненно, реализация модели управления рисками невозможна без вложения большого количества временных и финансовых ресурсов, подбора персонала и владения навыками управления рисками в сфере мультимодальных перевозок, а также собственных уникальных программных продуктов, упрощающих оценку рисков.

Организация мультимодальных систем - это сложный процесс, требующий внимательного отношения к его проектированию, оформлению и реализации, особенно в международном сообщении во

избежание возможных значительных рисков при транспортировке.

Список литературы

1. Веселова Ю.В. Экономическая оценка использования аутсорсинговых услуг в ОАО "РЖД" // Вестник СамГУПС. 2013. № 1 (19). С. 4-12.

2. Веселова Ю.В. Сущность и особенности методики оценки мероприятий по повышению качества и эффективности эксплуатационной работы в грузовом движении // Вестник транспорта Поволжья. 2009. № 2 (18). С. 4-10.

3. Веселова Ю.В., Чекулдова С.В. Экономическая оценка развития грузового вагонного парка на современном этапе // Вестник СамГУПС. 2018. № 3 (41). С. 9-15.

4. Додорина И.В., Литовченко В.Б. Статистический подход к оценке логистических рисков // Развитие социального и научно-технического потенциала общества. Сборник статей Международной научно-практической конференции. 2018. С. 511-520.

5. Сайфуллова Г.Г., Зюрина О.А. Управление логистическими затратами - путь к повышению прибыльности предприятия // Наука и образование транспорту. 2017. № 1. С. 157-159.

6. Караваев, В.И. Управление рисками при организации мультимодальных перевозок: учеб. пособие / В.И. Караваев. - СПб.: СПГУВК, 2012. -80 с.



Гринько Т.В.

Днепровский национальный университет имени Олеся Гончара,

Декан факультета экономики, Доктор экономических наук, профессор Филиппова Е.В. Студентка

Днепровский национальный университет имени Олеся Гончара



Grynko T..

Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Dean of the Faculty of Economics D.Sc. (Economics), Professor Filippova Ye. Student

Oles Honchar Dnipro National University


В статье определена сущность экономической безопасности на микро- и макроуровне, а также установлена ее взаимосвязь с качеством жизни населения. Проанализированы характеристики мировых индексов измерения качества жизни населения и рейтинг стран мира по уровню счастья в контексте национальной экономической безопасности. АЬз^ай

The article defines the essence of economic security at the micro and macro levels, and also establishes its relationship with the population's quality of. The characteristics of world indices for measuring the population's quality of life and the world countries rating in terms of happiness in the context of national economic security are analyzed.

Ключевые слова: экономическая безопасность, индекс счастья, индекс качества жизни, международный индекс.

Keywords: economic security, index of happiness, index of quality of life, international index.

At present one of the most pressing issues in Ukraine is the question of choosing a scenario for further strategic development of the country while reducing threats to economic security. The current socio-economic situation has clearly demonstrated the need for maximum orientation of state social policy to the issues of a consistent, gradual increase in the population's quality of life, without which it is impossible to further strengthen the economic and political positions of Ukraine, develop the national economy and increase its competitiveness in the world market. In this regard, the population's quality of life should be considered in terms of indicators of national economic security.

Economic security cannot be limited only to the state of the production subsystem, excluding the conditions and factors that form the institutional environment for the development of all structural elements of the national economy. The subjective perception of economic efficiency by each economic entity should be taken into account (for example, differences in understanding of taxation efficiency by government and business representatives), as well as the inability to take into account social efficiency, which is an integral aspect of economic security.

The content of the economic security category is determined by the totality of forms and methods of reconciling the diverse interests of economic entities, allowing us to remove emerging conflicts or to get out of them in the least destructive way for the economy [3].

Economic security is organically included in the state security system along with its components such as ensuring reliable defense of the country, maintaining social peace in society, and protection from environmental disasters. Everything is interconnected here and one direction supplements the other: there can be no military security in a weak and inefficient economy, just as there can be neither military security nor an effective economy in a society torn by social conflicts. Emphasizing this relationship, it must be borne in mind that the decisive basic role in it belongs to economic security.

The structure of economic security can be determined on the basis of three components that determine the sustainable development of the socio-economic system (for example, the state): starting opportunities (resource potential), current state (institutional characteristics of the economic sphere), as well as its strategic prospects (the possibility of development and progress). It allows us to highlight such elements as [2]:

- economic independence, manifested in the ability to control national resources, achieve a level of production, efficiency and quality of products that ensures its competitiveness and allows equal participation in world trade, cooperation relations and the exchange of scientific and technological achievements;

- stability and sustainability of the national economy, which implies the protection of property in all its forms, the creation of reliable conditions and guarantees for entrepreneurial activity, the containment

of factors that can destabilize the situation (the fight against criminal structures in the economy, the prevention of serious gaps in the distribution of incomes that threaten to cause social upheaval and etc.);

- ability to self-development and progress, determined by a favorable climate for investment and innovation, continuous modernization of production, increasing the professional, educational and cultural level of the workers.

Recently, the strategic prospects that determine the ability of the country's economy to self-development, receive priority. Among them, a special role is played by innovative technologies that shape the competitiveness of the state at the international level.

According to the methodological recommendations for calculating the level of economic security of Ukraine, «economic security is a state of the national economy, which allows us to maintain resistance to internal and external threats, ensure high competitiveness in the global economic environment and characterize the ability of the national economy to sustain and balanced growth» [6]. Among the components of the state economic security are the following:

1. Energy independence of the country from imported energy resources for economic, environmental and social needs of Ukraine.

2. Independence of the state from the effects of negative external economic factors that hinder the business efficiency and profitability.

3. State of tax and monetary systems.

4. Ability to sustainable economic development and implementation of an innovative model of development.

5. Condition and development of state infrastructure.

6. The population's quality of life.

In the current conditions, the energy sector of Ukraine is characterized by a significant level of import dependence with a high proportion of individual suppliers and high concentration and the presence of natural monopolies in individual segments, which determines the format of market interaction [4].

According to the results of 2018, the largest number of profitable large and medium-sized enterprises are in the fields of agriculture, fisheries and forestry.

The second largest number of profitable enterprises is wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles - the number of profitable enterprises is 76.9%. At the same time, according to the State Statistics Service, the most unprofitable branch of the Ukrainian economy is the sphere of «arts, sports, entertainment and recreation», in which only 62,1% of profitable enterprises operate [7].

The situation in the monetary sphere of Ukraine during 2018 is characterized by relative stability of the main macroeconomic indicators, which indicates the correct choice of instruments for maintaining macroe-conomic stability and prudence of its application.

Infrastructure development depends on the specificity of industries and regions and is carried out in accordance with changes in the production area. The structure of production in modern conditions is characterized by a growing focus not on the sector, but on the regional economic system. In today's context, there is an urgent need in Ukraine to accelerate the resolution of infrastructure development problems. The formation of an adequate infrastructure market is one of the most important and necessary conditions for the transformation of economic relations in the country.

Improving the quality of life is a criterion and a prerequisite for human development. Along with the GDP index, scientists have proposed calculating "gross

The ranking of the world countries

According to this rating, Ukraine ranks 133rd out of 156 countries surveyed. The Global Survey of Quality of Life is annually conducted by the Gallup Institute. In 2017, residents of 124 countries took part in it. 21% of respondents said they were satisfied with the quality of their life and expressed confidence that their quality of life would increase in the next five years. Most of all satisfied with life are in Denmark (72%). Sweden and Canada back off only 3% behind. Australia is in fourth place (65%), Finland is in the fifth (64%).

In the United States, only 59% expressed satisfaction with the current standard of living and optimism about the future (the USA is in 11th place). In all other countries participating in the survey, less than half of the residents expressed satisfaction with the standard of living. In Luxembourg, only 45% of residents are satisfied with their lives (22nd place), in Saudi Arabia - 43% (24-26th place), in Italy - 37% (31st place), in Belarus - 25% (56- e place), in Lebanon - 21% (60th place), in Turkey - 16%, in the Palestinian Authority - 14% [8].

In addition to these indices that assess the quality of life directly through a system of developed indicators, it should be noted that several other indices aimed at studying individual aspects of human life and society. There are the following among them:

1. The International Happiness Index, proposed by the New Economics Foundation (NEF) in 2006, reflects people's well-being based on environmental conditions [10]. When calculating the global index of happiness, three indicators are used: human impact on nature ("ecological footprint"), life expectancy, and life satisfaction. Costa Rica has the highest global happiness index, Zimbabwe has the lowest.

2. The ranking of cities with the highest quality of

national happiness indicators".

When calculating "gross national happiness", the following are taken into account: the level of GDP per capita, life expectancy, civil liberties, a sense of security and confidence in the future, family stability, job security, the level of corruption, as well as the level of trust and generosity [1]. In addition to these indicators, a significant part of the study is the result of public opinion polls of residents of different countries on how happy they feel, which are conducted by the Gallup International Research Center, inviting respondents in each country to evaluate their feeling of happiness on a special scale [10]. The ranking of the world countries in terms of happiness in 2018 is listed in table 1.

Table 1

in terms of happiness in 2018 [10]

life is compiled annually by Mercer, an international human resources consulting company. The list is important for companies in deciding where to conduct their activities and how to pay for the work of their employees. The list is based on the results of an annual comparative study of 215 cities in the world. The assessment is based on data on 39 criteria, such as the political and social environment, economic indicators, the presence of certain restrictions (for example, censorship), the quality of the healthcare system, the quality of the education system, the affordability and cost of housing, cultural life, climate and the likelihood of natural disasters.

New York was taken as a reference point with 100 points in the ranking of the quality of life in cities [9]. According to the rating, Vienna is recognized as the most comfortable city. In 2018, most of the European cities were at the top of the rating, with the exception of three - Auckland, Vancouver and Sydney. There are three German and three Swiss cities in the top ten. Honolulu was the first American city (the 37th place), Tokyo is the first Japanese (the 40th). Baghdad closed the list. Of the last 25 cities, 15 of them are in Africa.

3. "Country Revolting Index" compiled by US specialists. According to the Wall Street Journal, Kenya, Cameroon, and Pakistan occupy the top three in descending order of rebellion probability. Sweden is considered the safest in terms of social shock [5].

The index was based on three equally weighted criteria: social injustice, the tendency of the population to revolt, and the "trigger" - in this case, the percentage of the cost of food in household final expenses expressed as a percentage. The first one is determined by the Corruption Perception Index, which was calculated

Ranking Country Index

1 Finland 7.769

2 Denmark 7.600

3 Norway 7.554

4 Iceland 7.494

5 Netherlands 7.488

6 Switzerland 7.480

7 Sweden 7.343

8 New Zealand 7.307

9 Canada 7.278

10 Austria 7.246

widely, but it does not have a generally recognized formalized structure and a standard set of indicators. Priorities depend on the needs of people closely related to the level of countries and regions development, as well as on the possibilities and sources of collecting reliable information. Therefore, different international indices use different criteria and different calculation methods.

Table 2

General characteristics of international indices of quality of life

Index Name The organization performing the calcula- Indicators The number of countries in the Rating leader

tion ranking

1) cost of living; 2) culture;

3) economics;

Quality of Life Index International Living 4) environment; 5) freedom; 182 The USA

6) health; 7) infrastructure; 8) safety and risk; 9)climate

1) health;

2) family life; 3) social life;

Quality of Life Index Economic Intelligence Unit 4) material well-being; 5) political stability and security; 6) climate and geography; 7) guarantee of employment; 8) political freedom; 9) gender equality 111 Ireland

1) housing conditions;

2) income;

3) employment; 4) education;

5) ecology; 6) health;

Quality of Life Index OECD 7) management effectiveness; 8) social life; 9) security; 10) satisfaction with living conditions; 11) the balance between working time and leisure 34 Australia

1) the index of life expec-

Human Potential Development Index tancy; 2) education index;

UN 3) gross national income index; 4) a decent standard of living 187 Norway

World Happiness Index New Economics Foundation (NEF) 1) "ecological footprint"; 2) life expectancy; 3) satisfaction with life. 143 Costa Rica

Revolting Index Wall Street Journal 1) social injustice; 2) the tendency of the population to rebellion; 3) "trigger" 85 Sweden

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by Transparency International, the Human Development Index prepared by the UN Development Programme, and the Gini coefficient, which reflects the degree of stratification of society by income level. A summary of the listed indices is given in table 2.

Thus, the concept of "quality of life" is used very

Improving people's quality of life, combined with creating the right conditions for implementing an innovative model of economic growth, achieving and transforming high standards of quality of life into a powerful determinant of Ukraine's global competitiveness, is a strategic management objective capable of ensuring the country's economic security. The presence of numerous problems in the energy, financial, industrial, macroeco-nomic, investment and innovation, social and foreign economic spheres today make it impossible for stable socio-economic development of Ukraine and lead to a decrease in the overall level of national economic security.


1. About the HPI. New Economics Foundation. URL: http://happyplanetindex.org/about.

2. Grynko, T., Konovalova, A. (2019) Te-oretychno-metodychni aspekty otsiniuvannia ekonomichnoi bezpeky pidpryiemstva [Theoretical and methodological aspects of assessing the economic security of the enterprise]. Prychornomorski ekonomichni studii. Issue 41. P. 94-99.

3. Grynko, T., Maximchuk, O. (2017) Inno-vatsiinyi rozvytok yak skladova ekonomichnoi bezpeky suchasnoho pidpryiemstva [Innovative development as a component of economic security of a modern enterprise]. Collective monograph: Suchasni trans-formatsii orhanizatsiino-ekonomichnoho mekhanizmu menedzhmentu ta lohistyky subiektiv pidpryiemnytstva

v systemi ekonomichnoi bezpeky Ukrainy. P. 247-269.

4. In 5 years, Ukraine is a non-volatile country. After 10 - energy supplier to Europe. Ukrainian Institute of the Future. URL: https://strategy.uifu-ture.org/ukraina-cherez-5-rokiv-energonezalezhna-kraina.html.

5. Mattich, A. (2015) Introducing the Revolting Index. The Wall Street Journal. URL: https://blogs.wsj .com/source/2011/02/25/introducing-the-revolting-index=e2tw.

6. Metodychni rekomendatsii shchodo roz-rakhunku rivnia ekonomichnoi bezpeky Ukrainy [Methodical recommendations for calculating the level of economic security of Ukraine]. Order of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine dated 29.10.2013, No. 1277. URL: https://za-kon. rada. gov.ua/rada/show/v 1277731-13

7. Net profit (loss) of enterprises by type of economic activity in 2018. State Statistics Service in Ukraine. URL: http://www.ukrstat.gov.ua/operativ/opera-tiv2018/chpr_ed/chpr_ed_/chpr_ed_418_u.htm

8. Tracking the world happiness. Gallup. URL: https://www.gallup.com/analytics/247355/gallup-world-happiness-report.aspx.

9. United nations development programme 2018. Human Development Reports. URL: http://hdr.undp.org/en/2018-update/download.

10. World Happiness Report 2019. Gallup. URL: https://worldhappiness.report/ed/2019.

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