ENGLISH IN THE MODERN WORLD AND PRONUNCIATION PROBLEMS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Salieva Dinara Abdurashidovna, Erkaiym Akbar Kyzy, Asel Tolkunbek Kyzy

This article examines the role of the English language in modern communication between people and how the problem of pronunciation affects perception. The author investigates the functions of intonation, describes the pronunciation peculiarities, offers methods on its effective mastering and renders difficulties that are usually faced by learners.

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Данная статья рассматривает роль английского языка в современных коммуникациях между людьми, а также влияние произношения на восприятие. Автор исследует функции интонации, описывает особенности произношения в английском языке, приводит способы его эффективного освоения и указывает на трудности, с которыми чаще всего сталкиваются изучающие.




РС! 10.21661/Г-486062

Ысмаилова Р. А., Салиева Д.А., Эркайым А., Асель Т.К.

Английский в современном мире и проблемы произношения


Данная статья рассматривает роль английского языка в современных коммуникациях между людьми, а также влияние произношения на восприятие. Автор исследует функции интонации, описывает особенности произношения в английском языке, приводит способы его эффективного освоения и указывает на трудности, с которыми чаще всего сталкиваются изучающие.

■ Ключевые слова: артикуляция, современный английский, произношения, система звуков, Кыргызский язык.

Ysmailova R.A., Salieva D.A., Erkaiym A.K., Asel T.K.

English in the modern world and pronunciation problems


This article examines the role of the English language in modern communication between people and how the problem of pronunciation affects perception. The author investigates the functions of intonation, describes the pronunciation peculiarities, offers methods on its effective mastering and renders difficulties that are usually faced by learners.

■ Keywords: pronunciation, articulation, modern English, sound system, Kyrgyz language.

English is the most widespread language around the world. Currently it is one of the leading world languages [2]. In several countries has the status of official language. The English language belongs to the group of Germanic languages. The Indo-European language family is closely related to the Frisian, Lower Saxon and Dutch languages, as well as to the German and Scandinavian languages. Modern English is the result of centuries-old changes in the field of phonetics, morphology, syntax, spelling and vocabulary, which influenced it throughout the history of its formation.

English is one of the easiest to learn, still there are difficulties that a beginner faces. In modern world practically there is no one left who would not meet difficulties of the English pronunciation, because nearly every young person is engaged in learning a foreign language to some extent. Another reason for that are English sounds, however, it is not the absolute correct statement. All complexity consists in reading rules which establish connection between the sounds and their alphabetic record. The several centuries ago, English spelling strongly came off from, changed during this time, soundings of words. Use of signs of a transcription simplifies assimilation of sounds, and at the same time, knowing two ways of record of words complicates training process [5].

The aspiration for ideal pronunciation also generates difficulties which are possible for eliminating only because

of long-term practice, long and labor-intensive process which demands with huge expenses of time and also means. Therefore, not all translators are capable to reach such level, in case of reasons. People who generally are engaged in written, especially technical translations come across with the difficulties of clear pronunciation and interpretation.

Interpretation demands daily improvement of colloquial skills and high-quality replenishment of a lexicon of the translator. It is in most cases possible only in the meeting situation, unfortunately, most of translators in Kyrgyzstan have no opportunity to practice in the English-speaking countries, many educational institutions of our country are capable to compensate its absence in the walls, but it does not solve this problem completely.

A large number of the English words, similar on sounding, lead to situations in which there can be confusion. If to neglect pronunciation clearness, which leads to that the interlocutor will misunderstand us absolutely. In Kyrgyz similar words are not much, and, respectively, our requirements to pronunciation are much lower, than in English. For example, in Kyrgyz language some borrowed words from Russian language: consonants at the end of a word traditionally muffled, in English it is unacceptable.

Muting of sounds can change a word to another, similar on sounding, and, therefore, change sense of a phrase [2].


The most characteristic example - muting of a sound [d] which is inadmissible in the English pronunciation:

1) a ford - the ford and форд - форт;

2) a lemonade-the lemonade and лимонад - лимонат;

3) a marmalade - the marmalade and мармелад - мар-мелат.

Some of the English consonants like [б, э] have no counterparts in Kyrgyz. There are also some Kyrgyz consonants which do not exist in the system of the English consonant phonemes. They are [x, ц]. English [t, d, n, s, z] and [1] also are alveolar. The corresponding consonants in Kyrgyz are fore lingual plosive dental consonants. The English [t, d, n] require apical articulation, while their Kyrgyz counter - parts are dorsal (dental). The dorsal articulation does not exist in English.

Consonantal clusters in the Kyrgyz language are very limited at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the words. In modern Kyrgyz language sounds [г], [f], [й], [р], [ц] [л] never used in the initial position of the word [1].

The sounds [ б], [г], [ f], [д], [дж] never occurs in the final positions of the word. Even at the beginning of the word they are changed into voiceless consonants according to the preceding voiceless one or on the contrary voiceless sound into voiced consonant. For eg.: бата-пата, бут-пут, KYH-rYH, кел-гел. In loan words these sounds are changed into voiceless consonants, too. For eg.: столб - столп, etc.

But in English these sounds [b, g, d, d3] can be used in all positions of a word.

The English constrictive-fricative sounds formed by a combination of the letters «th» has no analogs in Kyrgyz and therefore in itself represents for us complexity at pronunciation. More precisely these sounds are called «front, interdental and fricative» [4]. Such characteristic says that they are formed by means of vibration of a front part of language in a crack between teeth: theatre - theme, they - there.

The correct statement of a verbal accent is as important, as accurate pronunciation of sounds, for oral speech. Native speakers, perceiving someone's speech orally, are guided by stressed syllables, but not by unaccented. Thus, if it is correct to place an accent in words, the speech will be clearer. However, the choice of an accented syllable is complicated by the fact that English is an accent free. Certainly, there are rules of statement of an accent, but not all words submit to them.

The double accent in polysyllabic English words also represents complexity for Kyrgyz-speaking people as in Kyrgyz there are no similar words. Though most often the accent is divided into the main and minor, even in a minor case it is necessary to say a vowel accurately. For example: animation [sni'mei |n] is анимация. In this word the main

accent falls on the second syllable. Nevertheless, first public «a» needs to be said as if it is under an accent. This example is still interesting that the final syllable formed by letters "-ion», merges in the sequence of consonants, that is turning into a «implicit» syllable. There are a lot of such words in English [3].

The intonation serves as one more serious obstacle at perception of oral speech of the native speaker in English. Components of the English intonation as often it seems to us distort the English speech and complicate understanding. Such impression is connected with the fact that the English speech significantly differs in intonation from Kyrgyz.

The intonation is a set of sound characteristics of the offer which are obligatory sign of oral speech. Physically the intonation can be characterized as change of tone (frequency). The intonation «makes out» everything that we tell. With its help we narrate or we ask questions, we are surprised or we exclaim.

As in English questions can be distinguished from affirmative on structure, it is optional to allocate them with interrogative intonation. However, if the question sounds monotonously, then for our hearing it is difficult to distinguish it in a flow of offers. The monotony of the speech is especially characteristic of inhabitants of the southern states of America. For this reason, their speech is least clear to us.

The English intonation, owing to differences from Kyrgyz, is also subject to development when studying English by Kyrgyz-speaking students. The correct intonation will make also our speech more clearly for native speakers [7].

So, today many learners face such problem as the English pronunciation. Most often the reason for that is pronunciation of the English sounds. All complexity consists in reading rules which establish connection between the pronunciation of sounds and their alphabetic record.

In the process of globalization, the formation of the lexical composition and semantic filling of the ethnic picture of the world primarily took place in the language... [8]. Of course, all students recognize the need to use correct pronunciation of a foreign language. In addition, knowledge of a foreign language has become one of the main requirements of employers when applying for a high school graduate. Language is implicated in one or more significant ways in every major development [9]. Knowing and speaking the correct language will allow students not only to increase their level of education, broaden their horizons, develop communication skills, both in Kyrgyz and in English, but also to keep abreast of events taking place outside the country [6].


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