EMOTIONAL LANGUAGE AND LANGUAGE UNITS REPRESENTING EMOTIONAL-EXPRESSIVE MEANING Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
emotion / expressive / nominative meaning / emotionally coloured words / synonymous level / punctuation / hue / thesaurus / эмоция / экспрессивность / номинативное значение / эмоционально окрашенные слова / синонимический уровень / пунктуация / оттенок / тезаурус.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Hakimov, Muhammad Khujakhanovich, Yunusaliev, Boburkhon Tulkinjon Ugli

This article provides information on the use of emotional words along with the term emotive language and how emotional words affect emotional language users. In addition, the units that express emotional-expressive meaning are human-specific linguistic, logical, and spiritual activities that reflect a unique verbal thought process in a unique way, in which they not only move the mind but also affect the psyche. It is also theoretically explained that it is one of the means of influence.

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В этой статье представлена информация об использовании эмоциональных слов вместе с термином «эмоциональный язык» и о том, как эмоциональные слова влияют на пользователей эмоционального языка. Кроме того, единицами, выражающими эмоционально-экспрессивное значение, являются специфические для человека языковые, логические и духовные действия, уникальным образом отражающие уникальный словесный мыслительный процесс, в которых они не только двигают сознание, но и воздействуют на психику. Также теоретически объясняется, что это одно из средств воздействия.


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor

VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 10 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7


Hakimov Muhammad Khujakhanovich

Fergana State University Doctor of Philology, Professor Yunusaliev Boburkhon Tulkinjon ugli

Fergana State University 2nd year student of master's degree English linguistics major byunusaliyev97@gmail .com

This article provides information on the use of emotional words along with the term emotive language and how emotional words affect emotional language users. In addition, the units that express emotional-expressive meaning are human-specific linguistic, logical, and spiritual activities that reflect a unique verbal thought process in a unique way, in which they not only move the mind but also affect the psyche. It is also theoretically explained that it is one of the means of influence.

Keywords: emotion, expressive, nominative meaning, emotionally coloured words, synonymous level, punctuation, hue, thesaurus

В этой статье представлена информация об использовании эмоциональных слов вместе с термином «эмоциональный язык» и о том, как эмоциональные слова влияют на пользователей эмоционального языка. Кроме того, единицами, выражающими эмоционально-экспрессивное значение, являются специфические для человека языковые, логические и духовные действия, уникальным образом отражающие уникальный словесный мыслительный процесс, в которых они не только двигают сознание, но и воздействуют на психику. Также теоретически объясняется, что это одно из средств воздействия.

Ключевые слова: эмоция, экспрессивность, номинативное значение, эмоционально окрашенные слова, синонимический уровень, пунктуация, оттенок, тезаурус.


The product of creativity, which arose as a product of human intelligence, is the word. At the same time, one of the most basic means of the process of transmitting, receiving information is the word. The process of development of Thinking gives rise



Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor

VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 10 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

to the formation of the qualification of loading additional meanings into the word, applying the word in different situations. Also, the word has become not just a means of transmitting messages, but a force that provokes various human emotions, can push society to action. Especially in the current period, an in-depth study of the emotional characteristics of a word that affect a person is considered important.

Feeling is an important sign that we are human. Studies show that we experience only one feeling every day in 90 percent of cases. I.I.Turansky believes that "Emotionality is a mental state that can be judged by some objective linguistic units" [Turansky, 1990, 11]. That is why emotional speech works almost twice as much as pure factual speech. It is important that the owner of the speech understands the role of emotion in making the listener feel what he is referring to and is able to create emotionally attractive speech. Language is a source of emotions and thoughts. With the help of emotion, a full-fledged explanation of speech to viewers or listeners can be easily achieved. However, in written speech, it is necessary to choose certain words that will act as the expression of emotions. Thoughts can be expressed effectively using lexemes that express emotions. In the theatre, it is necessary to be able to use music in which the actors conjure up words and flesh that evoke emotions in order to attract the attention of the audience. We use emotive(emotional) language to convey emotions by writing. The use of certain words to evoke emotion and create an emotional effect is called emotional language. It can also be called an emotive language because it affects readers emotionally.


During the study, we addressed the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Uzbek language" under the editorship of Madvaliev and A.Kh.Maksudova's monograph "Functions of emotional lexicon" to express the terms emotive language, emotional language, emotive lexicon. S.Goipov's "On the emotional-expressive lexical layer", K.Yusupov's "Lexical-semantic and stylistic features of the Uzbek literary language", A.Abdullaev's "Expression of expressiveness in the Uzbek language", S.V.Ivanova's "Emotivism in the text as a linguistic problem" were consulted to study thoughts about the use of emotional words in the language and ideas about units that express emotional-expressive meaning.


"Emotional language is an excellent tool for communicating with listeners through written or oral speech. However, you need to be very attentive and careful in choosing your words to create an emotional impact through emotional language" [H.

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor

VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 10 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

A. Maksudova, 2022]. In speech, selected words should evoke emotions in the best way and be used effectively. Public appeals of leaders have a great influence on people's minds through emotive language. Nowadays, marketing and advertising industries make extensive use of the emotive language to attract viewers and costumers. In literature such as poetry and novel writing, emotional language is used to attract readers and reflect the true landscape in their imagination. N.A.Lukyanova noted, "The emotive lexicon is a complex of lexical means that express emotions and feelings"[N.A.Lukyanova, 1976, 11]. How to choose words in speech can reveal a person's taste, so the use of emotional lexemes is often more effective.

In linguistics, sentences are expressed using lexemes, text is expressed using sentences, and thoughts are expressed through text. According to the linguist scientist S. Goyipov, "There are words in the nominative sense that have an element of assessment in nature, they not only name something, but also express the speaker's own assessment of the expressed concept, subjective expressing the emotionalexpressive relationship also constitutes the emotional-expressive lexical layer of such words."

In linguistics, there are a number of linguistic tools that help to express the attitude of the speaker and form an emotional process in words and texts. In particular, emotionally-expressive words, modal words expressing the speaker's attitude, punctuation marks, etc., express emotional-expressive meanings. Emotional meaning, like any other meaning, expresses feelings and sensations in addition to expressing concepts in words. Emotional meanings can accompany the underlying logical meaning in a word. It is possible to meet it alone or in the text.


In the explanatory dictionary of the Uzbek language, the term emotion is defined as follows: "Emotion (means to excite) is a mental experience that appears in humans and animals as a result of the influence of external and internal stimuli." Emotionality in people is often achieved with the help of words. This phenomenon represents two different situations in the text. First, the emotional attitude of the speaker is reflected in the text. Secondly, the speaker can cause emotion in another person through his text. For example, there is a difference in the meanings of lexemes at the synonymous level. For example, lexemes such as smile, grin, beam, laugh, smirk, simper, crack a smile, grin/smile from ear to ear, raise a smile, force a smile/laugh, smile thinly, giggle express different semantic connotation. In fact, although these words express a common meaning, there are differences in the semantic connotation of inner meaning. Lexemes such as smile, laugh, grin, grin/smile from ear to ear and raise a smile

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor

VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 10 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

indicate the positive attitude of the speaker - his emotional feelings towards the object being expressed. The remaining synonymous units such as simper, smirk, giggle, force a smile/laugh express an emotion that reflects a negative attitude.

I didn't know if I was grinning, but suddenly he stopped in front of me and said: "So, why are you grinning, soldier? " he asked. - Men tirjayib turgan ekanman-mi, bilmadim, to 'satdan ro 'paramda to 'xtab: - "Xo 'sh, nimaga kulasan, soldat? " — deb so 'radi. (O.Yoqubov, "Izlayman")

"You, The Earth will swallow up, why are you grinning, oh, let your eyes be pierced!" - said one of the women. - "Yer yutkurlar, nima qilib irshayib turibsizlar, huv, ko 'zlaring teshilsin!" — dedi xotinlardan biri. (M.Osim, "O'tror")

Murzin was surprised and said, "It's not him!" and the commandant insolently smirked and said, "Don't be mistaken, it's he himself" - Murzin hayron qolib, "U emas-ku!" degan edi, komendant "Adashmang, aynan o'zi", dedi surbetlarcha ishshayib. (Shuhrat, "Shinelli yillar")

There are also lexemes that indicate emotion in its pure form, which also express emotion in the text or outside the text. For example, lexemes such as cry, squeeze, admire, laugh, think express emotional states inherent in a person. Such units are used to assess a person's character, condition, behaviour, psychological state.

Another linguistic tool that helps to express an emotional-expressive state is punctuation marks. Punctuation marks also perform a special task when indicating the emotionality of the speaker. In particular, exclamation mark causes emotion; interrogative and exclamation marks together produce such a meaning as surprise, emotion, misunderstanding, regret. A multi-point sign, on the other hand, is put to indicate the circumstances of the author of the sentence, such as thoughtfulness, hesitation, excitement: "You sprinkle water and sweep the pavement when children your age are sleeping with pleasure in camp tents... How can I say... It hurts a little." — "O'zing tengi bolalar lager palatkalarida maza qilib uxlab yotganida, sen suv sepib, yo'lka supurishing... Nima desam ekan... Sal alam qiladi kishiga." (O'. Hoshimov)


In conclusion, we should emphasize that emotion is an important characteristic of humanity that distinguishes it from other creatures. Language is not just a means of conveying information; it is a force that arouses various emotions of people and motivates society to action with the help of emotional and expressive words. Emotive language units are formed through means such as words with emotional colouring, modal words expressing the attitude of the speaker, and punctuation marks. Using

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor

VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 10 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

such units, the speaker can reflect his emotions and attitudes in his speech, or evoke emotions in the listener through the speaker's speech.


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