IRSTI 03.23
L.V. Alekseeva
Nizhnevartovsk State University, Nizhnevartovsk, Russia (E-mail: lvalexeeva@mail.ruj
Electronic Scientific Publications as a Resource on the North of Western Siberia History (Soviet Period) and the Problem of Students' Information Literacy
Abstract. The article actualizes the importance of using electronic publications in the research and educational process. They are considered as an information resource on the North of Western Siberia History. This region is an economic center of hydrocarbons. There is growing interest to its history. The aim of this paper is to explore possibilities of electronic publications for scientific and educational purposes. This problem is described with a focus on the organization of students and postgraduates' research. Much attention is paid to students' information literacy. There are data on their low information culture in the article. It is shown that it becomes a serious obstacle in the students' research. Thus, a higher education system forced to look for adequate ways of learning. For students to be absolutely relevant and competent is necessary to work with scientific texts. Having regard to that, the author emphasizes that modern students prefer to work with electronic resources. The article sets out to unify data of some scientific electronic publications on regional history. These are scientific journals, monographs, collections of conference materials, thematic collections of scientific articles. The article traces the emergence of electronic publications on the North of Western Siberia history in some educational institutions. The article shows the possibility of working with publications in the training and research process.
Key words: resources, regional history, research, electronic publications, students, information literacy.
The last decades are characterized by rapid improvement and development of information technologies. In 1998 scientific electronic library began its work in Russia ( Ii is integrated with the Russian index of scientific citation. The scientific electronic library remains the main resource of scientific publications for national scientists. The previous research has shown that we are accustomed to electronic publications and can not imagine life without them today. However, working with bachelor and master students, postgraduates, teachers of secondary school, we have revealed a tendency that many of them use low-quality resources in their activities. They have no knowledge about the existence of many scientific electronic publications. In this regard, the issue of information literacy does not lose its relevance as well as a point how to form critical thinking. We have identified another problem. It concerns low information culture. Many of students and postgraduates have serious difficulties in finding the information for research. Especially it is difficult when they want to search all of the existing literature for other data. It is revealed through the fact that students find it difficult to prepare a scientific text (thesis,
article, abstract). It is a problem for them to refer, analyze and synthesize information, formulate conclusions, generalize and classify historical facts.
At present, there are lots of electronic publications in Siberian educational institutions. They present materials about the past of the North of Western Siberia (Yugra and Yamal). Hence, it is necessary to provide an overview of the available scientific publications.
So, we have two issues in the article: 1. electronic scientific publications as a resource on the North of Western Siberia History (Soviet period); 2. students' information literacy, which affects the quality of students' work. These questions have been discussed for a long time, but unfortunately, according to the history of the North region we have not many articles on this aspect.
Materials and methods of research
The main sources for the article are the materials of the journal publications and databases of the Urals and Siberia higher educational organizations. In the process of studying we used such methods as analysis, generalization and classification. Our arguments are based on systemic and the comparative approaches. The utilization of historical and situational methods, allowed to reproduce the assessment approach to the problem of the information literacy. In addition to these approaches there were used the methods of observation and surveying. Surveys allowed the author to collect empirical material. We formulated conclusions about the lack of students' information literacy. Our qualitative methodology included school teachers' and students' interviews too. The comparative method defines the difference in views on the current international media literacy situation.
We do not mean to say, of course, that the questions of electronic scientific publications as a resource on the North of Western Siberia History and the problem of students' information literacy had never been asked or answered before. The following groups of scientific literature can be singled out in the discussion of issues related to the topic: the articles considered various aspects of modern electronic resources; the studies characterizing the issues of information culture and information literacy.
Foreign scientists pay much more attention to the problem of electronic resources. Scientific schools were formed in the USA, Great Britain and other countries. There are a lot of studies, considering various aspects of media resources and environment. They are widely represented in foreign and national publications. For example, scientists from the Sam Houston State University (USA) noticed that we live in a new media environment. They rightly believe that studying how people interact with information can be approached from many disciplines (Aboulkacem et al., 2018: 40) and historical sciences are no exception.
To teach students to work with electronic scientific publications, to form their need for regular treatment is not easy. A professor must be a scientist him/herself. Effective education demands from educators to have sufficient information literacy competencies as well as the competencies to promote students' information literacy. There is an opinion that educational institutions are highly preparing learners (pupils and students) to use media appropriately (Simons et al., 2017: 100).
Among the studies we found another approach. It is concerned with databases working. It is called Data-centric thinking. It is rapidly becoming vital to the way we work, communicate and understand in the 21st century. This has led to a proliferation of tools for novices that help them operate on data to process, aggregate, and visualize it (Bhargava, D'Ignazio, 2015: 1-2).
One more aspect of this involvs the problem of electronic resources on the region history. Any district has a large data base of electronic resources now, but they are of different quality. The topic of electronic resources on the history in the region study was touched upon in the research by N.L. Senyukova (Senyukova, 2014), M. F. Ershov (Ershov, 2014), E.I. Gololobov (Gololobov,
2015; Gololobov, 2017), E.I. Gololobov & M.S. Mostovenko (Gololobov, Mostovenko, 2016). We study the importance of using media resources in the educational process as a means of updating and forming a new content of regional history also (Alekseeva et al., 2019). The central message of these publications is that the need to use scientific publications and documents in the educational process and students' research.
For young researchers in the process of working with electronic publications, the goal is not only to collect information, but to form the media culture and literacy also. A similar position is shared by Andrea M. Bergstrom, M. Flynn and C. Craig (USA). They emphasize that in modern society most information is distributed through a variety of communication technologies, making the ability to «read» and understand a range of mediated formats an essential skill to successfully navigate today's culture (Bergstrom et al., 2018:113). It is difficult to disagree with this statement.
There is an opinion that information literacy and critical thinking are interrelated phenomena. The idea is not altogether original. Many scientists have considered this issue. Among modern researchers is widely known A. Silverblatt (Doctor of science, Professor at Webster University). He pays great attention to the problem of studying media literacy and critical thinking in modern conditions (Silverblatt, 2018: 66-71). Information literacy is based on a set of principles and strategies that enable individuals to make sense of the information we are exposed on an ongoing basis (Silverblatt, 2016: 54). The author suggests in the article that information literacy applies critical thinking skills to the assessment of information (Silverblatt, 2016: 55).
When we speak about information literacy, this is a point which the emergence of the Internet and social media have dramatically altered media coverage and perception. They studying the novel social dynamics introduced by new media technologies (Mason et al., 2018: 4). Media literacy is most commonly described as a skill set that promotes critical engagement with messages produced by the media. On its basis, media literacy is the "active inquiry and critical thinking about the messages we receive and create," and most proponents emphasize this connection to critical thinking (Bulger, 2018: 3). Logic is very clear and it is a good thing to be able to practice in one's reading and writing. According to S. Aboulkacem, critical thinking should be applied not only to the information source, content, thinking and format, but also to the medium itself (Aboulkacem et al., 2018: 41). S. Aboulkacem & L. Haas found that students get fatigued and overwhelmed with information. This is alarming as today's teachers determine tomorrow's leaders (Aboulkacem et al., 2018: 46). The idea, then, as far as excerpts of this kind are concerned is the following: what does a modern student do about it? S. Black nominates three theories (Development, Interest, Self-direction). They are of great importance for the formation of media literacy. Each theory is described, then parallels among them are drawn, and finally the implications of these theories for the teaching of information literacy are discussed. The results of his investigation are interesting. S. Black made a complete analysis and has shown that information literacy for higher education provides a valuable perspective for designing instruction that helps students transition to more mature levels of cognitive development, personal interest and self-directed learning (Black, 2018: 211).
To begin with, after all these years and after so many books on the subject, we want to say that Russian scientists have actively studied the problem of information literacy in recent years only. As you know, literacy is just the first step to mastering culture. Therefore, it is natural to talk about information literacy as the foundation of information culture. This opinion is shared by F. F. Sharipov (Sharipov, 2013). There is a point of view that it is possible to present a model of information culture. The model of students' informational culture includes substantial, motivational and intellectual components. Thus, F. Sharipov includes in the concept of «information literacy of the individual» the following components: computer literacy of the individual; knowledge about information; the presence of the individual information needs of a wide range; the ability to navigate in information flows; the ability and skills to save information for reuse; the development
of algorithmic thinking of the individual (Sharipov, 2013: 169). Rahul Bhargava & Catherine D'Ignazio consider that, data literacy includes the ability to read, work with, analyze and argue with data (Bhargava, D'Ignazio, 2015: 1). N. S. Poleva believes that the information technology approach to information socialization requires the development of new skills and competencies. This initiates the development of numerous models of digital literacy and digital competence. But changes in the development of digital technologies occur faster than the next list of skills and competencies (Poleva, 2018: 27).
A number of scientists denote great difficulties in the work of students with information. Difficulties with the perception of scientific information can be explained in terms of psychology. S.V. Pazukhina & S.A. Filippova are of the opinion that the perception of information at different stages of mental development depends on the formation of cognitive mental processes, the development of consciousness and self-consciousness, personal characteristics, life experience, the formation of protective mechanisms of the psyche, the worldview (Pazukhina, Filippova, 2018: 50). It is extremely important to group cognitive skills, character the willingness to learn, ability to critically relate to material and information. Russian scientists' studies show that high school, experiencing a deep crisis, as well as the entire education system in Russia, is not fully coping with the task of developing the cognitive sphere of personality. In this regard, undergraduates entering to university are not too ready to work with scientific works. Information literacy training is becoming an urgent task. In science there is an opinion that information literacy cannot be reduced only to utilitarian skills of search, information processing. There is an indissoluble connection of information literacy with development of intellectual abilities of the person (Information, 2010: 12). These conclusions are of fundamental importance. They are based on important empirical data and observations. We fully support this approach.
The discussion shows that Russian scientists emphasize the need to use scientific publications and documents in the educational process and students' research. It is important to form students' knowledge about the available electronic resources. They examine the quality of these bases. The topic of information literacy and the ability to work with resources is relevant both for national and foreign researchers. However, there are some differences in the definition of basic concepts and approaches.
Scientific electronic publications on historical studies are also developing rapidly. Our task is to acquaint the beginning researchers of regional history with qualitative resources and their location. These are «pure historical Internet sites» that can be trusted. It is to be noted, electronic resources are presented on various portals. One of them is «Electronic Resources on the History of Russia» ( This is one of the first portals whose resources have been examined. The editorial office of the portal with the involvement of professional historians has prepared an annotated catalog.
Electronic publications on historical studies play an important role in the organization of students' and postgraduates' research. The electronic publications save resources, allow quick access to the necessary information, thus providing equal opportunities, regardless of location. However, a very significant problem has also been found here. Many texts, as well as some important works of the 20-th (Soviet period) have not been converted into a digital format and are available only in the print version in the historical sciences yet. Therefore, it is impossible to rely entirely on electronic resources (as students think sometimes).
The information resources related to the history of development of the Arctic and surrounding areas were analyzed in our study. These are Yamalo-Nenets and Khanty-Mansiisk autonomous districts. In this regard, students and Ph.D. students of universities mainly explore the history of the North of Western Siberia.
The intensification of research on the history of the North of Western Siberia began in the
1970s, when the commercial exploitation of oil and gas fields began. The names of the Samotlor oil-field, Nizhnevartovsk, Megion, Urengoy, Surgut, Nefteyugansk, Muravlenko, Gubkinsky became known. Historians began to study the past of the region more actively. There were many «white spots» in the history of the North of Western Siberia. Bearing in mind, the history of the region represented in line with the communist ideology for a long time. The research of those years illustrated the past according to the fixed scheme: the hopeless need and exploitation of the native population before the revolution of 1917 and a new era - socialism (Budarin, 1952). Soviet historians in the field of history assumed the acquisition of national statehood of the North peoples after the revolution (Kiselev, 1974). All the successes of social development were associated with the activities of the Communist party of the USSR. Socialist reforms were carried out under its leadership (Mazurenko, 1961). However, it is indispensable to give credit to the input of these research associates.
A new stage in the development of historiography began after the collapse of the USSR. The periodization of the Soviet period on history of the North of Western Siberia includes the following: 1. 1917-1941 (National-State construction, Sovietization, Modernization of social life); 2. 1941-1945 (The Great Patriotic war); 3. 1945-1965 (Post-war reconstruction ); 19651991 (Hydrocarbon civilization). Since there is a rapid increase in the number of publications, it is important for students to know where they are concentrated. The success of developing new things largely depends on self-learning individual readiness in the changing media environment (Akmanova, 2019: 185).
As a matter of priority we have analyzed the availability of electronic publications on the history of some regional universities. The largest universities of the Siberian region are Tomsk State University, Novosibirsk State University, Omsk State University, Omsk State Pedagogical University, Tyumen State University, Tyumen Industrial University. All these universities have electronic libraries.
Tomsk State University is the oldest university in Siberia. The University has a rich library, including an electronic one. The electronic library has a collection on Siberia history. The collection includes books, Siberian newspapers, graphic materials, maps and other documents on history, culture and education of Siberia. The electronic library has a unique collection of newspapers and books for historians. The electronic collection of newspapers contains periodicals from Siberia and the Far East. It has about 1500 names. Access to the collection is open to all users (http:// The University is one of the centers of Siberian studies, including topics on the history of the Northern part of Western Siberia. The University implements a master's program: "Siberia: Resources and Modern Practices of Regional Development (Russian Studies: Siberia)". From periodicals for historians is the most one relevant Tomsk State University Journal. It is indexed in the database Web of Science Core Collection's Emerging Sources Citation Index u Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI).
Electronic information resources of Novosibirsk State University library contain both national and foreign licensed electronic resources ( The connection is made via the Internet, in multi-user mode, without limiting the number of simultaneous connections of users, to direct IP-addresses (DB «University Library Online» -no more than 10 simultaneous connections). In NSU there is open access to full texts of the journal «Questions of history» (1945-2018). The archives of the journals are included: «Marxist Historian» (1926-1941), «Class Struggle» (1931-1936), «Historical Journal» (1937-1945). The Academic Search Complete Database is a multi-disciplinary database of scientific papers and includes the full texts of more than 8,500 periodicals, of which nearly 7,300 are peer-reviewed. In addition to full-text materials, the database contains pointers and abstracts for more than 12,500 journals, as well as more than 13,200 publications, including monographs, reports, conference materials and other information.
Omsk State University electronic library provides readers with an electronic catalog of the library; electronic library systems and full-text databases (based on license agreements and contracts), as well as unified access to external educational resources. The «Electronic library» provides access to a number of national and foreign full-text resources from anywhere on the Internet after logging in the AGM system on the website of Omsk State University (http://eos.
Electronic resources of the library of Omsk State Pedagogical University is a part of the unified information space of the university. The library has an electronic catalogue as well. The library gives access to external licensed network resources, including electronic library systems and professional databases, is being acquired (
Tyumen State University library is the oldest university library in the Tyumen region. The university has created an information and library center ( php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1530&Itemid=6081). The library has a bibliographic on-line service - bibliographic consulting service that performs one-time requests of remote users. Electronic resources are represented by the following types: Electronic catalog; Abstracts, Scientific online resources; Publications of the teaching staff; Electronic textbooks and others. The writings of historians of the National History Department devoted to the North of Western Siberia are articles by S. V. Turov (Turov, 2011), S. M. Panarin (Panarin, 1999; Panarin, 2004).
Tyumen Industrial University has a digital virtual library too ( php?page=main_ub_red). The access to materials opens after logging in under the username and password. The historians of the university created a large number of works on the history of the West Siberian oil and gas complex. The most famous historical researchers are G. Yu. Koleva, N. Yu. Gavrilova, V. P. Karpov (Gavrilova, 2002; Koleva, 2005; Karpov, 2016; Karpov et al., 2018). The general library has electronic resources of open access. They include «The
Presidential Library» ( This portal contains materials that can be used to prepare for lectures, as well as offered to students' individual work. All the materials are available in electronic collections devoted to significant events of Russian history. The volume of the fund of network electronic documents is 2,471,651 titles ( The library and publishing complex of Tyumen Industrial University is the largest information center in the region. It has a unique fund. It is keeping pace with the time, both in terms of the organization of work processes and types of resources, methods of service, creating their own unique resources.
If students have information about these resources, they are able to register on the site and get access to publications that are often not available in local universities and libraries.
We have analyzed the availability of electronic publications on the regional history in local universities. These are the following universities: Nizhnevartovsk State University (http://nvsu. ru/), Surgut State University (, Surgut State Pedagogical University (, Yugra State University ( With the beginning of the new Millennium and the spread of the Internet in Russia, scientific publications received not only printing, but also digital format, which accelerated and expanded their availability. The universities of the area were no exception. Scientists began to develop the following topics: 'The West Siberian peasant uprising of 1921' (Tsys, 2013), «The Peasant families' Exile to the North in the Early 1930s» (Moschkin, 2009), «The Formation of a Mobilization-Type Economy», «Labor Feat During the Great Patriotic war (1941-1945)» (Alekseeva, 2017), «The deportation of the Population from the European Part of the USSR to the North» (Ivanov, 2011), «Urbanization» (Stas, 2013), «Demographic Processes, Cultural Transformation» (Alekseeva, 2016), «The History of Settlements» (Prischepa, 2014), «The Environmental History» (Gololobov, 2015) and much more. The university chairs began to hold numerous conferences, published collections of
scientific papers, and then major works: individual and collective monographs (Solodkin et al., 2013). These scientific writings became available in electronic format.
There is some evidence that universities of KhMAO-Yugra have electronic libraries. Surgut State University has several journals, which publish the results of research on the history of the region ( The most famous journal, which publishes materials on the regional history is «The Northern Region: Science, Education, Culture». It is scientific, cultural and educational journal, published since 2000 ( This university has an electronic database of conference materials on historical research. The site contains information about the project «Centuries-Old Yugra: History of Human Settlement and Adaptation in the North of Western Siberia (Ecological and Socio-Cultural Aspects)». The project manager is A.V. Kening (
Digital libraries providing access to professional databases, information reference and search systems, as well as other information resources for students of Nizhnevartovsk State University are represented primarily by the electronic catalog of the library of NVSU. Terms of access: free access from anywhere on the Internet ( Electronic publications on the history of the North of Western Siberia, made at the Department of Russia History are provided to students. There are some access conditions: authorization by login and password, which allows you to use the full-text database from any point with access to the Internet. Login and password for access is provided by the library ( On the website of the university in the category «Science» you can get free access to scientific electronic publications: monographs, conference materials, student final qualifying work, scientific journals on history, published at the Department of Russia history (
The library of Surgut State Pedagogical University has an electronic catalogue as well. Multifunction reading room remote access with print and electronic resources ( uchebnyj-process/biblioteka/). It gives season tickets. They are individual and unlimited. Recent works performed by historians of the university, which reflect the Soviet stage of the history of the region were made by L. V. Nekrasov (Nekrasov, 2015), E. I. Gololobov (Gololobov 2017), E. I. Gololobov & M. S. Mostovenko (Gololobov, Mostovenko, 2016; Gololobov, Mostovenko, 2017).
Historical studies of the region are less developed in Yugra State University, which is largely due to the lack of the faculty of history and specialized departments. The University is developing a model of sustainable development of Yugra as a technological springboard of Russia in the development of the North and the Arctic. This is its priority direction ( science-and-innovations/). The university has a platform of electronic resources for students. It is called «Electronic information educational environment». You can take advantage of the resources available through authorization ( Unfortunately, at the portals of the university, we did not find e-journals on the history of the region.
Available resources make it possible to organize the study of such courses of regional history «History of the Arctic», «History of Khanty-Mansiisk District (Soviet period)», «History of Yamal (Soviet Period)», «History of the West Siberian Oil and Gas Complex», etc. The development of research topics continues at universities in the following line of research: demographic, social history; history of everyday life; history of special settlements and forced migration; feat of the rear during The Great Patriotic war; the development of the Siberian fishing industry; the history of the oil and gas industry; the history of exploration, the establishment of Soviet power in the region; the resistance to Sovietization and other issues.
These data indicate that regional and local universities give a possibility for students to expand access to digital scientific resources. Providing information to students about research
databases is the first step. Next, we need to teach them how to work with these data. Many
of students have difficulty in finding information for research. Especially it is difficult when they want to collect all of the existing literature for other data. The main difficulty is that they do not know where to look for the necessary texts. 90 percent of freshmen/freshwoman are unable to find scientific texts for the task. They use Google and Yandex resources only. The supervisor spends a lot of time at this stage of work. He/she explains to students where and what resources are stored. It is clear that students find it difficult to prepare a scientific text (thesis, article, abstract). They have no idea of the structure of the text. Only 5 percent of first-year students understand that the text should have an introduction, the main part, the conclusion. It is a problem for them to summarize information. The skill of summarization is not formed in 80 percent of students. Even more drastic is the case with the analysis and synthesis of information. This work is performed only by one of 10 students. Drawing up an abstract, writing conclusions is an impossible task for half of the students up to the end of their undergraduate studies. A serious problem of students is poor knowledge of English. The disadvantages of school education are obvious. Undergraduates with little training, have difficulties during the University learning.
The study of information literacy of students of the first and second courses for the last 10 years showed that none of students before entering the university not knew about the existence of the electronic library ( They used the resources of the search engines Google and Yandex only. With regard to the Russian experience, the research shows a general decrease in the level of literacy of students, their weak readiness to study at higher education programs. Many students have difficulties in working with scientific texts and prefer to use educational and popular literature, watching movies. It is obvious to all of us that information literacy correlates with critical thinking. Critical thinking is formed due to the handling of information. Although we know that work on the formation of information competence requires a long and systematic work. Whilst the awareness of competences gained is necessary, it is only a beginning or a lower stage in the process of achieving study, career and life goals through the appropriate use of digital means. Digital literacy is in this view an element in the ongoing construction of individual identity. Our programs provide skills that have no expiration date. Whichever major you choose, you are laying a foundation for life-long learning.
Familiarity with the resource bases of scientific publications is carried out in the process of teaching academic disciplines. To a greater extent, students receive information about available electronic scientific publications in the process of individual scientific work under the guidance of a teacher. The results of students' research are presented at scientific seminars and conferences. The main direction of research of students of Nizhnevartovsk State University is regional history. Using data for scientific purposes requires information literacy from students. A large amount of diverse research literature has been created over the past 25 years. In this regard, working with students, we often find that they poorly orient in modern resource bases. They do not implement the direction of research without knowing historiography. Over the years, the Russia History Department of NVSU has done a lot of work in this direction.
The new methodology and the emergence of region universities contributed to the expansion of research topics. There were appeared History Departments in their structure. Scientists began to work intensively, especially advanced in the study of little-known pages of Soviet history. And the bulk of publications on the regional history belong to the scientific departments of KhMAO-Yugra universities. Higher education institutions have created their own publishing houses. Most publications are concentrated in eLibrary, but not all. Some contributions have only a print format. The research shows the lack of available electronic scientific publications, especial of the Soviet period, according to wich we presented a periodization of the North of Western Siberia History (Soviet Period).
Now with the rapid expansion and evolution of the Internet, there are wide opportunities to use electronic scientific publications in research and training on regional history. The younger generation, which grew up in the electronic environment, prefer to work with Internet resources. In this regard, we have two problems. The first is to inform young people of the available resource bases. Students should get that from valid resources containing the high-quality scientific publications. The second problem is about the formation of students' information literacy. "Digital literacy" becomes not only a key factor in enabling participation in education, as well as employment and other aspects of social life, but also a means of gaining some understanding of the world. In a broad sense, we are referring to digital literacy.
One of the objectives of our research is the professional expertise existing in the network of numerous Internet resources on the history of the region. It should be noted that many of them give incorrect factual information. Many resources provide unverified information from questionable sources. There is another important point to be mentioned in this connection. We need annotated catalogues. It may be on the following themes: «Electronic Resources on the History of the North of Western Siberia», «Electronic Resources on the History of KhMAO-Yugra», «Electronic Resources on the History of Yamal».
We conclude that a wider use of the electronic scientific publications as a resource on the North of Western Siberia History (Soviet period) can improve the quality of the students' educational process. They create conditions for improving information literacy of students. The formation of research competencies and information culture will not only contribute to the ability of performing research, but will also allow students to train schoolchildren more professionally in the future. The educated historian is the one who must covered thousands of pages of classical and modern historical literature. Without this his/her knowledge of the history will always be superficial, he/she will never be able to appreciate what he/she is reading to judge of the qualities of his/her own writing. I believe that education on history science is the best preparation for a complex, ever-changing, and increasingly international job market.
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17 Information Literacy: International Perspectives // IFLA Information Literacy Section / Ed. by Jesus Lau. Munchen. - 2008. - 240 p.
18 Ivanov A.I. Deportation, Repressions, Socialization, Kalmyks-Special Migrants, Special Exile Colony // Bulletin of Archaeology, Anthropology and Ethnography. - 2011. - № 2 (15). - P. 210-217. [Electronic resource]. URL: file:///C:/Users/Zvezda/Downloads/kalmyki-v-zapadnoy-sibiri-1944-1956-gg-osobennosti-sotsializatsii-na-spetsposelenii.pdf
19 Karpov V. P. The North and the Arctic in the "General Perspective" of the USSR: Problems of Complex Development // Ural Historical Bulletin. Institute of History and Archeology of UrD RAS. - 2016. - № 1 (50). - P. 91-99.
20 Karpov V. P., Gavrilova N. Yu., Gerasimova G. I. (2018). Socialism in the Tundra: Nenets-Nomads of Yamal on the Waves of Soviet Northern Policy in the 1930-1980s // Modern History of Russia. - 2018. - Vol. 8(3). - P. 679-690. [Electronic resource]. URL: https://doi. org/10.21638/11701/spbu24.2018.309
21 Kiselev L.E. From Patriarchalism to Socialism. Sverdlovsk. - 1974. - 268 p.
22 Koleva G. Yu. West Siberian Oil and Gas Complex: History of Formation. Tyumen: Publishing House of TSOGU. - 2005. - Part 2. - 159 p.
23 Mason L. E., Krutka D. G., Stoddard Jer. Media Literacy, Democracy, and the Challenge of Fake News // Journal of Media Literacy Education. - 2018. - № 10 (2). - P. 1-10. [Electronic
resource]. URL:
24 Mazurenko G.A. Celebration of the National Policy of the Communist Party in the Ob North. - Tyumen. - 1961. - 87 p.
25 Moshkin V. V. Reference of Peasants to the North in 1930-1933 (on Materials of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District). - Nizhnevartovsk: NGGU. - 2009. - 189 p.
26 Nekrasov V.L. The Soviet Energy Policy and Modernization under «The Late Khrushchev» and «The Early Brezhnev»: Institutions, Strategies, Structural Challenges. Cold War Energy: The Role of Soviet Oil and Gas / Ed. by Jeronim Perovic, University of Zurich. - Zurich. - 2015. - P. 165-199.
27 Panarin S. M. The Main Stages in the Development of the Domestic Oil Industry // Taxes, Investments, Capital. - 1999. - № 1-2. - P. 238-244.
28 Panarin, S. M. Tyumen Oil in Geopolitical Perspective // Taxes, Investments, Capital. -2004. - № 5-6. - P. 92-98.
29 Poleva N.S. Online and Offline as a Mixed Reality. Digital Society in the Cultural and Historical Paradigm // Materials of the international scientific conference / Ed. by T. D. Marcinkowskaja, V. R. Orestova, O. V. Gavrichenko. - Moscow: RGGU. - 2018. - 318 p. [Electronic resource]. URL:
30 PrischepaA.I. Historiography ofUrban Development in Surgut Second Half ofthe Twentieth Century // Irkutsk Historical and Economic Yearbook. Irkutsk: Baikal State University. 2014. P. 529536. [Electronic resource]. URL:
31 Senyukova N. L. Russia' Cultural Heritage of Oil and Gas Industry // Bulletin of Tomsk State University. Cultural Studies and Art History. - 2014. - № 1 (13). - P. 25-30.
32 Sharipov F. F. Modelling of Informational Culture of Students of Highest Schools and its Levels of Formation // Scientific Notes of Khujand State University. Humanities. - 2013. -P. - 166-177. [Electronic resource]. URL:
33 Silverblatt A. Reflections on Information Literacy // International Journal of Media and Information Literacy. - 2016. - Vol. 1 (1). - P. 54-71. [Electronic resource]. URL: www.ejournal46. com
34 Silverblatt A. Media Literacy and Critical Thinking // International Journal of Media and Information Literacy. - 2018. - Vol. 3(2). - P. 66-71. [Electronic resource]. URL: https://www.
35 Simons M., Meeus W., T'Sas J. Measuring Media Literacy for Media Education: Development of a Questionnaire for Teachers' Competencies // Journal of Media Literacy Education. - 2017. - Vol. 9 (1). - P. 99-115. [Electronic resource]. URL: fulltext/EJ1151034.pdf
36 Solodkin Ya. G., Tsys V. V., Prischepa A. I., Alekseeva L. V. Yugra Historical Science -from Hobby Local History to the Formation of Scientific Schools // Teaching History at School. - 2013. - № 2. - P. 12-16.
37 Stas I. N. Natural and Geographical Limitations and Possibilities of Urban Development and Urbanization of KhMAO (1960-1980s) // Yugra, Siberia, Russia. Political, Economic, Socio-Cultural Aspects of the Past and Present. - Nizhnevartovsk: Nizhnevartovsk State University. -2013. - P. 208-215 p.
38 Tsys V. V. The Struggle of «Red» and «White» in the North of Western Siberia (19181921) //Military-Historical Magazine. - 2013. - № 11. - P. 37-41. [Electronic resource]. URL:
39 Turov S. V. Experience of Reconstruction of Ancestral (Communal) Lands of the Native Population of Obdorsk region on the Data of Field Researches of the Second Half of the 1920s -the First Half of the 1930s // Bulletin of Vyatka State Humanitarian University. - 2011. - № 2. - P.
61-71. [Electronic resource]. URL: pdf
Л.В. Алексеева
Нижневартовск мемлекеттт университетг, Нижневартовск, Ресей
Электронды гылыми жарияланымдар Солтустж С1б1рдщ тарихы (кецес кезещ) жэне студенттердщ акпараттык сауаттылыгы мэселелер1 бойынша ресурс рет1нде
Ацдатпа. Макала электронды басылымдарды гылыми жэне оку процесшде колданудыц мацыздылыгын кврсетедi. Олар Батыс Сiбiрдщ солтYCтiriшц тарихы туралы акпараттык ресурс болып саналады. Бул аймак - квмiрсутектердщ экономикалык орталыгы. Оныц эцпмесше кы-зыгушылык артып келед^ Бул жумыстыц максаты - гылыми жэне бшм беру максатындагы электронды^ басылымдардыц мYмкiндiктерiн зерттеу. Бул проблема студенттер мен магистранттардыц гылыми зерттеулерш уйымдастыруга баса назар аударумен сипатталган. Студенттердщ акпараттык сауаттылыгына квп квцш бвлiнедi.
Макалада олардыц твмен акпараттык мэдениетi туралы мэлiметтер келпршген. Бул студенттердщ зерттеу жумыстарына айтарлыктай кедергi болатындыгы кврсетiлген. Осылайша, жогары бiлiм жYЙесi бiздi окытудыц барабар жолдарын iздеуге мэжбYP етедi. Студенттердщ взектi жэне сауатты болуы Yшiн гылыми мэтiндермен жумыс жасау кажет. Осыган байланысты автор казiрri студенттер электронды ресурстармен жумыс ютеущ жвн квретiнiн баса айтады. Макала аймактыц тарихы туралы бiркатар гылыми электронды басылымдардыц мэлiметтерiн бiрiктiруге багытталган. Бул гылыми журналдар, монографиялар, конференция материалдарыныц жинактары, гылыми макала-лардыц такырыптык жинактары. Макалада кейбiр оку орындарында Батыс Сiбiрдiц солтYCтiriшц тарихы туралы электронды басылымдардыц пайда болуы туралы баяндалады. Макалада оку-зерт-теу процешнде басылымдармен жумыс iстеу мYмкiндiгi кврсетiлген.
Тушн свздер: ресурстар, аймактыц тарихы, зерттеу, электрондык басылымдар, студенттер, акпараттык сауаттылык.
Л. В. Алексеева
Нижневартовский государственный университет, Нижневартовск, Россия
Электронные научные публикации как ресурс по истории Севера Западной Сибири
(советский период) и проблеме информационной грамотности студентов
Аннотация. В статье актуализируется важность использования электронных публикаций в научно-образовательном процессе. Они считаются информационным ресурсом по истории Севера Западной Сибири. Этот регион является экономическим центром углеводородов. Интерес к его истории растет. Целью данной работы является изучение возможностей электронных публикаций в научных и образовательных целях. Эта проблема описана с акцентом на организацию исследований студентов и аспирантов. Большое внимание уделяется информационной грамотности студентов. В статье приводятся данные об их низкой информационной культуре. Показано, что это становится серьезным препятствием в исследованиях студентов. Таким образом, система высшего образования заставляет искать адекватные способы обучения. Чтобы студенты были абсолютно актуальными и компетентными, необходимо работать с научными текстами. В связи с этим автор подчеркивает, что современные студенты предпочитают работать с электронными ресурсами. Статья призвана унифицировать данные ряда научных электронных публикаций по истории региона. Это научные журналы, монографии, сборники материалов конференции, тематические сборники научных статей. В статье прослеживается появление электронных публикаций по истории севера Западной Сибири в некоторых учебных заведениях. В статье показана возможность работы с публикациями в
учебно-исследовательском процессе.
Ключевые слова: ресурсы, история региона, исследования, электронные издания, студенты, информационная грамотность.
1 Aboulkacem S., Haas L. E., Winard A. R. Perspectives from Algeria and the United States: Media and News Literacy Perceptions and Practices of Pre-service Teachers, International Journal of Media and Information Literacy. 2 (3), 40-52 (2018). [Electronic resource]. Available at: http://
2 Akmanova S.V., Kurzaeva, L.V., Kopylova, N.A. (). The Factor Model of the Media Educational Concept of Developing Lifelong Self-learning Individual Readiness, Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie). 2(59), 185-193 (2019).
3 Alekseeva L. V. To the Question of Studying of Demographic Processes in the Khanty-Mansiisk national district in the 1950, The Dynamics and Persistence of Population Reproduction and Replacement of Generations in Russia and the UIS, Ed. by A.I. Tatarkin, A. I. Kuzmin. T. I. (Institute of Economics, Yekaterinburg, RAS, 2016, 426 p).
4 Alekseeva L. V. Formation of Polar Agriculture in the USSR (On the Materials of the Yamal), Bulletin of Nizhnevartovsk State University. History. 2, 3-9 (2017).
5 Alekseeva L., Svyatchenko I., Zvereva G. Educational Media Resources as a Means of Forming a New Content of Regional History in the Light of the Problem of Teachers' Readiness to Profess It to High School Students, Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie) 2(59), 194-206 (2019).
6 Bergstrom Andrea M., Flynn M., Craig C. Deconstructing Media in the College Classroom: A Longitudinal Critical Media Literacy Intervention, Journal of Media Literacy Education. 3(10), 113-131(2018). [Electronic resource]. URL:
7 Black S. Development, Interest, Self-direction and the Teaching of Information Literacy, Communications in Information Literacy. 2 (12), 203-214 (2018). [Electronic resource]. URL:
8 Bhargava R., D'Ignazio C. (). Designing Tools and Activities for Data Literacy Learners. In Wed Science: Data Literacy Workshop. Oxford, UK. 1-5 (2015). [Electronic resource]. URL:
9 Budarin M. E. Past and Present of the Peoples of North-Western Siberia (Omsk Regional State Publishing House, Omsk, 1952. 188 p).
10 Bulger M., Davison P. The Promises, Challenges and Futures of Media Literacy, Journal of Media Literacy Education. 1(10), 1-21 (2018). [Electronic resource]. URL: https://
11 Gavrilova N. Yu. Social Development of Oil and Gas Producing Regions of Western Siberia (1964-1985). (TSOGU, Tyumen, 2002, 283 p).
12 Gololobov E. I. Organization of Research Activities of Students in Local History (Tyumen, Axiom, 2015,160 p).
13 Gololobov E. I. Ecological History of the North of Western Siberia (1917-1991): Research Potential of Archival Sources, Bulletin of the Archivist. 2017. № 2. Pp. 72-86.
14 Gololobov E. I., Mostovenko, M. S. Fishing and Hunting Economy of the North of Western Siberia in the 1960s-1980s: From Fishing to Industry, Bulletin of Ugric Studies. 26(3), 111-123 (2016).
15 Gololobov E. I., Mostovenko, M. S. Formation and Development of Scientific Research in the Study of Biological Resources of the North of Western Siberia in the 1960s - 1980s , Bulletin of Nizhnevartovsk State University. History. 2,17-24 (2017).
16 Ershov M. F. Regional History and Its Teaching in KHMAO - Yugra: Problems and
Prospects. Proceedings of the Tenth Scientific-Practical Conference Devoted to the Memory of A. A. Dunin-Gorkavich (Printing House «Print Center», Khanty-Mansiysk, 2014, 89 p). [Electronic resource]. URL: lesn_prosv/lesn_lekcii/conference%20 materials/10sbornikdunina.pdf
17 Information Literacy: International Perspectives, IFLA Information Literacy Section, Ed. by Jesus Lau. Munchen. 2008. 240 p.
18 Ivanov A.I. Deportation, Repressions, Socialization, Kalmyks-Special Migrants, Special Exile Colony, Bulletin of Archaeology, Anthropology and Ethnography. 15 (2), 210-217 (2011). [Electronic resource]. URL: file:///C:/Users/Zvezda/Downloads/kalmyki-v-zapadnoy-sibiri-1944-1956-gg-osobennosti-sotsializatsii-na-spetsposelenii.pdf
19 Karpov V. P. The North and the Arctic in the "General Perspective" of the USSR: Problems of Complex Development, Ural Historical Bulletin. Institute of History and Archeology of UrD RAS. 2. 50 (1), 91-99 (2016).
20 Karpov V. P., Gavrilova N. Yu., Gerasimova G. I. Socialism in the Tundra: Nenets-Nomads of Yamal on the Waves of Soviet Northern Policy in the 1930-1980s , Modern History of Russia. Vol. 3(8),679-690 (2018). [Electronic resource]. URL: spbu24.2018.309
21 Kiselev L.E. From Patriarchalism to Socialism (Sverdlovsk, 1974, 268 p)
22 Koleva G. Yu. West Siberian Oil and Gas Complex: History of Formation (Publishing House of TSOGU, Tyumen, 2005, 2, 159 p).
23 Mason L. E., Krutka D. G., Stoddard Jer. Media Literacy, Democracy, and the Challenge of Fake News // Journal of Media Literacy Education. 2 (10), 1-10 (2018). [Electronic resource]. URL:
24 Mazurenko G.A. Celebration of the National Policy of the Communist Party in the Ob North (Tyumen, 1961, 87 p).
25 Moshkin V. V. Reference of Peasants to the North in 1930-1933 (on Materials of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District) (NGGU, Nizhnevartovsk, 2009, 189 p).
26 Nekrasov V.L. The Soviet Energy Policy and Modernization under «The Late Khrushchev» and «The Early Brezhnev»: Institutions, Strategies, Structural Challenges. Cold War Energy: The Role of Soviet Oil and Gas / Ed. by Jeronim Perovic (University of Zurich, Zurich, 2015, pp.165199).
27 Panarin S. M. The Main Stages in the Development of the Domestic Oil Industry, Taxes, Investments, Capital. 1999. № 1-2. P. 238-244.
28 Panarin, S. M. Tyumen Oil in Geopolitical Perspective, Taxes, Investments, Capital. 2004. № 5-6. P. 92-98.
29 Poleva N.S. Online and Offline as a Mixed Reality. Digital Society in the Cultural and Historical Paradigm, Materials of the international scientific conference, Ed. by T. D. Marcinkowskaja, V. R. Orestova, O. V. Gavrichenko. (RGGU, Moscow, 2018. 318 p). [Electronic resource]. URL:
30 PrischepaA.I. Historiography ofUrban Development in Surgut Second Half ofthe Twentieth Century, Irkutsk Historical and Economic Yearbook (Baikal State University, Irkutsk, 2014, Pp.529536). [Electronic resource]. URL:
31 Senyukova N. L. Russia' Cultural Heritage of Oil and Gas Industry, Bulletin of Tomsk State University. Cultural Studies and Art History. 13 (1), 25-30 (2014).
32 Sharipov F. F. Modelling of Informational Culture of Students of Highest Schools and its Levels of Formation, Scientific Notes of Khujand State University. Humanities. 2013. P. 166-177. [Electronic resource]. URL:
33 Silverblatt A. Reflections on Information Literacy, International Journal of Media and
Information Literacy. 2016. Vol. 1 (1). P. 54-71. [Electronic resource]. URL: www.ejournal46. com
34 Silverblatt A. Media Literacy and Critical Thinking, International Journal of Media and Information Literacy. Vol. 2(3), 66-71 (2018). [Electronic resource]. URL: https://www.academia. edu/37201055/International_Journal_of_Media_and_Information_Literacy_2018_n_1
35 Simons M., Meeus W., T'Sas J. Measuring Media Literacy for Media Education: Development of a Questionnaire for Teachers' Competencies, Journal ofMedia Literacy Education. 1 (9), 99-115 (2017). [Electronic resource]. URL:
36 Solodkin Ya. G., Tsys V. V., Prischepa A. I., Alekseeva L. V. Yugra Historical Science -from Hobby Local History to the Formation of Scientific Schools // Teaching History at School. 2013. № 2. P. 12-16.
37 Stas I. N. Natural and Geographical Limitations and Possibilities of Urban Development and Urbanization of KhMAO (1960-1980s), Yugra, Siberia, Russia. Political, Economic, Socio-Cultural Aspects of the Past and Present (Nizhnevartovsk State University, Nizhnevartovsk, 2013, Pp.208-215)
38 Tsys V. V. The Struggle of «Red» and «White» in the North of Western Siberia (19181921), Military-Historical Magazine. 2013. № 11. P. 37-41. [Electronic resource]. URL: https://
39 Turov S. V. Experience of Reconstruction of Ancestral (Communal) Lands of the Native Population of Obdorsk region on the Data of Field Researches of the Second Half of the 1920s -the First Half of the 1930s // Bulletin of Vyatka State Humanitarian University, 2011. № 2. P. 6171. [Electronic resource]. URL:
Сведения об авторе:
Л.В. Алексеева - доктор исторических наук, профессор, кафедра истории России, ФГ-БОУ ВО «Нижневартовский государственный университет, ул. Мира, 3-Б, 628605, Нижневартовск, Россия.
L.V. Alekseevaa - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Department of Russian History, FSBEI of HE «Nizhnevartovsk State University, St. Mira, 3-B, 628605, Nizhnevartovsk, Russia.
«Л.Н. Гумилев атындагы Еуразия улттык университетшщ Хабаршысы. Тарихи гылымдар. Философия. Дштану» сериясы журналында макала жариялау ережес1
1. Журнал максаты. Мукият тексеруден еткен, гылыми кундылыктары бар тарих, археология, антропология, философия жэне дштану салаларыньщ барлык багыттары бой-ынша материалдар жариялау.
2. Журналда макала жариялаушы автор макаланыц кол койылган бiр дана кагаз нускасын Гылыми басылымдар белiмiне (редакцияга, мекенжайы: 010008, ^азакстан Ре-спубликасы, Нур-Султан каласы, Сэтпаев кешесi, 2, Л.Н. Гумилев атындагы Еуразия улттык университет^ Бас гимарат, 402 кабинет) жэне электрондык по-штасына Word форматындагы нускасын жiберу кажет. Макала мэтшшщ кагаз нускасы мен электронды нускалары бiрдей болулары кажет.
3. Макалалар казак, орыс, агылшын тшдершде кабылданады. Сонымен катар, ав-тор(лар) шеспе хат усынуы керек.
Автордыц колжазбаны редакцияга жiберуi макаланыц Л.Н. Гумилев атындагы Еуразия улттык университетшщ хабаршысында басуга келiсiмiн, шетел тiлiне аударылып кайта басылуына келiсiмiн бiлдiредi. Автор макаланы редакцияга ж1беру аркылы автор туралы мэлiметтiц дурыстыгына, макала кешiрiлмегендiгiне (плагиаттыц жоктыгына) жэне баска да зацсыз кешiрмелердiц жоктыгына кетлдеме бередi.
4. Макаланыц келемi 18 беттен аспауга тиiс (10 беттен бастап).
Макаланыц курылымы
5. ХГТАР - бiрiншi жолдыц сол жактауында;
Автор(лар)дыц аты-женi - жолдыц ортасында;
Мекеменiц толык атауы, каласы, мемлекет (егер авторлар эртYрлi мекемеде жумыс жасайтын болса, онда эр автор мен оныц жумыс мекемесi касында бiрдей белгi койылу керек) - жолдыц ортасында;
Автор(лар)дыц E-mail-ы - жакша iшiнде, курсивпен, жолдыц ортасында;
Макала атауы - жолдыц ортасында;
Аннотация (100-200 сез; макаланыц атауын мейлшше кайталамауы кажет; эдебиет-терге сiлтемелер болмауы кажет; макаланыц курылысын (кiрiспе, макаланыц максаты, мш-деттерi, карастырылып отырган сурактыц тарихы, зерттеу эдiстерi, нэтижелер/талкылау, корытынды) сактай отырып, макаланыц кыскаша мазмуны берiлуi кажет).
ТYЙiн сездер (6-8 сез не сез тсркеа). ТYЙiн сездер макала мазмунын керсетiп, мейлшше макала атауы мен аннотациядагы сездердi кайталамай, макала мазмунындагы сез-дердi колдану кажет. Сонымен катар, акпараттык^здеспру жYЙелерiнде макаланы жецiл табуга мYмкiндiк беретiн гылым салаларыныц терминдерiн колдану кажет.
Непзп мэтiн макаланыц максаты, мшдеттер^ карастырылып отырган сурактыц тарихы, зерттеу эдютер^ нэтижелер/талкылау, корытынды белiмдерiн камтуы кажет - жола-ралык интервал - 1, азат жол «кызыл жолдан» - 1,25см, беттеу жолагы - енiне сай жасалады.
Таблица, суреттер - аталганнан кейiн орналастырылады. Эр таблица, сурет касында оныц аталуы болу кажет. Сурет айкын, сканерден етпеген болуы керек.
Жалпы колданыста бар аббревиатуралар мен кыскартулардан баскалары мiндеттi тYPде алгаш колданганда тYсiндiрiлуi берiлуi кажет.
^аржылай кемек туралы акпарат бiрiншi бетте керсетiледi.
Эдебиеттер тiзiмi. Мэтшде эдiбиеттерге сiлтемелер тiкжакшаFа алынады. Мэтшдеп эдебиеттер тiзiмiне сiлтемелердiц номерленуi мэтшде колданылуына катысты жYргiзiлiде: мэтiнде кездескен эдебиетке алFашкы сiлтеме [1] аркылы, екiншi сiлтеме [2] аркылы т.с.с. жYргiзiледi. Кiтапка жасалатын сiлтемелерде колданы!етан бетттерi де керсетiлуi керек (мысалы, [1, 45 бет]). ЖарияланбаFан ецбектерге сiлтемелер жасалмайды. Сонымен катар,
рецензиядан етпейтш басылымдарга да сiлтемелер жасалмайды (эдебиеттер Ti3iMiH, эдеби-еттер т1з1мшщ агылшынша эзiрлеу Yлгiлерiн журнал http: // сайтындагы макаланы рэамдеу Yлгiсiнен карацыз).
6. Макала соцындагы эдебиеттер тiзiмiнен кейiн библиографиялык мэлiметтер орыс жэне агылшын тiлiнде (егер макала казак тшнде жазылса), казак жэне агылшын тiлiнде (егер макала орыс тшнде жазылса), орыс жэне казак тшнде (егер макала агылшын тшнде жазылган болса).
Авторлар туралы мэлiмет: автордьщ аты-женi, гылыми атагы, кызметi, жумыс орны, жумыс орныныц мекен-жайы, телефон, e-mail - казак, орыс жэне агылшын тшдерш-де толтырылады.
7. ^олжазба мукият тексерiлген болуы кажет. Техникалык талаптарга сай келмеген колжазбалар кайта ецдеуге кайтарылады. ^олжазбаныц кайтарылуы оныц журналда ба-сылуына жiберiлуiн бiлдiрмейдi.
Редакцияга тYCкен макала жабык (анонимдi) тексеруге жiберiледi. Барлык рецензи-ялар авторларга жiберiледi. Автор (рецензент макаланы тYзетуге усыныс берген жагдайда) ецдеп кайта, колжазбаныц тYзетiлген нускасын редакцияга кайта жiберуi кажет. Рецензент жарамсыз деп таныган макала кайтара карастырылмайды. Макаланыц тYзетiлген нускасы мен автордыц рецензентке жауабы редакцияга жiберiледi.
Пiкiрi макулданган макалаларды редколлегия алкасына талкылап, басуга келiседi.
8. Телемакы. Басылымга руксат етiлген макала авторларына телем жасау туралы ескертiледi. Телем келемi 4500 тенге - Л.Н. Гумилев атындагы Е¥У кызметкерлерi Yшiн жэне 5500 тенге баска уйым кызметкерлерiне.
1)РГП ПХВ «Евразийский национальный университет имени Л.Н. Гумилева МОН РК АО «Банк ЦентрКредит»
БИК банка: KCJBKZKX ИИК: KZ978562203105747338 Кбе 16 Кнп 859
2) РГП ПХВ «Евразийский национальный университет имени Л.Н. Гумилева МОН РК АО «Bank RBK»
Бик банка: KINCKZKA ИИК: KZ498210439858161073 Кбе 16
Кнп 859 - за статьи
3)РГП ПХВ «Евразийский национальный университет имени Л.Н. Гумилева МОН РК АО «ForteBank»
БИК Банка: IRTYKZKA ИИК: KZ599650000040502847 Кбе 16 Кнп 859
4)РГП ПХВ «Евразийский национальный университет имени Л.Н. Гумилева МОН РК АО «НародныйБанкКазахстан»
БИК Банка: HSBKKZKX ИИК: KZ946010111000382181 Кбе 16, Кнп 859.
Provision on articles submitted to the journal "Bulletin of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Historical Sciences. Philosophy. Religion Series"
1. Purpose of the journal. Publication of carefully selected original scientific works in the direction of history, anthropology, archeology, philosophy, religious studies.
2. An author who wishes to publish an article in a journal must submit the article in hard copy (printed version) in one copy, signed by the author to the scientific publication office (at the address: 010008, Republic of Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan, Satpayev St., 2. L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Main Building, room 402) and by e-mail in Word format. At the same time, the correspondence between Word-version and the hard copy must be strictly maintained. And you also need to provide the cover letter of the author(s).
3. Language of publications: Kazakh, Russian, English.
Submission of articles to the scientific publication office means the authors' consent to the right of the Publisher, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, to publish articles in the journal and the re-publication of it in any foreign language. Submitting the text of the work for publication in the journal, the author guarantees the correctness of all information about himself, the lack of plagiarism and other forms of improper borrowing in the article, the proper formulation of all borrowings of text, tables, diagrams, illustrations.
4. The volume of the article should not exceed 18 pages (from 10 pages).
Structure of the article (page - A4 format, portrait orientation, page margins on all sides - 20 mm. Font: type - Times New Roman, font size - 14)
5. GRNTI - first line, left
Initials and Surname of the author (s) - center alignment, italics Full name of the organization, city, country (if the authors work in different organizations, you need to put the same icon next to the name of the author and the corresponding organization) -center alignment, italics
Author's e-mail (s)- in brackets, italics
Article title - center alignment,bold Abstract (100-200 words, the article title should not repeat in the content, it should not contain bibliographic references, it should reflect the summary of the article, preserving the structure of the article - introduction, problem statement, goals, history, research methods, results /discussion, conclusion).
Key words (6-8 words/word combination. Keywords should reflect the main content of the article, use terms from the article, as well as terms that define the subject area and include other important concepts that make it easier and more convenient to find the article using the information retrieval system).
The main text of the article should contain an introduction, problem statement, goals, history, research methods, methodology, results / discussion, conclusion - line spacing - 1, indent of the "red line" -1.25 cm, alignment in width.
Tables, figures should be placed after the mention. Each illustration should be followed by an inscription. Figures should be clear, clean, not scanned.
All abbreviations, with the exception of those known to be generally known, must be deciphered when first used in the text.
Information on the financial support of the article is indicated on the first page in the form of a footnote.
References. In the text references are indicated in square brackets. References should be numbered strictly in the order of the mention in the text. The first reference in the text to the literature should have the number [1], the second - [2], etc. The reference to the book in the main text of the article should be accompanied by an indication of the pages used (for example, [1, 45
p.]). References to unpublished works are not allowed. Unreasonable references to unreviewed publications (examples of the description of the list of literature, descriptions of the list of literature in English, see below in the sample of article design).
6. At the end of the article, after the list of references, it is necessary to indicate bibliographic data in Russian and English (if the article is in Kazakh), in Kazakh and English (if the article is in Russian) and in Russian and Kazakh languages (if the article is English language).
Information about authors: surname, name, patronymic, scientific degree, position, place of work, full work address, telephone, e-mail - in Kazakh, Russian and English.
7. The article must be carefully verified. Articles that do not meet technical requirements will be returned for revision. Returning for revision does not mean that the article has been accepted for publication.
Work with electronic proofreading. Articles received by the Department of Scientific Publications (editorial office) are sent to anonymous review. All reviews of the article are sent to the author. The authors must send the proof of the article within three days. Articles that receive a negative review for a second review are not accepted. Corrected versions of articles and the author's response to the reviewer are sent to the editorial office. Articles that have positive reviews are submitted to the editorial boards of the journal for discussion and approval for publication. Periodicity of the journal: 4 times a year.
8. Payment. Authors who have received a positive conclusion for publication should make payment (for ENU employees - 4,500 tenge, for outside organizations - 5,500 tenge). Requisites are posted on the journal's website.
1) РГП ПХВ «Евразийский национальный университет имени Л.Н. Гумилева МОН РК АО «Банк ЦентрКредит»
БИК банка: KCJBKZKX ИИК: KZ978562203105747338 Кбе 16 Кпн 859
2) РГП ПХВ «Евразийский национальный университет имени Л.Н. Гумилева МОН РК АО «Bank RBK»
Бик банка: KINCKZKA ИИК: KZ498210439858161073 Кбе 16 Кнп 859
3)РГП ПХВ «Евразийский национальный университет имени Л.Н. Гумилева МОН РК АО «ForteBank»
БИК Банка: IRTYKZKA ИИК: KZ599650000040502847 Кбе 16 Кнп 859
4)РГП ПХВ «Евразийский национальный университет имени Л.Н. Гумилева МОН РК АО «НародныйБанкКазахстан»
БИК Банка: HSBKKZKX ИИК: KZ946010111000382181 Кбе 16, Кнп 859.
Положение о рукописях, представляемых в журнал «Вестник Евразийского национального университета имени Л.Н.Гумилева. Серия: Исторические науки.
Философия. Религиоведение»
1. Цель журнала. Публикация тщательно отобранных оригинальных научных работ и обзоров книг по направлениям: история, антропология, археология, философия, религиоведение.
2. Автору, желающему опубликовать статью в журнале необходимо представить рукопись в твердой копии (распечатанном варианте) в одном экземпляре, подписанном автором в Отдел научных изданий (по адресу: 010008, Казахстан, г. Нур-Султан, ул. Сатпаева, 2, Евразийский национальный университет им. Л.Н.Гумилева, Учебно-административный корпус, каб. 402) и по e-mail При этом должно быть строго выдержано соответствие между Word-файлом и твердой копией. Также авторам необходимо предоставить сопроводительное письмо.
Язык публикаций: казахский, русский, английский.
3. Отправление статей в редакцию означает согласие авторов на право Издателя, Евразийского национального университета имени Л.Н. Гумилева, издания статей в журнале и переиздания их на любом иностранном языке. Представляя текст работы для публикации в журнале, автор гарантирует правильность всех сведений о себе, отсутствие плагиата и других форм неправомерного заимствования в рукописи, надлежащее оформление всех заимствований текста, таблиц, схем, иллюстраций, а также дает согласие на проверку уникальности текста статьи.
4. Объем статьи не должен превышать 18 страниц (от 6 страниц).
5. Схема построения статьи (страница - А4, книжная ориентация, поля со всех сторон - 20 мм. Шрифт: тип - Times New Roman, размер (кегль) - 14):
МРНТИ - первая строка, слева.
Инициалы и Фамилию автора(ов)- выравнивание по центру, курсив
Полное наименование организации, город, страна (если авторы работают в разных организациях, необходимо поставить одинаковый значок около фамилии автора и соответствующей организации). Е-mail автора(ов) - в скобках, курсив.
Название статьи - выравнивание по центру полужирным шрифтом
Аннотация (100-200 слов; не должна содержать формулы, по содержанию повторять название статьи; не должна содержать библиографические ссылки; должна отражать краткое содержание статьи, сохраняя структуру статьи - введение, постановка задачи, цели, история, методы исследования, результаты/обсуждение, заключение/выводы).
Ключевые слова (6-8 слов/словосочетаний). Ключевые слова должны отражать основное содержание статьи, использовать термины из текста статьи, а также термины, определяющие предметную область и включающие другие важные понятия, позволяющие облегчить и расширить возможности нахождения статьи средствами информационно-поисковой системы).
Основной текст статьи должен содержать введение, постановка задачи, цели, история, методы исследования, результаты/обсуждение, заключение/выводы - межстрочный интервал - 1, отступ «красной строки» -1,25 см, выравнивание по ширине.
Таблицы, рисунки необходимо располагать после упоминания. С каждой иллюстрацией должна следовать надпись. Рисунки должны быть четкими, чистыми, несканированными.
Все аббревиатуры и сокращения, за исключением заведомо общеизвестных, должны быть расшифрованы при первом употреблении в тексте.
Сведения о финансовой поддержке работы указываются на первой странице в виде сноски.
Список литературы. В тексте ссылки обозначаются в квадратных скобках. Ссылки должны быть пронумерованы строго по порядку упоминания в тексте. Первая ссылка в тексте на литературу должна иметь номер [1], вторая - [2] и т.д. Ссылка на книгу в основном тексте статьи должна сопровождаться указанием использованных страниц (например, [1, 45 стр.]). Ссылки на неопубликованные работы не допускаются. Нежелательны ссылки на нерецензируемые издания (примеры описания списка литературы, описания списка литературы на английском языке см. на сайте журнала http: в образце оформления статьи).
В конце статьи, после списка литературы, необходимо указать библиографические данные на русском и английском языках (если статья оформлена на казахском языке), на казахском и английском языках (если статья оформлена на русском языке), на русском и казахском языках (если статья оформлена на английском языке).
Сведения об авторах: фамилия, имя, отчество, научная степен, должность, место работы, полный служебный адрес, телефон, e-mail - на казахском, русском и английском языках.
6. Рукопись должна быть тщательно выверена. Рукописи, не соответствующие техническим требованиям, будут возвращены на доработку. Возвращение на доработку не означает, что рукопись принята к опубликованию.
7. Работа с электронной корректурой. Статьи, поступившие в Отдел научных изданий (редакция), отправляются на анонимное рецензирование. Все рецензии по статье отправляются автору. Статьи, получившие отрицательную рецензию к повторному рассмотрению не принимаются. Исправленные варианты статей и ответ автора рецензенту присылаются в редакцию. Статьи, имеющие положительные рецензии, представляются редколлегии журнала для обсуждения и утверждения для публикации.
Периодичность журнала: 4 раза в год.
8. Оплата. Авторам, получившим положительное заключение к опубликованию необходимо произвести оплату по следующим реквизитам (для сотрудников ЕНУ им. Л.Н. Гумилева -4500 тенге, для сторонних организаций - 5500 тенге):
1) РГП ПХВ «Евразийский национальный университет имени Л.Н. Гумилева МОН РК АО «Банк ЦентрКредит»
БИК банка: KCJBKZKX ИИК: KZ978562203105747338 Кбе 16 Кпн 859
2) РГП ПХВ «Евразийский национальный университет имени Л.Н. Гумилева МОН РК АО «Bank RBK»
Бик банка: KINCKZKA ИИК: KZ498210439858161073 Кбе 16 Кнп 859
3)РГП ПХВ «Евразийский национальный университет имени Л.Н. Гумилева МОН РК АО «ForteBank»
БИК Банка: IRTYKZKA ИИК: KZ599650000040502847 Кбе 16, Кнп 859
4)РГП ПХВ «Евразийский национальный университет имени Л.Н. Гумилева МОН РК АО «НародныйБанкКазахстан»
БИК Банка: HSBKKZKX ИИК: KZ946010111000382181 Кбе 16 Кнп 859.
Шыгарушы редактор: Дизайн:
Е.Б. Сыдыков Ж. Жумабекова Ж. Жумабекова
Л.Н. Гумилев атындагы Еуразия улттык университетшщ Хабаршысы. Тарихи гылымдар. Философия. Дiнтану сериясы. -2019. - 4(129). - Нур-Султан: Е¥У 126 б. Шартты б.т. - 7 Таралымы - 20 дана
Мазмунына типография жауап бермейЫ.
Редакция мекенжайы: 010008, Нур-Султан к., Сатпаев кешеа, 2. Л.Н. Гумилев атындагы Еуразия улттык университет Тел.: +7(7172) 709-500 (шю 31-457) Л.Н. Гумилев атындагы Еуразия улттык университетшщ баспасында басылды