EFFICIENT MOVEMENT FOR CARGO TRANSPORTATION DETERMINATION OF CONTENT Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Mamasoliyev Bunyod, Abdusattarov Nodir

Successful storage of cargo can be achieved only by maintaining a special temperature regime necessary for the maintenance of quality at all stages of the product life cycle from production to consumption (including transportation). The main criterion in the selection of rolling stock for the carriage of goods is to ensure the safety of the cargo. To do this, take into account the nature of the route, the number of unloading points on the distribution route, the type of cooling device of the car-refrigerator. This article is based on the basic steps of an effective rolling stock selection methodology for transporting goods.

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февраль, 2022 г.


Mamasoliyev Bunyod

Assistant lecturer, Andijan Machine-Building Institute.

Uzbekistan, Andijan E-mail: bunyodbek95 76@gmail.com

Nodir Abdusattarov


Andijan Machine-Building Institute.

Uzbekistan, Andijan


Мамасолиев Бунёд Махаматжон угли


Андижанский машиностроительный институт Республика Узбекистан, г. Андижан

Абдусаттаров Нодирбек Хайитбоевич


Андижанский машиностроительный институт Республика Узбекистан, г. Андижан


Successful storage of cargo can be achieved only by maintaining a special temperature regime necessary for the maintenance of quality at all stages of the product life cycle from production to consumption (including transportation).

The main criterion in the selection of rolling stock for the carriage of goods is to ensure the safety of the cargo. To do this, take into account the nature of the route, the number of unloading points on the distribution route, the type of cooling device of the car-refrigerator.

This article is based on the basic steps of an effective rolling stock selection methodology for transporting goods.


Успешное хранение груза может быть достигнуто только при соблюдении специального температурного режима, необходимого для поддержания качества на всех этапах жизненного цикла продукции от производства до потребления (включая транспортировку).

Основным критерием при выборе подвижного состава для перевозки грузов является обеспечение сохранности груза. Для этого учитывают характер пути следования, количество разгрузочных пунктов на пути раздачи, тип охлаждающего устройства вагона-рефрижератора.

Эта статья основана на основных шагах эффективной методики выбора подвижного состава для перевозки грузов.

Keywords: cargo, transportation, transport, rolling stock, refrigeration, efficiency, operation.

Ключевые слова: груз, перевозка, транспорт, подвижной состав, холодильное оборудование, эффективность, эксплуатация.

The freight system is complex and responsible in shaping the logistics system around the world.

In this system, it will be possible to achieve the planned plan when the process of receiving, delivering and forming other services in the process of transportation of goods is carried out in a systematic way.

As we can see from the above, transportation and its organization is one of the most important issues of the day.

In choosing the type of rolling stock and its carrying capacity, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics and nature of the goods, the size of the

shipment, the season and the temperature of the environment, the urgency of delivery of goods to the trade network [1,2].

The choice of rolling stock is one of the main issues to be addressed in the substantiation of transport-technological schemes of cargo transportation [3].

Observations show that the selection of rolling stock in the conditions of operational transport is based on the intuition and practical experience of those responsible for transportation.

Библиографическое описание: Mamasoliyev B., Abdusattarov N. EFFICIENT MOVEMENT FOR CARGO TRANSPORTATION DETERMINATION OF CONTENT // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2022. 2(95). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/13149

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In this case, the carrier must pay special attention to the characteristics of the cargo and the requirements for its protection from external factors.

Rational selection of rolling stock will depend on the timeliness of delivery and storage of cargo, fulfillment of the transportation plan, reduction of transportation costs and increase of profitability of the enterprise. A rolling stock that performs a given volume of traffic in a specified period of time with minimal material and labor costs can be said to be a more efficient operating component.

The problem of selecting a more efficient composition, taking into account the actual traffic volume and the structure of the fleet under actual operating conditions, can be solved by comparing and contrasting the performance of rolling stock of different types and models under the same transport conditions.

The choice of the type of rolling stock will also require an assessment of its operational qualities in relation to the existing operating conditions, which are conditioned by different combinations of transport, road and climatic factors.

The optimal make and model of the vehicle is determined on the basis of economic calculations. Analysis of the results of scientific research allows us to confirm that as a criterion for optimality in solving the problem

of vehicle selection, many authors accept the efficiency of vehicles, minimal costs, as well as the cost of delivery. [4].

Vehicle productivity can be used as a criterion in selecting the type of rolling stock body of the same brand and the same load-bearing class, if the type of body affects the productivity of rolling stock and does not affect price performance, especially storage costs.

There is an opinion [5] that it is necessary to take the indicator of transportation costs as a criterion for a comparative assessment of the efficiency of vehicles, which includes the ratio of the sum of annual costs of operating costs and capital investment per unit of transport:

Sye +

Ye^ (K—5l~) W

Where Zp is the cost, conditional currency; Sy - operating costs for transportation, conditional currency / t • km;

Y - normative efficiency coefficient; K - capital investment for the use of the car, conditional currency;

Si - liquid value of the vehicle, conditional currency; W is the average annual productivity of the car, t • km.

Figure 1. Moving content selection scheme

The competitiveness of the carrier can be increased by reducing the cost of transportation. Reducing the cost of transportation can be achieved by concentrating them, enlarging the consignments of cargo transported at the same time, and using vehicles with large load capacity, provided that this does not harm the consignor and consignee [6].

In many cases, a comparative assessment of the cost of transportation may be sufficient to select a more rational type of vehicle from a series of vehicles, if the cost includes the cost of loading and unloading the vehicle, as well as the cost of maintaining and repairing highways [7-8-9].

The main criterion in the selection of rolling stock for the carriage of goods is to ensure the safety of the cargo. To do this, take into account the nature of the route, the number of unloading points on the distribution route, the type of cooling device of the car-refrigerator.

For example, in international transport, autonomous cooling devices, mainly mounted on cars and semi-trailers, are used, which allow to maintain a given temperature regime, regardless of whether the car's engine is running or not.

In urban and suburban transportation, the refrigeration unit compressor uses cooling devices driven by the car's


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engine or an external power source. In general, the meth- This will be based on the requirement to ensure that

odology for selecting a more efficient rolling stock for the costs associated with the delivery of goods, directly

transporting perishable goods includes the following or indirectly, are kept to a minimum and take into ac-

key steps: count the following:

1. Selection of optimality criteria; • loading and unloading costs and road construction

2. Determining the hardness limits of operating con- costs;

ditions; • possible quantitative and qualitative losses of

3. Check that the operating conditions of the se- cargo during delivery;

lected vehicles are capable of maintaining the load • working capital and costs associated with the

within the given hardness limits. storage of goods; warehousing costs in preparation of

goods for transportation to consumers.


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