EFFECTIVE WAYS TO MEMORIZE NEW WORDS IN ENGLISH Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
new words / methods / lexical resource / creating mnemonics / visualizing / grouping. / Новые слова / приемы / лексический ресурс / создание мнемотехники / визуализация / группировка.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Oblakulova, Dinora Jamshid Kizi

This article deals with several effective and reasonable ways of learning new words in the English language. Also, all suggested and approved ways are illustrated with real examples.

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B этой статье рассматриваются несколько эффективных способов изучения новых слов в английском языке. Также все предложенные и апробированные способы проиллюстрированы реальными примерами.


SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

3(3), March, 2023


Oblakulova Dinora Jamshid kizi

Second year student at UzSWLU


This article deals with several effective and reasonable ways of learning new words in the English language. Also, all suggested and approved ways are illustrated with real examples.

Key words: new words, methods, lexical resource, creating mnemonics, visualizing, grouping.




B этой статье рассматриваются несколько эффективных способов изучения новых слов в английском языке. Также все предложенные и апробированные способы проиллюстрированы реальными примерами.

Ключевые слова: Новые слова, приемы, лексический ресурс, создание мнемотехники, визуализация, группировка.


We are informed that great attention is paid to learning foreign languages in our country, these days. The reason why is that knowing many languages helps us to think broadly, to have a better memory and mainly to find our positions in our society.

In the process of learning foreign languages, say English, one of the most difficult skills to acquire is memorizing new words and using them in practice. According to some approved statistics, in order to have daily conversations in one language, we need to know more than thousand words. To be specific, language learners ought to do their best to learn as many languages as possible to be fluent enough in one foreign language: practicing on a daily basis and using some effective strategies.


For many years, different kinds of beneficial ways are used in the English classroom to boost vocabulary skill of language learners. Because one cannot make sentence, cannot have conversation or cannot improve their language skill without having a proper lexical resource. Actually, there are wide range of methods and ways

SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

3(3), March, 2023

for improving vocabulary. In this article, the major ones will be considered one by one and will be proved with valid examples.

1. Writing it on a small piece of cards

If a new word is written down, its meaning and spelling will be fixed in the memory. Instead of just repeating them again and again, new words should be copied on the cards. A new word needs to be copied on the one side and its translations on the other side of the paper. Small sized cards must be used, as they are convenient to hold and use. Language learners should always take those cards with them: on the way, at the home, at the school, at the university and also when meeting with friends. This method enables them to repeat those words and memorize them as soon as possible. This process should be repeated on a daily basis, every time with new words from different topics. By doing so, language learners can activate all new words that they wrote down with the help of card method.

2. Creating mnemonics

It is clear that the learning process will be more effective, if it is interesting and can attract students. Creating mnemonics is a method which uses rhymes, acronyms, especially funny stories and phrases to enhance the connection between a new word and its meaning. It is said that, it is absolutely helpful for those who have a poor memory or who find difficulties with memorizing words that are hard to spell. Take some words as the examples:

I. "Tree" - three trees;

II. "Hen" - ten hens;

III. "Career" - car and beer.

3. Visualizing the word with its meaning

The learner visualizes a new word in connection with its actual meaning. By using a creative imagination, this method works very effectively for students. If the learner wants to memorize the vocabularies associated with family, he / she can connect those words with their family members. For instance:

I. The word "honest - who always tells the truth" - this word can be connected with one of the family member's characters and visualized;

II. The phrase "get on well - to understand someone" - its meaning can be visualized in connection with someone (I cannot get on well with my sister, because we always have many arguments);

III. The phrase "drift apart - to become less close to someone" - its meaning can be visualized in connection with language learners' close people (I drifted apart with my friend many years ago).

4. Making different sentences a new word

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Sentence making method is also common among language learners, as it can help them to memorize new words with the help of different structured sentences. If a new lexical item is used in practice, say in three or four sentences, it will become active on a daily conversation. Take one new word "cake - a soft sweet food' as an example:

I. I love a cake

II. My mother dislikes a cake

III. Cake is delicious

5. Comparing method

This method is based on the comparison of two words from two foreign languages, which have same meanings and begin with the same letters. For using this method, you should know more than one language. For instance: if you are fluent in the German language, you can use this list of words:

i. Garden (place with trees and flowers) - garten (in German)

ii. School (educational place) - schule (in German)

iii. Book (for reading) - buchen (in German)

iv. Mother (who gives a birth to a baby) - mutter (in German)

If you know the French language well enough, you may use this new word's list:

i. To prepare (to get ready) - preparer (in French)

ii. Example (specific fact, idea) - exemple (in French)

iii. After (then) - apres (in French)

iv. Flower (plant) - fluer (in French)

6. Grouping method

It is also one of the most effective way for memorizing. In this way of learning, a new word should be learned in connection with other words which have close meanings. If a language learner wants to memorize colors in English, she or he needs to find connections and group. For example:

i. The word "yellow" - we can group it with fruits which are yellow. Yellow lemon, yellow apple, yellow carrot and etc.

ii. The word "flower" - we can group it with place nouns or with some action verbs. Flowers garden, water flowers, flowers and trees.


In conclusion, although remembering and using new words in speech is difficult for some language learners, recommended six ways and tips can solve this issue and lead them to memorize all new words effectively. Given methods are based on hard practice and daily use, as there is one influential cliché in English, "use it or lose it." This saying is very important in the process of learning new vocabularies. In a word,

SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

3(3), March, 2023

as language learners, we ought to do our best to expand our lexical resources with the help of all mentioned ways.


1. Anne Burns. "Doing Action Research in English Language Teaching". T., Routledge Taylor & Francis group, 2010.

2. Edward J. K., James. F. B. "Vocabulary instruction". T., The Guildford Press, 2012.

3. Gayle H. G., Amy. B. "Differentiated Literacy Strategies". T., Corwin Press, 2012.

4. https://www.ef.com/wwen/blog/language/how-to-memorize-new-vocabulary-faster/

5. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/23/learning/14-ways-to-learn-vocabulary-and-explore-language-with-the-new-york-times.html

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