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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Gulomjonov O.R., Khojamova G.A.

In this study, I study the best international practices in improving the quality and efficiency of education in the innovative development of our country, the introduction of international standard requirements and the identification of the talents of primary school students, organization of work with low-achieving and low-achieving students in the classroom, development of individual programs for students with low level of mastery and its implementation in the field of education. I tried to approach it in terms of evaluation systems and their implementation in ourselves. This article focuses on increasing the activity of low-achieving students in primary education, creating opportunities for them to reach their peers, the formation and development of knowledge, skills, competencies and competencies in the student The experience of applying the technology in practice is inextricably linked with the international PIRLS evaluation system.

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O.R. Gulomjonov, G.A. Khojamova


In this study, I study the best international practices in improving the quality and efficiency of education in the innovative development of our country, the introduction of international standard requirements and the identification of the talents ofprimary school students, organization of work with low-achieving and low-achieving students in the classroom, development of individual programs for students with low level of mastery and its implementation in the field of education. I tried to approach it in terms of evaluation systems and their implementation in ourselves. This article focuses on increasing the activity of low-achieving students in primary education, creating opportunities for them to reach their peers, the formation and development of knowledge, skills, competencies and competencies in the student The experience of applying the technology in practice is inextricably linked with the international PIRLS evaluation system.

Key words: International evaluation, quality of education, world standards, modern science, system, educational standards, individuality, space, personal qualities, intellectual development, failure, efficiency, skill, level of knowledge, systematization.

Introduction .The most important elements of modern education have been formed since ancient times. The purpose, content, form, methods and tools of education are the traditional categories used to analyze the content of educational processes. It is these categories that emerge as the subject of pedagogical activity, which organizes the educational process in a particular subject, specialty or specialty. The above-mentioned pedagogical categories serve as a factor in systematizing the laws and criteria of purposeful pedagogical activity. "The modern teacher must understand that he must be a "director" in the classroom, not an "actor". To do this, he must be familiar with several new teaching methods. Here, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev said in his speech that "it is necessary to form and educate patriotic people who can think independently and do the right thing.Indeed, we cannot create the conditions for young people to become highly qualified without enjoying the achievements of modern science"1.

Almost all secondary schools in the country have been newly built and overhauled, and about 10,000 schools have been equipped with modern teaching and laboratory equipment. 1074 Information Resource Centers have been established in the secondary schools of the republic and fully equipped with the necessary technical equipment. The book fund of schools Information Resource Centers is 7,960,840 copies. In addition, the Information Resource Centers have 95,645 electronic publications.

Education in the republic's secondary schools is provided in 7 languages Uzbek, Karakalpak, Russian, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Turkmen and Tajik.

Pedagogy is derived from the Latin word "payne" meaning child, "agogeyn" meaning to lead. found Pad technology is the implementation of a pre-designed pedagogical system. A pedagogical system is a set of methods, tools, and processes needed to exert targeted pedagogical influence on an individual. Our goal is to help students improve their prior knowledge and help them acquire effective and quality knowledge. It is known that in world pedagogy the concept of "pedagogical technology" is defined in 12 different ways. Ped technology is ... a systematic method of identifying, creating and applying all the processes of teaching and learning, taking into account the technical means, human potential and their interaction in order to optimize the forms of education. (UNESCO) Ped.technology is a project of a pedagogical system that a teacher can put into practice. (V.Bespalko)

What is the focus of the second definition? (to practice) In fact, it is necessary to pay attention to practice, nothing can be achieved by dry words. Education is a whole system. It's like our body is a system. When I'm tired, I sit down and relax, and my body complements each other. Now imagine that I have a toothache in this system. What happens? (Disables the entire system). Similarly, if we make a mistake in pedagogy, in the end the result will not be what we expected. Technology is a set of methods and techniques used in a work, skill, or art. (Glossary) (To explain this definition, the custom of distributing soup on the eve of Arafa is mentioned.) Just as soups are

© O.R. Gulomjonov, G.A. Khojamova, 2022.

1 SH.M.Mirziyoyev. "Milliy taraqqiyot yo'limizni qat'iyat bilan davom ettirib, yangi bosqichga ko'taramiz".T.: "O'zbekiston" 2017, 31-b

different, so are technologies. The only part I didn't enjoy was the weeding and cultivating. If I make a mistake in my technology, I will not be able to achieve the result I expected. For that, I have to pay attention to the children under my care. I need to know the human category for him.

"... Is a system of orderly actions that lead to pre-planned results and must be performed" - V. Monakhov

"... The teacher's influence on students in certain conditions with the help of teaching aids, and as a result of this activity is a process of intensive formation of pre-defined personality traits in them" - N. Saidakhmedov and M. Ochilov "It is a new approach to the educational process and an expression of social-engineering consciousness in pedagogy; it is a social phenomenon associated with the standardization of the pedagogical process on the basis of technical capabilities and human technical thinking, and the development of its optimal design. " -B. Farberman. For example: "Educational technology is the systematic application of scientific and other knowledge in solving practical problems." (Holbright). "Pedagogical technology is the application of the idea of systematizing education or classroom teaching to pedagogy." (T.Sakomoto). "A systematic set of all the personal, practical and methodological tools used to achieve pedagogical goals and the order in which they operate." (Clarin M.V.)1.

The concept of pedagogical technology is defined by UNESCO as follows: "Pedagogical technology is the process of teaching and learning, taking into account human and technical resources and their interaction to optimize forms of education. is a systematic way of creating, applying and defining. "he above definitions make it clear that the essence of pedagogical technology is a systematic approach to the learning process. Research shows that the oldest source of pedagogical technology is the concept of a flawless cocktail. One of the conditions for a flawless job is to take into account the psychological and personal characteristics of the employee. The most important factors of such labor are:

- interest in the profession;

- quality of professional training;

- Regular monitoring of their work. It is impossible to transfer the idea of flawless work directly to pedagogical activity. Because there are so many more. Primary education pedagogy is the study of the process of teaching and educating primary school students, taking into account their age and psychological characteristics. The qualities that a modern primary education teacher must display can be categorized as follows: professional qualities; organizational qualities; communication skills; leadership skills for the student body; management qualities; office skills; qualities of ability to organize creative activity; the ability to accurately assess reality; research qualities.

Analysis of the literature on the subject. In modern conditions, a primary school teacher should be able to acquire the following practical skills: cognitive skills; design skills; creative-practical (constructive) skills; research skills; communicative skills; organizational skills; consistency (procedural) skills; technical and technological skills. Pedagogical culture - the degree to which a teacher as a person and a specialist acquires certain behaviors, etiquette, manners, behavioral skills, competencies; the teacher's mastery of methods and tools for solving professional tasks, a high level of pedagogical knowledge, tact, technique, culture. Pedagogical etiquette is a system of ethical requirements for a teacher (teacher) to be sincere and open in his / her attitude to himself / herself, his / her profession, society, children and other participants in the educational process. A modern teacher should be able to master the following creative (constructive) skills: formation of integrated educational material with the use of separate data; enrich the study material with various pictures, figures, tables, diagrams, models, etc; preparation of original, original educational material; independently substantiate the new method; create a set of visual aids for lessons and educational activities.

Creation of a technological passport, map of a lesson or educational event, creating multimedia materials for use in a lesson or educational event; preparation of a presentation of educational material creating videos with the active participation of students for educational activities on various topics; preparation of lesson outlines; development of test assignments (question, assignment, problem, example, exercise, test), evaluation criteria based on different forms and methods; a creative approach to the organization of control work. A modern primary school teacher should have the following communication skills: use different forms and methods of communication with students, parents, school administration, colleagues; establish a practical, business or personal relationship with all participants in the pedagogical practice; find effective ways and means of communicating information to students; be able to listen to students' responses or personal opinions on assignments; prevention, elimination or development of conflicts arising in pedagogical processes; strengthening relationships between the community and students at different levels; create a healthy competitive environment in the community; encourage student activities; respond to errors or behavioral errors in student responses; educational collaboration with students.

The term "pedagogical technology" is used by our teachers in two different senses:

1 T.Madumarov, M.Kamoldinov, "Innovatsion pedagogik texnologiya asoslari va uni ta'lim-tarbiya jarayonida qo'llash", Toshkent, "Talqin"nashriyoti, 2012

1. Increasing efficiency by using modern equipment, computers, computers, audio and visual aids in the educational process;

2. Ensuring that the teacher achieves a guaranteed result by studying the purpose, means, results of the educational process in advance, recording them.

Research methodology. The guaranteed outcome of education determines efficiency and achievement of goals. It is clear that the closer the result is to the goal, the more effective the educational process, and this is one of the important aspects of the implementation of modern technical means of education and advanced technologies. the purpose of the process, the means, the preliminary study of the result, to ensure that the teacher achieves a guaranteed result by means of recording.

The tools used in the educational process serve to ensure the effectiveness of education. "A tool is an auxiliary learning material needed to successfully use a particular teaching method or techniques. In essence, pedagogical technology is a system in which the tasks of all stages and parts of the pedagogical process are programmed according to the distribution of time and provide a scientifically based and expected result"1. It is also important to assess the effectiveness of the use of pedagogical technologies in education. Depending on the capabilities of pedagogical technologies, the effectiveness of their implementation in practice can be determined by a number of criteria.

Analysis and results. The effective use of pedagogical technologies in the education system also depends on the professional competence of the teacher. Therefore, the effectiveness of pedagogical technologies can be assessed by the educator according to their application. The purpose of creative pedagogy is to teach an individual (student, learner) to read, to take a creative approach to learning, to be a creator of himself and his future. The term "method" is derived from the Greek word "metodos", which means the way, the pursuit of truth, the way to achieve the expected result. When choosing a teacher: First, the method of teaching is closely related to the methods of learning activities; Second, teacher-student collaboration must be reflected in the achievement of goals; Third, the age, individual psychological characteristics of students; Fourth, it takes into account the consistency and structure of the topics. The above requirements are reflected in the interactive methods of pedagogical technology. These are: "Mental Attack", "General Mental Attack", "Decision Tree", "Zig-Zag", "6x6x6", "Black Box", "I Know. I want to know. I found out", " Cluster "," Hat ", and so on.

Apply these techniques to the learning process: to master the student's specific theoretical knowledge; to save time; to motivate each student to be active; the formation of the student's ability to think freely and independently; the student develops the ability to listen to the opinions of others; the student's ability to defend his or her point of view; to develop the student's ability to summarize the ideas expressed increase student interest; encourage students to be inquisitive and creative; Thus, in the application of interactive methods to the educational process, the teacher acts as the manager of the educational process, in which the purpose of management is directed to the student as the object and subject of education. This means that the content of pedagogical technology education is based on methods, forms and tools. This process is aimed at achieving a guaranteed result.

The education system is a set of all types of educational institutions that operate on the basis of state principles in the education of the younger generation. Republican system of continuing education - education of the individual, in which the structural and organizational elements representing the interconnected stages of development from simple to complex, based on mutual logical sequence, aimed at the formation of spiritual and moral qualities bars. Primary education is aimed at building the foundations of literacy, knowledge and skills needed for general secondary education in children aged 6-7 and 10-11. Skill is a trait acquired by an individual through experience. It is a theoretical level of professional skills based on flexibility and creativity in a field. Mastery is art, Mastery is research, Mastery is the ability to use pedagogical technologies, Mastery is the organization of the teacher's activity on a scientific basis and self-education.

Conclusions and suggestions: Ibn Sina believes that the following rules should be followed in the educational process: from simple to complex teaching; taking into account the child's abilities and inclinations; perform exercises that strengthen the child; combining education with exercise. In order to educate and bring up a child, it is necessary to choose a generous, wise, faithful, strong-willed teacher and educator who knows the methods of moral and intellectual upbringing. The teacher should be healthy, clean, honest and polite. The "Concept of Primary Education" describes the image of an elementary school teacher: has a special place as and again from this concept to the qualities of an elementary school teacher. The teacher said: "... Uzbekistan should be a source of national pride, believing that the future is a great country; to be able to bring up children on the basis of the masterpieces of folk pedagogy and our national values; fluent in speech, the richness of the vernacular, and the means of expression and imagery must have mastered the style and norms of literary language.

1 Asqar Zunnunov. "Pedagogika nazariyasi". -T.: "Aloqachi", 2006.

Now studying scientific heritage, socio-political activities and acquaintance youth charity of our abovestated ancestors is considered one of the main urgent objectives of the modern intellectuals.1

The essence of the pedagogical process is reflected in the interaction of teacher and student, in which the educator helps the student to overcome difficulties. The main essence of pedagogical support is characterized by the description of the pedagogical process, its purposefulness, as well as the tasks to be solved in the formation and upbringing of the individual There are several types of modern pedagogical technologies: Problem-based learning technologies. Didactic game-based technologies. Collaboration technologies. Modular technologies.


SH.M.Mirziyoyev. "Milliy taraqqiyot yo'limizni qat'iyat bilan davom ettirib, yangi bosqichga ko'taramiz".T.: "O'zbekiston" 2017, 31-b

T.Madumarov, M.Kamoldinov, "Innovatsion pedagogik texnologiya asoslari va uni ta'lim-tarbiya jarayonida qo'llash", Toshkent, "Talqin"nashriyoti, 2012

Asqar Zunnunov. "Pedagogika nazariyasi". -T.: "Aloqachi", 2006

Tolibjonovich, M. T. (2021). EASTERN RENAISSANCE AND ITS CULTURAL HERITAGE: THE VIEW OF FOREIGN RESEARCHERS. ResearchJet Journal of Analysis and Inventions, 2(05), 211-215.

http //www.uzedu.uz

http //www.rtm.uz

http //www. markaz. tdi.uz

GULOMJONOV ODILJON RAXIMJON UGLI - Navoi and President Scholarship owner, Andijan state university.

KHOJAMOVA GULSEVAR ABDULLAJON QIZI- 1st year student, Andijan State Pedagogical Institute.

1 Tolibjonovich, M. T. (2021). EASTERN RENAISSANCE AND ITS CULTURAL HERITAGE: THE VIEW OF FOREIGN RESEARCHERS. ResearchJet Journal of Analysis and Inventions, 2(05), 211-215.

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