Научная статья на тему 'Effect of planting methods on productivity of winter wheat varieties in the irrigated conditions of Tajikistan'

Effect of planting methods on productivity of winter wheat varieties in the irrigated conditions of Tajikistan Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Nurbekov Aziz Israilovich, Asozoda Nurali Mahmadullo, Usmonov Ikromjon Makhmudovich, Ergasheva Khafiza Yangiboyevna

Permanent bed planting systems for wheat are gaining importance in various environments around the world. Planting method was a main plot while winter wheat varieties were sub-plot factors in this experiment. Field observations were recorded on seed germination, tillering, days to heading, days to maturity, plant height, thousand kernel weight, dry matter yield and grain yield. The yields were recorded before harvest at one square meter from each plot. According to the results obtained, permanent bed planting practices improve dry matter and grain and save seed, save on an average of 30% water, and reduce production costs by 25-35% including increased economic profit when permanent beds were used. The objective of this experiment was to test two methods of planting and two different wheat varieties of bed planted winter wheat in irrigated conditions and to adopt the permanent bed planting systems to irrigated conditions of Gissar valley, in order to intensify wheat production system in the Republic of Tajikistan.

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Похожие темы научных работ по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству , автор научной работы — Nurbekov Aziz Israilovich, Asozoda Nurali Mahmadullo, Usmonov Ikromjon Makhmudovich, Ergasheva Khafiza Yangiboyevna

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Текст научной работы на тему «Effect of planting methods on productivity of winter wheat varieties in the irrigated conditions of Tajikistan»


Nurbekov Aziz Israilovich, Tashkent State Agrarian University, Uzbekistan

Asozoda Nurali Mahmadullo, Academy of Agricultural Science, Tajikistan

Usmonov Ikromjon Makhmudovich, Tashkent State Agrarian University, Uzbekistan Ergasheva Khafiza Yangiboyevna, Uzbek State University of World Languages, Uzbekistan E-mail: nurbekov2002@yahoo.com


Abstract. Permanent bed planting systems for wheat are gaining importance in various environments around the world. Planting method was a main plot while winter wheat varieties were sub-plot factors in this experiment. Field observations were recorded on seed germination, tillering, days to heading, days to maturity, plant height, thousand kernel weight, dry matter yield and grain yield. The yields were recorded before harvest at one square meter from each plot. According to the results obtained, permanent bed planting practices improve dry matter and grain and save seed, save on an average of 30% water, and reduce production costs by 25-35% including increased economic profit when permanent beds were used. The obj ective of this experiment was to test two methods of planting and two different wheat varieties of bed planted winter wheat in irrigated conditions and to adopt the permanent bed planting systems to irrigated conditions of Gissar valley, in order to intensify wheat production system in the Republic of Tajikistan.

Keywords: permanent bed planting, conventional planting, wheat, varieties, irrigation and yield.


The permanent bed planting method is present in the irrigated areas of Tajikistan. The introduction of this technique in North Mexico improved the wheat grain yield by at least 10% and water economy by up to 35% compared to the conventional system (Aquino [1]). It is thought that similar results can be achieved in the irrigated conditions of Tajikistan by using winter wheat cultivated on beds.

Proper seedbed preparation and the selection of seeding rate are important management considerations for successful production of wheat and other agricultural crops in Tajikistan. Bed planting of wheat will improve the percentage of germination

of seed in the field conditions. In addition, seed rate can be reduced while fertilizer and herbicide application will be done at sowing. Lodging control of irrigated wheat can be achieved through bed planting practices. Nurbekov [4] reported that permanent bed planting helps to save water in three ways: the soil conserves more moisture at planting, the crop is ready for harvest before the hot season arrives, and irrigation water flows faster over a field that has not been tilled, so less water is pumped.

The permanent bed planting system will be compared to Flat Planting System based on conventional and no-till (permanent) seedbed preparation for planting winter wheat. The experiment was

conducted in experimental station of Farming Research Institute to evaluate the field performance of winter wheat, along with the economics and water use efficiency.

Materials and methods

a) Main Plot Factors: Planting method

i. Permanent bed planting (130 kg ha)

ii. Conventional planting (200 kg ha)

b) Sub-Plot Factors: Winter wheat varieties

i. Ormon

ii. Alex

A Split-Plot Block Design used in the experiment. Replications = 4; plot size = 100 m2 (35 x 2.8) for each sub plot treatment. Standard agronomic practices and fertilizer rates applied during winter wheat growth and development. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) used to determine treatments' effect.

Monitoring over the crop growth and development was conducted from the time of the starting (10%) and full completion (75%) of the different stages during crop season. Field observations on germination, number of grains per spike, number of grains per m2, thousand kernel weight, plant height, days to heading, days to flowering, days to maturity, dry matter and grain yield.

Soil sampling done in October 2013 in two different depth 0-30 and 30-60 cm (Table 1). In selected samples the identification was conducted on following - humus on I. V. Turin method, GOST 26213-91, easy hydrolyzed nitrogen, on Kornfield ("Methodical directions..., 1985), mobile compounds of phosphorus and exchange potassium on Machigin method, GOST 26205-91, pH-water extract according to GOST 17.5.01.-84.

Table 1. - Soil parameters of experimental site in irrigated site in Gissar (2014)

Soil depth Humus content Total elements in% Available elements mg/kg pH

Nitrogen Phosphorus NO3 NH 4 P2O5 K2O

0-30 1.25 0.115 0.164 12.44 3.55 10.75 13.4 8.1

30-60 0.75 0.068 0.143 8.57 0.67 5.50 8.0 7.9

After the mungbean harvest watering was provided at the norm 700 m3/ha. When soil was ready to plant then soil was ploughed with the depth 25-27 cm on conventional planting while permanent bed planting there was not any tillage method as beds from previous crop used to plant winter wheat. A carefully-selected cropping system (intercropping or mixed cropping) can help reduce pest incidence, and/or, minimize the risks involved in monocultures.

Nitrogen 30 kg/ha, ammophous 90 kg/ha and potassium 60 kg/ha fertilizers were applied before planting. 90 kg/ha of nitrogen in stage of tillering, and last nitrogen was applied at the stage of 7-8 leaves at

Table 2.- Analysis of v;

the rate 30 kg/ha. Ammonium nitrate was used as a nitrogen fertilizer (34%).


The most obvious benefit of permanent bed planting is decreased seed and irrigation rates. Significant yield difference was found planting method (< 0.001). There was no significant difference on planting method and variety (Table 2).

Analysis ofvariance (ANOVA) used to determine planting method's effect on grain yield. There was significant effect of planting method on winter wheat grain yield (< 0.001). This experiment confirmed that there is no relationship between planting method and winter wheat variety (Please see Table 3).

ance of dry mass yield

Source of variation d.f. s.s. m.s. v.r. F pr.

1 2 3 4 5 6

Planting method 1 14.2695 14.2695 23.05 < 0.001

1 2 3 4 5 6

Planting method.Variety 2 0.1872 0.0936 0.15 0.861

Residual 12 7.4298 0.6192

Total 15 21.8865

Table 3.- Analysis of variance of grain yield

Source of variation d.f. s.s. m.s. v.r. F pr.

Planting method 1 18.3827 18.3827 22.96 < 0.001

Planting method.Variety 2 0.0893 0.0446 0.06 0.946

Residual 12 9.6094 0.8008

Total 15 28.0813

Winter wheat development was advanced by 2-4 days for each growth stage in raised beds, which advanced ripening by 8-10 days with NT and raised beds (Kienzler et al. [3]) and yield was a bit higher under no-till technology (Tursunov [5]). In northwestern Uzbekistan yields of cotton and winter wheat under no-till (NT) and conventional tillage (CT) were equal at the onset of the experiments, but, long-term results showed gradual increase in wheat yields under NT compared to CT (Egamberdiev [2]; Tursunov [5]). Almost the same trend was observed in our experiment. The mean dry mass yield of the en-

tire experimental field was 4700 kg/ha. The lowest dry mass yield (3520 kg/ha) was achieved at conventional planting with winter variety Alex. Both conventional planting Ormon and Alex resulted in lower yields although the differences between treatments are relatively low. Under both conventional and bed planting, winter wheat variety Ormon had highest yield compared to Alex variety (Figure 1). Grain yield of two winter wheat varieties dominated with permanent bed planting compared to conventional planting. Permanent bed planting method had highest yield against conventional planting (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Effect of planting method on productivity of winter wheat (2014-2015)

The economic results were expressed in USD on a est profitability rate was recorded (224 and 189) at

per hectare basis for each treatment. The highest eco- conventionally planted winter wheat variety Alex

nomic profit recorded (842 and 873) were for perma- and Ormon respectively (Table 4). The estimated

nent bed planting Alex and Ormon varieties. The low- variable costs for the conventional tilled beds and

the permanent beds using the current 2014/2015 conventional tilled and permanent bed planting was

production cost. Average variable production costs made. Average returns over variable costs were 842

were 16% higher for the conventionally tilled beds and 873 USD higher for the permanent bed planting

compared to bed planting. Here also, a comparison versus 224 and 189 USD for conventional planting.

of the returns over variable costs for the average Permanent bed planting produced the highest net

yield of comparable management practices for both benefit and net revenue.

Table 4.- Economics of planting methods on winter wheat productivity

Cost items BP CP

Alex Ormon Alex Ormon

Yield kg/ha 5510 5650 3520 3360

Crop price per kg/USD 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22

Yield USD 1212 1243 774 739

Total variable costs USD 370 370 550 550

Economic profit USD 842 873 224 189


Conclusions of this experiment shows that permanent bed planting are more efficient than conventional planting in case of dry mass and grain yield. Winter wheat dry mass yield had highest yield compared to conventional planting. Dry mass increase will lead to decrease fodder shortage during winter time as most of the farmers and households in Tajikistan kept livestock. Based on obtained results, permanent bed planting can be considered as best planting practices in winter cultivation in the ir-

rigated conditions of Tajikistan. In the irrigated cereal-legume based systems of Gissar valley, no-till proved to be more profitable, resource saving and energy saving.

Preliminary results of cost benefit analysis showed that there is significant effect between permanent bed planting and conventional planting methods. This could be critical in Tajikistan, where agricultural input prices are steady growing from year to year controversially price of agricultural products decreases in the local market.


1. Aquino P. The adoption of permanent bed planting of wheat in the Yaqui Valley, Sonora, Mexico. Wheat Special Report - No. 17a.- Mexico, DF: CIMMYT. 1998.

2. Egamberdiev O. J. Dynamics of irrigated alluvial meadow soil properties under the influence of resource saving and soil protective technologies in the Khorezm region. PhD dissertation, National University of Uzbekistan,- Tashkent, 2007.

3. Kienzler K., Saparov A., Bekenov M., Kholov B., Nepesov M. and Ikramov R. 2009. Final report - Part II. Sustainable Land Management Research Project 2007-2009 // ICARDA Central Asia and Caucasus Program,- Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 2009.

4. Nurbekov A. I. Manual on Conservation Agriculture Practices in Uzbekistan.- Tashkent, 2008.- 40 p.

5. Tursunov M. Potential of conservation agriculture for irrigated cotton and winter wheat production in Khorezm, Aral Sea Basin. 2009 // PhD dissertation. ZEF / Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Germany, 2009.

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