Научная статья на тему 'Effect of implementing performance management on the effieciency of employees'

Effect of implementing performance management on the effieciency of employees Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Nurgali Aldiyar Gabituly

In modern conditions the performance management of employees is very important process. It includes setting the objectives for a year, supervision of employees and their performance, whether they achieve these goals or not, supervision of their production behavior, and also regular feedback to the workers if they do it well and if they need any improvements. Considering the current practice of use of performance management in the companies, it is possible to claim that the biggest problem with its realization are those purposes and tasks which company tries to solve with its help.

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В современных условиях управление производительностью сотрудников является очень важным процессом. Оно включает в себя определение целей на год, надзор за сотрудниками и их результативностью, независимо от того, достигают ли они этих целей или нет, контроль за их производственным поведением, а также регулярную обратную связь с рабочими, определяя, делают ли они это хорошо или же нуждаются в каких-либо улучшениях. Учитывая существующую практику использования управления производительностью в компаниях, можно утверждать, что самой большой проблемой в ее реализации являются те цели и задачи, которые компания пытается решить с ее помощью.

Текст научной работы на тему «Effect of implementing performance management on the effieciency of employees»

satisfaction/rewards-recognition-motivation-and-turnover/ (дата обращения: 30.03.2017).

4. Reimar G.A., Ionov V.V., Soloviev N. Comprehensive assessment of staff. Personnel Management, 2012. № 7.

EFFECT OF IMPLEMENTING PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT ON THE EFFIECIENCY OF EMPLOYEES Nurgali A.G. (Republic of Kazakhstan) Email: Nurgali426@scientifictext.ru

Nurgali Aldiyar Gabituly - Postgraduate;


Abstract: in modern conditions the performance management of employees is very important process. It includes setting the objectives for a year, supervision of employees and their performance, whether they achieve these goals or not, supervision of their production behavior, and also regular feedback to the workers if they do it well and if they need any improvements. Considering the current practice of use of performance management in the companies, it is possible to claim that the biggest problem with its realization are those purposes and tasks which company tries to solve with its help. Keywords: performance management, KPI, human resource management, appraisal.


ПЕРСОНАЛА Нургали А.Г. (Республика Казахстан)

Нургали Алдияр Габитулы - магистрант, факультет менеджмента, Алматы Менеджмент Университет, г. Алматы, Республика Казахстан

Аннотация: в современных условиях управление производительностью сотрудников является очень важным процессом. Оно включает в себя определение целей на год, надзор за сотрудниками и их результативностью, независимо от того, достигают ли они этих целей или нет, контроль за их производственным поведением, а также регулярную обратную связь с рабочими, определяя, делают ли они это хорошо или же нуждаются в каких-либо улучшениях. Учитывая существующую практику использования управления производительностью в компаниях, можно утверждать, что самой большой проблемой в ее реализации являются те цели и задачи, которые компания пытается решить с ее помощью.

Keywords: управление производительностью, КПЭ, управление человеческими ресурсами, оценка.

In the end of the year there is the formalized procedure of an appraisal when the head sums up the results of work of each subordinate in a year, estimating performance, production behavior, the worker's potential to growth or promotion with preservation of former level of a position and salary. The head holds personal meetings with each direct subordinate for discussion of concrete results of work and their marks, shows to the worker, in what area employee has to have more improvements and what s/he does well.

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Certification in the form in which it exists in the majority of the organizations today -procedure rather formal, which doesn't connected with daily activity. It doesn't allow the worker to see fully how s/he can increase efficiency of the work. Besides at many enterprises certification is carried out once in two-three years, and even once in five years. At present rates of development of new technologies and introductions of new administrative tools it is catastrophically rare! [1].

The control system of performance management exists in all largest world companies, moreover it is the main instrument of human resource management allowing using the potential of the human capital as much as possible.

Interrelation of the performance management process with other procedures of HR processes.

- Description of activity / function and analysis of positions;

- Selection of the personnel;

- Training and development of the personnel;

- System of remunerations and compensations;

- System of information and legal support.

Fig. 1. Interrelation of the performance management process with other procedures of HR processes


From the scheme of interaction of procedures of HR it is obvious that the main purpose of this process is a feedback which is necessary for maintenance of the current efficiency of activity at the set level. And any activity in the company is necessary for realization of the purposes and a task facing the company, the performance management has to act as a control device of the current strategy of the company.

Considering the current practice of use of performance management in the companies, it is possible to claim that the biggest problem with its realization are those purposes and tasks which company tries to solve with its help. In most cases these objectives are as follows:

- To define if the results are successful or not;

- To establish degree of compliance of the employee to the position;

- To make the decision on amount of remuneration of the employee;

- To provide to the employee a feedback by results of his / her activity;

- To define need of training of the employee;

- To make the decision on opportunities of further promotion of the employee;

- To have all information if there is a need of firing of the employee [3].

Human resource management effectiveness is recognized as the most important single factor in differentiating organizational performance and achieving competitive advantage. A key component of this is the effectiveness of performance management, which is critical because it forms the hub of so many people related processes that drive performance, cultural and talent development, and engagement [4].

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The general idea connected with realization of this process, productive and effective for the organization, is that it is necessary to remove those organizational priorities about which it was told above. The performance management can be the extremely productive instrument of management of human resources, but for this purpose it should return the status of a control device and management of efficiency of realization of strategy of the company, without being exchanged for the purposes, less essential to the organization. Of course, you shouldn't forget and about them, but you shouldn't try to solve all problems at the same time within one procedure!

References in English / Список литературы на английском языке

1. Reference for business. [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.referenceforbusiness.com/encyclopedia/Per-Pro/Performance-Appraisal-and-Standards.html/ (date of access: 02.04.2017).

2. Government of Canada. [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/tou/pmc-dgr/empkit-troemp-eng.asp/ (date of access: 01.04.2017).

3. Scott-Lenon Frank. Performance Management: Developing People. P. 50-54.

4. Free management eBooks. [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.free-management-ebooks.com/dldebk-pdf/fme-performance-management.pdf/ (date of access: 04.04.2017).

References / Список литературы

1. Reference for business. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http://www.referenceforbusiness.com/encyclopedia/Per-Pro/Performance-Appraisal-and-Standards.html/ (дата обращения: 02.04.2017).

2. Government of Canada. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http://www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/tou/pmc-dgr/empkit-troemp-eng.asp/ (дата обращения: 01.04.2017).

3. Scott-Lenon Frank. Performance Management: Developing People. P. 50-54.

4. Free management eBooks. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http://www.free-management-ebooks.com/dldebk-pdf/fme-performance-management.pdf/ (дата обращения: 04.04.2017).

QUALITY CONTROL OF BINNING Maslyonkova M.V. (Russian Federation) Email: Maslyonkova426@scientifictext.ru



Abstract: binning is a categorization process to transform a continuous variable into a small set of groups or bins, which is widely used in credit scoring. The article analyzes one of the non-standard condition for a good binning algorithm. It is based on the construction of logistic regression model for the Weight of Evidence (WOE) values. The proposed method can be useful, for example, when it is unclear whether to allocate a bin with missing values to a separate group or not. In addition, it is easy to implement in practice. Keywords: binning, credit scoring, logistic regression.

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