Научная статья на тему 'Ефективні інструменти імплементації цифрового маркетингу'

Ефективні інструменти імплементації цифрового маркетингу Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова
соціальні медіа / цифрова генерація / інструменти цифрового маркетингу / інструменти SEO / аналітика і відстеження / онлайн-брендинг / створення блогів і контенту / спільна робота / успіх і підтримка клієнтів / дизайн / зображення та відео / електронна комерція / електронний маркетинг / автоматизація маркетингу / управління подіями/ проектами / платна реклама / управління соціальними мережами / інструменти підвищення продуктивності / створення веб-сторінок і захоплення клієнтів / social media / digital generation / digital marketing tools / SEO tools / Analytics & Tracking / Online Branding / Blogging & Content Creation / Collaboration / Customer Success & Support / Design / Images & Video / E-Commerce / Email Marketing / Marketing Automation / Event/Project Management / Paid Advertising / Productivity tools / Social Media Management / Webpage Creation & Lead Capture

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Шефер Міхаель

Актуальність теми дослідження. Хоча Інтернет є частиною повсякденного життя, частина населення як і раніше виключена з цифрового світу через брак цифрових навичок і знань. Доступ до цифрових технологій стає дуже важливим, оскільки дозволяє всім безбоязно брати участь в цифровому суспільстві. Ось чому вкрай важливо враховувати широкий спектр сучасних цифрових інструментів (в основному, маркетингових), що сприяють досягненню цілей у професійній і повсякденній діяльності. Постановка завдань дослідження. Основна проблема, яка буде розглянута в ході нашого дослідження, це узагальнення, обґрунтування та аналіз інструментів цифрового маркетингу для підвищення цифрової грамотності в досягненні певних цілей. Аналіз останніх досліджень і публікацій. Простір сучасної наукової, навчальної та популярної літератури наповнений описом концепцій цифрового маркетингу, їх значення і застосування в сучасному повсякденному житті. Автори розглянули роботи американських, британських, китайських, фінських, польських, українських та індійських авторів і практиків, присвячені узагальненню найкращих маркетингових інструментів по всьому світу. Проте, розглянуті практики логічно не завершені для зручності користування. Недосліджені частини загальної проблеми. Основна практична проблема – вибрати правильний інструмент цифрового маркетингу, щоб зосередити увагу на ефективному прийнятті рішень і не витрачати додатковий час і ресурси. Метою нашого дослідження є концентрований опис і кластеризація сучасних інструментів цифрового маркетингу для їх ефективного вибору та застосування на практиці. Основними завданнями, які розв'язуються в нашому дослідженні, є: (1) опис сучасного глобального середовища використання соціальних мереж; (2) дослідження різних видів маркетингових цифрових інструментів та їх ефективності; (3) пошук шляхів найбільш ефективного використання цифрового маркетингу в залежності від ситуації. Методологія дослідження. Досліджуючи широкий спектр інструментів цифрового маркетингу, ми використовували механізми SEO, а також наукові методи аналізу і синтезу, системний підхід для узагальнення та обґрунтування всіх сучасних інструментів маркетингу. Методи цифрової кластеризації і групування були використані при побудові таблиці засобів цифрового маркетингу. Результати. Автори проаналізували статистичні матеріали, що характеризують цифрове середовище. Підкреслюється, що 86% людей у віці від 16 до 55 років використовують соціальні мережі не рідше одного разу на день, а 72% використовують їх кілька разів на день, що актуалізує розвиток цифрового бізнесу. Охарактеризовано особливості маркетингу в соціальних мережах. Основні інструменти цифрового маркетингу були представлені у вигляді таблиці. Автори надали дуже детальну систематизацію інструментів цифрового маркетингу і дали чіткі рекомендації щодо їх правильного і ефективного використання. Застосування результатів. Коли бізнес зростає, немає необхідності наймати додатковий штат, накопичуючи поточні витрати, необхідно додавати цифрові програми, які сприятимуть у вирішенні проблем управління. Цифрові інструменти допомагають скласти чіткий цифровий маркетинговий план, що відображає стратегію онлайн-маркетингу та реклами. Метою плану цифрового маркетингу є стимулювання конверсій за допомогою соціальних мереж, контенту і стратегії блогів. Висновки. Автори описали понад 160 інструментів цифрового маркетингу, розбивши їх за категоріями і сферами застосування. Акцент поставлений на інструментах SEO, автоматизації маркетингу і мобільних маркетингових додатках. Маючи сильний SEO і використовуючи онлайн-рекламу, можна залучити відвідувачів на сайт будь-якої компанії і надати їм безкоштовну інформаційну пропозицію. Автоматизація маркетингу – це швидкий спосіб забезпечити безперервний і безперебійний маркетинговий сервіс. Ефективні способи використання мобільного маркетингу включають кампанії з текстовими повідомленнями, наявність мобільного застосування і створення мобільного програми лояльності.

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Relevance of research topic. Although the Internet is a part of the daily life, some parts of the population continue to be excluded from the digital world due to the lack of digital skills and knowledge. An access to the digital technologies become significantly important as a mean of allowing everyone to participate in the digital society fearlessly. That is why it is an extremely important to consider a wide range of the modern digital tools (mostly, marketing digital tools), which will help anyone to achieve their purposes in their professional and everyday activity. Formulation of the problem. The main problem that will be addressed during our study is summarizing, justification and analyzing digital marketing tools in order to rise digital literacy to achieve certain goals. Analysis of recent research and publications. Modern scientific, tutorial and popular literature’s space is filled with the description of the digital marketing concept, its significance and application into the current everyday life. Authors has reviewed papers of American, British, Chinese, Finish, Polish, Ukrainian and Indian authors and practitioners dedicated to summarizing the best marketing tools worldwide. However, all of these findings are not good schemed logically to provide the best applicable practice for inexperienced marketing tools users. Unexplored parts of the general problem. The main practical problem is to take a correct digital marketing tool in order to concentrate attention to the effective decision making and do not waste time and resources. The aim of our study is concentrated description and clustering of the modern digital marketing tools for their effective choice and application into the practice. The main tasks that will be solved due to our research are following (1) description of the current world social media environment in numbers; (2) research of the different types of marketing digital tools and their efficiency; (3) finding ways for the most effective digital marketing usage according to the case. Research methodology. Researching a wide range of digital marketing tools, we have used SEO engines, as well as scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, systemic approach to summarize and justify all current modern marketing tools. Methods of digital clustering and grouping have been used by constructing a table of digital marketing means. Results. Authors have analyzed a lot of statistic materials characterizing digital environment nowadays. It is underlined that 86% of people aged 16-55+ use social media at least once per day, and 72% use it multiple times per day that makes necessary to develop business digitalization. Social media marketing features have been characterized. The Main Digital Marketing Tools have been presented with their possibilities to use in a table form. Authors have provided a deeply detailed systematization of the digital marketing tools and made it clear recommendations about their correct and effective usage. Application of results. When the business grows, it is not necessary to add people (hiring) multiplying current costs, but it is advisable simply to add digital applications which will help to solve all managing issues. Digital tools help to construct a clear digital marketing plan outlining company's online marketing and advertising. The goal of a digital marketing plan is to drive conversions by means of social media, content, and blog strategy. Conclusions. Authors have described over 160 digital marketing tools clustering them for thirs types and application spheres. Accent is pointed out at the SEO tools, Marketing Automation and Mobile Marketing Applications. By having strong SEO and using online advertising, it is possible to drive visitors to the website of any company and to present them with a free information-based offer. Marketing Automating the follow-up to the lead generation process is a smart way to ensure the marketing runs continuously and smoothly all the time. Effective ways of Mobile Marketing usage include text message campaigns, having a mobile app and creating a mobile loyalty program.

Текст научной работы на тему «Ефективні інструменти імплементації цифрового маркетингу»

03057, м. Кив, проспект Перемоги, буд.54/1 e-mail: rvolodvmvr@ukr.net, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4864-5433 Researcher ID: K-6499-2018

Уманщв Галина BiKTopiBHa, кандидат економiчних наук, доцент,

доцент кафедри облку та оподаткування

Кшвський нацiональний торговельно-економiчний унiверситет,

м. Кив вул. Кюто, 19

e-mail: guman27@ukr.net

ORCID: 0000-0002-5410-1363

Researcher ID: 0-4870-2016


Романишин Владимир Орестович, кандидат экономических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры корпоративных финансов и контроллинга

ГВУЗ «Киевский национальный экономический университет имени Вадима Гетьмана» 03057, г. Киев, проспект Победы, д.54/1 e-mail: rvolodvmvr@ukr.net,

Уманцив Галина Викторовна, кандидат экономических наук, доцент,

доцент кафедры учета и налогообложения

Киевский национальный торгово-экономический университет

г. Киев ул. Киото, 19

e-mail: guman27@ukr.net


Romanyshyn Volodymyr, Phd (economy), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Department of Corporate Finance and Controlling

Kyiv National Economics University named after Vadym Hetman 03057, Ukraine, Kyiv, Prospect Peremohy, house 54/1 e-mail: rvolodymyr@ukr.net,

Umantsiv Halyna, Phd (economy), associate Professor, associate Professor of the Department Accounting and Taxation

Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics Kyiv, Ukraine,19, Kyoto str. e-mail: guman27@ukr.net

Подано до редакци 18.03.2019 Прийнято до друку 27.03.2019

УДК 339.198 + 631.4 https://doi.org/10.31470/2306-546X-2019-41-67-74


Шефер Мiхаель Оксана Гетьман

Актуальнсть теми досл'1дження. Хоча 1нтернет е частиною повсякденного життя, частина населення як / ранiше виключена з цифрового с&ту через брак цифрових навичок / знань. Доступ до цифрових технолог'!й стае дуже важливим, оскльки дозволяе вам безбоязно брати участь в цифровому суспльств!. Ось чому вкрай важливо враховувати широкий спектр сучасних цифрових '¡нструмент'т (в основному, маркетингових), що сприяють досягненню цлей у профес/'йн/'й / повсякденнш д/'яльност/'.

Постановка завдань досл'дження. Основна проблема, яка буде розглянута в ход! нашого досл'дження, - це узагальнення, обфунтування та аналiз '¡нструмент'т цифрового маркетингу для пдвищення цифровоУ грамотност/ в досягненн певних цтей.

Анал'з останнiх досл'джень i публЫацш. Прост1'р сучасноУ науковоУ, навчальноУ та популярноУ лтератури наповнений описом концепций цифрового маркетингу, Ух значення / застосування в сучасному повсякденному житт¡. Автори розглянули роботи американських, британських, китайських, фiнських, польських, украУнських та '¡ндшських автор'т i практик'т, присвячен!' узагальненню найкращих маркетингових '¡нструмент'в по всьому с&ту. Проте, розглянутi практики логiчно не завершен для зручностi користування.

Недосл'джеш частини загальноУ проблеми. Основна практична проблема - вибрати правильний iнструмент цифрового маркетингу, щоб зосередити увагу на ефективному прийнятт'1 рiшень / не витрачати додатковий час / ресурси.

© Шефер Мiхaель, Оксана Гетьман, 2019

Економiчний вюник ушверситету | Випуск № 41


Метою нашого дослiдження е концентрований опис i кластеризаця сучасних iHcmpyMeHmie цифрового маркетингу для Ух ефективного вибору та застосування на практик. Основними завданнями, як розв'язуються в нашому досл'дженнi, е: (1) опис сучасного глобального середовища використання соцальних мереж; (2) досл1дження рiзних вид'т маркетингових цифрових iнструмент'т та Ух ефективност'1; (3) пошук шлях'т найбльш ефективного використання цифрового маркетингу в залежностi в'д ситуацУ.

Методолог'т досл'1дження. Дослiджуючи широкий спектр iнструмент'т цифрового маркетингу, ми використовували механiзми SEO, а також науков методи анал'зу i синтезу, системний п'дх'д для узагальнення та обфунтування вс'к сучасних iнструмент'т маркетингу. Методи цифровоУ кластеризацИ i групування були використанi при побудовi таблиц засоб/'в цифрового маркетингу.

Результати. Автори проаналiзували статистичн матер'али, що характеризують цифрове середовище. Пiдкреслюеться, що 86% людей у в'и(\ в'д 16 до 55 рок'т використовують соцiальнi мережi не р'дше одного разу на день, а 72% використовують Ух клька раз'т на день, що актуал'зуе розвиток цифрового б'знесу. Охарактеризовано особливостi маркетингу в соцальних мережах. Основн iнструменти цифрового маркетингу були представлен у виглядi таблиц. Автори надали дуже детальну систематизацю iнструмент'т цифрового маркетингу i дали ч'1тк'1 рекомендацИ щодо Ух правильного i ефективного використання.

Застосування результатie. Коли б'знес зростае, немае необх'дностi наймати додатковий штат, накопичуючи поточн витрати, необх'дно додавати цифровi програми, як сприятимуть у вирiшеннi проблем управлння. Цифровi iнструменти допомагають скласти чткий цифровий маркетинговий план, що вдображае стратегю онлайн-маркетингу та реклами. Метою плану цифрового маркетингу е стимулювання конверсш за допомогою соцальних мереж, контенту i стратега блогiв.

Висновки. Автори описали понад 160 '¡нструмент'в цифрового маркетингу, розбивши Ух за категорiями i сферами застосування. Акцент поставлений на iнструментах SEO, автоматизацц' маркетингу i мобльних маркетингових додатках. Маючи сильний SEO i використовуючи онлайн-рекламу, можна залучити в'1дв'1дувач'1в на сайт будь-якоУ компан'УУ i надати Ум безкоштовну нформацйну пропозицю. Автоматизация маркетингу - це швидкий спосб забезпечити безперервний i безпереб1'йний маркетинговий серв'ю. Ефективнi способи використання мобльного маркетингу включають кампанУ' з текстовими пов1'домленнями, наявн'ють моб'тьного застосування i створення моб'тьного програми лояльной.

Ключовi слова: соцiальнi мед'а, цифрова генерац'я, '¡нструменти цифрового маркетингу, iнструменти SEO, аналтика i в'дстеження, онлайн-брендинг, створення блогiв i контенту, спльна робота, успх i пдтримка кл'юнт'в, дизайн, зображення та в'део, електронна комерця, електронний маркетинг, автоматизаця маркетингу, управлння под'ями/ проектами, платна реклама, управлння соцальними мережами, нструменти пдвищення продуктивной, створення веб-сторнок i захоплення клiентiв


Михаэль Шефер Оксана Гетьман

Актуальность темы исследования. Хотя Интернет является частью повседневной жизни, часть населения по-прежнему исключена из цифрового мира из-за нехватки цифровых навыков и знаний. Доступ к цифровым технологиям становится очень важным, поскольку позволяет всем безбоязненно участвовать в цифровом обществе. Вот почему крайне важно учитывать широкий спектр современных цифровых инструментов (в основном, маркетинговых), способствующих достижению целей в профессиональной и повседневной деятельности.

Постановка задачи. Основная проблема, которая будет рассмотрена в ходе нашего исследования, - это обобщение, обоснование и анализ инструментов цифрового маркетинга для повышения цифровой грамотности в достижении определенных целей.

Анализ последних исследований и публикаций. Пространство современной научной, учебной и популярной литературы наполнено описанием концепций цифрового маркетинга, их значения и применения в современной повседневной жизни. Авторы рассмотрели работы американских, британских, китайских, финских, польских, украинских и индийских авторов и практиков, посвященные обобщению лучших маркетинговых инструментов по всему миру. Тем не менее, рассмотренные практики логически не завершены для удобства пользования.

Неисследованные части общей проблемы. Основная практическая проблема - выбрать правильный инструмент цифрового маркетинга, чтобы сосредоточить внимание на эффективном принятии решений и не тратить дополнительное время и ресурсы.

Целью нашего исследования является концентрированное описание и кластеризация современных инструментов цифрового маркетинга для их эффективного выбора и применения на практике. Основными задачами, решаемыми в нашем исследовании, являются: (1) описание современной мировой среды использования социальных сетей; (2) исследование различных видов маркетинговых цифровых инструментов и их эффективности; (3) поиск путей наиболее эффективного использования цифрового маркетинга в зависимости от ситуации.

Методология исследования. Исследуя широкий спектр инструментов цифрового маркетинга, мы использовали механизмы SEO, а также научные методы анализа и синтеза, системный подход для обобщения и обоснования всех современных инструментов маркетинга. Методы цифровой кластеризации и группировки были использованы при построении таблицы средств цифрового маркетинга.

Результаты. Авторы проанализировали статистические материалы, характеризующие цифровую среду. Подчеркивается, что 86% людей в возрасте от 16 до 55 лет используют социальные сети не реже одного раза в день, а 72% используют их несколько раз в день, что актуализирует развитие цифрового бизнеса. Охарактеризованы особенности маркетинга в социальных сетях. Основные инструменты цифрового маркетинга были представлены в виде таблицы. Авторы предоставили очень подробную систематизацию инструментов цифрового маркетинга и дали четкие рекомендации по их правильному и эффективному использованию.

Применение результатов. Когда бизнес растет, нет необходимости нанимать штат дополнительно, накапливая текущие расходы, необходимо добавлять цифровые приложения, способствующие в решении проблем управления. Цифровые инструменты помогают составить четкий цифровой маркетинговый план, отражающий стратегию онлайн-маркетинга и рекламу. Целью плана цифрового маркетинга - стимулирование конверсий с помощью социальных сетей, контента и стратегии блогов.

Выводы. Авторы описали более 160 инструментов цифрового маркетинга, разбив их по категориям и областям применения. Акцент поставлен на инструментах SEO, автоматизации маркетинга и мобильных маркетинговых приложениях. Имея сильный SEO и используя онлайн-рекламу, можно привлечь посетителей на сайт любой компании и представить им бесплатное информационное предложение. Автоматизация маркетинга - это быстрый способ обеспечить непрерывный и бесперебойный маркетинговый сервис. Эффективные способы использования мобильного маркетинга включают кампании с текстовыми сообщениями, наличие мобильного приложения и создание мобильной программы лояльности.

Ключевые слова: социальные медиа, цифровая генерация, инструменты цифрового маркетинга, инструменты SEO, аналитика и отслеживание, онлайн-брендинг, создание блогов и контента, совместная работа, успех и поддержка клиентов, дизайн, изображения и видео, электронная коммерция, электронный маркетинг, автоматизация маркетинга, управление событиями/проектами, платная реклама, управление социальными сетями, инструменты повышения производительности, создание веб-страниц и захват клиентов


Michael Schaefer Oksana Hetman

Relevance of research topic. Although the Internet is a part of the daily life, some parts of the population continue to be excluded from the digital world due to the lack of digital skills and knowledge. An access to the digital technologies become significantly important as a mean of allowing everyone to participate in the digital society fearlessly. That is why it is an extremely important to consider a wide range of the modern digital tools (mostly, marketing digital tools), which will help anyone to achieve their purposes in their professional and everyday activity.

Formulation of the problem. The main problem that will be addressed during our study is summarizing, justification and analyzing digital marketing tools in order to rise digital literacy to achieve certain goals.

Analysis of recent research and publications. Modern scientific, tutorial and popular literature's space is filled with the description of the digital marketing concept, its significance and application into the current everyday life. Authors has reviewed papers of American, British, Chinese, Finish, Polish, Ukrainian and Indian authors and practitioners dedicated to summarizing the best marketing tools worldwide. However, all of these findings are not good schemed logically to provide the best applicable practice for inexperienced marketing tools users.

Unexplored parts of the general problem. The main practical problem is to take a correct digital marketing tool in order to concentrate attention to the effective decision making and do not waste time and resources.

The aim of our study is concentrated description and clustering of the modern digital marketing tools for their effective choice and application into the practice. The main tasks that will be solved due to our research are following (1) description of the current world social media environment in numbers; (2) research of the different types of marketing digital tools and their efficiency; (3) finding ways for the most effective digital marketing usage according to the case.

Research methodology. Researching a wide range of digital marketing tools, we have used SEO engines, as well as scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, systemic approach to summarize and justify all current modern marketing tools. Methods of digital clustering and grouping have been used by constructing a table of digital marketing means.

Results. Authors have analyzed a lot of statistic materials characterizing digital environment nowadays. It is underlined that 86% of people aged 16-55+ use social media at least once per day, and 72% use it multiple times per day that makes necessary to develop business digitalization. Social media marketing features have been characterized. The Main Digital Marketing Tools have been presented with their possibilities to use in a table form.

Authors have provided a deeply detailed systematization of the digital marketing tools and made it clear recommendations about their correct and effective usage.

Application of results. When the business grows, it is not necessary to add people (hiring) multiplying current costs, but it is advisable simply to add digital applications which will help to solve all managing issues. Digital tools help to construct a clear digital marketing plan outlining company's online marketing and advertising. The goal of a digital marketing plan is to drive conversions by means of social media, content, and blog strategy.

Conclusions. Authors have described over 160 digital marketing tools clustering them for thirs types and application spheres. Accent is pointed out at the SEO tools, Marketing Automation and Mobile Marketing Applications. By having strong SEO and using online advertising, it is possible to drive visitors to the website of any company and to present them with a free information-based offer. Marketing Automating the follow-up to the lead generation process is a smart way to ensure the marketing runs continuously and smoothly all the time. Effective ways of Mobile Marketing usage include text message campaigns, having a mobile app and creating a mobile loyalty program.

Key words: social media, digital generation, digital marketing tools, SEO tools, Analytics & Tracking, Online Branding, Blogging & Content Creation, Collaboration, Customer Success & Support, Design, Images & Video, E-Commerce, Email Marketing, Marketing Automation, Event/Project Management, Paid Advertising, Productivity tools, Social Media Management, Webpage Creation & Lead Capture

JEL Classification: M31, M37, L86

Introduction: Marketing has changed in an innovative way. It has become digital last decades. Today, according to the Statista (the mostly reliable Statistic Portal worldwide), global digital population increased from 3.7 billion Internet users till 4.4 billion as of January 2019. As statistics shows, digital population is increasing rapidly from 1.2 billion in 2005 (almost 4 times). At the same time of the measured period, almost 3.5 billion were social media users. China, India and the United States rank ahead all other countries in terms of internet and social media users. China was ranked first with 772 million internet users, more than double the amount of third-ranked United States with just over 312 million internet users. Overall, all BRIC markets had more than 100 million internet users, accounting for four of the seven countries with more than 100 million internet users. Considering that the number of humans living on Earth is presently estimated at some 8.5 billion. It means that over 42% of the world population is interconnected through the use of internet. There are, however, stark differences in user distribution according to region. As of that period, East Asia was ranked first with mobile social media penetration rate of 70%, followed by North America with 61%. The global mobile social penetration rate was 42%. Does it mean the digital marketing or digital economy's literacy has improved? Or does it mean a significant mark of the success in the social media business promotion? Or both? There is a root of such prompt digitalization and what does it means for the future? To answer these questions, we have arranged our scientific research.

Relevance of research topic. Internet affect humans' everyday live in many ways, when communicating, keeping updated the news, interacting with public authorities, buying goods or services online, sharing news, looking for the needed information, promoting startups, own business etc. Nowadays, both Internet and digital technologies transform the worldwide attitudes. Informational and communicative technologies support startups and support current small, medium and large businesses with some new opportunities that contribute their competitiveness and development. The world is changed - it become a digital world based on the Internet tools, its fast development is observed in the fields which seemed to be undeliverable for, viz. the healthcare sector, security service, transport service, energy-saving technologies, an educational industry, the public sector etc. Although the Internet is a part of the daily life, some parts of the population continue to be excluded from the digital world due to the lack of digital skills and knowledge. An access to the digital technologies become significantly important as a mean of allowing everyone to participate in the digital society fearlessly. That is why it is an extremely important to consider a wide range of the modern digital tools (mostly, marketing digital tools), which will help anyone to achieve their purposes in their professional and everyday activity.

Formulation of the problem. The main problem that will be addressed during our study is summarizing, justification and analyzing digital marketing tools in order to rise digital literacy to achieve certain goals.

Analysis of recent research and publications. Modern scientific, tutorial and popular literature's space is filled with the description of the digital marketing concept, its significance and application into the current everyday life. In particular, Mandal, P. & Joshi, N. (2017) have described Digital Marketing Strategy have discovered the effects of technology adoption on mass customization ability. Koziot, L., Koziot, W., Wojtowicz, A. & Pyrek, R. (2014) have considered relationship marketing as a tool for supporting the company's innovations. Johnson, M.D. & Ettlie, J.E. (2001) have described reliability of modern ICT for customization Chen, Y. (2006) has researched new ways for the marketing innovative tools application. Nikunen, T., Saarela, M., Oikarinen, E.-L., Muhos, M. & Isohella, L. (2017) have developed new approach for the usage of digital marketing tools by micro-enterprises in order to build successful customer relationships. Hetman, O. (2003) has researched an innovative marketing management mechanism based on the digital technologies for increasing efficiency of the enterprises' functioning. Matthews, I. (2018) has summarized and overviewed over 150 the best marketing tools, which seem to be useful for practical activity in each sphere.

However, still we didn't find good schemed and logically algorithmized scientific, tutorial or popular paper, which might provide the best applicable practice for inexperienced marketing tools users.

Unexplored parts of the problem. There are many scientific articles, tutorial manuals and popular researches published in Open Internet Access dedicated to the digital marketing tools description. As well, each author, SEO,

developer or blogger advice to use into the practice a set of instruments, which are seem to be likely used from the certain point of view. The problem is to take a correct one in order to concentrate attention to the effective decision making and do not waste time and resources. That is why our research is a concentrated review of numerous digital marketing tools, which will help to find out and apply to the necessary one, according to their pros and cons.

The aim and tasks of the study.

The aim of our study is concentrated description and clustering of the modern digital marketing tools for their effective choice and application into the practice.

The main tasks that will be solved due to our research are following

(1) description of the current world social media environment in numbers;

(2) research of the different types of marketing digital tools and their efficiency;

(3) finding ways for the most effective digital marketing usage according to the case.

Research methodology. Researching a wide range of digital marketing tools, we have used SEO engines, as well as scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, systemic approach to summarize and justify all current modern marketing tools. Methods of digital clustering and grouping have been used by constructing a table of digital marketing means.

Results. Social media is an unsubscribed part of everyday life. People regularly access a variety of social media channels from a mobile app or computer web browser. According to The Manifest survey conducted by Herhold, K. (December, 2018), the average person spends 5 years of his or her life on social media (i.e. more time than they spend eating, socializing, and grooming). The main findings of her study demonstrate that

(1) 86% of people aged 16-55+ use social media at least once per day, and 72% use it multiple times per day;

(2) Facebook (82%), YouTube (75%), Instagram (53%), Snapchat (39%), Pinterest (38%), Twitter (36%) are mostly used social media;

(3) people use several social media channels more in 2018 compared with 2017, viz. YouTube (63%), Instagram (61%), Snapchat (58%), and Facebook (52%);

(4) people use a combination of methods to access social media, viz. mobile apps (67%), computer web browsers (57%), mobile web browsers (41 %), and tablet apps (31 %), computer app (28%), tablet web browser (23%), smartwatch (11%);

(5) females use social media multiple times per day compared to 64% of males (75% vs. 64%);

(6) the majority of both females (83%) and males (81%) use Facebook, but they vary in how they use other channels, including Pinterest (44% vs. 26%), Twitter (28% vs. 51%), and Reddit (8% vs. 29%);

(7) almost half of social media users (46%) access social media on mobile apps.

Based on this survey, we can conclude that people definitely rely on social media. As it is, that way, businesses might concentrate attempts to understand their target customers' social media habits and preferences to determine how to reach them a best way.

Social Media Marketing: As social media is an important marketing tool studying and influencing customers' preferences, obvious is an attention and investment, which business is willing to put in advance to catch and to hold customers involved in. The top sites that businesses participate in are Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest (where people are spending time mostly). Creating profiles and engaging with customers are the best ways to use these tools. By posting relevant content and engaging in conversations with customers, business is going to build relationships over time and can increase your brand awareness as well. Many software tools can be used to make such social media marketing more effective.

Scientific review: Koziot, L., Koziot, W., Wojtowicz, A. & Pyrek, R. (2014) make the assumption that the use of customer relationships in the innovation business processes of the company contributes to their successful development. They point out that CRM systems are effective tools for. Authors state that the effectiveness of individualized marketing is conditioned by such factors as close relationships with customers, continuous oversight, analyses, information technologies and databases usage. For sure, customers' participation is important as customers who use goods and services acquire knowledge that represents a great value for companies. In this case, relationship marketing can be used as a tool for supporting company's innovative processes in order to understand deeply customers' points of view (taste, preferences, emotional effects, feedbacks, critique, etc).

We can agree with polish authors in a point that knowledge received from consumers is valued higher than information obtained from marketing research centers (summarizing analytics and doing cabinet researches on demand).

Chen, Y. (2006) provides an economic analysis of marketing innovations based on the dynamic model that includes Y-factor, which allows a firm to acquire consumer information effectively and a-factor, which reduces consumer's transaction costs. Author concluded that incentives and effects of both factors differ. Although Y-factor benefits the innovating firm, it hurts some consumers (because of their differences in tastes, preferences, types, behaviors, purchasing possibilities etc); as well, while a-factor benefits all consumers, it may or may not benefit the innovating firm. Interpreting his results, we can conclude that in this case, relationship marketing has probable effect in the system of «useful -harmful», its application should be measured by necessity rather than consumers' involvedness.

Nikunen, T., Saarela, M., Oikarinen, E.-L., Muhos, M. & Isohella, L. (2017) have pointed out that today the digital marketing environment is focused at attracting customers, engaging customers' interest and participation, retaining customers, learning customers' preferences and relating to customers in building strong customer relationships. Thus, authors make the accent at the relationship marketing based on the digital marketing tools usage.

Authorial findings highlight the importance such digital marketing tools, as Blog, Facebook, Content marketing, Ecommerce, E-mail, Search engine marketing, Website. Obviously, we support authors ideas, but should widespread the list of marketing tools since, in our opinion, a digital tool knowledge is a key impact on business success.

Mandal, P. & Joshi, N. (2017) in their scientific article conclude that digital channels have no boundaries. Each company can use any devices such as smart phones, tablets, laptops, televisions, game consoles, digital billboards, and media such as social media, SEO, videos, content, e-mail and lot more for promotion company and its products. We agree with authors on a range of digital tools usage, but in our paper we offer much more perspectives for their implementation relying on the current development of informational technologies.

Hetman, O. (2003) in her dissertation papers 'Increasing efficiency of the enterprises' functioning based on the marketing management mechanism' has developed the algorithm for providing efficiency any marketing tools in the systemic usage (including digital marketing instrumentation). Proposed mechanism is aimed at reaching successful industrial companies development. In our opinion, these principles might be used in a service sphere, as well.

Digital marketing tools are the channels to reach consumers. The key objective is to promote brands through various forms of digital media. Digital marketing extends beyond Internet marketing. It includes mobile phones (both SMS and MMS), social media marketing, display advertising, search engine marketing, and other form of digital media. Most experts believe that 'digital' marketing requires a new approach and a new customer's behavior understanding by means of the quantify analysis of the value of downloads of apps on mobile devices, tweets on Twitter, likes on Facebook et al.

As we have mentioned before, there are many different types of marketing digital tools, which have different purposes. But we offer to combine them in fifteen groups (Table 1).

Table 1. The Main Digital Marketing Tools

Top Marketing sphere Marketing tools description

1 Analytics & Tracking ClickMeter, Funnel.io, Google Analytics, Heap, Track Maven, UNAMO

2 Online Branding Rebrandly, BrandYourself DIY Tool, Mention, Pixellogo, SurveyMonkey, Wisestamp

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

3 Blogging & Content Creation WordPress, BuzzSumo, BuzzSprout, CoSchedule, Pocket, Grammarly, Hemingway Editor, Kahoot!, Medium, Piktochart, Qzzr, Zest

4 Collaboration Slack, Asana, Cyfe, Dropbox, Google Drive, GoToMeeting, JIRA, Join.me, Quip, Trello, Traackr, Zenkit, Zoom

5 Customer Success & Support Intercom, Drift, Emojics, Mopinion, Ramen, Respond (by Buffer), Totango, Zendesk

6 Design, Images & Video Canva, Adobe Spark, Animatron, Balsamiq, Favicon Generator, Fluid UI, Genially, InstaQuote, InVision, Loom, Pablo, Powtoon, Snappa, Typ.io, Wistia

7 E-Commerce Shopify, BigCartel, BigCommerce, Chargify, Gumroad, Selz, Magento, Oberlo, PrestaShop, Product Upsell, Squarespace, Volusion

8 Email Marketing MailChimp, AWeber, Campaign Monitor, Constant Contact, ConvertKit, GetResponse, iContact, NEWOLDSTAMP, Revue, Scope

9 Marketing Automation HubSpot, Zapier, Automate.io, IFTTT (If This Then That), Microsoft Flow, Pardot, Follow Up Boss

10 Event/Project Management Eventbrite, AppInstitute, Bizzabo, Cvent, Eventsforce, Sli.do, Eventmobi, Gather, Wild Apricot, Indydesk, Bitrix24, ProofHub

11 Paid Advertising Facebook Ads, AdEspresso, AdStage, AdRoll, Bing Ads, Driftrock, Google Adwords, Social Ads Tool, SpyFu, Twitter Ads

12 Productivity IPassword, Calendly, CheatSheet, Evernote, F.lux, Rescue Time, Momentum, StayFocusd

13 SEO Tools Google Keyword Planner, Cocolyze, K-meta, Ahrefs, Alexa, Answer the Public, Copyscape, Google Trends, GTMetrix, Moz, OnPage.org, Screaming Frog, SEMrush, SERPChecker

14 Social Media Management Meet Edgar, Buffer, Crowdfire, Dlvr.it, Earshot, Meltwater, Oktopost, SocialBee, SocialPilot, SproutSocial

15 Webpage Creation & Lead Capture Optimizely, ClubRunner, Instapage, JotForm, M-Files, Sumo, Kickofflabs, Optinmonster, Sleeknote, Albacross, Typeform, Wix, Unbounce

Source: systematized and completed by authors based on research of Matthews, I. (2018)

(1) Analytics & Tracking is an entrance of any marketing strategy. With the ability to track on the marketing efforts, it is possible to determine operative tasks.

(2) Online Branding is a platform makes it easy to create, track, and manage short URLs with a custom domain name.

(3) Blogging & Content Creation both are the backbone of the digital marketing. Without such software tools it is impossible to share any content.

(4) Collaboration digital tools allow to check work in a team (each team member) and separate goals with different directions. Such tools make sure that team works productively and reaches their marketing goals.

(5) Customer Success & Support tools makes it a key category of the best marketing tools list, because it provides support connection and feedback with each concrete customer.

(6) Design, Images & Videos tools help with creating visual images, videos and sites to attract visitors and engage consumers. It's complicated sometimes for marketers to create well-looking content, not being web designer. Settings of these tools help

(7) E-Commerce platforms are tools helping to sell physical products or services. Th huge software instruments with limited abilities to maneuver. These tools are 'heavy' from the point of ITC and take a great responsibility from software developer/programmer to implement it.

(8) Email Marketing has been an integral part of most marketing strategies. Today, it is impossible to imagine promotions of goods or services without such tools. Therefore, there are a lot of email marketing tools to choose from in this category.

(9) Marketing Automation Even with the best marketing tools available, there is still a lot of work to put in. Marketing automation tools give you the freedom to be more productive and spend more time on the work that really matters. So sit back and let the automation do its thing with one of the tools from this category.

(10) Event Management is a very stressful part of any managing process. To run or to manage an event is a hard deal. That's why it's so beneficial to use one of the tools listed in Table 1 above.

(11) Paid Advertising. One of the best ways to boost any of marketing efforts is by using paid advertising. There are many digital tools to use paid advertising depending on the type of the business, its form and scale.

(12) Productivity is the main indicator to estimate marketing results. When it comes to digital marketing, it is necessary to make sure about staying productive. To help keep things moving along quickly and right way, here is a list of the best digital tools.

(13) SEO Tools help to rank for keywords on search engines. There are so many guides to tell the best way to rank but at the end of the day, only the search engines know all the details of their algorithms. Here is a number of tools to help better planning SEO strategy and start ranking.

(14) Social Media Management is a tricky business tool. There are a lot of platforms to manage and it is possible to spend hours making sure everything is updated. This is one of the categories that has the most options to suggest.

(15) Web page Creation & Lead Capture. It's almost an expectation now that marketers should be able to make and maintain their own web pages without the help of a developer. With many drag and drop interfaces available, it's become much easier to do so.

Conclusions. Ensuring customers find exactly what they are actively searching for what is the key to a successful inbound lead generation campaign. By including the keywords people use to search for interesting good, services or just information, business increases the likelihood to attract new clients due to the digital search engines. This process is called search engine optimization (SEO). By having strong SEO and using online advertising, it is possible to drive visitors to the website of any company and to present them with a free information-based offer. Afterwards, it will be possible to customize a strategic follow up system that intensify sales. We should notice, that inbound lead generation works much more efficiently than old-fashioned cold calling strategies.

Marketing Automation continues all the way through the sales process makes sales making it easily. Automating the follow-up to the lead generation process is a smart way to ensure the marketing runs continuously and smoothly all the time. A good example of the Marketing Automation is a series of emails sent out automatically over time that continues to provide information and keep building the relationship with customers (aka relationship marketing). Marketing Automation software captures contact information, delivering free information and then sending relevant follow-up. As we can see, Marketing Automation technologies are growing rapidly last time.

Mobile Marketing is a dominating strategy nowadays. Given the fact that nearly every person has a mobile phone, business might connect with customers via a mobile device. In this case, the website should be mobile friendly and emails should work well when opened on a small screen. Effective ways of mobile marketing usage include text message campaigns, having a mobile app and creating a mobile loyalty program. Also it is advisable to use quick response, or QR-codes in the print advertising (if such takes place). These black-and-white square graphics allow a mobile phone user to scan the code in the ad and be taken immediately to a mobile landing page where business can capture the contact information. Thus, customers get to decide whether or not to engage with the company (or any other business) via mobile, but it's smart to prepare supply's side of that connection.

The application of results. When the business grows, it is not necessary to add people (hiring) multiplying current costs, but it is advisable simply to add digital applications which will help to solve all managing issues. Digital tools help to construct a clear digital marketing plan outlining company's online marketing and advertising. The goal of a digital marketing plan is to drive conversions by means of social media, content, and blog strategy.

In the world of digital marketing, there are many applications and software solutions to keep things running smoothly. That is why it is important to focus efforts on what is essential for the business. As we can conclude from our research, the most common uses for digital marketing applications are social media management, automation, content marketing, and community building.

Further Discussion. Although there are still many skeptics who reject digital marketing technologies effectiveness, it should be agreed that today's progress seems unsecured without using them. The Internet of things/services presents a fantastic opportunity for marketers/businesses. Products or services that market

themselves, order themselves and integrate into the system that will increase customer retention. Few years ago marketers could only dream of such things, now they are a reality. These trends of digital marketing usage have to be seized by marketers to be implemented successfully.


1. Statists (2019). Social Media Statistics & Facts. URL: https://www.statista. com/topics/1164/social-networks.

2. Herhold, K. (2018). How People Use Social Media in 2018. The Manifest. URL: https://themanifest.com/social-media/how-people-use-social-media-2018.

3. Mandal, P. & Joshi, N. (2017). Understanding Digital Marketing Strategy. IJSRM. International Journal of Scientific Research and Management, Vol. 5, Issue 6, pp. 5428-5431. doi: 10.18535/ijsrm/v5i6.11.

4. Koziof, L., Koziof, W., Wojtowicz, A. & Pyrek, R. (2014). Relationship Marketing - A Tool for Supporting the Company's Innovation Process. Procedía - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 148, pp. 324-329. doi:10.1016j.sbspro.2014.07.049.

5. Seven Digital Marketing Strategies That Drive Revenue in 2019 (2018). WebFX. URL: https://www.webfx.com/internet-marketing/actionable-digital-marketing-strategies. html.

6. Chen, Y. (2006). Marketing Innovation. Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Vol. 15(1), pp. 101-123, https://doi.org/10.1111/j. 1530-9134.2006.00093.x.

7. Nikunen, T., Saarela, M., Oikarinen, E.-L., Muhos, M. & Isohella, L. (2017). Micro-Enterprises' Digital Marketing Tools for Building Customer Relationships. Management, Vol. 12(2), pp. 171-188. doi:10.26493/1854-4231.12.171-188.

8. Hetman, O. (2003). Increasing efficiency of the enterprises' functioning based on the marketing management mechanism. PhD thesis. Alfred Nobel University, Ukraine, Dnipro, 278 p.

9. Matthews, I. (2018). 150+ Best Marketing Tools: The Ultimate List. ReBrandly Blog, URL: https://blog.rebrandly.com/150-best-marketing-tools.

10. Kemp, S. (2018). Digital in 2018: World's Internet Users pass the 4 billion mark. We are social. URL: https://wearesocial.com/blog/2018/01/global-digital-report-2018.


Шефер Мiхаель, доктор економки, професор,

Асо^а^я 1901 «SEPIKE», Пуатье, Франтя,

e-mail: info@sepike.com

Researcher ID: M-2825-2014

Гетьман Оксана Олексан^вна, к.е.н., доцент,

Асо^а^я 1901 «SEPIKE», Пуатье, Франтя,

e-mail: info@sepike.com

ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-4658-9530

Researcher ID: E-6758-2018


Шефер Михаэль, доктор экономики, профессор, Ассоциация 1901 «SEPIKE», Пуатье, Франция, e-mail: info@sepike.com

Гетьман Оксана Александровна, к.э.н., доцент, Ассоциация 1901 «SEPIKE», Пуатье, Франция, e-mail: info@sepike.com

DATA ABOUT THE AUTHORS Schaefer Michael, Doctor in Economics, Professor, Association 1901 «SEPIKE», Poitiers, France, e-mail: info@sepike.com

Hetman Oksana, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Association 1901 «SEPIKE», Poitiers, France, e-mail: info@sepike.com

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