ECONOMICS AND MATHEMATICS: THEIR INTERACTION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
matematik apparat / iqtisodiyot / matematik modellar / makroiqtisodiy modellashtirish / deterministik va stokastik munosabatlar.

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Djumanazarova Zamira Kojaboevna

Ikkita mutlaqo boshqa ilmiy fanlar iqtisod va matematikaning o’zaro ta’sirining nazariy jihatlari ko’rib chiqiladi.

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Xulosa qilib aytganda, davlatimiz rahbari hozirgi davrni milliy tiklanishdan milliy yuksalish tomon deb e'lon qilganligining zamirida qat'iy ishonch va chuqur hikmat mujassam. Negaki, keyingi 10 yilligimiz asl yuksalish va taraqqiyot davri bo'lishi muqarrar. Zero oxirgi yillarda qabul qilingan va albatta qilinajak qonunlar, farmon va qarorlar, amalga oshirilayotgan keng ko'lamli islohotlar taraqqiyotning yangi ufqlariga asos bo'ladi. Intellektual bilan shug'ullanadigan shaxs tanqidiy fikrlash, tadqiqot va aks ettirish haqida haqiqat jamiyat, va uchun yechimlar taklif qiladi. Normativ jamiyat muammolari va shu bilan yutuqlar jamoat ziyolisi sifatida.


1. Milliy i^iqlol g'oyasi: asosiy tushuncha va tomoyillar. O'zbeki^on, 2000.

2. Yo'ldoshev J.G'., Usmonov S.A. Pedagogik texnologiya asoslari.-Т.: O'qituvchi. 2004.

3. Kushbakov K.B. O'zbeki^onni rivojlantirish ^rategiyasi. Fuqarolik jamiyati . -T.: 2018.14-b.


Djumanazarova Zamira Kojaboevna

Oriental University "Economy and tourism " Teacher of the department

Annotatsiya: Ikkita mutlaqo boshqa ilmiy fanlar - iqtisod va matematikaning o'zaro ta 'siriningnazariyjihatlari ko'rib chiqiladi.

Kalit so'zlar: matematik apparat, iqtisodiyot, matematik modellar, makroiqtisodiy modellashtirish, determini&ik va tioka&ik munosabatlar.

Аннотация: Рассматриваются теоретические аспекты взаимодействия двух совершенно разных научных дисциплин - экономики и математики.

Ключевые слова: математический аппарат, экономика, математические модели,макроэкономическоемоделирование,детерминированныеистохастические связи.

Abtfract: The article looks at the theoretical aspects of interaction between two completely different scientific disciplines - economics and mathematics.

Key phrases: mathematical apparatus, economics, mathematical models, macro-economic modeling, determini&ic and tfochatfic relations.

Mathematics and economics are independent fields of knowledge, each of which has its own object and subject of &udy. According to the famous American scienti^; Norbert Wiener, the purpose of mathematics is to find a hidden order in the chaos that surrounds us [1; 6]. Based on this mission of mathematics, the subject of its research is the search for quantitative forms of description of ab^ract connections that can take place

in the world around us. That is, mathematics as a science creates universal analytical tools for &udying connections and obtaining new information about the world around us on this basis. This turns the mathematical apparatus into a universal tool for solving many problems faced by scienti&s working in completely different fields of knowledge: economics, biology, medicine, lingui&ics, sociology, etc., seemingly very far from mathematics. That is why very often mathematics is called the queen of sciences.

At present, the maximum achievements in the field of knowledge are widely used by the mathematical apparatus in their research. What makes it possible to achieve colossal success in the &udy of nature and society when collecting mathematics? Mathematics operates with concepts that, at fir& glance, have nothing to do with real life: totals, integrals, differentials, equations, etc.

Mathematics, as a specific field of knowledge, has features that make it unique. They are as follows:

- a &rict definition of the rules for building relationships (connections) - mathematical formulas, which does not allow any deviations;

- when deriving the corresponding formulas, a sy&em of axioms is fir& populated, and then, proceeding from them, mathematical formulas proper are con&ructed on the basis of &rict rules;

- the ability to operate with certain concepts without revealing their essence, since the conclusions obtained are ab&ract in nature and are completely unrelated to the characteri&ics of objects.

It is these features that make the mathematical apparatus a universal analytical tool for all areas of knowledge.

Thus, having these properties, mathematics, based on the hypotheses put forward, using &rict logical rules, allows one to obtain new knowledge about the object under &udy, re-applying the corresponding rules, obtaining more new knowledge, etc. In other words, with the help of mathematical transformations on the basis of the put forward premises and &rict logical rules, it is possible to e&ablish new properties and relationships (connections) of real objects, which can then be confirmed empirically.

This is what makes mathematics a powerful science. As K. Marx emphasized, science achieves perfection only when it manages to use mathematics. In higher mathematics K. Marx found the dialectical movement in its mo& logical and at the same time the simple^ form. In particular, this applies to the economy, in which there is no single point of view on the essence of the objects under &udy.

In order to obtain new information with the help of mathematical models that corresponds to reality, it is necessary to form, based on exiting knowledge, qualitative prerequisites embedded in the model.

The famous English mathematician Huxley wrote: "Mathematics, like a mill&one, grinds what is covered under it. Ju& as when you put quinoa to sleep, you won't get wheat flour, so if you write whole pages with formulas, you won't get the truth from false premises" [5; 6].

In economics, mathematics has been used relatively recently (since 1738), when François Quesnay built and published his fir& economic tables. This is the fir& attempt

to describe quantitatively the process of reproduction of the social product as a whole. Then the classical macroeconomic model of social reproduction was proposed by Adam Smith, followed by David Riccardo (international trade model). K. Marx widely used the mathematical apparatus in his works (models of simple and extended reproduction, money circulation, etc.).

At the beginning of the 20th century, Russian economics, such as P.I. Tugan-Baranovsky (in the &udy of crises, foreca&ing the economic situation), V.I. Dmitriev, I.P. Kondratiev, E. Slutsky. IN AND. Dmitriev, for the fir& time in world economic science, made an attempt to mathematically describe the total labor co&s for the production of a unit of output. The sy&em of linear equations he developed was later used by V. Leontiev to create the famous input-output method, for which he received the Nobel Prize. E. Slutsky &udied the conditions for the lability of the consumer budget, under which it is possible to determine the utility functions based on the fir& and second derivatives. He also proposed coefficients of price ela&icity.

During the formation of &ate planning in the 1920s. the problem of using mathematical methods in economics has become the subject of heated discussions. Issues such as the possibility and necessity of using the mathematical apparatus in economics, the cognitive functions of mathematical methods, the limits of their application, etc. were discussed. At this time, many economic and mathematical models for the analysis and foreca&ing of economic phenomena are being developed. In the 1930s, the Soviet mathematician L.V. Kantorovich discovered a new class of mathematical problems -linear programming and proposed a universal method for solving them, in economics this made it possible to cope with a wide variety of problems in finding optimal solutions according to a certain linear criterion.

However, since the 1940s and until 1957, the que&ions of the application of mathematics in the economy of the USSR were almo& not developed. The mathematical methods available at that time for solving planning and economic problems were not used in practice. There were many reasons, including subjective ones: prejudice again& the use of mathematics in economic research, conservatism to some extent, lack of qualified personnel.

An out&anding economic and mathematician of our time L.V. Kantorovich noted in his introductory lecture: "Economic thinking is akin to mathematical thinking. The process of expanded reproduction became extremely clear after K. Marx formalized his implementation schemes. He pointed out that the basic concepts of economic science receive completeness and clarity due to their formalization with the help of mathematical means" [2; 15].

At present, the development of macro- and microeconomics, applied economic disciplines is associated with a higher level of their formalization. The basis for this was laid by progress in the field of applied mathematics: mathematical programming, game theory, mathematical &ati&ics, queuing theory, etc., as well as progress in the field of information technology, which made it possible to process, &ore and transmit information (without this, the introduction of mathematics into economic practice would be impossible).

What economics and mathematics have in common is that they deal with ab&ract objects of a high degree of complexity. All formulas are ab&ract. Economic processes and phenomena, economic relations are also economic ab&ractions that do not have spatial characteri&ics. This is why economics has become fertile ground for the use of mathematics.

Economic (socio-economic) sy&ems are among the mo& complex, they are characterized by many interacting elements, internal and external relationships that determine their &ate and behavior, uncertainty and dynamism, the presence of time lags, and qualitative characteri&ics. Economic processes and phenomena that act as objects of &udy of economics as a science (and they, in turn, are characterized by economic relations between subjects whose performance results are characterized by quantitative parameters) are ab&ract.

Management of the entire economy and its individual links (indu&ries, enterprises, inter-indu&ry complexes) is becoming more and more difficult due to the enormous variety of possible production decisions taken at various levels. In this regard, issues of scientifically based search for optimal solutions in various economic situations, which increase the efficiency of operations and reduce the degree of risk, are of particular importance.

Mathematics and economics are independent fields of knowledge, each of which has its own object and subject of &udy. According to the famous American scienti& Norbert Wiener, the purpose of mathematics is to find a hidden order in the chaos that surrounds us [1; 6].

There is both direct and feedback between economics and mathematics: the creation of a new mathematical apparatus and its application allows the economy to solve exiting problems in a new way. Thanks to mathematical modeling, it was possible to expand and deepen the under&anding of economics about the ways of coordinating management decisions according to several optimality criteria, about the principle of goal setting both in research and in management practice at various levels.

Economics poses new challenges for mathematics and Simulates the search for methods to solve them. So far, the needs of the economy in a new mathematical apparatus are ahead of the possibilities of mathematics (for example, the possibilities of solving problems of &ocha&ic and nonlinear programming, etc. are limited). Economic practice has caused the emergence of whole areas in applied mathematics - programming, game theory, neural networks, queuing, multivariate &ati&ical analysis, etc. In turn, on the basis of mathematics, such special methods of economic research as balance, network -high, correlation and regression analysis, etc.

Thus, economics and mathematics are in con&ant interaction and mutually enrich each other. With the development of information technology, this interaction has Pepped from the field of economic research into the real economic practice of modern business management.

The real application of mathematics in economic research, which makes it possible to explain the pa&, see the future and evaluate the consequences of one's actions, will require even more efforts, new fundamental knowledge, which is currently lacking in economics.


1. Kantorovich L.V. Optimal solutions in economics / Handful. - M.: Nauka, 1972.

2. Kantorovich L.V. On the &ate and tasks of economic science Economics and Mathematical Methods. 1990. Vol. 26.

3. Makarov V.L. Economic modeling and its role in theory and practice / Economics and Mathematical Methods. 1990. Vol. 26.


Давыдова Юлия Александровна

к. пс.н., и.о.доцента кафедры "Психология " Международного университета Кыргызстана

Сабирова Елена Замировна

к.пс.н., докторант Кыргызско-Российского Славянского университета

Актуальность: исследования психического здоровья и благополучия в образовательной среде определяется наличием стрессогенных факторов в студенческойсреде. ОбучениевВУЗесопровождаетсярядомособенностей,которые могут явиться мощным фактором риска для здоровья студентов. Очевидно, что обучение и последующая реализация профессиональных возможностей могут быть успешны только у здоровой личности. В исследовании приняли участие 457 студентов различных вузов Кыргызстана, Методики: удовлетворенность жизнью, Шкала психологического благополучия, RPWB, Техника векторного моделирования образовательной среды. Сравнение результатов векторного анализа для студентов разных курсов позволило выявить динамику модальности образовательной среды на различных этапах образовательного процесса. В ходе исследования получен ряд новых эмпирических данных, характеризующих особенности восприятия образовательной среды различными категориями членов образовательного сообщества.

Ключевые слова: образовательная среда, психологической благополучие, модели образовательной среды, вектор образовательной среды, векторное моделирование

Актуальность исследования психического здоровья и благополучия в образовательной среде определяется наличием стрессогенных факторов в студенческой среде. Студенческий период характеризуется многообразием эмоциональных переживаний, что отражается в стиле жизни, исключающем заботу о собственном здоровье, поскольку такая ориентация часто оценивается как «непривлекательная и скучная». Убеждения в неисчерпаемости собственных ресурсов оказывает влияние и на количество времени, которое студенты готовы

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