G.M. Davlyatova, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor S.H. Abdullaeva, Doctoral Student Fergana Polytechnic Institute (Uzbekistan, Fergana)
DOI: 10.24411/2411-0450-2020-10089
Abstract. Nowadays one of the most important issues facing the sphere of higher education is the improvement of the quality and evaluation system of education, as well as the training of competitive personnel. This situation determines the relevance of the study and analysis of the normative-legal framework, which will reform the system of Higher Education, control, evaluate and ensure the quality of education in all aspects, both theoretically and practically. Accordingly, the issues such as universities' active dimension to the development of the economy based on science, innovative methods in teaching, establishment an inalienable relationship with the entrepreneurial sphere, directly introduction the scientific research work carried out at the university into production are highlighted in the article.
Keywords: higher education as an enterprise, Universite-1.0, University-2.0, University-3.0, creative university, the University of innovation and entrepreneurship, the network University.
One of the priority tasks of providing personnel to today's labor market in the Republic of Uzbekistan is to set priorities for the systematic reform of higher education, to raise the process of training highly qualified personnel with modern knowledge and independent thinking to a qualitatively new level, to modernize higher education, to develop social and economic sectors based on advanced educational technologies.
What should be a higher education institution in the future? What kind of personnel should be trained there? To answer such questions, of course, in general, it is necessary to pay attention to the essence of the content of the reforms carried out in the country, in particular, reforms in the higher education system.
According to the decree of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On approval of the concept of development of the higher education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030" approved on October 8, 2019, the National University of Uzbekistan and the Samarkand State University will be included in the list of Top-500 of higher education institutions of our country, including, the transformation of the country's higher education system into the "Hab", implementing international education
programs in Central Asia, establishing international cooperation, including the publication of articles in prestigious international scientific journals with high impact by professors, scientific researchers, doctoral students, bachelors and masters students, and the opportunity to radically change the higher education system in the country [1]. At present, one of the most important issues facing the sphere of higher education is the improvement of the quality and evaluation system of education, as well as the training of competitive personnel. This situation determines the relevance of the study and analysis of the normative-legal framework, which will reform the system of Higher Education, control, evaluate and ensure the quality of education in all aspects, both theoretically and practically.
The results of the study showed that higher education began to lose its status in the middle of the 20th century. The increase in the globalisation of the economy, the technical and technological expansion, the formation of new knowledge will increase the responsibility of higher education in the development of society and the popularization of Education. The popularization of education is a base resource from which it can be effectively utilized for the social economic
development of the society. In particular, it is used to popularize entrepreneurial competence and technological culture in the society. In such conditions, society requires higher education to take into account the conditions in the labor market. In 1990-ies, the role of education in society began to change. In particular, the universities were included in the programs of the European Union for the development of scientific research and technology. Especially the Bologna Process in 1999 year gave opportunities to radically change the place of the educational process in society. Accordingly, education has become a means of coverage and implementation of market reforms. Education received the status of service, while the student became a consumer of Education. According to the Bologna Process, higher education institutions should compete for the student in terms of revenue coming, while the student should be the purchaser of Education. In such circumstances, competition will have to encourage the increase in the quality of teaching while the government will have to support the most effective higher education institutions. Efficiency is determined on the basis of production indexes. The composition of production indicators can include the growth of labor productivity and an increase in income in the enterprise. Higher education begins to think as an enterprise. The salary of employees of the institution of higher education is associated with the number of students receiving education. In particular, the developments taking place now in the World place a special demand not only for the further improvement of the production and service sectors, but also for the education sector. In particular, achieving the provision of knowledge to graduates and the introduction of knowledge acquired by them into practice has become one of the pressing issues [2, 3].
Historically, the role of higher education institutions has changed depending on economic and social conditions, as well as taking into account the changes in the country, various tasks have been created to provide knowledge and introduce it into
practice. These functions are reflected in the following models:
University 1.0-according to this model, the main focus of higher education institutions is on training specialists with the skills to operate in separate sectors of economic and social spheres. They put before themselves the mission of achieving effective education.
The university represents 2.0-such educational institutions, in which the main place is the research work and the implementation of scientific research projects. A new function will be added to the mission of achieving effective education-the implementation of scientific research work for use in the manufacturing sector.
The modern stage of development in the current environment requires universities to add a more active dimension to the development of the economy based on science. One of the main issues is the achievement of the formation of new production and service sectors operating on the basis of high technologies with the introduction into practice of scientific research work carried out in higher education institutions. These issues are fully realized on the basis of the "University 3.0" model [4]. With the introduction of the "University 3.0" model into practice, higher education institutions will be formed, which will be able to independently attract the resources that finance their activities. It is also achieved on the basis of this model to apply innovative methods in teaching, to establish an inalienable relationship with the entrepreneurial sphere, to directly introduce the scientific research work carried out at the university into production.
The development of universities based on the "University 3.0" model, that is, the commercialization of knowledge, was formed in the United States. The formation of the "University 3.0" model for Uzbekistan is one of the most serious issues of both social and economic importance. Because exactly such universities occupy an important place in the modernization of society, in the further development of the economy. In the concept of development of the higher education system up to 2030, establishing mutually beneficial cooperation of higher education
with advanced production enterprises in the Real sector of the economy and scientific research institutes is defined as a priority direction. Strengthening the integration of Science, Education and production through innovative development of the country's economy creates wide opportunities for the implementation of radical changes in the economy and the emergence of new technologies. However, the inclusion of Uzbekistan among 50 countries in the index of International Global Innovation in 2030 is defined as the main goal of innovation development strategy. It is worth noting that in 2015, Uzbekistan ranked 122 in the Global Innovation Index, which is estimated at about 80 indicators, but Uzbekistan has not been included in the list for the last three years. The Ministry of innovation, taking into account the results of the analysis of the current state of the country's current state of innovation development, defined human capital as one of the main factors in the innovative development of the country in order to increase competitiveness in the world. And this is to improve the quality of education and expand its coverage, training of personnel due to the demands and needs of the sectors of the economy. It is also necessary to increase the effectiveness of scientific research activities, to formulate conclusions that ensure the interdependence of Science, Science and business. The University 3.0 model is one of such models. The structure of this model includes the development of new technologies, the commercialization of acquired academic knowledge as a commodity, the formation of new business activities, the management of intellectual property for the purpose of obtaining profit, etc. The modern model "University 3.0" embodies the mission of social and economic development of society.
In our opinion, in the formation of the "University 3.0" model, the following initial models are considered Network, creative and innovative, and universities in the direction of entrepreneurship are intended to be the basis. The harmonization of these 3 models creates conditions for higher education to carry out its new mission [5].
The network University will consist of Science and education cooperation, scientific researches, interconnected science programs, distance learning, academic mobility. The creative partner network provides the opportunity to apply the principle of diversity in education, to attract specialists from outside to the teaching processes, to exclude students from certain disciplines. Such networks serve to develop the cooperation of specialists from different fields of knowledge with teachers through the creation of research clusters. The concept of open innovation is based on establishing a network of cooperation with high-tech
organizations,research institutions of the modern university and gaining validity. According to the logic of open participation in the market is EXTERNAL to companies, in our case, ideas and work from the University come into play. This in turn brings networked efficiency. A modern university that forms its own learning environment as a networked type of research-teaching system and uses open innovation in its development becomes a global communication link in the knowledge economy.Cooperation relations with such universities will not only offer new ideas to the developed structures of mining, but will also help them attract creative employees.
"Creative university" is a system of Creative Environments, a means for attracting and concentrating talents (centralization). Creativity paves the way for entrepreneurship, innovation, economic growth. Bunda gap is talking about the creation of cultural products, as well as scientific discoveries and technological innovations [6]. The University of innovation and entrepreneurship must be in a state of constant self-renewal in order to foresee its economic importance in the development of Science and technology. it is the direct involvement in the economic activities of the state and their compensation in the economic sphere.
In our opinion, the gradual introduction of the "University 3.0" model, which provides for an inalienable link between education, science, innovation and commercialization of the results of scientific research in higher
educational institutions, provides an opportunity to carry out the following activities:
- to attract a wide range of foreign investments, expand the scope of paid services and other non-budgetary funds to the account of technoparks of higher educational institutions, transfer of Technology, Organization of startup centers and ensuring their activity in the field of research and forecasting the socio-economic development of the relevant sectors, spheres and regions;
- to achieve scientific and innovative
professors, teachers, scientific researchers, doctoral students, Masters and bachelors;
- commercialization of extra-budgetary funds on the basis of startup projects;
- step-by-step transition from theoretical knowledge-oriented education to the educational system aimed at the formation of practical skills;
- to ensure the academic independence of the Higher education;
- step-by-step transfer of the educational process to the credit-module system, introduction of advanced standards [7].
activities in technoparks organized by
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Г.М. Давлятова, канд. экон. наук, доцент С.Х. Абдуллаева, докторант Ферганский политехнический институт (Узбекистан, г. Фергана)
Аннотация. В настоящее время одним из важнейших вопросов, стоящих перед сферой высшего образования, является совершенствование системы качества и оценки образования, а также подготовка конкурентоспособных кадров. Такая ситуация определяет актуальность изучения и анализа нормативно-правовой базы, которая позволит реформировать систему высшего образования, контролировать, оценивать и обеспечивать качество образования во всех аспектах, как теоретически, так и практически. Соответственно, в статье освещаются такие вопросы, как активное участие университетов в развитии экономики, основанной на науке, инновационные методы обучения, установление неразрывной связи с предпринимательской сферой, непосредственное внедрение в производство научно-исследовательской работы, проводимой в университете.
Ключевые слова: высшее образование как предприятие, Universite-1.0, ^^^^-2.0, University-3.0, креативный университет, университет инноваций и предпринимательства, сетевой университет.