Клычева Виолетта Васильевна
Студент, магистр,
Международный финансовый факультет, Финансовый Университет
при Правительстве РФ, Российская Федерация, Москва
Klycheva Violetta
Master student,
Faculty of International Finance, Financial University under the Government of the
Russian Federation, Russia, Moscow
Данная статья посвящена рассмотрению торгово-экономических отношений между Россией и Евросоюзом, играющих важную роль во внешнеэкономических связях РФ. Евросоюз является основным источником иностранного капитала в российском экономике, поскольку именно странны Европы являются крупнейшими торговыми и инвестиционными партнерами России. Однако этому препятствует ряд геополитических факторов. В связи с этим, существует острая необходимость поиска решений по преодолению данных препятствий.
This article is devoted to the review of trade and economic relations between Russia and the European Union that play an important role in foreign economic relations of the Russian Federation. The EU is the main source of foreign capital in the Russian economy, since the European countries are the largest trade and investment partners of Russia. However, this is hindered by a number of geopolitical factors. Therefore, there is an urgent need in finding solutions to overcome these obstacles.
Ключевые слова: Европейский Союз, Россия, экономика, инвестиции, ВТО, экономическое сотрудничество
Key words: European Union, Russia, economics, investment, the WTO, economic cooperation
The European Union (EU) is the main source of foreign capital in the Russian economy. It accounts for more than 60% of Russian foreign investment. The EU remains the largest trading Russian partner, despite the fact that the parties are going through a crisis in bilateral relations. Russia, in turn, is the third largest trade partner of the EU.
The evaluation of the contribution of the Russia's membership to the WTO in bilateral trade and economic relations is important for the formation of the Russian external economic policy in relation to the European Union, especially for the implementation of tasks to neutralize the negative economic effects of trade and economic relations.
Economic cooperation is extremely difficult in the conditions of sanctions policy. However, there are reasons for the mutual interest in the normalization and further development of trade and economic cooperation. They consist in a considerable volume of trade, opportunities for investment cooperation, increasing competition from the US and Asian economies, geographical proximity, economic interdependence and complementarity, existence of common neighbors.
In general, the sanctions resistance demonstrates the pivotal role of the geopolitical aspect in EU-Russia relations and the vulnerability of economic and trade cooperation. This, in
turn, puts the task to find ways to minimize politicization of the economic sphere of relations between Russia and the EU in order to prevent the future formation of the business hostage to the political situation.
A number of options for the normalization of trade and economic relations between Russia and the EU appeared as a result of the fact that on August 22, 2012 Russia became the 156th member of the WTO. Henceforth, the parties have committed themselves to fully comply with the WTO rules and disciplines against each other in trade.
In general, the WTO has always been characterized as a positive factor in bilateral relations: Russia's WTO membership was to be the driving force behind the negotiations on a new basic agreement. However, a significant cooling of relations with Europe because of some disagreements, in particular the use of trade and economic sanctions, changes the role of the WTO in trade of the Russian Federation and the EU, which now lies primarily in the normalization of these relations.
The liberalization of access to the Russian market may lead to the displacement of domestic enterprises by foreign manufacturers that will result in the decline in many industries. At the same time intense competition should stir up the adoption of measures in production modernization, as well as the enhancement of the legislative framework in order to improve the investment climate in the country. In these circumstances, foreign investment and international industrial cooperation can become a source of increased competitiveness. It is worth noting, however, that due to the changes in the political environment as well as the economic sanctions imposed by the EU in connection with the entry of the Crimea to the Russian Federation and the policy in regard to Ukraine, the current situation can certainly lead to decrease in the attractiveness of the Russian economy for foreign investors, as import restriction in current situation will create additional concerns among investors from other countries, including European ones, which in turn may negatively affect the modernization of the national economy.
EU is the main source of foreign capital in the Russian economy. At the end of 2013 the volume of investment by European companies was $ 288 bln. The EU accounts for not less than 60% of Russian foreign investment (about $ 80 bln). Almost all the largest investors in Russia are the members of the EU. The first top-5 investors by the size of the accumulated direct investment at the end of 2012 were: Cyprus, Netherlands, The British Virgin Islands, Luxembourg and Germany. The main recipients of Russian direct accumulated investment (at the end of 2012) were: Cyprus, Netherlands, The British Virgin Islands, United Kingdom, Luxembourg and Germany.
However, it is important to take into account that the EU members such as Cyprus, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, the British Virgin Islands, the territory under the UK jurisdiction, in fact, are offshores, hence high rates do not show the advanced level of industrial cooperation and transfer of technologies to the Russian economy.
It is important to note that the statistical data doesn't show the real situation in the investment cooperation between Russia and the European countries. Moreover, the statistical data provided by different sources is not the same. Thus, according to the Federal State Statistics Service, France is one of the main investors, while Luxembourg is not included in the top five. In the opposite direction, ie from Russia, Austria is one of the most attractive economies for Russian investors. [3] The probability of all discrepancies in the figures is due to the fact that the Federal State Statistics Service published data only on organizations that provided statistical reporting excluding bodies of monetary regulation. These data often differ significantly from the data of international organizations. [2]
However, analysis of the two sources of data points to the important role of the European offshore jurisdictions in foreign investment coming into the Russian economy, which ensures a low level of transparency of investment flows. Up to 2.3 of the capital is imported into Russia in the form of FDI by Russian companies or foreign multinationals which are regis-
tered in offshore zones. The final recipient often remains unknown since offshores don't usually disclose such information. [1]
It is necessary to study the dynamics of the changes in investment flows from the EU (with and without offshores), paying attention to the situation before and after the accession of Russia to the WTO (see. Figure 1).
Dinamics of direct investment in Russian economy from 2008 to 2012, bin $
I! I ii li li I
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
■wrtii offshore ■without off shores
Figure 1.
The diagram illustrates the share of offshore jurisdictions, which in almost all the years was more than 50%. Also we can observe the decline in FDI from Europe in 2009 when the European debt crisis began. However, excluding the offshore, we do not see a significant reduction. In the year of Russia's accession to the WTO, FDI inflows from EU countries increased by $ 2.2 billion. The main effect of the WTO should only be expected when the adaptation period is completed, when it will be possible to ascertain the absolute compliance of the Russian legislation and regulations with the WTO rules. To date, the greatest constraints to foreign investment is subject to a service sector. [4] The liberalization of foreigners' access to the service sector is crucial for the European Union. Therefore, the liberalization of service sector will lead to an increase in the inflow of European investment and increase of the EU companies' share.
Thus, Russia remains highly dependent on the investment of the European Union . In the context of a slowdown in GDP growth, the destruction of relations with the EU will be extremely unpleasant.
Список литературы:
1. Головнин М. Ю., Лобанов М. М. Инвестиционное взаимодействие России со странами «пояса соседства» //Российский внешнеэкономический вестник. - 2012. - №. 1. - С. 17-31.
2. Калабеков И. Г. Российские реформы в цифрах и фактах //М.: РУСАКИ. - 2010. - С. 137-179.
3. По данным Федеральной службы государственной статистики [Электронный ресурс] .- Режим доступа:
4. World Investment Report 2012 [Электронный ресурс] // UNCTAD. - Режим доступа: http://www.unctad-docs.org/files/UNCTAD-WIR2012-Chapter-n-en.pdf
1. Golovnin M. Y, Lobanov M.M. Investment cooperation between Russia and the countries of " neighborhood belt" // Russian foreign trade bulletin. - 2012. - №. 1. - p. 17-31 .
2. Kalabekov I.G. Russian reforms in facts and figures // M .: Rusaki . - 2010. - p. 137179 .
3. Federal State Statistics Service [electronic resource] .- Access: http://www.gks.ru/bgd/free/B0403/IssWWW.exe/Stg/d03/40inv27.htm.
4. World Investment Report 2012 [Electronic resource] // UNCTAD. - Access : http://www.unctad-docs.org/files/UNCTAD-WIR2012-Chapter-II-en.pdf
Клюев Юрий Владимирович
кандидат культурологии, доцент кафедры экономики социальной сферы Кемеровского государственного института культуры
Россия, г. Кемерово
Анализируются факторы, влияющие на развитие туризма в Кемеровской области; рассматриваются наиболее перспективные виды туризма; проводится анализ туристических потоков в рассматриваемом регионе. Автор делает вывод, что сегодня актуальна работа по развитию не только выездного, но и въездного туризма и созданию благоприятного инвестиционного климата.
Ключевые слова: туризм, экономика, инвестиции, Кемеровская область.
Klyuyev Yury Vladimirovich
PhD in Culturology, Assistant Professor of Department of Social Sphere Economics, Kemerovo State Institute of Culture (Kemerovo, Russian Federation).
The article analyzes the factors affecting the development of tourism in Kemerovo region, studies the most prospectous kinds of tourism and examines the tourists' streams in the region in question. The author concludes that nowdays it is essencial to work not only in the sphere of external tourism, but internal tourism, too, as well as to create beneficial investment climate.
Key words: tourism, economics, investment, Kemerovo region
Туризм в мировой экономике является одной из ведущих и наиболее динамичных отраслей из-за быстрого роста. Для 38% стран в мире туризм - основной источник дохода, для 83% - один из пяти источников дохода. По данным Всемирной туристской организации (Всемирная организация по туризму (World Tourism Organization) - учреждение Организации Объединённых Наций) к 2020 г. прогнозируется рост притока туристов в два раза. В России доля туристического бизнеса в ВВП невелика и составляет всего 2,5% [4]. В связи с этим важной задачей является развитие туризма в нашей стране и продвижение туристических услуг на внутреннем и международном рынках.
В России достаточно регионов, которые обладают высоким потенциалом для развития туризма. Не исключением является и Кемеровская область. Становление туристского бизнеса в Кемеровской области приходится на конец 90-х гг. ХХ в., а накопление