Научная статья на тему 'Economic and social factors effects to stress level'

Economic and social factors effects to stress level Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Pupelytė Agnė, Barkauskaitė Aida, Rakickas Julius

The aim of this research is to determine the incidence of stress among Lithuanian citizens, and to find out the influence of salary and education on stress level. Stress is the one of most common totalities of organism reactions that influences personal life and career. It is very important to understand stressors, its origins and influence, to avoid unwanted reactions in social and economic being.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Economic and social factors effects to stress level»

Section 3. Preventive medicine

Pupelyte Ague,

student of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences

Barkauskaite Aida, student of Kaunas University of Technology

Rakickas Julius,

student of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences

E-mail: agneep@gmail.com

Economic and social factors effects to stress level

Abstract: The aim of this research is to determine the incidence of stress among Lithuanian citizens, and to find out the influence of salary and education on stress level. Stress is the one of most common totalities of organism reactions that influences personal life and career. It is very important to understand stressors, its origins and influence, to avoid unwanted reactions in social and economic being.

Keywords: stress, economic, social factors, workers, salary.

Introduction: Stress is the wholesome com- leads to poor performance in work, adverse health bination of physical, psychological, social and eco- and lower quality of life. Neurotizacion caused by nomic reactions to external irritants, namely stress- stress leads to aggression, depression, inadequacy ors. According to Austrian doctor Hans Selye, who and irrationality in actions, spiritual degradation, spent his life exploring reactions of human organism loss in creativity and efficiency, misrepresentation to external irritants, stress can be described as or- of social motivations [3]. Work is one of the five ganism reaction which leads to a necessity to adapt. most important components (apart from family, Stressors are actions and objects of any origin, which health, social life and leisure) influencing the qual-creates human reaction to them forcing the organ- ity of life [4]. More than 50 % of workforce expe-ism to adapt. Every single human reacts to the en- rience stress at their workplace [5]. In 2014 Indre vironment differently and evaluates it accordingly. Caikiniene carried out a research on "Stress risk fac-One person's stressors might not be applicable to tors which affect human health" [6]. The aim of the the other and one days stressors may not be tomor- research was to find out negative influence of stress rows [1]. Stress, depression and anxiety are ascribed and its health risks. Work was one of the main named to emotional disorders covering 18.9 % of occupa- stressors, 21 % of respondents stated that they fell tional diseases in the European Union [2]. stressed at work. When asked to evaluate the level

Stress is a psycho-physiological phenomenon, of stress in work, study has shown that majority of closely linked to person's occupation and has an im- respondents rate their stress level as average. Based pact on performance, mostly causing it to decrease. on the records of European Agency for Safety and During sudden, long and continuous experiences, Health at Work, stress is the second factor that causes emotional stress is influencing the appearance of health problems and has impact on 28 % of work-other psychosomatic diseases and neurotic pro- ers [7]. In 2006 research was carried out in Lithu-cesses. Neurotic disorders influences by age and ania, Vilnius city, which consisted of 1412 workers working hours are growing. Environmental threats across different occupations. The research showed or imbalance between demands and possibilities that workers who are doing psychological work feel

more neurotic stress as they have to accomplish few tasks at a time, while workers who are doing physical work feel more physical stress, as they tend to repeat their tasks and actions [8]. According to this research it could be stated that people who are better educated and working in psychologically challenging employments are experiencing more stress than people who are doing physical work.

It is very important to analyze stress due to economic problems. There are two aspects that need to be taken into account — stress costs the same to employers and employees. Stress in work results in an increase of costs to employers in cases of staff turnover, irresponsibility and unwillingness to work, as well as accidents during work. Studies in Great Britain analyzed the cost of stress at work, which consist of 3 % of the Gross National Product and stress-related illness causes the loss of 40 million of working days each year [9]. British Health organizations prepared recommendations on stress management according to occupational factors such as workload [10]. Stress prevention at work is one of the key aims of European Commissions Communication strategy on health and safety [11]. Improvement of working conditions could increase workers' productivity, responsibility and also make the economical expenditure lesser for employers and society. Recent research has showed that there is a direct connection between personal financial status and productivity [12]. If workers had no financial concerns, they would concentrate more on work and tasks. Everywhere there is a connection between work relations, stress and financial aspects.

Aim: to detect and analyze economic and social factors impact to stress level.

Challenges: to determine stress level among Lithuanian citizens and to understand economic and social factors impact to stress level.

Materials and Methods: Used methodology: analysis of the literature, questionnaires, statistical analysis of the data. During the months of September and October in 2015 anonymous surveys were carried out through indirect questionnaires, where respondents volunteered and were selected randomly. Authors of the research prepared the questionnaire and tested it during the pilot study

of 20 respondents. The amended questionnaires were filled in by 500 people. The research consisted of Lithuanian citizens, where men accounted for 26.4 % (132 persons), and women 73.6 % (368 persons). The average calculated age of the respondents was 24.7 years.

Results: This section presents analysis results when taking into account different factors. The factors selected are salary, satisfaction of salary and education. All results are summarized using statistical visualization technique called boxplot. Box-plot summarizes statistical distribution for each group. The distribution is summarized by 5 %, 25 % (1st quartile), 50 % (median), 75 % (3rd quar-tile) and 95 % percentiles. Additionally, in order to support our statistical results, one-way-ANOVA (analysis of variance) tests were done with each factor in order to find significance differences of stress level given appropriate group for each factor. Further we shortly discuss the results. Figure 1 presents stress level results when taking into account salary factor. Horizontal axis shows group names and vertical axis stress level marked by respondent.

After performing one-way-ANOVA test for each group we found that no significant differences between stress level distribution means for salary group pairs were found. This means that we cannot support hypothesis that stress level depend on salary amount. However, we can see that for highest salary group (>1000 Eur) distribution of stress level has more mass in lower stress level direction, which would imply that high salary means lower stress level. Figure 2 presents results for education factor.

After performing test we once again did not found significance differences between stress level distribution means for pairs of education groups. However, from Figure 2 we can see that respondents who have master's degree, higher education and vocational education have more distribution mass on lower stress level than others. So we decided to regroup education groups into two:

1) doctor's degree, master's degree, higher education, vocational education;

2) unfinished higher, secondary, primary education.

Regrouped results are summarized in Figure 3.

300-500 Eur <300 Eur >1000 Eur 500-1000 Eur Unemployed Fig. 1. Salary and Stress Level Boxplot

Fig. 2. Education and Stress level Boxplot

10 S 3


jj 6


| 5


- \ y V À

- y

- -

Higher Ed., Vocational Ed., Doctors Deg.. Masters Deg- Unfinistied Higher, Primary. Secondary Ed-Fig. 3. Regrouped Education and Stress level Boxplot

Fig. 4. Satisfaction of financial situation and stress level

When performing one-way-ANOVA after regrouping we found that significant difference exists in with confidence level of 95 % (p-value of 0.03) between regrouped groups. So, people with higher or above education (including vocational education) experience less stress in their life than people with

lower level of education. The last factor that was taken into account is satisfaction of financial situation. Figure 4 summarizes the results.

After performing one-way-ANOVA once again, we found that very significant difference exist (p-value of 1.6e-07) between distribution means. So, people

who are satisfied with their financial situation experience significantly less stress when compared to respondents who answered "No".

Conclusions: In this paper we evaluated effects of socio-economic factors for stress level. After analysis of respondent answers using one-way-ANOVA test we found that actual salary amount does not significantly leads to lower or higher stress

level. But satisfaction or dissatisfaction of financial situation does: people who are satisfied with their financial situation experience less stress in their life. We also found that education also significantly determines stress level: people who have vocational, higher education, master or doctor degree experience less stress level than people who have unfinished higher, secondary or primary education.



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