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Kiseleva L.L.
Candidate of biological sciences, associate professor of the department of botany, plant physiology and biochemistry
Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev.
Silaeva Z. G.
Candidate of biological sciences, associate professor of the department of landscape architecture Orel State Agrarian University named after N. V. Parakhin.
Parakhina E.A.
Candidate of biological sciences, associate professor of the department of environmental geoscience
Tyapkina A.P.
Candidate of biological sciences, associate professor of the
department of zoology Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev.
Summary: The relevance of the research is due to the active introduction of new tree species into the urban environment, as well as to the increasing anthropogenic load. In connection with this, monitoring studies of tree plantations are necessary. This article presents the results of a comprehensive assessment of the species composition and sustainability of the tree plantations in Orel. The leading methods were the route method with the use of photography and herbarium of woody plants, as well as methods of visual estimation of tree plantations. As a result of the research, 179 species and hybrids, as well as 27 forms and varieties of wood plants were identified. A systematic and biomorphological survey of tree flora is given. 71.51% of the species are introduced and 28.49% are wild. 15 792 trees belonging to 35 species are analyzed on the examined 36 objects of landscape architecture. The ecological, biomorphological and age characteristics of these species are given. It was revealed that the tree plantations of general and limited use of Orel are weakened. The materials of the article are of practical value for substantiating the necessary measures for the reconstruction and restoration of green plantings in the objects of landscape architecture of Orel.
Key words: Orel, landscape architecture, dendroflora, ecological factors, sustainability
1. Introduction
Modern development of cities is accompanied by high rates of construction and mass building of urban and suburban areas. Nowadays, one of the priority urban tasks is to ensure the harmonious development of
man in the urban environment. This task is impossible without elements of nature.
The main element of natural environment in the city is vegetation, especially trees. The use of the remaining areas of natural forest vegetation and the creation of new tree plantations is an important part of the
Wschodnioeuropejskie Czasopismo Naukowe (East European Scientific Journal) #4(32), 2018
environmental stabilization of cities and their sustainable development. Green plantings perform urban planning, architectural and artistic, aesthetic, sanitary and recreational functions [1, 2].
In a number of big cities in Russia there was an assessment of species diversity and ecological condition of tree vegetation [3, 4 etc.]. Studies of species composition of some urban landscaping objects were carried out in Orel [5, 6, 7, 8].
In recent years, in connection with the active intraduction of new tree species into the urban environment, as well as the increasing anthropogenic load, monitoring studies of tree plantations have been necessary.
In this regard, the purpose of this work is comprehensive evaluation of the species composition and sus-tainability of tree plantations in Orel.
To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set: the study of the species composition of the tree flora, the organization and regular monitoring of tree plantations, the development of recommendations for optimizing the species composition of tree plantations and forecasting their sustainable development in urban systems.
2. Material and methodology
The study of tree flora was carried out in 20012017 by the route method with the use of photography and herbarium of woody plants.
Green plantings of 36 landscape architecture objects located on the territory of 21 streets, 8 squares, 2 parks, 2 boulevards, 1 square and 2 health facilities are investigated (Table 1).
Table 1.
List of examined plantings in Orel
Objects of landscape architecture
Boulevards Square
Health Institutions
Generala Rodina, Ignatova, Krasnoarmeiskaya, Leskova, Maxima Gorkogo, Mat-veeva, Naugorskoe shosse, Oktyabrskaya, Polesskaya, Priborostroitelnaya, Turge-neva, Saltykova-Shchedrina, Tsvetaeva, Kosmonavtov, Roshchinskaya, Mikha-litsyna, Moskovskoe shosse, Burova, Metallurgov, Razdolnaya, Leninskaya "Dvoryanskoe Gnezdo", "Gurtieva", "Orlyata", square near the building of the factory UVM, square near the Palace of Culture "Metallurg", square near the monument "Alyosha", square "Orlovskich Partizan", square of the library named after I.A. Bunin
City Park of Culture and Recreation, Children's Park Boulevard "Pobedy", boulevard "Cosmonauts" Central Lenin square Semashko hospital, Botkina hospital
When assessing the distribution of species on the studied objects of the landscape architecture, the following categories of occurrence were identified: "very often" - the number of individuals of this species is more than 10% of the total number of individuals; "often" - from 1 to 10%; "rarely" - from 0.1 to 0.9%; "very rarely" - from 0.01 to 0.09%. The species found in a single specimen are classified as "single".
Assessment of the vitality of tree plantations was carried out in 2014-2017 according to the methods of diagnosing the condition of trees and tree stands [9]. In this case, using the visual assessment of trees by external characteristics, the condition scores of individual trees of each species were determined according to the scale proposed in this methodology. Then the average score of the condition for each tree species (Ki) and the total coefficient (Ktotal) of the condition of green plantations in Orel were calculated. The received data was processed using STATISTICA MS EXEL 2010 packages.
3. Results and their discussion
As a result of the study of the dendroflora of Orel during the last 17 years, 179 species and hybrids (159 and 20 respectively) as well as 27 forms and varieties of woody plants were identified. 128 species and hybrids (71.51%) belong to the introduced and 51 (28.49%) to the wild.
Identified species and hybrids belong to 28 families. The most widely represented families are
Rosaceae - 61 species (34.08%), Salicaceae - 22 (12,29%), Caprifoliaceae u Pinaceae - by 9 (5,03%), Oleaceae - 8 (4,47%).
The living forms of the tree plants of Orel are represented by 3 groups: trees - 89 (49.72%), shrubs - 86 (48.04%), tree-like lianas - 4 (2.24%).
On the examined 36 objects of landscape architecture, 15 792 trees belonging to 35 species were analyzed.
The category "very often" includes Fraxinus еxcеlsior L., Tiliа cordаtа Mill.; "often" - Аcеr rngundo L., Аcеr platanoidеs L., Аеsculus hip-pocаstаnum L., Bеtulа pеndulа Roth., Malus domestica Bork, Picеа abiеs (L.) Karst., Populus balsamifiira L., Populus nigrа L., Sorbus аucupаriа L., Sаlix аlbа L., Thujа occidеntаlis L., Tiliа platyphyllos Scop.; "rarely" - Fraxinus lanceolate Borch., Lаrix decidua Mill., Padus avium Mill., Picеа pungеns Engelm., Pinus sy^s'tris L., Populus t^mula L., Qmr-cus robur L., Rhus typhina L., Robinia ps^udoacacia L., Salix fragilis L., Salix cap^a L., Ulmus glabra Huds., Ulmus avis Pall.; "very rarely" - Acer campestre L., Acer saccharinum L., Juglans mandshurica Maxim., Phеllodеndron amu^m^ Rupr., Populus alba L. , Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco., Quеrcus rubra L."single" - Hippophae rhamnoides L.
By age composition on the boulevards, in the squares and parks and along major streets there are trees, the average age of which is 50-70 years, shrubs -
Wschodnioeuropejskie Czasopismo Naukowe (East European Scientific Journal)#4(32), 2018
6-20 years. It should be noted that a small number of "young" plantings is marked in the composition of tree plantations, which may further affect the decorative effect and ecological sustainability of the plantations.
Several objects of Orel (Oktyabrskaya Street, Gorky Street, City Park of Culture and Recreation, Boulevard Pobedy) have preserved some copies of long-living trees, the average age of which is more than 100 years, among them there is Fraxinus excelsior L., Populus balsamifera L., Quercus robur L., Tilia cordata Mill. At the present time, many of them are in a satisfactory condition and need to be preserved.
In relation to ecological factors, the following groups were identified with respect to water: meso-phytes (60%), xerophytes (28.6%) and hygrophytes (11.4%). With respect to the trophicity of the soil, eu-trophs predominate-42.9%, mesotrophs and oli-gotrophs are 25.7% and 31.4% respectively. The frost-hardiness is dominated by frost-hardy species - 68.6%, the extremely frost-resistant species make up 20%, moderately frost-resistant species - 11.4%.
An assesment of the vitality of 15 792 trees in 36 urban tree plantations was carried out. 3869 (24.5%) of
Table 2.
Average points (Ki) of the condition of tree species and the total condition factor (Ktotal) of the green plantations in Orel
the examined trees are classified as "healthy". The majority of tree species - 6212 (39.3%) have minor damages (dried branches, decimation of the crown, some trees have ectoparasites - aphids, leaf beetles) and they are "weakened". The share of "severely weakened" trees is 2910 (18.4%). In such specimens, there was a considerable drying of the branches, death of the upper parts of tree crowns, marginal and central chlorosis of leaves, in places the death of the bark was recorded. In 2395 (15.2%) of trees there is drying up of branches along the entire crown, lack of growth, the presence of numerous marsupials and basidiomycetes on tree trunks. Such specimens are classified as "drying up". 406 (2.6%) of woody plants are classified as "completely dry trees" that do not have leaves, with peeling bark or without it.
Table 2 shows the average scores of condition for each tree species (Ki) and the total coefficient (Ktotal) of the condition of the studied green plantations in Orel. It was revealed that tree plantations of general and limited use of the city of Orel are weakened (Ktotal = 2.1) and need preventive measures, pruning and sanitation.
№ Species Total amount, is Ki Ktotal
1 Acer campestre L. 3 2,3
2 Acer saccharinum L. 3 1
3 Аcеr negundo L. 748 2,61
4 Аcеr plаtаnoidеs L. 795 2,15
5 Aesculus hippocastanum L. 1228 3,5
6 Bеtulа pеndulа Roth. 1039 1,93
7 Fraxinus excelsior L. 1621 3,89
8 Fraxinus lanceolate Borch. 92 2,2
9 Hippophae rhamnoides L. 1 2
10 Juglcns mandshurica Maxim. 6 1
11 Lcrix decidua Mill. 69 2
12 Malus domestica Borkh. 668 2,33
13 Padus avium Mill. 124 1,67
14 Phellodendron amurense Rupr. 13 1,83
15 Picea pungens Engelm. 114 1,51
16 Picea abies (L.) Karst. 475 2,09
17 Pinus sylvestris L. 95 1,35
18 Populus alba L. 13 2,2
19 Populus balsamifera L. 673 2,14
20 Populus nigra L. 569 1,69
21 Populus tremula L. 54 1,56
22 Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco 5 1,8
23 Quercus robur L. 100 2,28
24 Quercus rubra L. 4 1 2,1
25 Rhus typhina L. 31 1,86
26 Robinia pseudoacacia L. 147 1,97
27 Salix fragilis L. 130 1,6
28 Sorbus aucuparia L. 1103 2,16
29 Salix caprea L. 25 3
30 Salix alba L. 200 2,41
31 Thuja occidentalis L. 669 2,89
32 Tilia cordata Mill. 4578 2,38
33 Tilia platyphyllos Scop. 249 2,1
34 Ulmus glabra Huds. 21 2,05
35 Ulmus laevis Pall. 127 1,63
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Despite the high species diversity of the dendro-flora of the city of Orla, only 35 species have been identified in the landscaping of 36 carefully studied tree stands (Table 2). The richest in the species diversity are the City Park of Culture and Recreation, the plantings on the territory of Semashko hospital and Botkina hospital, the square near the Administration Building of the Northern District, the square near the monument "Alyosha".
The main anthropogenic factors affecting the vitality of tree plantations of Orel are: motor transport, soil compaction and salinization, uncontrolled recreation, and lack of necessary agro-technical care measures.
As a result of these factors in the tree plantations of Orel, the following features of their life state are revealed:
- asynchronism of the onset of phenophases in tree species that grow under different ecological conditions (formerly in parks and squares and later on streets and highways);
- freezing of buds, young leaves and shoots as a result of sharp spring temperature changes;
- a negative effect on tree plants of dry and hot weather for a long period, which manifests in the loss of turgor and the appearance of dry necrotic spots on the leaves of many deciduous and coniferous species;
- decrease in ornamental quality of plantings in the second half of summer due to the appearance of necrosis of leaves, as well as damage of trees by pests growing near places with intensive traffic. Here are the most damaging plants: Acer platanoides L., Aesculus hippo-castanum L., Betula pendula Roth, Fraxinus excelsior L., Quercus robur L., Thuja occidentalis L.
On the contrary, among the species growing in more favorable ecological conditions, the level of living conditions is increasing (plantings of public health institutions, parks, boulevards, etc.), among them are: Larix decidua Mill., Phеllodеndron amu^m^ Rupr., Picеa abiеs (L.) Karst., Padus avium Mill., Sorbus aucuparia L.
4. Conclusion
The solution of the problem of green plantations in Orel consists, first of all, in the modification of the strategy of planting the city and the maintenance of greenery. The new strategy should be based on a clear understanding that the anthropogenic press on the environment of the city will not decline, but instead will increase. The main content of the new strategy should be determined by the need to preserve the green fund of the city in new ecological conditions. And in this regard, the priority in urban landscaping is not the number of planted trees, but the number of surviving ones, due to the competent selection of assortment and qualitatively new technologies of care work.
To expand the range of tree plantations in Orel, both species of natural flora and species may be offered that passed acclimatization for a long period of time and successfully reproduce: Abies concolor (Gord.) Hoopes, Abies sibirica Ledeb., Acer tegmentosum Maxim., Betula palmata Borkh., Euonymus europaea
L., Juglans mandshurica Maxim., Ligustrina amuren-sis Rupr., Spiraea nipponica Maxim., Syringa reflexa C. K. Schneid, Taxus baccata L. u gp.
The assessment of the condition of trees in the examined objects of the landscape architecture of Orel showed that a significant part of them needs reconstruction or restoration.
At the same time, the reconstruction of the majority of plantings in Orel is recommended partial (selective), including the replacement of damaged and dying plants, repair of individual sites with redevelopment, construction of a road network and registration of site boundaries, replacement of small architectural forms and equipment.
It is important to observe measures for caring for reconstructed plantations: timely pruning, as a procedure to stimulate the viability of aging plants; restoration of soil fertility by loosening, as well as application of organic and mineral fertilizers; carrying out measures to protect plants from pests and diseases.
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