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ISSN 2519-8513 (Print) ISSN 2520-2529 (Online) Biosyst. Divers., 2020, 28(1), 98-112 doi: 10.15421/012014

Ecological-climatic characteristics of the flora of a floodplain landscape in Southeastern Europe

B. A. Baranovski, L. A. Karmyzova, N. O. Roshchyna, I. A. Ivanko, O. G. Karas

Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Dnipro, Ukraine

Article info

Received 02.02.2020 Received in revised form

27.02.2020 Accepted 28.02.2020

Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Gagarin ave., 72, Dnipro, 49010, Ukraine. Tel.: +38-095-779-99-94. E-mail: boris.baranovski @ukr.net

Baranovski, B. A., Karmyzova, L. A., Roshchyna, N. O., Ivanko, I. A., & Karas, O. G. (2020). Ecological-climatic characteristics of theflora of a floodplain landscape in Southeastern Europe. Biosystems Diversity, 28(1), 98-112. doi:10.15421/012014

Floodplain ecosystems take on the role of active areas of biodiversity and provide many "ecosystem services", as evidenced by a number of European scientific references. A biodiversity analysis of river floodplains in six European countries within the temperate zone has shown that the floodplains are habitats with a high-level of structural and functional dynamics. The level of their conservation reflects the floristic diversity of forest territories, which is especially important for subarid areas. Recently, a comparison of bioecological characteristics of flora in floodplain forest areas and treeless territories was conducted on the floodplain landscapes of a subarid region of Europe. The valley-terraced landscape of the Samara River, a tributary of the Dnieper can serve as a reference site of native plant complexes of subarid territory in Eastern Europe. Despite long-term anthropogenic transformation, the landscape has retained a significant phytodiversity level. The flora of the Samara River area includes 887 plant species. Of these, 177 species belonging to the rare and endangered categories. The floodplain landscape is the richest in species and most diverse part of this complex. The flora of the Samara floodplain includes 728 species (including 132 rare ones), of which 631 grow in forest communities, and 487 - in anthropogenically transformed, treeless floodplain areas. As part of the forest flora, the number of tree and shrubby species, scyophytes, hygrophytes, and megatrophs significantly increases compared to treeless sites, and the number of ruderal plant species decreases. The floristic composition of the floodplain forests of the subarid region is much richer and more diverse than the flora of the treeless floodplain areas, and this should encourage measures for their protection and restoration. Afforestation of floodplain territories within the steppe zone of Ukraine should be a priority in comparison with other landscapes. For the protection of the flora studied, a scientific justification for creating the National Park "Samara Bor" was prepared. Under the conditions of anthropogenic and climatic impact, this article is of great global importance for attracting the attention of specialists, authorities and society to the protection and restoration of biodiversity in the most valuable landscapes.

Keywords: valley-terrace landscape; floodplain; forest plant communities; ecomorphs; rare plant species; adventive species.


Vascular plant flora is one of the most numerous and stable components which represents the state of ecosystems. The territories of European river floodplains are characterized by a high-level of biodiversity. They are represented by habitats with a high level of structural and functional dynamics (Schindler et al., 2016). Some of them can serve as reference sites with the best-preserved floral richness. One of these areas on the territory of the steppe zone of Eastern Europe is the floodplain landscape of the Samara River, a tributary ofthe Dnieper (Koshelev et al., 2020).

Today, the importance of forest ecosystems (especially in subarid regions) is of inestimable importance. They reduce the effects of global warming and create conditions for biodiversity conservation and recreation (Bussotti et al., 2015; Biurrun et al., 2016; Hossain et al., 2016; Colangelo et al., 2018). The development, sustainability and biodiversity of forest ecosystems, including those within floodplain habitats, depend mainly on climate and hydrological conditions (Mikac et al., 2 018; Stojanovic et al., 2016). The only areas of forest growth in the steppe zone are the gullies (ravine forests) and floodplains (floodplain forests). The lack of atmospheric moisture is compensated by floodwaters. Tree species respond positively to floodwaters, even when floodplains are at their maximum (Heklau et al., 2019). The floodplain landscape is characterized by a richness of biotopes (forest, meadow, wetland), which create a variety of climatopical conditions not typical for steppe landscapes, especially in recent decades of global warming (Lavergne et al., 2010; Ortmann-Ajkai et al., 2018).

One of the significant woodlands of the steppe zone within Eastern Europe is the Samara Forest, which serves as the "southern outpost" of forest distribution in the steppe zone of Ukraine (Bel'gard, 1950). It is loca-

ted downstream of the Samara River, a tributary of the Dnieper. On the territory of the steppe zone of Ukraine, this woodland is the only one of the remaining large floodplain forests of the middle river valleys. On the territory of the floodplain landscape of the Samara River, forest vegetation is represented by oak forests. The forests alternate with meadows, swamps, and water bodies (Brygadyrenko, 2015, 2016).

The diverse landscapes and rich flora of the Samara River area have attracted the attention of several well-known botanists. One of the species from the territory of of the Samara River area was described by Carl Linnaeus: Veronica incana L. (Elenevskij, 1978), the type stored in London. Detailed flora and vegetation surveys in this territory (including the flood-plain landscape) were initiated at the end of the XIX century by Akinfiev (1908), the famous Ukrainian botanist. In the following years, the study of flora and vegetation was carried out by followers of the geobotanical scientific school of A. L. Belgard (Alekseyev et al., 1986, Tarasov et al., 1988; Tarasov, 2012; Baranovsky, 2016).

The flora of the Samara River area has historically been composed of different geographical elements and is distinguished by a large set of species and their ecomorphs (Belgard, 1950). The elements include a large number of rare plant species and a minimal number of adventive ones (Chervona knyha, 2010; Tarasov, 2012; Baranovsky, 2016). They are widely represented in all landscape elements of the Samara River area and especially in the floodplain. A variety of ecological conditions was developed in the forest area of the floodplain, which provides greater flora richness and diversity compared to transformed territories (Schindler et al., 2016).

In this regard, the task of our work was to compare the climatopes and ecofloristic diversity of the floodplain forest areas of the Samara River

and anthropogenically transformed territories where the forest was destroyed. This is well illustrated by the A. L. Belgard Ecomorph System, which was the first vascular plant ecomorph system (Baranovsky et al., 2018). Finding out the specific values of phytodiversity in floodplain forest areas will help initiate measures for their protection and restoration.

Materials and methods

The survey subject was the microclimatic features and floodplain vascular flora of the Samara River in its downstream area (between Ko-cherechki village and Volnoye village). Coordinates: Volnoye: 48.7281°N, 35.2931°E; Kocherechki 48.6370°N, 35.6900°E; Ivano-Mikhaylovka 48.7736°N, 35.3750°E; Cherkasskoye 48.6786°N, 35.3764°E (Fig. 1). One of the climate features in the Samara River area, which is located within the steppe Atlantic-continental climate type, is the high temperatures of the warm period with reduced precipitation and significant air dryness. The average annual air temperature is 8.1 °C, and the average annual precipitation is 545 mm (Gorb & Duk, 2006). Average

Table 1

Climatic indicators of the Samara River area (Hubynykha)

annual amplitude of air temperature is 26.8 °C. The average temperature and humidity (Table 1) of this region (Hubynykha weather forecast) show the most intense temperature rise in the period from March to April (8.8 °C) and the most intense drop in temperature from September to October (6.9 °C).

The scientific basis for the survey of climatopes in native forest bio-geocenoses was the doctrine of the forests' influence on environmental change (the doctrine of forest pertinence) of Vysotsky (1950). Climate research was conducted according to widely accepted methods. A set of standard methods of hydrometeorological observations was carried out at the test sites, and the gradient climate stand proposed by Gritsan (2000) was used, which allows meteorological elements to be measured at any level from the soil surface and tree crowns (Grytsan et al., 2005) The hydrological features of the of the middle river floodplains in the steppe zone are characterized by short-term flooding (Ramenskiy, 1971). The territory of the Samara River floodplain is flooded during high water for a period of about one week (Belgard, 1950). This determines mainly sufficient moisture for oak forests under short-term flooding conditions.


Average monthly air temperature °C* -6.1 -4.7 0.4 9.2 15.9 19.2 20.7 20.0 14.8 7.9 2.0 -2.6

Average monthly relative air humidity % 89 88 84 68 60 61 61 60 65 77 87 89

Precipitation norm, mm 48 34 31 40 46 69 58 43 41 36 44 55

Fig. 1. Diagrammatic map ofthe downstream territory of the Samara River area (hatching indicates the floodplain territory)

The vascular plant flora survey was conducted from 1998 to 2019. To compile a complete flora list, materials from the herbarium collections of Dnipropetrovsk University and the National Herbarium of the Institute of Botany, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine were used. 1300 herbarium samples were collected. The flora of different floodplain biotopes and different types of water bodies was surveyed (Roshchyna & Baranovski, 2019). The definition of vascular plant species was carried out according to the following identification manuals and "Flora" (Flora ofthe USSR, 1935-1963; Prokudin & Dobrochaeva, 1987). Plant species names were given according to the nomenclature publication adopted in Ukraine (Mosyakin & Fedorochuk, 1999).

Bioecomorphic flora analysis was carried out according to the eco-morph system ofBelgard (1950). For ecomorphic characterization of species, we used existing publications (Belgard, 1950; Baranovski, 2000; Tarasov, 2012), consultations with leading experts of the Institute of Botany of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, as well as our presonal data (Baranovsky et al., 2017, 2018).


The greatest differences in meteorological elements were observed between the floodplain and steppe landscapes in summer during the period of the greatest development of crown leaves. The weakened turbulent air exchange reduces the average daily temperature by 0.5-2.0 °C and increases the average daily relative humidity by 10-16%. The maximum temperature of the soil surface is reduced by 7-15 °C in comparison with the values of steppe landscape. With variable cloud cover, amplitude of

temperature fluctuations of the soil surface in forest areas on average is up to 7.0 °C, and in conditions of the steppe landscape the amplitude is more than 20 °C.

Forested areas have inherent climate features in a number of different biotopes: riverbeds, lakes, swamps, forest margins, and glades. Surveys of climatopes have revealed that light intensity and energy supply in the field of PAR (photosynthetically active radiation) increases in the following sequence of biotopes: oak forest ^ forest margin ^ woodland water body. Light intensity under the canopy of oak forest during the light period of the day is reduced by an average of 95.2% in comparison with non-wooded areas. Significant reflectivity of the surface of a water body provides additional solar radiation in the FAW range of the lower part of the crowns and undergrowth. Amplitude of daily temperature fluctuations in the forest glade biotope is 1.4 times greater than in the water body and forest biotopes.

All these factors impact significantly on the ecosystem functioning. They provide the basis of the floral diversity of floodplain biogeocenoses. Floral diversity of the biogeocenoses is incomparably richer than the rest of the territory. The flora of vascular plants of the Samara floodplain is very diverse both in systematic and ecological terms. A wide range of different ecomorphs are represented here (Table 2).

The vascular plant species list of the floodplain habitats in the Samara forest includes 728 species. They belong to 4 divisions, 5 classes, 108 families, 429 genera (Table 2). Of these, 148 species are rare, which are included in the European Red List (2 species), the Red Book of Ukraine (24 species) and the regional Red List of the Dnipropetrovsk region (148 species) (Chervona knyha..., 2010).

Table 2

Flora of the floodplain landscape in the Samara River downstream

Family Views Clima-morphs Thermo-morphs Helio-morphs Tropho-morphs Hygro-morphs Ceno-morphs The rare flora fraction, adventive status Types of forested areas Types of non-forested areas

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Divisio Equisetophyta


Equisetum arvense L. G MsT ScHe MsTr HgMs RuSilPr - + +

E. fluviatile L. HKr MsT ScHe MsTr HelHg AqPal RLD + +

E. hyemale L. Ch MsT ScHe MsTr HgMs PrSil RLD + -

E. pretense Ehih. G MsT ScHe MsTr HgMs Pr - - +

E. ramosissimum Desf. G MsT ScHe MsOgTr Ms PrPs - - +

E. sylvaticum L. G MsT Sc MsTr HgMs Sil RLD + -

Divisio Polypodiophyta


Asplenium trichomanes L. HKr MsT HeSc MsTr Ms SilPt RLD + -


Athyrium filix-femina (L.) Roth HKr MgT Sc MsTr HgMs Sil RLD + -

Cystopteris fragilis Bemh. HKr MgT HeSc MsOgTr Ms PsSil RLD + -


Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn G MT HeSc OgMsTr Ms Sil RLD + -


Dryopteris carthusiana H. P. Fuchs. HKr MsT ScHe MsTr Ms Sil RLD + -

D. cristata (L.) A. Grey HKr MsT HeSc OgMsTr MsHg Sil RLD + -

D. filix-mas (L.) Schott. HKr MsT HeSc OgMsTr Ms Sil RLD + -

Polystichum aculeatum (L.) Roth HKr MgT Sc OgMsTr HgMs PtSil RLD + -


Matteuccia struthiopteris (L.) Tod. HKr MsT Sc MsTr HgMs Sil RLD + -


Botrychium lunaria (L.) Sw. G MgT He MsTr Ms Pr RBU, RLD + -


Polypodium vulgare L. HKr MT HeSc MsTr Ms SilPt RLD + -


Salvina natans (L.) All. T MsT ScHe MsTr Pl Aq RBU, RLD + -


Thelypteris palustris Schott G MT HeSc MsTr Hg SilPal RLD + -

Divisio Pinophyta


Pinus sylvestris L. Ph MsT ScHe OgMsTr Ms Sil - + -

Divisio Magnoliophyta

Class Liliopsida


Alisma gramineum Ley. HKr MgT He MsTr HelHg PalAq - - +

A. lanceolatum With. HKr MgT He MgTr HelHg PalAq - + +

A. plantago-aquatica L. HKr MT ScHe MsTr HgHel PalAq - + +

Sagittaria sagittifolia L. HKr MsT ScHe MsTr HgHy PalAq - + +


Allium angulosum L. G MsT ScHe MsTr HgMs Pr - + +

A. guttatum Stev. G MsT He OgMgTr OgX PsSt RLD - +

A. oleraceum L. G MsT ScHe MsOgTr XMs RuStPrSil - + +

A. waldschteinii G.Don fil. G MgT He MsTr XMs St - + +


Acorus calamus L. HKr MgT He MsTr HgHel PalAq RLD, Adv + +


Butomus umbellatus L. HKr MgT He MsTr HgHel PalAq - + +


Convallaria majalis L. G MgT HeSc MsTr HgMs Sil RLD + -

Polygonatum multiflorum (L.) All. G MgT Sc MgTr Ms Sil - + -

P. odoratum (Mill.) Druce G MsT ScHe OgTr Ms Sil RLD + -


Bolboschoenus compactus (Hoffm.) Drob. HKr MgT He AlkMsTr HelHg PrPal - + +

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B. maritimus (L.) Palla HKr MgT He AlkMgTr HelHg AqPal - + +

Carex acuta L. HKr MgT He MsTr HelHg AqPal - + +

C. acutiformis Ehrh. HKr MgT ScHe MsTr Hg SilPal - + +

C. bohemica Schreb. HKr MsT He OgTr MsHg PrPs RBU, RLD + +

C. bueckii Wimm. HKr MsT He AlkMgTr HgMs PalPr RBU, RLD + +

C. caryophyllea Latourr. HKr MsT He OgTr Ms PrPs - + +

C. caespitosa L. HKr MgT ScHe MsTr MsHg PrPal - + -

C. distans L. HKr MgT He AlkMgTr HgMs PrHal - - +

C. disticha Huds. HKr MgT He MsTr HsMs PalPr - + +

C. elata All. HKr MgT HSc OgTr MsHg SilPal RLD + -

C. hirta L. HKr MgT ScHe OgMsTr HgMs SilPr - + +

C. lasiocarpa Ehrh. HKr MsT ScHe OgTr MsHg SilPal RBU, RLD + -

C. lachenalii Schuhr HKr MgT ScHe MsTr Ms SilPr - + -

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

C. limosa L. HKr MsT He MsTr MsHg Pal - + +

C. melanostachya Bieb. ex Willd HKr MsT ScHe AlkMgTr Ms PalPrSil - + +

C. michelii Host HKr MgT HeSc MsTr XMs StSil - + -

C. muricata L. HKr MgT ScHe MgTr Ms Sil - + -

C. otrubae Podp. HKr MsT ScHe MgTr HgMs HalSilPr - + +

C. praecox Schieb. HKr MgT He MgTr XMs StPr - + +

C. pseudocyperus L. HKr MgT HeSc OgMsTr Hg SilPal - + -

C. rhisina Blitt ex Lindbl. HKr MsT Sc MsTr Ms Sil RLD + -

C. riparia Curtis HKr MgT He MsTr Hg Pal - + +

C. spicata Huds. HKr MgT HeSc MgTr XMs PrSil - + -

C. stenophylla Wahlenb. HKr MgT He AlkMgTr MsX PrSt - - +

C. vesicaria L. HKr MsT He MsTr MsHg PrPal - + +

C. vulpina L. HKr MgT He MsTr MsHg PalPr - + +

Cyperus fuscus L. T MgT He OgMsTr Hg PsPal - + +

Eleocharis acicularis (L.) Roem. et Schult. HKr MgT ScHe MsTr HelHg PrPal RLD + -

E. mitracarpa Steud HKr MgT He MgTr Hg PrPal - + +

E. palustris (L.) Roem. et Schult. HKr MgT He MgTr Hg PrPal - + +

Pycreus flavescens Reichenb. T MgT He MsOgTr Hg PsPal - + +

Scirpoides holoschoenus (L.) Sojak. G MgT He OgTr HgMs PrPs - + +

Scirpus lacustris L. HKr MgT He MsTr HelHg AqPal - + +

S. supinus (L.) Palla T MgT ScHe MsTr MsHg PrPal RLD + +

S. sylvaticus L. HKr MgT HeSc MsTr Hg SilPal - + -

S. tabernaemontani C. C. Gmel. HKr MgT He AlkMsTr Hg Pal - + +


Ornithogalum bouscheanum (Kunth) Aschers. G MgT HeSc MsTr Ms PrSil RBU, RLD + -

O. fimbriatum Willd. G MgT ScHe MsTr Ms Sil RLD + -

O. kochii Parl. G MgT He MsTr MsX SilPtSt RLD + +

Scilla bifolia L. G MgT ScHe MsTr XMs StSil RLD + -

S. sibirica Haw. G MgT HeSc MgTr Ms Sil RLD + -


Elodea canadensis Michx. Hd EuT HeSc OgMsTr Hy RuAq Adv + +

Hydrocharis morsus-ranae L. Hd MsT ScHe MsTr Pl Aq - + +

Stratiotes aloides L. Hd MsT ScHe MsTr Pl Aq RLD + +

Vallisneria spiralis L. Hd EuT HeSc MsTr Hy RuAq Adv + +


Crocus reticulatus Stev. ex Adam. G MgT He AlkMsTr MsX PrSt RBU, RLD - +

Gladiolus tenuis Bieb. G MgT ScHe MsTr XMs Pr RBU, RLD - +

Iris halophila Pall. HKr MsT He AlkMsTr XMs HalPr RLD - +

I. pseudacorus L. G MgT He MsTr Hg Pal - + +


Juncus articulatus L. HKr MsT He OgMsTr MsHg PalPr - + +

J. atratus Krook. HKr MsT He MgTr HgMs Pr - + +

J. bufonius L. T MsT ScHe OgMsTr MsHg PsPr - + +

J. compressus Jacq. HKr MgT He MgTr MsHg PalPr - + +

J. effusus L. Hel MgT He MsTr Hg Pal - + +

J. gerardii Loisel. HKr MgT He AlkMsTr HgMs HalPr - + +

J. inflexus L. HKr MgT He MsTr MsHg Pr - - +

J. tenageia Ehrh. ex L.fil. T MgT He OgTr MsHg PrPs - + +

Lusula multiflora (Ehrh.) Lej. HKr MgT ScHe MsTr Ms SilPr RLD + -

L. pallidula Krischner HKr MgT ScHe MsTr Ms SilPr - + -


Triglochin maritimum L. HKr MgT He AlkTr MsHg PalHalPr - + +

T. palustre L. HKr MgT He MgTr MsHg HalPalPr - + +


Lemna gibba L. Hel EuT ScHe MsTr Pl Aq - + +

L. minor L. Hel EuT ScHe MsTr Pl Aq - + +

L. trisulca L. Hel MsT HeSc MsTr Hy Aq - + +

Spirodela polirrhyza (L.) Schleid. Hel EuT He MsTr Pl Aq - + +

Wolffia arrhiza (L.) Horkel ex Wimm. Hel EuT He MsTr Pl Aq RLD + +


Fritillaria meleagroides Patrin ex Schult. et Schult. f. G MsT He AlkMgTr Ms Pr RBU, RLD + +

Fritillaria ruthenica WiXtr. G MsT ScHe MsTr XMs Sil RBU, RLD + -

Gagea bulbifera (Pall.) Salisb. G MgT He MsTr MsX PtSt - + +

G. erubscens (Bess.) Schult.et Schult.fil. G MsT ScHe MgTr Ms RuSil - + +

G. lutea (L.) Ker-Gawl. G MgT HeSc MsTr Ms Sil RLD + -

Tulipa quercetorum Klokov et Zoz G MsT HeSc MgTr Ms StSil RBU, RLD + +


Caulinia minor (All.) Coss.et Germ. T EuT HeSc MsTr Hy Aq RLD + +

Najas marina L. T MgT HeSc MsTr Hy Aq - + +


Dactylorhisa incarnata L. G MsT He MgTr MsHg PrPal RBU, RLD + +

Anacamptis morio L. G MsT He MgTr XMs Pr RBU, RLD + +

A. palustris (Jacq.) R.M. Bataman G MgT He AlkMsTr MsHg PrPal RBU, RLD - +

Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz G MgT ScHe MsTr Ms PrSil RBU, RLD + -

E. palustris (L.) Crantz G MgT ScHe OgMsTr MsHg PalPr RBU, RLD + +

Liparis loeselii (L.) Rich. G MgT He OgMsTr MsHg PrPal RBU, RLD + +

Listera ovata (L.) R. Borbas G MsT HeSc MsTr Ms Sil RBU, RLD + -

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Neottia nidus-avis (L.) Rich. HKr MsT Sc MsTr Ms Sil RBU, RLD + -

Orchis militaris L. G MgT HeSc MsTr Ms SilPr RBU, RLD - +

O. ustulata L. G MgT ScHe MgTr Ms SilPr RBU, RLD + +

Platanthera bifolia (L.) Rich. G MgT HeSc MsTr Ms Sil RBU, RLD + -

P. chlorantha (Cust.) Rchb. G MgT HeSc MsTr Ms Sil RBU, RLD + -


Agropyron lavrencoanum Procud HKr MsT He OgTr MsX Ps - + -

A. pectinatum (Bieb.) Beaux. HKr MgT He MsTr X St - - +

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Agrostis gigantea Roth HKr MsT ScHe MsTr Ms SilPr - + -

A. stolonifera L. HKr MgT ScHe OgMsTr Hg PrPal - + +

A. vinealis Schreb. HKr MsT ScHe OgTr Ms StSMnPs - + -

Alopecurus aequalis Sobol. T MgT He OgTr HgHel PrPal - + +

A. arundinaceus Poir. G MgT He AlkMgTr HgMs HalPalPr - + +

A. geniculatus L. T MgT He OgTr HgMs PalPr - + +

A. pratensis L. HKr MgT He MgTr HgMs Pr - + +

Anisantha sterilis (L.) Nevski T MgT ScHe MsTr MsX PrStRu Adv + +

A. tectorum (L.) Nevsli T MgT ScHe OgMgTr MsX PsRu Adv + +

Anthoxantum odoratum L. HKr MsT HeSc OgTr Ms SilPr RBU, RLD + +

Apera spica-venti (L.) Beauv. T MsT ScHe OgTr XMs RuPs Adv + +

Arrhenatherum elatius (L.) J. et C. Presl HKr MgT ScHe MsTr XMs SilPr - + +

Beckmania eruciformis (L.) Host. HKr MgT ScHe AlkMsTr HgMs PalPr - + +

Brachypodium sylvaticum (Huds.) P. Beauv. HKr MgT Sc MgTr Ms Sil - + -

Briza media L. HKr MgT HeSc MsTr HgMs SilPr RLD + -

Bromopsis inermis (Leys.) Holub G MgT He OgMgTr XMs RuPrSt - + +

B. riparia (Rehm.) Holub G MgT He OgTr MsX PrSt - + +

B. arvensis L. T MgT He MsTr XMs Ru Adv + +

B. commutatus Schrad T MgT He MsTr XMs Ru Adv + +

B. hordeaceus L. T MgT ScHe MsTr XMs Ru - + +

B. squarrosus L. T MgT ScHe OgMgTr MsX RuPsSt Adv + +

Calamagrostis canescens (Web.) Roth HKr MgT ScHe MsTr MsHg SilPrPal - + -

C. epigeios (L.)Roth G MgT ScHe OgMsTr Ms PsSilPr - + +

Catabrosa aquatica (L.) Beauv. HKr MgT He MsTr Hel PrPal - + +

Crypsis aculeata (L.) Ait. T MgT He AlkMsTr HgMs HalPr RLD - +

C. schoenoides (L.) Lam. T MgT He AlkOgTr Ms HalPsPr - - +

Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. HKr MgT He AlkMsTr XMs HalPr Adv - +

Dactylis glomerata L. HKr MgT ScHe OgMsTr Ms SilPr - + +

Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop. T MsT He OgMsTr Ms PsRu Adv + +

Echinochloa crusgalli (L.) Beauv. T MsT He OgMgTr MsHg Ru Adv + +

Elymus caninus (L.) L. HKr MgT HeSc MgTr Ms Sil - + -

Elytrigia intermedia (Host) Nevski HKr MgT ScHe OgMsTr MsX StPtPs - + -

E. repens (L.) Nevski G MgT ScHe MsTr Ms SilStPrRu - + +

E. trichophora (Link) Nevski G MgT ScHe MsTr XMs SilSt - + +

Eragrostis minor Host T MgT He OgMsTr MsX PsRu Adv + +

Festuca arietina Klokov HKr MsT ScHe OgTr MsX SilPs - + -

F. beckeri (Hack) Trautv. HKr MgT He OgTr X StSilPs - + +

F. gigantea (L.) Vill. HKr MgT Sc MgTr HgMs Sil - + -

F. pratensis Huds. HKr MgT ScHe MsTr HgMs Pr - + +

F. regeliana Pavl. HKr MgT He AlkTr MsHg HalPr - - +

F. rupicola Heuif. HKr MgT He MgTr XMs PrSt - + +

F. valesiaca Gaudin HKr MgT He MgTr X St - + +

Glyceria arundinacea Kunth HKr MgT He MsTr HgHel PrPal - + +

G. fluitam (L.) R.Br. HKr MgT He MsTr Hel PalAq - + +

G. maxima (C. Hartm.) Holub. HKr MgT He MsTr HgHel PalAq - + +

G. notata Chevall. HKr MsT He MsTr Hg PrPal - + +

Helictotrichon pubescens (Huds.) Pilg. HKr MgT He MsTr XMs StPr RLD + -

Hierochloe odorata (L.) Beauv. G MgT ScHe OgMsTr XMs SilStPr - + -

H. repens (Host) Beauv. G MsT ScHe OgMsTr XMs PsStPr - + -

Koeleria delavignei Gern. ex Domin HKr MgT He AlkMsTr XMs PrSt - - +

K. sabuletorum (Domin) Klokov HKr MgT He OgTr MsX PsSt - + +

Leersia orizoides (L.) Sw. G MsT HeSc OgMsTr HelHg PrPal RLD + +

Lolium perenne L. HKr MgT He MgTr XMs RuPr - + +

Melica altissima L. HKr MgT ScHe MsTr XMs SMr - + -

M. nutansL. HKr MgT Sc MsTr Ms Sil RLD + -

M. picta C.Koch HKr MgT ScHe CaMsTr XMs Sil - + -

M. transsilvanica Schur HKr MgT ScHe CaMsTr MsX SMnSt - + +

Milium effusum L. HKr MgT Sc MgTr Ms Sil - + -

Molinia caerulea (L.) Moench HKr MsT ScHe OgTr Hg SilPrPal RLD + -

Nardus stricta L. HKr MgT He OgTr Hg SilPalPr RLD + -

Phalaroides arundinacea (L.) Rauschert. HKr MgT ScHe MgTr MsHg PrPal - + +

Phleum phleoides (L.) Karst. HKr MgT He MsTr XMs PrSt - + +

Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin.ex Steud. HKr EuT ScHe MsTr Hel PalAq - + +

Poa angustifolia L. HKr MgT ScHe MsMgTr MsX SilPrSt - + +

P. annua L. T EuT HeSc MsTr Ms RuSilPr - + +

P. bulbosa L. HKr EuT He OgMsTr MsX RuSilSt - + +

P. compressa L. HKr MgT ScHe OgMsTr MsX RuSt - - +

P. nemoralis L. HKr MgT ScHe MsTr XMs Sil - + -

P. palustris L. HKr MsT He MsTr MsHg PalPr - + +

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

P. pratensis L. G MsT He MsTr Ms Pr - + +

P. remota Forcelles HKr MsT ScHe MsTr HgMs Sil RLD + -

P. sylvicola Guss. HKr MgT HeSc MgTr HgMs SilPalPr - + -

P. trivialis L. HKr MsT He MsTr HgMs SilPalPr - + -

Puccinella bilykiana Klokov HKr MsT He AlkTr Ms HalPr - - +

P. distans (Jacq.) Parl. HKr MsT He AlkMsTr XMs RuHalPr - - +

Scolochloa festucacea (Willd.) Link. HKr MsT He MsTr Hg Pal RLD + +

Setaria glauca (L.) Beauv. T MgT He MsTr XMs PsRu Adv + +

S. verticillata (L.) H. B. T MgT ScHe MgTr Ms Ru Adv + +

S. viridis (L.)Beauv. T EuT He OgMsTr XMs PsRu Adv + +


Potamogeton berchtoldii Fieb. HKr MsT HeSc MsTr Hy Aq - + +

P. compressus L. HKr MsT HeSc MsTr Hy Aq - + -

P. crispus L. HKr EuT HeSc MsTr Hy Aq - + +

P. gramineus L. HKr MgT ScHe MsTr PlHy Aq - + +

P. lucens L. HKr MgT HeSc MsTr Hy Aq - + -

P. natans L. HKr MsT ScHe MsTr Pl Aq RLD + -

P. nodosus Poir. HKr MgT ScHe MsTr Hy Aq RLD + -

P. pectinatus L. HKr EuT HeSc MsTr Hy Aq - + +

P. perfoliatus L. HKr MgT HeSc MsTr Hy Aq - + +

P. sarmaticus Maemets HKr MsT HeSc MsTr Hy Aq RLD + -


Sparganium erectum L. HKr MgT He MsTr Hel PalAq - + +

S. minimum Wallr. HKr MsT HeSc MsTr Hel PalAq RLD + +


Typha angustifolia L. HKr EuT He MsTr Hel PalAq - + +

T. latifolia L. HKr MsT He MgTr Hel PalAq - + +

T. laxmannii Lepech. HKr MsT He AlkMsTr Hel PalAq - + +


Zannichelia palustris L. HKr MgT HeSc AlkMsTr Hy Aq RLD - +

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Knac Magnoliopsida


Acer campestre L. Ph MgT ScHe MgMsTr XMs SMnSil - + -

A. negundo L. Ph MsT He MsTr Ms SilCuRu Adv + +

A. platanoides L. Ph MsT HeSc MgMsTr Ms Sil - + -

A. tataricum L. Ph MsT ScHe AlkMsTr Ms SilSMn - + +


Adoxa moschatellina L. HKr MsT HeSc MsTr Ms Sil RLD + -


Amaranthus albus L. T MsT He MsTr MsX Ru Adv + +

A. blitoides S.Wats. T MgT He MsTr MsX Ru Adv + +

A. caudatus L. T MgT He MgTr XMs CuRu Adv + +

A. retroflexus L. T MsT He MsTr MsX Ru Adv + +


Aegopodium podagraria L. G MsT HeSc MgTr Ms Sil - + -

Aethusa cynapium L. THKr MgT ScHe MsTr XMs SilRu Adv + -

Antriscus cerefolium (L.) Hoffm. T MgT HeSc MsTr XMs SilRu - + -

Antriscus sylvestris (L.) Hoffm. HKr MsT HeSc MsTr Ms RuSil - + +

Chaerophyllum bulbosum L. HKr MsT ScHe OgTr Ms PrSil - + -

Chaerophyllum temulum L. THKr MsT HeSc MsTr Ms RuSil - + -

Cicuta virosa L. Hel MsT HeSc MsTr Hg Pal - + -

Conium maculatum L. HKr MgT He MsTr Ms Ru - + -

Daucus carota L. HKrT MgT ScHe MsTr XMs Ru - + +

Eryngium campestre L. G MgT He MsTr X RuSt - + +

E. planum L. HKr MgT ScHe Og-MsTr XMs StPr - + +

Heracleum sibiricum L. HKr MsT ScHe MsTr Ms SilPr - + +

Laser trilobum (L.) Borkh. HKr MgT ScHe MsTr Ms Sil RLD + -

Oenanthe aquatica (L.) Poir. HKr MsT ScHe MsTr Hg Pal - + +

Pastinaca sylvestris Mill. HKr MsT ScHe MsTr Ms SilPr - + +

Peucedanum latifolium (Bieb.) DC. HKr MgT He AlkTr Ms PrH - - +

P. lubimencoanum Kotov HKr MgT HeSc MsTr XMs SMn - + -

P. palustre (L.) Moench HKr MsT He MgTr MsHg PrPal RLD + +

Siella erecta (Huds.) M. Pimen. HKr MsT He OgTr Hg Pal RLD + +

Sium latifolium L. HKr MsT ScHe MsTr Hg Pal - + +

S. sisaroideum DC. HKr MgT He MsTr Hg Pal - + +

Torilisjaponijca (Houtt.) DC. T MgT ScHe MsTr XMs RuSil - + +


Aristolochia clematitis L. G MgT HeSc MsTr HgMs RuPrSil - + +

Asarum europaeum L. G MsT Sc MgTr Ms Sil RLD + -


Asclepias syriaca L. G MgT He MsTr XMs Ru Adv - +

Vincetoxicum hirundinaria Medik. HKr MgT ScHe MsTr MsX StSMnSil - + +


Achillea setacea Waldstet Kit. HKr MsT ScHe MsTr X StSilSMn - + +

A. submillefolium Klok. et Krytzka HKr MsT ScHe MsTr XMs SilSMnPrSt - + +

Ambrosia artemisifolia L. T MsT ScHe OgMgTr X Ru Adv + +

Anthemis cotula L. T MgT He MsTr XMs Ru Adv + +

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Arctium lappa L. HKr MsT ScHe MgTr Ms SilRu - + +

A. nemorosum Lej. HKr MsT HeSc MgTr Ms RuSil - + -

A. tomentosum Mill. HKr MsT He MgTr Ms Ru - + +

Artemisia abrotanum L. Ch MsT He OgMsTr HgMs PalPr - + +

A. absinthium L. HKr MsT He MsTr XMs Ru Adv + +

A. austriaca Jacq. Ch MsT He MsTr X RuSt - + +

A. campestris L. HKr MsT He OgMsTr X SilPsSt - + +

A. pontica L. HKr MsT ScHe MsTr X SilSMnSt RLD + +

A. vulgaris L. HKr MsT ScHe MgTr Ms PrRu - + +

Bidens tripartita L. T EuT ScHe MsTr HgMs PalPr - + +

Carduus acanthoides L. T HKr MsT He MsTr MsX PrStRu - + +

C. crispus L. HKr MsT ScHe MsTr Ms SilRu - + -

C. uncinatus M. Bieb. HKr MsT He MgTr MsX RuSt - - +

Centaurea diffusa Lam. HKr MgT He MsTr X StRu Adv - +

C. jacea L. HKr MsT ScHe MgTr Ms Pr - + +

C. scabiosa L. HKr MsT ScHe MgTr MsX StRu - + +

C. substituta Czerep. HKr MsT ScHe MsTr Ms SilPr RLD + +

C. trichocephala Bieb. HKr MgT ScHe MsTr XMs PrSt - + +

Chartolepis intermedia Boiss. G MgT He AlkTr Ms PrHal - - +

Cichorium inthybus L. HKr MsT He MsTr MsX RuStPr Adv + +

Cirsium datum (S.B.Gmel.)Bobr. HKr MsT He AlkTr Ms PrHal RLD + +

C. polonicum (Petrak) Iljin HKr MsT He MsTr MsX StRu - - +

C. rivulare (Jacq.) All. HKr MsT He MsTr MsHg PalPr RLD + +

C. setosum (Willd.) Bess. G MgT He MsTr MsX Ru - + +

C.ucrainicum Bess. HKr MsT He OgMsTr X RuSt - - +

C. vulgare (Savit) Ten. HKr MgT ScHe MgTr XMs Ru - + +

Coniza canadensis (L.) Cronq. T HKr EuT ScHe OgMgTr MsX Ru Adv + +

Crepis rhoedfolia M.Bieb. T MgT He MsTr MsX StRu - - +

C. setosa Hal. T MsT He MsTr MsX PrRu - + +

C. tectorum L. T HKr MsT He OgMsTr MsX PsStRu - + +

Echinops ruthenicus M. Bieb. HKr MsT ScHe MgTr X PtSt - - +

E. sphaerocephalus L. HKr MsT ScHe MsTr X SMnSt - + +

Erigeron acris L. HKr MsT ScHe MsTr MsX RuPrSt - - +

Eupatorium cannabinum L. HKr EuT ScHe MgTr HgMs SilPr - + -

Filago arvensis L. T MgT ScHe OgMsTr MsX SilStRu - - +

Galinsoga parviflora Cav. T MgT ScHe MsTr Ms Ru Adv + +

Gnaphalium uliginosum L. T MsT He MsTr MsHg PrPal RLD + -

Hieracium umbellatum L. HKr MsT ScHe OgTr MsX StPs RLD + +

Hypochaeris maculata L. HKr MsT ScHe MsTr Ms SilPr - + -

Inula britanica L. HKr MgT He MsTr Ms RuPr - + +

I. germanica L. G MgT He MgTr XMs StPr - - +

I. helenium L. HKr MgT He MgTr HgMs Pr RLD - +

I. hirta L HKr MsT ScHe MgTr MsX PrSilSt RLD + +

I. salicina L. G MgT ScHe OgTr XMs PrSMn - + +

Iva mnthüfolia Nutt T MsT ScHe OgMgTr XMs Ru Adv + +

Lactuca chaixii Vill. T MsT HeSc MgTr Ms Sil - + -

L. serriola Tomer T HKr MgT He MsTr XMs Ru Adv + +

L. quercina L. HKr MsT HeSc MsTr Ms Sil RLD + -

L. tatarica (L.) C. A. Mey. G MgT He MsTr XMs HalRu - + +

Lapsana communis L. T MgT HeSc MgTr XMs RuSil - + -

Leontodon autumnalis L. HKr MsT ScHe MsTr Ms RuPr - - +

Lepidotheca suaveolens (Pursh) Nutt. T EuT He MsTr MsX Ru Adv + +

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Matricaria recutita L. T MsT He MsTr MsX Ru Adv + +

Onopordum acanthium L. HKr MsT He MsTr MsX Ru Adv - +

Petasites spurius (Retz.) Rchb. G MsT ScHe OgTr MsHg Ps Adv + +

Phalacrochena inuloides (Fisch.ex Shmalh.) Iljin G MsT He AlkMgTr XMs RuHalPr RLD - +

Phalacroloma annuum (L.) Dumort. T HKr MsT ScHe MsTr MsX Ru Adv + +

Picris hieracioides L. HKr EuT He MsTr MsX RuSt - + +

Pilosella caespitosa (Dumort.) P.D.Seli et West HKr MsT He MgTr Ms SMnPr - + +

Ptarmica salicifolia (Besser) Serg. HKr MsT He OgMsTr MsHg PalPr - + +

Pyrethrum corymbosum (L.) Scop. HKr MsT ScHe MgTr XMs PrSil RLD + -

Rhaponticum serratuloides (Georgi) Bobr. HKr MgT He AlkTr MsHg HalPr RLD - +

Scorzonera laciniata L. HKr MgT He AlkTr XMs HalStPr - + +

S. parviflora Jacq. HKr MsT He AlkTr Ms HalPr - - +

Senecio erucifolius L. HKr MsT He AlkMsTr XMs StHalPr - - +

S. grandidentatus Ledeb. HKr MgT ScHe AlkOgMsTr XMs StPsHalPr - - +

Senecio jacobaea L. HKr MsT He MsTr MsX RuSMnPrSt - + +

S. paucifolius S.G. Gmel. HKr MgT He AlkTr XMs HalPr RLD - +

Serratula coronata L. HKr MgT ScHe MsTr Ms SMnPr - + +

S. lycopifolia (Vill.) A. Kerner HKr MgT ScHe MgTr MsX StPrSMn - + +

Sonchus arvensis L. G EuT He MgTr Ms PrRu Adv + +

S. palustris L. HKr MsT He MsTr MsHg Pal - + -

Tanacetum vulgare L. HKr MsT He OgMgTr MsX StRuPr - + +

Taraxacum officinale Wigg. aggr. HKr EuT ScHe MsTr Ms RuPr - + +

Tragopogon major Jacq. HKr MsT He MsTr MsX SMnRuSt - + +

Tragopogon orientalis L. HKr MgT He MgTr X St RLD + +

Tripleurospermum inodorum (L.) Sch. T HKr MgT He MgTr MsX Ru Adv + +

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Tussilago farfara L. G MsT He MsTr MsHg RuPr - + +

Xantium calfOrnicum Greene T MsT He MsTr Ms Ru Adv + +

X. spinosum L. T MsT He MsTr Ms Ru Adv - +

X. strumarium L. T MsT He MsTr Ms Ru Adv + +


Impatiens noli-tangere L. T MsT HeSc MsTr HgMs PalSil RLD + -


Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaerthn. Ph MgT ScHe MgTr Hg PalSil RLD + -


Aegonychon purpureocaeruleum (L.) Holub HKr MgT HeSc MsMgTr Ms Sil RLD + -

Asperugo procumbens L. T MgT ScHe MsTr XMs Ru - + +

Buglossoides arvensis (L.) I.M. Johnst T HKr MgT ScHe MsTr MsX Ru Adv + +

Cynoglossum officinale L. G MgT He OgTr XMs Ru Adv - +

Echium vulgare L. HKr MgT He MsTr X PsStRu - - +

Lithospermum officinale L. T MsT He MsTr X RuStPt - - +

Lycopsis arvensis L. T MsT He MsTr X RuPt - - +

Myosotis laxa Lehm. T HKr MgT ScHe MsTr MsHg PrPal - + +

M. micrantha Pall.ex Lehm. HKr MgT He MsTr MsX SMnRuPsS - + +

M. nemorosa Besser HKr MsT ScHe MsTr MsHg t PalSil - + -

M. scorpioides L. HKr MT ScHe MsTr Hg PrPal - + +

M. sparsiflora J.C. Mikan ex Pohl T HKr MgT ScHe MsTr MsX RuSil - + -

Omphalodes scorpioides (Haenke) Schrank T MsT HeSc MgTr Ms SilRu RLD + -

Pulmonaria obscura Dumort. HKr MsT HeSc MsTr Ms Sil - + -

Symphytum officinale L. HKr MgT ScHe MgTr MsHg PalPr - + +

S. tauricum Willd. HKr MgT HeSc MsTr XMs Sil RLD + -


Alliaria petiolata (Bieb.) Cavara et Grande HKr MgT HeSc MsTr XMs RuSil - + -

Alyssum desertorum Stapf. T MgT He MsTr MsX RuSt - + +

Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. HKr MgT He OgTr XMs PsRu Adv + +

A. toxophylla (Bieb.) N.Busch. HKr MgT He AlkMgTr HgMs HPr - - +

Arabis pendula L. HKr MgT HeSc MgTr Ms RuSil - + -

Barbarea stricta Andrz. T HKr MgT ScHe MgTr HgMs PalPr - + -

Barbarea vulgaris R.Br. HKr MsT ScHe MsMgTr Ms PrRu - - +

Berteroa incana (L.) DC. HKr MgT ScHe Og-MgTr XMs Ru - + +

Brassica campestris L. T MsT ScHe MsTr XMs Ru Adv - +

Bunias orientalis L. T HKr MsT ScHe OgMgTr XMs Ru Adv + +

Camelina microcarpa Andrcz. T MsT He MsTr XMs SilRu Adv + +

Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik. T MsT He MsTr XMs Ru Adv + +

Cardamine amara L. HKr MsT ScHe MsTr MsHg SilPal - + -

C. impatiens L. T HKr MgT HeSc MsTr HgMs PalSil - + -

C. parviflora L. T MgT ScHe MsTr HgMs PalPsPr - + +

Cardaria draba (L.) Desv. G MgT He MsTr MsX Ru Adv + +

Chorispora tenella (Pall.) DC. T MgT He MsTr MsX Ru Adv + +

Descurainia sophia (L.) Webb et Plantl T MgT He MsTr XMs Ru Adv + +

Diplotaxis muralis (L.) DC. T HKr MsT He MsTr MsX PtRu Adv + +

D. tenuifolia (L.) DC. HKr Ch MsT He MsTr MsX Ru Adv - +

Draba nemorosa L. T MsT He MsTr XMs Ru - + +

Erophila verna (L.) Bess. T MgT He OgMsTr XMs RuPsSt - + +

Erysimum cheiranthoides L. HKr MT He MsTr Ms Ru Adv + +

E. diffusum Ehrh. HKr MgT He MsTr X RuSt - - +

E. strictum P. Gaertn. HKr MgT ScHe MsTr MsX RuSt - + -

Euclidium syriacum (L.) R.Br. T MgT He MsTr X Ru Adv - +

Hesperis sibirica L. HKr MgT HeSc MsMgTr Ms Sil Adv + -

Lepidium latifolium L. HKr MsT He AlkMsTr XMs PrH - + +

L. ruderale L. T HKr MT He AlkMsTr MsX Ru Adv - +

Rorippa amphibia (L.) Bess. G MgT HeSc MgTr HyHg AqPal - + -

Sisymbrium loeselii L. T HKr MgT He OgMsTr MsX Ru Adv + +

S. officinale (L.) Scop. T HKr MsT He MsTr MsX Ru - - +

Thlaspi arvense L. T MgT He MsTr MsX Ru Adv + +

T. perfoliatum L. T MsT He MsTr XMs PrStRu Adv - +

Turritis glabra L. T HKr MsT ScHe MsTr Ms RuSMn - + +


Gleditschia triacanthos L. Ph MsT He MsTr MsX SilCu Adv + -


Callitriche cophocarpa Sendtner T MT ScHe MsMgTr Hy PalAq - + -

C. palustris L. T EuT ScHe MsMgTr Hy AqPal RLD + -


Campanula glomerata L. HKr MsT ScHe MsTr XMs StPrSil RLD + +

C. patula L. HKr MsT ScHe MsTr XMs SilPr - + -

C. persicifolia L. HKr MsT HeSc MsTr Ms PsSil RLD + -

C. rapunculoides L. HKr MsT ScHe MsTr XMs StPrSil - + +

C. rapunculus L. HKr MgT ScHe MsTr Ms SMnPr - + +

C. trachelium L. HKr MsT HeSc MsTr Ms SMnSil RLD + -


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Humulus lupulus L. G MsT HeSc MsTr HgMs RuSil - + +

Biosyst. Divers., 2020, 28(1)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Lonicera tatarica L. nPh MgT ScHe MsTr MsX SMnCu Adv + +

Sambucus nigra L. nPh MgT ScHe MgMsTr Ms RuSil - + +

Viburnum opulus L. nPh MgT ScHe MgMsTr Ms PtSil - + -


Cerastium holosteoides Fries. HKr EuT ScHe MgMsTr Ms SMnPr - + -

C. nemorale Bieb. T MgT ScHe MsTr Ms PrSil - + -

Coccyganthe flos-cuculi (L.) Four. HKr MgT ScHe MsTr MsHg SMnPalPr RLD + +

Cucubalus baccifer L. HKr MgT HeSc MgTr HgMs PrSil - + -

Dianthus platyodon Klokov HKr MsT He OgTr MsX SilPs - + +

Elisanthe noctíflora (L.) Rupr. HKr MgT ScHe MsTr XMs SMnPr - + -

Hemiaria glabra L. T MsT He MsTr MsX RuSt - + +

Holosteum umbellatum L. T MgT He OgMsTr XMs RuPtSt - + +

Melandrium album (Mill.) Garcke HKr MgT ScHe MsTr MsX RuSMnPr - + +

Moeringia trinervia (L.) Clairv. THKr MgT HeSc OgMsTr HgMs Sil - + +

Myosoton aquaticum (L.) Moench HKr MgT ScHe Og-MsTr HgMs PalPr - + +

Oberna behen (L.) Ikonn. HKrCh MgT ScHe MsTr XMs RuSMnPr - + +

Psammophiliella muralis (L.) Ikonn. T MgT He MsTr Ms RuPrSt - - +

Sagina procumbens L. ChHKr MsT ScHe MsMgTr HgMs SMnPr - + +

Saponaria officinalis L. HKr MgT ScHe OgMsTr Ms RuSMnPr Adv + +

Silene chlorantha (Willd.) Ehrh. HKr MgT ScHe OgMsTr XMs PsSilSt - + +

S. dichotoma Ehrh. THKr MsT He MsTr XMs StRu - - +

Stellaria graminea L. HKr MsT ScHe OgMsTr Ms SMnPr - + -

S. holostea L. ChHKr MgT HeSc MsTr Ms Sil - + -

S. media (L.) Vill. THKr MsT ScHe MsMgTr HgMs SilRu - + +

S. neglecta Weihe THKr MgT ScHe MgMsTr HgMs RuSil - + -

S. nemorum L. HKr MsT HeSc MsTr HgMs Sil RLD + -

S. palustris Reiz. HKr MsT He MsMgTr Hg PalPr RLD + -


Euonymus europaea L. nPh MgT HeSc MsTr Ms SMnSil - + -

E. verrucosa Scop. nPh MgT HeSc MsTr Ms SMnSil - + -


Ceratophyllum demersum L. HKr EuT Sc AlkMgTr Hy Aq - + +

C. pentacanthum Haynald HKr MsT Sc MgTr Hy Aq RLD + -

C. submersum L. HKr MgT Sc MgTr Hy Aq - + -

C. tanaiticum Sapjeg. HKr MsT HeSc MgTr Hy Aq RLD + -


Atriplexpatula L. T MgT He MsTr XMs Ru - - +

A. prostrata Boucher T MsT ScHe AlkMsTr XMs RuHalPr Adv + +

A. rosea L. T MgT He MsTr XMs CrRu - - +

A. sagittata Borkh T MgT He AlkMsTr MsHg RuHalPr Adv + +

A. tatarica L. T MgT He MsTr MsX RuHal Adv + +

Ceratocarpus arenarius L. T MgT ScHe OgMsTr MsX RuStPs - - +

Chenopodium album L. T EuT ScHe MsTr MsX Ru - + +

C. glaucum L. T MgT He AlkTr MsHg PrRuHal - + +

C. hybridum L. T MgT HeSc MsTr XMs SilRu Adv + -

C. рolyspermum L. T MsT HeSc OgMsTr XMs RuSMnPs Adv + +

C. rubrum L. T MgT ScHe MsTr HgMs RuPs Adv + +

C. urbicum L. T MsT He MsTr Ms Ru - + +


Hypericum hirsutum L. HKr MgT HeSc MgTr XMs SMnSil - + -

H. perforatum L. HKr MgT ScHe OgMsTr Ms SMnPr - + +


Calystegia sepium (L.) R. Br. HKr EuT ScHe MsTr MsHg PrPal - + -

Convolvulus arvensis L. G EuT ScHe MsTr MsX Ru - + +


Swida sanquinea (L.) Opiz. Ph MsT HeSc MsTr Ms Sil - + -


Corylus avellana L. Ph MgT HeSc MsTr Ms Sil - + -


Cuscuta europaea L. T MgT He Par HgMs PrSil - + +

Cuscuta lupuliformis Krock. T MgT He Par Ms SilRu - + +


Dipsacus strigosus Willd. ex Roem HKr MgT HeSc MgTr HgMs RuSil - + -

Knautia arvensis (L.) Coult HKr MgT He MsTr XMs PrSMn - + +

Scabiosa ucrainica L. HKr MsT He OgTr MsX SiPIPs - + -


Elaeagnus angustifolia L. Ph MgT He AlkMsTr Ms SMnPrRu Adv + +


Elatine alsinastrum L. T MgT ScHe MsTr Hd PalAq RLD + -


Euphorbia kaleniczenkoi Czern. HKr MsT He MgTr MsX RuStPr - + +

E. palustris L. HKr MsT He MgTr MsHg PalPr - + +

E. seguieriana Nesk. HKr MgT He MsOgTr MsX PtSIPs - + +

E. semivillosa Prokh. HKr MgT ScHe MsTr Ms PrSMn - + +

E. virgata Wald. et Kit. HKr MsT ScHe MsTr Ms RuPr - + +

1 23456789 10


Amorpha fruticosa L. nPh MsT ScHe OgMsTr HgMs CuRuSil Adv + +

Astragalus ausriacus Jacq. HKr MgT ScHe OgMsTr X PtSt - - +

A. cicer L. HKr MgT ScHe MsTr XMs RuStPr - + +

A. glycyphyllos L. HKr MgT HeSc MgTr Ms Sil - + -

Caragana arborescens L. Ph MsT He MsTr MsX CuSil - + -

Chamecytisus lindemanii (V.Krecz.) Klaskova Ch MsT ScHe MsTr XMs SMnS1 ERL, RLD + +

Genista tinctoria L. nPh MsT ScHe MsOgTr XMs PrPsSMn - + -

Lathyrus incurvus (Ro1h) Ro1h G MgT He AlkMsTr XMs HalPr RLD + +

L. palustris L. HKr MgT He MsMgT MsHg PalPr RLD + -

L. pratensis L. GHKr MgT He MgTr Ms SMnPr - - +

L. sylvestris L. HKr MgT ScHe MsTr Ms SilSMn - + -

L. tuberosus L. G MgT He MsMgTr MsX RuPrS1 Adv + +

L. vernus (L.) Bernh. G MsT HeSc MsTr Ms SilSMn RLD + -

Lotus praetermissus Kuprian. T MgT He OgTr Ms Ps - + +

L. ucrainicus Klokov HKr MsT He MgMsTr XMs S1Pr - + +

Medicago lupulina L. THKr MgT He MsMgTr Ms RuSMnPr - + +

M. romanica Prod. HKr MgT He MsTr MsX PrPISt - + +

Melilotus albus Medik. HKr MgT He MsTr MsX RuPrS1 - - +

M. officinalis (L.) Pall. HKr EuT He MsTr XMs RuStPr - - +

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Ononis arvensis L. HKr MgT He AlkMgTr Ms HalPr - - +

Robinia pseudoacacia L. Ph MsT He Og-MgTr X-Ms CuSil Adv + +

Securigera varia L. HKr MgT He MsTr XMs SISMnPr - + +

Trifolium alpestre L. HKr MgT He MgTr XMs SilStPr - + +

T. ambiguum Bieb. HKr MgT He MgTr Ms RuHalPr - - +

T. aureum L. T MgT ScHe MsTr Ms SMnPr - + +

T. borysthenicum Grun. HKr MgT He AlkMsTr Ms HalPr - - +

T. fragiferum L. HKr MgT He AlkTr HgMs HalPr - - +

T. medium L. G MgT ScHe MgTr Ms SilPr - + -

T. montanum L. HKr MgT HeSc MgTr XMs SMnPr - + -

T. pratense L. HKr MgT He MgTr HgMs RuSMnPr - + +

T. repens L. HKr MT He MgTr HgMs RuPr - + +

Trigonella caerulea (L.) Ser. T MgT He MsTr Ms RuPr Adv - +

Vicia angustifolia Reichard T MgT He MsMgTr XMs RuPr Adv - +

V. cracca L. HKr MsT He MsTr HgMs PrSt - + +

V. dasycarpa Ten. HKr MgT He MsTr XMs SilPr - + +

V. grandiflora Scop. HKr MsT He MsTr Ms SMnPr - + +

V. hirsuta (L.) S.F.Grag T MgT ScHe MsTr MsX RuSilSt Adv + +

V. picta Fisch. et Mey. HKr MgT ScHe MgTr HgMs Pr Adv + +

V. pisiformis L. HKr MgT He MsTr Ms Sil - + -

V. sepium L. HKr MsT He MgTr Ms SMnPr - + +

V. tenuifolia Ro1h. HKr MsT He MgTr MsX SMnStPr - + +

V. tetrasperma (L.) Schreb. T MsT ScHe MgTr XMs RuSMnPr Adv + +

V. villosa Ro1h. HKr MgT ScHe MgTr XMs RuSMnPr - + +

Fagaceae Quercus robur L. Ph MsT ScHe OgMsMgTr Ms Sil - + -


Corydalis cava (L.) Schweigg. et Koite G MsT ScHe MgTr Ms Sil RLD + -

Corydalis marschalliana Pers. G MgT ScHe MgTr Ms Sil RLD + -

Corydalis solida (L.) Clairv. G MsT ScHe MgTr Ms Sil - + -

Fumaria officinalis L. T MgT He MsTr MsX Ru Adv + +

Fumaria schleichen Soy.-Willem. T MgT ScHe MsTr MsX Ru Adv + +


Centaurium erythraea Rafn. THKr MgT ScHe OgMsTr XMs S1Pr - + +

Centaurium pulchellum (Sw.) Druce T MsT He MsTr HgMs Pr - + +

Gentiana pneumonante L. HKr MsT ScHe MsTr MsHg SilPalPr RLD + -


Erodium cicutarium (L.) L Her. T MgT ScHe OgMsTr XMs SilPtSIRu - + -

Geranium collinum S1eph. HKr MgT ScHe AlkTr HgMs PalHalPr - + +

G. divaricatum Ehrh. T MgT ScHe OgMsTr XMs RuSil - + -

G. palustre L. HKr MgT ScHe MsTr MsHg PrPal RLD + -

G. pratense L. HKr MsT HeSc MsTr Ms PrSMn RLD + +

G. pusillum L. T MgT He MsTr MsX Ru Adv + +

G. robertianum L. T MgT ScHe OgMsTr XMs PIPsSil - + -

G. sanguineum L. G MgT ScHe OgTr XMs PsSil - + -


Ribes aureum Pursh nPh MsT ScHe MsTr Ms SilSMnCu Adv + -


Myriophyllum spicatum L. HKr MsT ScHe MsTr Hy Aq - + +

M. verticillatum L. HKr MgT HeSc MsTr Hy Aq - + -


Acinos arvensis (Lam.) Dandy T,HKr MsT ScHe MsTr MsX RuPtSt - + -

Ajuga genevensis L. G MgT ScHe MsTr XMs RuPrSil - + +

Ballota nigra L. HKr MsT ScHe MsTr Ms SilRu Adv + +

Betonica officinalis L. HKr MgT ScHe OgTr Ms PrSil RLD + +

Chaiturus marrubiastrum (L.) Reichenb. T HKr MgT ScHe MsTr XMs RuPrSMn - + -

Clinopodium vulgare L. HKr MgT ScHe MsTr XMs SilSMn - + -

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Galeopsis. speciosa Mill. T MgT ScHe MsTr XMs RuSMn - - +

G. tetrahit L. T MgT ScHe Og-MsTr Ms RuPsSil - + -

Glechoma hederacea L. HKr MsT HeSc MsTr Ms RuPrSil - + +

G. hirsuta Waldst. et Kit. HKr MsT HeSc MsTr Ms Sil - + -

Lamium amplexicaule L. T HKr MsT He OgMsTr XMs Ru Adv + +

L. purpureum L. T HKr MgT ScHe MsTr XMs Ru Adv + +

Leonurus cardiaca L. HKr MsT ScHe MgTr XMs SMnRu Adv + -

L. villosus Desf. ex D'Urv. HKr MgT ScHe MsTr MsX Ru - + +

Lycopus europaeus L. HKr MgT ScHe MgTr MsHg PrPal - + +

L. exaltatus Lfil. HKr MsT ScHe MgTr MsHg PrPal - + +

Marrubium praecox Janca HKr MgT He MsTr MsX RuStPt - - +

Mentha arvensis L. HKr MgT ScHe MsTr HgMs RuPrSil - + -

M. aquatica L. HKr MgT ScHe MsTr Hg PalAq - + +

Nepeta cataria L. HKr MsT ScHe MsTr XMs RuStSil Adv + +

N. pannonica L. HKr MgT ScHe MsTr MsX SMnSt - + +

Origanum vulgare L. HKr MgT ScHe MgTr MsX StSMnPr - + -

Phlomis tuberosa L. HKr MgT He MsTr MsX PrSMnSt - - +

Prunella vulgaris L. HKr MsT He MgTr Ms RuPrSil - + -

Salvia verticillata L. HKr MsT ScHe MsTr MsX-Ms PrStRu - - +

Scutellaria altissima L. HKr MgT HeSc MgTr Ms Sil RLD + -

S. galericulata L. G MgT ScHe MgTr Hg PrPal - + -

S. hastifolia L. HKr MsT ScHe MgTr HgMs PalPr - + -

Stachys palustris L. G MT ScHe MgTr Hg PrPal - + +

S. recta L. HKr MgT He OgTr MsX SMnSt - + +

S. sylvatica L. HKr MgT HeSc MgTr Ms Sil - + -

Teucrium chamedris L. Ch MgT ScHe OgMsTr MsX SMnPtSt - + +

T. scordium L. HKr MsT ScHe MgTr HgMs PalPr - + +


Utricularia vulgaris L HKr MgT ScHe MgTr Hy Aq RLD + -


Limonium tomentellum (Boiss.) O.Kuntze HKr MgT He AlkTr XMs StHalPr - - +


Viscum album L. nPh MgT ScHe Par HgMs Sil - + +


Lythrum salicaria L. HKr MsT He MgTr MsHg PrAqPal - + +

L. virgatum L. HKr MsT He MgTr MsHg AqPalPr - + +

Peplis portula L. HKr MgT ScHe MsTr MsHg PsPalPr - + +


Althaea officinalis L. HKr MgT He AlkMgTr Ms HalPalPr Adv + +

Lavatera thuringiaca L. HKr MgT ScHe MgTr MsX RuStPr - - +

Malva pusilla Smith T MsT ScHe MsTr XMs Ru Adv + +


Morus alba L. Ph MgT He MsTr Ms CuSilRu Adv + +

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Nuphar lutea (L.) Smith HKr MgT He MsTr Pl Aq RLD + +

Nymphaea alba L. HKr MgT ScHe MsTr Pl Aq RLD + -


Fraxinus excelsior L. Ph MgT ScHe MsMgTr Ms Sil - + +

F. lanceolata Borkh. Ph MsT ScHe MsTr Ms CuRuSil Adv + +

Ligustrum vulgare L. Ph MgT ScHe MsTr XMs PtSil - + -


Epilobium hirsutum L. HKr MsT He MgTr MsHg PrPal - + +

E. palustre L. HKr MsT He MgTr MsHg PrPal RLD + -

E. parviflorum Schreb. HKr MgT He MsTr Hg PrPal - + -

E. roseum Schreb. HKr MgT ScHe MgTr HgMs PalPr - + -


Chelidonium majus L. HKr MsT HeSc MsMgTr Ms RuSil - + +


Plantago cornuti Gousn. HKr MT He AlkTr Ms HalPr - - +

P. lanceolata L. HKr MT He MsTr XMs PrStSMnRu - + +

P. major L. HKr MgT He MgTr Ms RuPr - + +

P. media L. HKr MgT He MgTr MsX RuSilPrSt - + +


Polygala comosa Schruhr HKr MsT ScHe MsTr Ms PrSMn - + +


Fallopia convolvulus (L.) A.Love T MT ScHe MsTr XMs Ru Adv + +

Persicaria amphybia (L.) Delarbre HKr MsT ScHe MsTr PlHg AqPal - + +

P. dubia (Stein) Fourr. T MsT ScHe MgTr XMs PrHal RLD, ERL - +

P. hydropiper L. T MsT ScHe MsTr HgMs RuSilPalPr - + -

P. lapathifolia (L.) Delarbe T MsT He OgTr HgMs PalPsPr - + +

P. maculosa S.F.Gray T MgT He MsTr Ms RuPr - - +

P. minor (Huds.) Opiz T MgT ScHe OgMsTr MsHg SilPalPr - + +

Polygonum scabra (Moench) Moldenke T EuT He MgTr XMs RuPr - + +

P. aviculare L. T EuT ScHe MsTr MsX Ru - + +

Rumex acetosa L. G MgT He MgTr XMs SMnPr - + -

R. acetosella L. HKr MsT ScHe OgMsTr Ms RuPrSMnPs - + +

R. aquaticus L. HKr MgT ScHe MgTr MsHg PalSMn - + -

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

R. confertus Willd. HKr MsT ScHe MsTr XMs RuPrSMn - + +

R. crispus L. HKr MT He MsTr Ms RuPr - + +

R. hydrolapatum Huds. HKr MgT He MsTr Hg AqPal - + -

R. longifolius DC. HKr MgT He MsTr Ms RuSMnPr Adv + +

R. maritimus L. HKr MsT He AlkTr HgMs HalPr - - +


Glaux maritima L. HKr MsT ScHe AlkTr HgMs PrHal - - +

Hottonia palustris L. HKr MsT ScHe MsTr Hy AqPal RLD + -

Lysimachia nummularia L. HKr MgT ScHe MgTr HgMs SilPr - + -

L. vulgaris L. HKr MgT ScHe MgTr MsHg Pal - + +


Aconitum nemorosum Bieb. ex Reichenb. HKr MsT HeSc MgTr Ms SMn RLD + -

A. rogoviczii Wissjul. HKr MsT ScHe MsTr XMs Sil RLD + -

Anemone ranunculoides (L.) Holub G MgT HeSc MgTr Ms Sil RLD + -

Batrachium circinatum (Sibth.) Spach HKr MgT HeSc AlkTr Hy Aq - + -

B. trichophyllum (Chaix) Bosch HKr MsT ScHe MsTr Hy Aq - + +

Caltha palustris L. HKr EuT He MsTr Hg PrPal RLD + -

Ceratocephala testiculata (Crantz) Besser T MgT He MsTr MsX RuSt - + +

Consolida regalis S.F.Gray T MsT ScHe MsTr MsX SMnRu Adv + +

Ficaria verna Huds. G MsT HeSc MgTr Ms Sil - + -

Ranunculus auricomus L. HKr MgT ScHe MgTr Ms SilPr RLD + +

R. flammula L. HKr MsT He MsTr HgMs PalPr RLD + +

R. lingua L. HKr MgT ScHe MsTr MsHg PrPal RLD + -

R. pedatus Waldst et Kit. G MgT ScHe MgTr XMs StPr - + +

R. polyanthemos L. HKr MsT ScHe MsMgTr XMs StSMnPr - + -

R. polyphyllus W.K. HKr MgT ScHe MsTr Hy PalAq RLD + -

R. repens L. HKr MgT ScHe MgTr HgMs PalPr - + +

R. sceleratus L. T MsT ScHe MsMgTr HgMs PrPal - + +

Thalictrum flavum L. HKr MgT ScHe MsMgTr Hg PalPr - + +

Th. lucidum L. HKr MsT ScHe MgTr Hg Pr RLD + +

Th. simplex L. HKr MsT ScHe MsMgTr Ms SMnPr - + +


Reseda lutea L. T MgT He MsTr Ms RuPtSt Adv + +


Frangula alnus Mill. nPh MgT HeSc Og-MgTr HgMs SMnSil - + -

Rhamnus catartica L. nPh MsT ScHe MgMsTr XMs SilSMn - + -


Agrimonia eupatoria L. HKr MgT ScHe MgMsTr XMs SMnSt - + +

Armeniaca vulgaris Lam. Ph MgT He OgMsTr MsX RuSilCu Adv + +

Crataegus fallacina Klokov nPh MsT ScHe MsMsTr MsX SilSMnPtSt - + -

C. leimonogina Klokov Ph MsT ScHe MsTr MsX SilStSMn - + +

Filipendula ulmaria (L.) Maxim. G MgT HeSc MgTr MsHg SMnPalPr - + -

Fragaria campestris Steven HKr MsT ScHe MsTr XMs SMnSt - + +

F. vesca L. HKr MgT HeSc MgTr Ms Sil RLD + -

F. viridis Duch. HKr MgT ScHe MsTr XMs StSMn - + +

Geum urbanum L. HKr MsT ScHe OgMsTr Ms RuSil - + -

Malus praecox (Pall.) Borkh. Ph MsT HeSc MgMsTr XMs SilStSMn - + +

M. sylvestris Mill. Ph MgT HeSc MsTr XMs SMnSil - + -

Potentilla anserina L. HKr EuT He AlkMgTr MsHg Pr - + +

P. argentea L. HKr MsT He MsTr MsX SilPrStRu - + +

P. heptaphylla L. HKr MsT He MsTr MsX PrSil RLD + +

P. neglecta Baumg. HKr MgT He MsTr MsX RuSt - + +

P. obscura Willd. HKr MsT He MgTr XMs SilPt - + +

P. reptans L. HKr MgT He MsTr HgMs SMnPr - + +

P. supina L. THKr MT He MsMgTr Ms PrRu - - +

Prunus stepposa Kotov Ph MsT ScHe MsTr MsX SMnSt - + +

Pyrus communis L. Ph MgT ScHe MgMsTr MsX StSMnSil - + +

Rosa canina L. nPh MgT ScHe MsTr XMs RuSMnSt - + +

R. corymbifera Borkh. nPh MgT ScHe MsTr MsX RuSMnSt - + +

Rubus caesius L. nPh MgT ScHe MsT Ms RuSil - + +

Sanguisorba officinalis L. HKr MsT ScHe MgTr Ms SMnPr RLD + +


Galium aparine L. T MgT ScHe MgTr XMs SilRu - + -

G. boreale L. HKr MgT ScHe MgTr Ms PrSMn - + -

G. elongatum C.Presl. HKr MgT HeSc MgTr Hg SilPal - + -

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G. mollugo L. HKr MsT ScHe MsTr XMs SilPr - + -

G. palustre L. HKr MsT ScHe MgTr MsHg PalPr - + -

G. physocarpum Ledeb. HKr MgT HeSc MgTr Ms SilPr - + +

G. rivale (Sibth.et Smirn) Griseb. HKr MgT HeSc MsTr HgMs SMnPr - + -

G. rubioides L. HKr MgT He MsTr Ms Pr - + +

G. trifidum L. HKr MsT ScHe MgTr MsHg PrPal RLD + +

G. tyraicum Klokov HKr MsT HeSc CaOgTr X PtSilPs RLD + -

G. uliginosum L. HKr MsT HeSc MsTr MsHg PrSilPal RLD + -

G. vaillantii DC. T MsT He MsTr MsX StRu Adv + -

Rubia tatarica (Trev.) Fr. Schmidt HKr MsT HeSc MsTr MsX PsPr RLD + +


Populus alba L. Ph MgT He OgMsTr HgMs Sil - + +

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

P. nigra L. Ph MgT He OgMsTr HgMs Sil - + +

P. tremula L. Ph MsT ScHe OgMsTr HgMs Sil - + -

Salix alba L. Ph MsT ScHe Og-MgTr HgMs Sil - + +

S. aurita L. Ph MsT ScHe Og-MgTr MsHg PsSMnPal RLD + -

S. caprea L. Ph MgT ScHe OgMsTr Ms SilSMn RLD + -

S. cinerea L. Ph MgT ScHe MgMsTr MsHg SilPal - + +

S. fragilis L. Ph MgT He MsTr XMs-MsHg SilPr Adv + +

S. pentandra L. Ph MgT HeSc MsTr MsHg PalSil - + -

S. rosmarinifolia L. nPh MgT ScHe MsTr MsX-MsHg SilPs - + -

S. triandra L. Ph MsT He MgTr HgMs SilPr - + +

S. vinogradovii A. Skvorts. Ph MgT He OgMsTr HgMs SilPr - + +


Euphrasia brevipila Burn. et Gremlin T MsT He MsTr XMs Pr - - +

E. stricta D.Wolff ex J.F.Lehm. T MgT HeSc OgMsTr Ms SMnSil - + -

Gratiola officinalis L. HKr MsT ScHe MsTr Ms PsPr - + +

Linaria genistifolia (L.) Mill HKr MgT He OgMsTr X PtStPs - + -

L. vulgaris Mill. G MsT ScHe MsTr MsX SMnPrRu - + +

Melampyrum nemorosum L. T MgT ScHe OgMsTr Ms PsPrSil RLD + -

M. pratense L. T MsT ScHe MsTr Ms PrSMnSil RLD + -

Odontines vulgaris Moench T MgT ScHe MsTr MsX RuStPr - - +

Pedicularis dasystachys Schrenk HKr MgT He AlkMsTr Ms HalPr RLD - +

Rhinanthus vernalis (N.Zing.) Schischk.et Serg. T MgT He MsTr Ms RuSMnPr - + -

Scrophularia nodosa L. HKr MsT HeSc MsMgTr Ms PrSMnSil - + -

Verbascum densiflorum Bertol. HKr MgT He MsMgTr XMs RuPsSMn - + +

V. lychnitis L. HKr MgT ScHe OgMsTr MsX RuSMn - + -

V. nigrum L. HKr MgT ScHe MsTr MsX RuSMn RLD + -

Veronica anagallis-aquatica L. HKr MgT He MsTr HelHg AqPal - + +

V. arvensis L. THKr MgT He MsTr MsX StRu Adv - +

V. austriaca L. HKr MgT ScHe CaMsTr MsX SilSMnSt - + -

V. chamaedrys L. HKr MgT ScHe MsTr Ms PrSMn - + -

V. hederifolia L. T MgT ScHe MsTr XMs RuSMnSt - + -

V. longifolia L. HKr MgT ScHe MgTr HgMs SilPr - + +

V. prostrata L. HKr MgT ScHe AlkMsTr MsX StPrSMn - - +

V. scutellata L. HKr MsT He MsTr MsHg PalPr RLD + +

V. serpyllifolia L. HKr MgT He MsTr HgMs RuSMnPr RLD + +

V. spicata L. HKr MgT ScHe MsTr MsX SMnSt - - +

V. spuria L. HKr MgT ScHe MsTr XMs StSMn - + -

V. teucrium L. HKr MgT ScHe OgMsTr XMs StSMn - + +


Hyoscyamus niger L. HKr MT He MsTr MsX Ru Adv - +

Solanum dulcamara L. Ch MsT ScHe OgMsTr MsHg SilPal - + +

S. nigrum L. T MgT He MsTr Ms Ru Adv + +


Tilia cordata Mill. Ph MsT ScHe MsMgTr Ms Sil - + -


Ulmus glabra Huds. Ph MgT HeSc MgTr Ms Sil - + -

U. laevis Pall. Ph MsT HeSc Og-MgTr Ms Sil - + -

U. minor Mill. Ph MgT ScHe MsTr MsX SilSMn - + +

U. pumila L. Ph MgT ScHe OgMsTr MsX SilCuRu Adv + +

U. suberosa Moench Ph MgT ScHe MsTr X SMn - + +


Urtica diocica L. G MgT He-Sc MsMgTr Ms SilRu - + +

U. galeopsifolia Wierzb. ex Opiz HKr MsT HeSc MgTr MsHg PalSil - + -


Valeriana officinalis L. HKr MsT ScHe MgTr HgMs SMnPr RLD + -

V. rossica P. Smirn. HKr MsT ScHe MgTr MsX PrSt RLD + +

V. stolonifera Czern HKr MsT ScHe MsMgTr Ms PrSMnSil RLD + -


Verbena officinalis L. HKr MgT ScHe MsTr Ms SMnPrRu Adv + +


Viola canina L. HKr MgT ScHe MsTr Ms PrSil - + -

V. collina Besser HKr MsT ScHe MsTr MsX SMnSt - + +

V. hirta L. HKr MsT ScHe MsMgTr XMs StSil - + +

V. matutina Klokov THKr MsT ScHe MsTr XMs RuSMnPr - + -

V. mirabilis L. HKr MsT HeSc MsMgTr Ms Sil - + -

V. odorata L. HKr MgT HeSc MsMgTr Ms RuSil - + +

V. suavis M.Bieb. HKr MgT HeSc MsTr HgMs PrSil - + -

V. tricolor L. THKr MsT ScHe MsTr MsX RuSMnPr - + -

Notes: Climamorphs: Ph - phanerophytes, HKr - hemicryptophytes, G - geophytes, T - therophytes, Ch - hamephytes, Hel - helophytes, Hd - hydatophytes. Thermomorphs: MT - microtherms (types of northern climatic zones), MsT - mesotherms (types of temperate climatic zone), MgT - megatherms (species of subtropical or tropical climatic zones), EuT - eurytherms (species that can grow in almost all climatic zones). Heliomorphs: He (Heliophyton) - heliophytes (obligate sun-loving plants), Sc (Sciophyton) -sciophytes (obligate shade-loving plant species). Trophomorphs: OgTr (Oligotroph) - oligotrophs (species growing on nutrient-poor soils), MsTr (Mesotroph) - mesotrophs (species growing on soils medium in fertility), MgTr (Megatroph) - megatrophs (species tending to prefer soil high in fertility), Alk (Alkotroph) - alkotrophs (species growing on saline soils), Par - parasite. Hygromorphs: Hy (Hydatophyton) - hydatophytes (underwater plants, mostly totally immersed in water), Pl (Pleistophyton) - pleistophytes (species floating on the water's surface), Hel (Helophyton) - helophytes (species of shallow-water habitats), Hg (Hygrophyton) - hygrophytes (species of wet soils), Ms (Mesophyton) -mesophytes (inhabitants of fresh soils), X (Xerophyton) - xerophytes (species of dry habitats). Cenomorphs: Aq (Aqant) - aquant (aquatic species), Pal (Paludosus) - paludant (swampy species), Pr (Pratensis) - pratant (meadow species), Sil (Silvaticus) - sylvant (forest species), St (Stepposus) - stepant (steppe species), SMn (Margosilvaticus) - syl-vomargoant (forest margin species), Ps (Psammophyton) - psammophyte (species of sandy soils), Pt (Petrophyton) - petrophyte (species of stony biotopes), Ru (Ruderatus) -ruderant (ruderal species), Hal (Halophyton) - halophyte (species of saline soils), Cu (Cultus) - culturant (cultural species). Adventive status - Adv. The rare flora fraction: RLD - Red List of Dnipropetrovsk Region; RBU - Red Book of Ukraine; ERL - European Red List.

Table 3

Comparative analysis bioecological phytodiversity of the Prysamar'ya forest ecosystems

Floodplain Territory of Floodplain

forests treeless floodplain territory

The number of types of different climamorphs

Therophytes 102 99 124

Geophytes 72 55 88

Hemicriptophytes 377 285 439

Hamephytes 7 7 10

Phanerophytes 57 29 56

Helophytes 7 6 7

Hydatophytes 4 4 4

The number of types of different thermomorphs

Microtherms 12 12 16

Mesotherms 248 187 284

Megatherms 337 260 395

Eurytherms 31 27 32

The number oftypes of different heliomorphs

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Sciophytes 15 1 15

Heliosciophytes 112 29 115

Scioheliophytes 283 193 310

Heliophytes 216 262 288

The number oftypes of different trophomorphs

Megatrophs 179 70 203

Mesotrophs 401 353 460

Oligotrophs 37 42 44

Alkotrophs 6 17 18

Parasites 3 3 3

The number of types of different hygromorphs

Xerophytes 91 121 139

Mesophytes 355 241 418

Hygrophytes 127 87 129

Helophytes 14 14 14

Hydatophytes 28 15 28

Pleistophytes 10 7 10

The number oftypes of different cenomorphs

Stepant 55 66 71

Sylvant 150 32 154

Sylvomargoant 35 20 35

Psammophyte 16 16 23

Petrophyte 3 4 7

Pratant 151 151 198

Paludant 73 47 64

Aquant 50 36 52

Ruderant 90 103 114

Halophyte 3 10 10

The rare flora fraction

European Red List 1 2 2

Red Book of Ukraine, 2009 20 14 24

Red List of Dnepropetrovsk 134 60 148

Region, 2010

Adventive* 89 97 105

Total species 628 486 728

Note: * - amendments of Protopopova (1991).

The bioecomorphic composition of flora is dominated by: hemicryp-tophytes (439), megatherms (395 species), scioheliophytes (310), meso-phytes (418), mesotrophs (460), and cenomorphs dominated by forest (154) and meadow (198) species (Table 3).


The analysis of floral richness shows that the floodplain forests of the Samara contain 628 species of vascular plants from 728 species of the entire floodplain territory and 887 species of the entire flora of the Samara River area. This confirms the position that the floodplains of the valley landscapes of the temperate zone of Europe (Schindler et al., 1916; Filip-pova & Pohanka, 2019) have the highest level of biodiversity.

A significant number of ruderal species (16.2%), of which 92.4% are adventive, evidence anthropogenic transformation of the Samara flood-plain flora. Of the floodplain landscape flora, 628 species of vascular plants grow in forest communities, and 486 species grow in transformed, treeless floodplain territories (Table 3).

Of the total flora composition in the floodplain landscape of the Samara River area, within the spectrum of biomorphs and climamorphs there are almost twice as many wood and shrubby species as in treeless areas, and the remaining categories increased by approximately one third. Among helimorphs, there were several times more sciophytes in the forests, among the hygromorphs and there were a third more hygrophytes and mesophytes, and among trophomorphs there were twice as many megatrophs.

Ruderalization of the flora is more typical for the treeless floodplain areas (103 species) compared to the wooded floodplain (90 species).


Despite the long-term anthropogenic transformation, the valley-terrace landscape territory of the Samara River area, as one of the reference native complexes of the subarid territory of Eastern Europe, has preserved a significant level of phytodiversity. In this regard, it is planned to develop a National Park "Samara Bor" within this area.

The floodplain landscape is the richest in species and most diverse part of this complex. Its flora includes 728 plant species (including 132 rare ones), of which 631 grow in the forest communities, and 487 in anthro-pogenically transformed, treeless floodplain areas.

In the forest flora, the number of tree and shrubby species, scyophy-tes, hygrophytes, and megatrophs significantly increases, and the number ofruderal plant species decreases.

The floristic composition of the floodplain forests of the middle river of the subarid region is much richer and more diverse than the flora of the treeless floodplain areas, and this should encourage measures for their protection and restoration. Afforestation of floodplain territories within the steppe zone of Ukraine should be a priority in comparison with other landscapes.


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