Научная статья на тему '"Earth Future": Radiation field – a immaterial component of climate system, space research and applied mathematics. To the 60th anniversary of cosmic flights of Yu. Gagarin and G. Titov in Year of science and technology'

"Earth Future": Radiation field – a immaterial component of climate system, space research and applied mathematics. To the 60th anniversary of cosmic flights of Yu. Gagarin and G. Titov in Year of science and technology Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о Земле и смежные экологические науки»

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Текст научной работы на тему «"Earth Future": Radiation field – a immaterial component of climate system, space research and applied mathematics. To the 60th anniversary of cosmic flights of Yu. Gagarin and G. Titov in Year of science and technology»

PLenary session

The work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (project no. 19-71-20042).


1. Starchenko A.V., Bart A.A., Kizhner L.I., Danilkin E.A. Mesoscale meteorological model tsunm3 for the study and

forecast of meteorological parameters of the atmospheric surface layer overa major population center // Tomsk State

University J. of Mathematics and Mechanics. 2020. V. 66. P. 35�55.

2. Tolstykh M.A., Fadeev R.Yu., Shashkin V.V., Goyman G.S., Zaripov R.B., Kiktev D.B., Makhnorylova S.V., Mizyak

V.G., Rogutov V.S. Multiscale Global Atmosphere Model SL-AV: the Results of Medium-range Weather Forecasts Russ //

Meteorol.Hydrol. 2018. V. 43. P. 773�779.

M. V. Keldysh: The Lord of numbers and the formation of applied mathematics. To the 110th anniversary

of the birth of M. V. Keldysh in the Year of science and technology

T. A. Sushkevich

Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow

Email: tamaras@keldysh.ru

DOI 10.24412/cl-35065-2021-1-02-99

In the Year of science and technology in Russia, it is important to remember those who laid the fundamental

basics of modern civilization. Three Russian GENIUS of worldwide recognition: XVIII century . 310 years

since the birth of M. V. Lomonosov (08.11.1701-04.04.1765); XIX century . 200 years since the birth of

P. L. Chebyshev (14.05.1821-26.11.1894); XX century . 110 years since the birth of M. V. Keldysh (02.10.1911-

24.06.1978) . "Lomonosov of XX century". No one has ever done so much for fundamental and applied science

and scientific-technological progress of XX and XXI centuries as Mstislav Vsevolodovich Keldysh. After the elections

to academicians in 1946, M. V. Keldysh was responsible for "applied mathematics", and since 1951, as

the Chief Mathematician, he was responsible for calculations and computers in strategic projects: "Atomic",

"Space", "Nuclear missile shield". As President of the Academy of Sciences of USSR, M.V.Keldysh launched science

on a broad front in all areas of knowledge. This is the only scientist named after the "Keldysh Epoch":

during his lifetime he realized his "formulas and numbers" in projects for the conquest of aviation, atom, space

and the invention of computers, launched the FIRST SPUTNIK and a spacecraft with the FIRST man into space,

created manned astronautics, AMS flights to the Moon, Mars, Venus, laid the foundations of modern "informatics"

and "digitalization", founded the World's First Institute of Applied Mathematics. The only mathematician

. legend . Three Times Hero of Socialist Labor (1956, 1961, 1971).

This research was supported by Task 0017-2019-0002 of KIAM RAS.

"Earth Future": Radiation field � a immaterial component of climate system, space research and applied

mathematics. To the 60th anniversary of cosmic flights of Yu. Gagarin and G. Titov in Year of science

and technology

T. A. Sushkevich, S. A. Strelkov, S. V. Maksakova

Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow

Email: tamaras@keldysh.ru

DOI 10.24412/cl-35065-2021-1-02-98

The twenty-first year of the twenty-first century (2021) is the year of the 60th anniversary of the FIRST

space flights of earthlings. The era of the conquest of space by man and the greatness of the Soviet people, the

unique mobilization of intelligence and skill has come! 12.04.1961 FIRST cosmonaut Yu.Gagarin saw the Earth

from space for the first time . "Blue! Beauty!". 06.08.1961 SECOND cosmonaut G.Titov made the FIRST photographs

and films of the Earth from space, which were used to verify models of the Earth's radiation field. The

26 Plenary session

first and only academician among cosmonauts-researchers V.Savinykh celebrated his 80th anniversary. The

first and only Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences among the cosmonauts-researchers G.Grechko

would have celebrated his 90th birthday. Soviet achievements in space research were ahead of the rest thanks

to manned space exploration. Theoretical and computational research was provided by three scientific schools

on the radiation transfer theory and mathematical modeling . in Moscow, Leningrad and Novosibirsk. The

huge theoretical and applied scientific potential created by Russian scientists at the dawn of the space age allows

us to maintain a leading position in the world in the implementation of "Earth Future" Program. Studies

of the Earth's radiation field are large-scale tasks that never have completion, since the atmosphere-land-

ocean is constantly changing and never repeating . it is a dynamic system with an unpredictable state. The

role of mathematicians, "computer sciences" and space for the implementation of the Program is increasing,

since natural experiments are impossible to study the evolution of the natural environment and the planet's

climate. At the initiative of T.A.Sushkevich, the radiation field was recognized as an "immaterial" component of

the Earth's climate system. The priority is related direct and inverse tasks . computer modeling of radiation

processes, predictive calculations of radiation characteristics and processing of huge data sets of global monitoring

and remote sensing of the Earth from space.

This research was supported by Task 0017-2019-0002 of KIAM RAS.

Recent developments of SL-AV numerical weather prediction model

M. A. Tolstykh1,2, R. Yu. Fadeev1,2, V. V. Shashkin1,2, G. S. Goyman1, S. V. Travova2, K. A. Alipova2


Marchuk Institute of Numerical Mathematics RAS, Moscow


Hydrometcentre of Russia, Moscow

Email: m.tolstykh@inm.ras.ru

DOI 10.24412/cl-35065-2021-1-01-57

The global atmosphere model SL-AV [1] is applied for medium-range weather forecasts and subseasonal

and seasonal probabilistic prediction. The same code is used for all the applications.

The medium-range ensemble prediction system based on this model is described. It consists of LETKF-

based data assimilation system with ensemble centering into Hydrometcentre operational analysis [2], and the

model incorporating stochastic parameter perturbations (SPP) [2] and stochastic perturbations of parametertization

tendencies SPPT [3] (for temperature and vorticity only). The results of quasioperational runs are


The development of the medium-range version of the model (10 km horizontal resolution) is presented.

Parallel and I/O optimizations have allowed to accelerate the SL-AV code significantly.

The new long-range prediction system is depicted. Some results of seasonal forecasts starting from reanalysis

data (hindcasts) are shown.

This work was partially (the part concerning long-range forecasts) supported by the Russian Science Foundation

(grant 21-17-00254).


1. Tolstykh M.A., Fadeev R.Yu., Shlyaeva A.V., Mizyak V.G., Rogutov V.S., Bogoslovsky N.N., Goiman G.S., Makhnorylova

S.V., Yurova A.Yu. Atmosphere modelling system for seamless prediction. M: Triada, 2017 166 p. (in Russian).

2. Mizyak V., Rogutov V., Alipova K. Development of the new ensemble weather prediction system at the

Hydrometcentre of Russia // J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2021. V. 1740. 012072.

3. Ollinaho P. et al. Towards process-level representation of model uncertainties: stochastically perturbed

parametrizations in the ECMWF ensemble // Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc. 2017. V. 143, N. 702. P. 408-422. 2017.

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