Научная статья на тему 'E-government as one of the main elements of an inclusive government as an example of Canada'

E-government as one of the main elements of an inclusive government as an example of Canada Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Abramova M. V., Kopyleva M. M.

Электронное правительство как один из главных элементов построения открытого государственного управления на примере Канады. Электронное правительство включает использование всех информационных и коммуникационных технологий для усовершенствования ежедневной деятельности прави­тельства. Известны три основные модели строительства электронных правительств: американская, европейская и азиатская. В статье рассматривается работа электронного правительства Канады, так как, во-первых, Канада является одним из мировых лидеров в этой области, и, во-вторых, при предоставлении услуг существуют проблемы, схожие с проблемами в России: большие расстояния, низкая плотность населения на большей части территории страны и т. д.

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E-government as one of the main elements of an inclusive government as an example of Canada

E-government involves the use of information and communication technology to improve daily activities government. There are three main models of e-government construction: American, European and Asian. The article examines the work of e-government in Canada, because, firstly, Canada is one of the world leaders in this field, and secondly, the provision of services, there are problems similar to problems in Russia: long distances, low population density most of the country, etc.

Текст научной работы на тему «E-government as one of the main elements of an inclusive government as an example of Canada»

ISSN 1992-6502 (Print)_SbOtMi/tiM QOtyOj _ISSN 2225-2789 (Online)

Vol. 18, no. 5 (66), pp. 109-113, 2014 http://journal.ugatu.ac.ru

UDC 004.65



1 2 M. V. Abramova , M. M. Kopyleva

1 [email protected], 2 [email protected]

1 Bashkir Academy of Public Administration and Management under the President of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia. 2 CIBC Bank, Toronto, Canada

Submitted 2014, June 10

Abstract. E-government involves the use of information and communication technology to improve daily activities government. There are three main models of e-government construction: American, European and Asian. The article examines the work of e-government in Canada, because, firstly, Canada is one of the world leaders in this field, and secondly, the provision of services, there are problems similar to problems in Russia: long distances, low population density most of the country, etc.

Key words: e-government; information technology; electronic documents; electronic services.


One of the key elements in building a modern civil society and open government in a number of developed countries is the system of e-government. This system allows you to quickly get answers to important social issues, not directly in contact with government officials, removes all sorts of barriers administrative nature in obtaining the necessary services, and facilitates public access to official information.

Special intensity Institute for Information Technologies in Public Administration acquired a special intensity in the middle of the 1990s, resulting in the emergence of a new concept of "e-government".

Brodly e-government involves the use of information and communication technology to improve daily activities government.

Using the Internet governing bodies considered in technologically advanced countries as a strategically important way to improve the efficiency of state government.

At present, there is no single pattern that could meet all the conditions and solutions of e-government, because each country has its own characteristics, priorities and available resources for the realization of this goal.

There are three main models of e-government construction experience in various regions and countries of the world: America, Europe and Asia.


Consider working on the example of e-government in Canada. Why Canada? In Canada, the provision of services, there are problems similar to the problems in Russia. This similarity is primarily due to the geographical situation - large distances, extreme climatic conditions (northern peoples), low population density in most parts of the country and cultural diversity. In addition, the structure of the Government of Canada there is a separation of powers, and not a hierarchy of power.

Today Canada is considered as one of the world leaders in the field of e-government - the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) and the Internet in the interaction of the state with citizens, businesses, as well as domestic interaction [1].

Program of an American (including Canadian) model of e-government primary aim is to simplify, availability and high cost of interaction of citizens and legal persons with public authorities. As for not expensive, then based on the analysis of the Canadian experience, it was found that treatment of a personal appeal citizen costs an average of 44 Canadian dollars, handling the mail - 38, service on the phone-in $8, while expenses for the provision of the same services in electronic form constitute only $1 [2].

As the President of the State Treasury of Canada Tony Clement noted, "one of the main tasks of the Canadian government is to provide citizens with relevant information the most effective way."

"From now on electronic documents and the publication of documents on the Internet - this is the default standard for Canada. This will reduce government spending on printing documents in paper form", - he added.

The state can save a substantial amount: about 18 million U.S. dollars. That's how much economists estimate was spent on printing, distribution and archiving of documentation in 2011-20121.

Back in 1994, the Government of Canada released "Project providing government services through information technology." Breaking the project into three phases of implementation, the country set a goal for five years to build a system of "electronic government." The system is currently Canada's e-government is a key channel for providing public services in a country where nearly one-third provided all transactions carried out between the federal government and citizens [3].

Operation of electronic Government organized in Internet portals, which carry out functions such as search and retrieval of information; interaction between citizens and organizations with public authorities; holding public authorities measures for citizens and organizations; provision of public services. In Canada, such a portal appeared in 1999.

During treatment the Supreme Chamber in 1999 the Government of Canada agreed: "Our goal - by 2004 to be recognized throughout the world as the government most closely connected with the citizens, when the Canadians will have access to all government information and services on the Internet in a comfortable in a convenient time and place"


The Canadian government was committed to providing comprehensive information and services through a network of government since 2004 is already here, there are three government portal, providing communication and interaction between citizens and government.

• «Canada Site» (http://canada.gs.ca), appeared in 1995 and are the basis for provision of services through a network,

• "Government online (http://www.gol-ged.gs.ca), actually started in 2000 and aimed at the use of modern information and communication technologies in public administration for improve the quality of public services, the expansion of access thereto, and the creation of integrated services, access to which should be available at any time and from any location, as well as an official language.

1 "Canada goes to the format of electronic publications," (in Russian), GosMenedzhment [Online], no. 01, 2014. Avaliable: http://gosman.ru/electron?news=32792.

The program is coordinated by the Treasury in collaboration with other entities.

Latest annual report on the program Canadian Government On-Line (GOL) shows that the online services currently make up more than 30% of all government transactions [5]. GOL program was aimed at to make available in electronic form 130 most frequently used services of the federal government of Canada. Today, as a result of the collective efforts of many government organizations, all these services are online and you can access them through the federal portal. Project «Government OnLine» Government decides for the following tasks:

a) represents Canada at the international level;

b) generates new intellectual community;

c) improves the quality of Government's interaction with the external environment;

d) provides a partnership between the ministries and departments of the federal level [5].

• "Service Canada" (http://www. servicecanada.gs.ca), officially commenced operations September 14, 2005, giving citizens a universal package of personalized services on a "single window" access to which they can get through various channels - by phone, by mail, via the Internet or a personal visit. Services include insurance applications employees to obtain a passport for a job search or a Social Security number. Access to services through the Internet is carried out in parts of government and in all libraries. Total in the country established 320 service centers, which employ about 20,000 people. Responsible for the operation of the network Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development. Currently Services Canada includes about 500 access points to the provision of public services.

Today, as part of the works on the project and the Canadian government is working directly with the population by a powerful information portal that combines up to 500 websites [4].

In the context of Canada's federal government e-government related to the provision of government services to citizens of many electronically, using Internet technology. One of its key principles is that programs and services will be converted so as to reflect the needs and expectations of customers and citizens. The overall objective of e-government initiatives - is the transformation of services, i. e., the fundamental changing in the way the activities of the government, and to provide the best services to Canadians.

The concept of e-government in Canada was based on two key pillars: change the quality of public services and the formation of a package of benefits for citizens and the private sector. Changes in

the quality of public services were carried out in two directions - the introduction of information and communication technologies in public administration and refocusing on the internal processes of the customer oriented approach. Package of benefits for citizens and the private sector based on the following priorities:

• Increased transparency of public service delivery processes;

• Anti-corruption reform the system of public services;

• Availability of public services, empowerment;

• increase the efficiency of government services for the state and society.

It should also be noted that the introduction of e-government in Canada did not go within large projects, which meant a large-scale restructuring of all decision-making procedures and the provision of public services. Existing services are delivered in a new way, using information and communication technologies, with the main attention was paid not by the technologies and services. Introduction of electronic services started with the most simple and ordinary procedures of interaction between citizens and civil servants. As a result, there is an extensive and established network of e-government in Canada has grown from a small set of innovations and changes in routine procedures for public services in accordance with the assertion that the forest - is the set of trees that have grown from small seeds.

Thus, there are several principles of e-government in Canada [5]:

• Business services and information formed in accordance with the needs and expectations of citizens;

• First electronic services are accessible, easy to use and consistent with the priorities of Canadians;

• The initial stage of the introduction of electronic services does not require large expenditures of time and money;

• Services provided were of good quality and comprehensive;

• Special attention was paid to provide electronic services are confidential and safe;

• Introduction of e-services that meet the needs of the Canadian population.

The general concept of informatization is that if a government service can theoretically be provided on-line, then it should be available in electronic form. In addition, much attention is paid to the unification of public websites in terms of design and functionality, as well as the availability of information for sites in English and French simple and

ordinary procedures of interaction between citizens and civil servants.

The main task that a certain degree of success the Canadian government decided, was a clear for-malization in the form of instructions to civil servants on how actions can be exposed personal information (especially the collection, storage, distribution), and which cannot. In each province there is a commissioner of Canada, understands disputes between the government and citizens and businesses on information exchange. There is a clearly defined ground for disclosure of personal information, such as the base of a court or an individual request.

If any governmental authority refuses to provide the information, it must be complied with formalities - such a waiver in the first place, must be justified by law (Law on Access to Information, Article 10). Head of the failed institution must give the reason for refusal, and certainly indicate that the party from whom came the request has a right to complain about this refusal to the Commissioner for information.

The Canadian Government is convinced that the growth of the quality of public services is directly linked with the constant feedback from society. A key success factor in the Government of Canada and, in particular, e-government is to build a society of trust in the work of public servants. Main requirement is that Canadian citizens to public servants - is transparency in the work.

Thus, the guiding principle of e-government in Canada: the organization of services and information in accordance with the needs and expectations of citizens. The government is working hard to make electronic government services are accessible, easy to use and consistent with the priorities of Canadians; not require large expenditures of time and money; were of good quality and comprehensive; were confidential and secure; meet the needs of the Canadian population.


Consider the work of a number of programs aimed at the development of e-government on the example of Ontario [5].

Ontario's population is 12 million people, of which almost 60 000 - are employees in government agencies in the region. In Ontario government ministries and 26 more departments, boards and commissions. Annual costs represent 11 to $988 million, not including transfer payments and interest rates on government debt. Of these costs about 8 % is spent on hardware and software information technology services and compensation of employees of the IT sector (1 billion Canadian dollars).

It should be noted that the province is one of the most highly urbanized regions of Canada, 77 % of homes have computers with Internet access. On this basis a favorable development of electronic government was going fast enough, which also contributed to a number of external and internal circumstances.

a) Service Ontario. Key services to residents and business in the united structure Service Ontario, which provides a guaranteed service in a mode on-line.

Services, primarily related to the provision of information, as well as with routine work: a birth certificate, driver's license, open a business, insurance officials, a passport, a job search, a Social Security number and other.

Service Ontario structure includes 600 fixed and 200 mobile service points population mode online, telephone service, information kiosks.

b) Live services are integrated at the level of different ministries. For example, on the website of the Agency for Taxes and Levies can access your personal account and carry out all the necessary operations. This can be done both citizens and organizations. This idea of using personal accounts and used by other government agencies.

c) In the as yet another example is the program "Electronic prescription", which is currently implemented. "Electronic prescription" - a process statement, the sights and the transfer of recipes (appointments) from doctors and other persons destination prescribers to pharmacists and other persons engaged in the issue of drugs. It eliminates the need to manually write prescriptions and facilitates and accelerates the delivery of prescriptions electronically to pharmacies. It is expected that this will significantly increase patient safety and quality of care by reducing the number of errors in prescribing and appointments.

Program "Electronic prescription» (e-Pre-scribing) is an integral part of the Strategy e-Health, which is aimed at providing patients living in the province, health care, corresponding to the level of XXI century. Each year about 400,000 people in Ontario suffer from reactions to medications, which could have been avoided. According to medical statistics, from the wrong appointments and 4,000 people died. It is expected that the program "Electronic prescription" will help reduce the number of medical errors and adverse reactions to drugs, thus providing better care of patients.


And in conclusion, we present a comparative analysis of the ratings in Canada and Russia (Table)

in terms of e-government development, compiled by the United Nations (UN, held since 2003 every few years) [6] and the private University of Waseda University in Tokyo (WU, be conducted by year since 1999) [7].


The total

Year of number of

Canada Russia

press countries in

release the research


2003 6 - 58 - 173 -

2004 7 - 52 - 178 -

2005 8 2 50 20 191 23

2006 - 2 - 31 - 32

2007 - 3 - 32 - 32

2008 7 3 60 32 182 34

2009 - 7 - 29 - 34

2010 3 4 59 36 192 40

2011 - 7 - 35 - 50

2012 11 10 27 37 190 55

2013 - 11 - 34 - 55


When creating a national e-government, it is important to study the experience of the advanced countries, achieved some success in this area. This will help to strengthen the emphasis on the most problematic issues, to avoid a number of errors and identify the stages of construction of e-government in their country.


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2. Accenture, eGovernment Leadership: High Performance, Maximum Value. 2005. Р. 14.

3. Рябцева Е. Е., Тризно Т. А. Государственная информационная политика Канады: политико-правовой аспект регулирования // Каспийский регион: политика, экономика, культура. 2013. № 3 (36). С. 139-146. [ E. E. Ryabtseva, T. A. Trizno, "State Information Policy in Canada: political and legal aspects of regulation," (in Russian), Caspian region: politics, economy, culture, no. 3 (36), pp. 139-146, 2013. ]

4. Хохлова Н. Мировые «электронные правительства» идут по пути «одного окна» [Электронный ресурс] // Портал «CNews». URL: http://www.cnews.ru/reviews/free/ gov2008/articles/zarubej_opit_el_gov.shtml [ N. Hohlova. "World "electronic government" follow the path of the "single window," (in Russian), in Portal "CNews". Avaliable: http://www.cnews.ru/reviews/free/gov2008/articles/zarubej_ opit_el_gov.shtml ]

5. Новые технологии государственного управления в зеркале канадского и российского опыта: монография /

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под ред. А. М. Марголина и П. Дуткевича. М.: Моск. гор. ун-т управления Правительства Москвы, 2013. 272 с. [ A. M. Margolin and P. Dutkiewicz (Ed.), New technologies in the public administration in the mirror of the Canadian and Russian experience: monograph, (in Russian). Moscow: Moscow Management Univercity of the Moscow Government, 2013. ]

6. Ranking the level of development of e-government, the UN held. Avaliable: http://www.unpan.org/

7. Ranking the level of development of e-government, the Waseda Univercity (Japan) held. Avaliable: http:// www.waseda.jp/eng/news11/120224_egov.htm


ABRAMOVA, Marina Vadimovna, lecturer of Information Technology Management Dept. (BAGSU, Ufa, Russia). Dipl. mathematician (BGU, 1985). Cand. of Tech. Sci. (UGATU, 2000),

KOPYLEVA, Marina Markovna, coordinator of CIBC Bank (Toronto, Canada). Diploma engineer (UAI, 1985).


Название: Электронное правительство как один из главных элементов построения открытого государственного управления на примере Канады. Авторы: М. В. Абрамова1, М. М. Копылева2 Организации:

1 Башкирская академия государственной службы и управления при Президенте Республики Башкортостан (БАГСУ), Россия.

2 Банк CIBC, Торонто, Канада. Электронная почта: 1 [email protected]. Язык: Английский.

Источник: Вестник УГАТУ. 2014. Т. 18, №. 5 (66). С. 109-113.

ISSN 2225-2789 (Online), ISSN 1992-6502 (Print). Аннотация: Электронное правительство включает использование всех информационных и коммуникационных технологий для усовершенствования ежедневной деятельности правительства. Известны три основные модели строительства электронных правительств: американская, европейская и азиатская. В статье рассматривается работа электронного правительства Канады, так как, во-первых, Канада является одним из мировых лидеров в этой области, и, во-вторых, при предоставлении услуг существуют проблемы, схожие с проблемами в России: большие расстояния, низкая плотность населения на большей части территории страны и т. д. Ключевые слова: электронное правительство; информационные технологии; электронные документы; электронные услуги.

Об авторах:

АБРАМОВА, Марина Вадимовна, доц. каф. информационных технологий в управлении. Дипл. математик (БГУ, 1985). Канд. техн. наук (УГАТУ, 2000).

КОПЫЛЕВА, Марина Марковна, координатор банка CIBC. Дипл. инж. (УАИ, 1985).

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