Karimova Sh.Z. doctoral student
Information systems and technologies in economics Tashkent State University of Economics, Uzbekistan
Abstract: It is no exaggeration to say that the widespread introduction of modern information and communication technologies in our economy, in turn, has brought the interaction between consumers and producers to a new level. Today, the country has introduced and effectively used interactive services for customers in the banking sector through electronic payments, the global Internet and mobile communications. It provides a sufficient basis for the effective use of electronic payments and e-commerce opportunities by businesses, including small businesses and entrepreneurs, in the course of their activities, strengthening their competitiveness and achieving high economic results. The article discusses e-commerce opportunities and their importance in the modern business system.
Key words: Small Business and Entrepreneurship, A Global Network of Internet, E-Commerce Opportunities, The Consum.
During the years of independence, small business and private entrepreneurship have become a leading force in our country. Artificial barriers to free enterprise have been removed. To this end, effective measures have been taken. The widespread introduction of trade and services through the use of information and communication technologies is an important factor in the development of business, as well as the creation of a favourable business environment. This, in turn, will increase the competitiveness and quality of products and services produced by entrepreneurs in the global market. The development of science and technology has necessitated the emergence of several new areas in social life. In particular, the development of information and communication technologies has led to radical changes not only in social life but also in business. The reason for the emergence and development of ecommerce also depends on the rapid development of information and communication technologies. The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in business has created a revolution in the direct relations of companies with consumers. An important issue today is to take a strategic position, identify the opportunities available to firms and reach the highest level of profitability through the effective use of opportunities based on a simple, businesslike and viable e-commerce strategy in the information age and the new economic environment. At the same time, the scope of e-commerce has expanded. Initially, e-commerce was an economic transaction through the
Internet, but now, with the development of ICT and the expansion of ecommerce opportunities, e-commerce is now an entrepreneurial activity involving the sale of goods, works and services using information systems. Nowadays, not only the Internet but also other networks - local area network, virtual local area network, corporate network, regional networks are widely used to increase e-economic activity.
Currently, along with the growing global trend in the use of modern information and communication technologies in the banking and financial sector, the growth of bank plastic cards and the development of electronic payments and e-commerce, the implementation of several projects in e-payments and e-commerce. Banking and financial institutions of our country provide their customers with remote electronic services such as electronic payments, SMS banking, Mobilbanking through the global Internet and mobile networks. It should be noted that the relevant regulatory framework for regulating e-commerce has been created in the country. In particular, the Law "On Electronic Commerce", the Law "On Informatization", the Law "On Electronic Payments", the Law "On Electronic Digital Signature" and a number of other normative documents.
However, the current level of development of information technology and commerce requires a more thorough regulation of relations in the field of ecommerce. Participants in the e-commerce market can be companies, consumers, government, administration, ie government agencies, investors.
The e-commerce market is divided into several main sectors depending on the electronic interaction of the e-market participants. These are business for business, business for consumer, business for government, consumer for consumer, government for consumer and mobile commerce. Of these ecommerce market sectors, the combined share of business sectors for business and business sectors for consumers is close to 90%. The development of ecommerce is influenced by technological factors, market factors, economic factors. Alternatively, businesses that integrate their activities with e-commerce may have the following advantages and opportunities:
- reducing the cost of maintaining business infrastructure,
- reduction of the price of goods as a result of reduction of advertising
- save time on receipt and execution of orders, control over all orders,
- increase the number of potential customers, conduct their business on a global scale. In developed countries, the use of e-commerce, its widespread use in all spheres of life is highly developed. This is due to the environment that promotes the development of e-commerce - the general infrastructure that promotes the development of computer science, the level of development of information and communication technologies (ICT), the availability of
information networks (Internet) and access to these networks for each citizen. Level of provision, the level of use of ICT in society is provided at a high level.
However, in developed countries, there are various barriers that prevent ecommerce from taking full advantage of opportunities. These are language barriers, infringements of intellectual property rights, different tax and value-added tax (VAT) systems, different currencies, different technical standards used in e-commerce, and more. But for developing countries, the use of ecommerce opportunities is much more beneficial.
These are:
- Facilitates the access of large and small businesses to world markets,
- E-commerce leads to the development of international tourism in developing countries,
- E-commerce facilitates international marketing of agricultural products in developing countries, - facilitates access of small businesses in developing countries to the network of suppliers of raw materials in international B2B and B2G markets;
- E-commerce has expanded the range of services of service companies in developing countries, etc. E-commerce, like traditional economics, is an area that needs to be managed and regulated. However, as e-commerce is a new field, government management tools have not yet been developed in this area. Alternatively, states do not have enough experience to manage these relationships. The regulation and support of e-commerce depend on the level of development of countries. The legal framework governing e-economic activity in Uzbekistan is sufficiently developed. A total of 17 laws and regulations have been developed in the Republic of Uzbekistan to regulate ICT and e-commerce. These are the law on electronic signatures, the law on electronic document management, the law on electronic commerce, the law on electronic payments, and so on. At the same time, the legal framework for the development of ecommerce in Uzbekistan should be improved in the following areas. These are the development of a sequence of legal regulation of online services for the population and business, the strengthening of the specifics of certain types of services in e-commerce, the establishment of procedures for appeals to the law on e-commerce, standardization of electronic documents used in e-commerce, ecommerce issues of determining the procedure for licensing the activities of participants.
In Uzbekistan, the process of implementing e-government as a branch of e-commerce has begun. The first steps in this area began with the process of equipping government agencies with information technology. Later, the single Internet portal of the Republic of Uzbekistan www.gov.uz was created. Today, all public authorities and administration have their own websites. At the same time, the rate of paperless paperwork between government agencies is growing. It should be noted that in addition to the implementation of e-commerce in
Uzbekistan, there are also problems. These are psychological factors (our population still can not clearly imagine trading in a virtual environment), insufficiently developed information and communication infrastructure, the inability of entrepreneurs to clearly imagine the possibilities of e-commerce, low computer literacy among middle-aged and older people, banks in the Internet non-establishment of payment services (internet-banking), etc. Despite the above obstacles, the prospects for e-commerce in Uzbekistan are bright. Because ICT indicators in our country are growing rapidly. And the number of Internet users is growing rapidly.
1. It is necessary to further develop the ICT infrastructure in our country. Because the current ICT infrastructure does not allow us to take full advantage of e-commerce opportunities. The development of ICT infrastructure will accelerate the implementation of e-commerce in our country.
2. The legal framework for the development of e-commerce in Uzbekistan should be improved in the following areas. These are the development of a sequence of legal regulation of online services for the population and business, the strict strengthening of the specifics of certain types of e-commerce services in the law, the procedure for applying to the law on e-commerce, standardization of electronic documents used in e-commerce, licensing e-commerce participants issues of determining the order of the process.
3. Along with the development of ICT infrastructure, it is necessary to increase the computer literacy of the population. To do this, it is necessary to ensure the use of information technology by the younger generation and the deepening of their knowledge in this area.
4. It is necessary to ensure the abandonment of conservative views of banks in working with electronic payments and further development of SMS banking.
5. It is necessary to develop the necessary incentive government programs for entrepreneurs to use e-commerce opportunities and increase their e-economic activity.
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