Научная статья на тему 'Dynamics of physical readiness in female first-year-students of Kurgan State University'

Dynamics of physical readiness in female first-year-students of Kurgan State University Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о здоровье»

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Ключевые слова
physical culture / physical readiness / health improvement

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Oksana N. Lovygina, Dmitrij A. Koryukin, Roman V. Sidorov

Physical culture is a part of a person’s general culture, directed toward harmonious personality development with the help of specially organized motor activity. It is also one of the means of a person’s health improvement, physical, functional and psychological state optimization. Materials. Dynamics of physical readiness in female students of the first course of Kurgan State University. Research methods. Information sources analysis and summarizing, pedagogical observation, method of control tests and methods of mathematical statistics. Results. The article presents the results of a long-term observation over general physical readiness of female firstyear students from Kurgan State University. It is shown that the lowest physical readiness was in 2010-2011. During further years there was gradual, wavy increase of general physical readiness in girls. Conclusion. If we consider received during the observation results from the position of physical health, we can say that since 2012-2013 there was functional state improvement of the main organism systems in 17-18 year-old girls, who studied at Kurgan State University. Such kind of gradual positive dynamics of general physical readiness in girls, might be conditioned by attention of the state to physical culture and sport.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Dynamics of physical readiness in female first-year-students of Kurgan State University»

DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2020-15-4-61-66

Dynamics of physical readiness in female first-year-students of Kurgan State


Oksana N. Lovygina1, Dmitrij A. Koryukin1, Roman V. Sidorov2*

1Kurgan State University Kurgan, Russia ORCID: 0000-0001-5455-7240, kapitan7777on@mail.ru ORCID: 0000-0001-7815-5676, krjukin.dimn@mail.ru 2Ural State Economic University Ekaterinburg, Russia ORCID: 00000-0002-0295-935X, sidorov_rv@usue.ru*

Abstract: Physical culture is a part of a person's general culture, directed toward harmonious personality development with the help of specially organized motor activity. It is also one of the means of a person's health improvement, physical, functional and psychological state optimization. Materials. Dynamics of physical readiness in female students of the first course of Kurgan State University. Research methods. Information sources analysis and summarizing, pedagogical observation, method of control tests and methods of mathematical statistics. Results. The article presents the results of a long-term observation over general physical readiness of female first-year students from Kurgan State University. It is shown that the lowest physical readiness was in 2010-2011. During further years there was gradual, wavy increase of general physical readiness in girls. Conclusion. If we consider received during the observation results from the position of physical health, we can say that since 2012-2013 there was functional state improvement of the main organism systems in 17-18 year-old girls, who studied at Kurgan State University. Such kind of gradual positive dynamics of general physical readiness in girls, might be conditioned by attention of the state to physical culture and sport. Keywords: physical culture, physical readiness, health improvement.

For citation: Oksana N. Lovygina, Dmitrij A. Koryukin, Roman V. Sidorov*. Dynamics of physical readiness among female first-year-students of Kurgan State University. Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2020; 15(4): 52-55. DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2020-15-4-61-66


Physical culture is a part of a person's general culture, directed toward harmonious personality development with the help of specially organized motor activity. It is also one of the means of a person's health improvement, physical, functional and psychological state optimization. The research work of O.A. Sbitneva shows that modern girls realize the importance of physical culture and sport for a healthy life style support, health and appearance improvement [1,2,3,4,5,6].

The aim of the present research work is to study the dynamics of physical readiness in girls, who study at the first course of Kurgan State University.

The object of the research work is the process of physical upbringing in female students, the object of the research is physical readiness of first-years female students.

628 female students (17-18 year-old girls), who study at the first course of Kurgan State University took part in the research work (since 2010 till 2019). All girls after the doctor's opinion were included into the main medical group and didn't have any complaints concerning health during the test.


In order to achieve the set aim we used the following methods: the method of control tests and mathematical-statistical method. For physical readiness revelation among first-year female students of Kurgan State University we used the method of control tests, which includes the following tests: standing long jump (cm), body lifting and pulling down from back posture (quantity), dip up (quantity), 100 meters running (seconds).


In "long jump" test the lowest result in female students was in 2010-2011 - 159,67±3,38 cm (Fig. 1). During further 5 years there was gradual results increase in this test. In 2016-2017 first-year

female students had results decrease for 5,12 cm. Within 9 years of observations the average result in "long jump" test among girls increased for 7,62 cm, which is 5%.


2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-13 2010-19

Fig. 1. Average results in "long jump" test

In "body lifting and pulling down from back results - 41,09±2,42 times were in 2018-2019. The

posture" test the average results fluctuations since lowest results were in 2011-2012- 35,32±2,24 times. 2012-201Q were insignificant ("Fig. 2). The highest

2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-IS 2013-19

Fig. 2. Average results in "body lifting and pulling down from back posture" test

In speed qualities demonstration test "100 meters running" female students showed the lowest result 19,05±0,33 seconds in 2010-2011. The best results were in 2018-2019, in the average 17,591±0,29 seconds (Fig. 4).

The average results analysis according to all tests showed that within 9 years of observations most of all results changed in "dip up" test (by 70%).

In "standing long jump" test the results during the research period since 2010 till 2019 improved by 5% (Fig. 5).

2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2015-17 2017-13 2013-19 Fig. 4. Average results in "100 meters running" test

прыжок в длину подниманием в упоре сгибание бег 100 метров с места опускание и разгибание рук

туловища из положения лета на спине

Fig. 5. Percentage of results change in tests during the research period

в упоре сгибание и разгибание рук- dip up прыжок в длину с места-standing long jump

поднимание и опускание туловища из положения лежа на спине- body lifting and pulling down from back posture Бег на 100 метров-100 meters running

During the research period we mentioned that the lowest results in three offered tests were

among the girls, who attended the first course in

2010-2011. In "dip up" test the lowest result was in

2011-2012. In 2016-2017 first-year female students turned out to be less physically ready, than the students of the previous and following academic years.

It is a well-known fact that physical readiness of a person reflects the level of his physical qualities development (strength, quickness, endurance, flexibility, dexterity) and the degree of motor skills

and abilities mastering. They are necessary for successful definite activity realization. External manifestations of a person's physical readiness are provided by functional abilities of organism systems and the activity of musculoskeletal, respiratory, cardiovascular, nervous and other systems.

"Standing long jump" test was for speedpower oriented abilities estimation. They reflect functional working capacity of legs and spine muscles, in particular foot flexor muscles, quadriceps muscle, gluteus muscle and a long back muscle and the effectiveness of neuromuscular regulation. It is

conditioned by the ability of a nervous system to provide nervous impulses, motor units contraction $and relaxation synchronization.

"Dip up" test is used for power and power oriented endurance of the upper shoulder girdle muscles estimation: broadest muscle of back and arms and pectoral muscles flexors.

"Body lifting and pulling down from back posture" test was used for power and power oriented endurance of body muscles estimation. It includes abdominal rectus and hip muscles, fascia tensioners and oblique abdominal muscles.

100 meters running is an integral index. It reflects the quickness of a person. It is a cyclic exercise of maximal power. The success of this exercise fulfillment depends on anaerobic mechanisms of energy supply and on maximal isometric, speed dynamic and "explosive" power of legs muscles.

If we consider received during the observation results from the position of physical health, we can say that since 2012-2013 there was functional state improvement of the main organism systems in 17-18 year-old girls, who studied at Kurgan State University. Such kind of gradual positive dynamics of general physical readiness in girls, might be conditioned by attention of the state to physical culture and sport.


1. Physical readiness of first-year female students from Kurgan State University revealed that during the whole research period maximal results in the offered tests were in 2018-2019.

2. The lowest average result in girls during 9 years of observation was in 2010-2011 in "standing long jump" test and "100 meters running" test. In "body lifting and pulling down from back posture"

Submitted: 14.11.2020

test and "dip up" test the lowest result was in 20112012.

3. The dynamics of physical readiness analysis in first-year female students of Kurgan State University revealed that according to all tests since 2012-2013 there was gradual average results improvement, but with insignificant results decrease in 2016-2017.


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Author's information:

Oksana N. Lovygina - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Kurgan State University,

640020, Russia, Kurgan, Sovetskaya str., House 63, e-mail: kapitan777on@mail.ru

Dmitrij A. Koryukin - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Kurgan State University,

640020, Russia, Kurgan, Sovetskaya str., House 63, e-mail: kryukin.dimn@mail.ru

Roman V. Sidorov - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Ural State Economic

University, 620144, Russia, Ekaterinburg, 8 Marta/Narodnoj Voli str., House 62/45, e-mail: sidorov


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