Научная статья на тему 'Dynamic structural component of intellectual potential of the enterprise and its effective use for forming competitive advantages'

Dynamic structural component of intellectual potential of the enterprise and its effective use for forming competitive advantages Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Larin S.N., Lazareva L.Yu., Stebenyaeva T.V.

Современная практика производственной деятельности предприятий различных отраслей экономики свидетельствует о том, что наличие интеллектуального потенциала становится все более значимым фактором их успешного функционирования в рыночных условиях. При этом для каждого предприятия независимо от его отраслевой принадлежности уровень функционального развития интеллектуального потенциала будет во многом определять эффективное взаимодействие всех структурных составляющих. Именно на этом основании возможно формирование конкурентных преимуществ предприятия, а значит и получение им определенных выгод в конкурентной борьбе. Вышесказанное подтверждает высокую актуальность тематики данного исследования. Предметом исследования определена динамическая структурная составляющая интеллектуального потенциала предприятия. В качестве объекта исследования выбраны способности и возможности оперативной трансформации структуры управления и производственной деятельности предприятия под воздействием изменений факторов внешней среды. В качестве метода исследования выбран системный анализ взаимного влияния изменений факторов внешней среды и трансформации условий производственной деятельности предприятия. Основным результатом проведенного исследования является обоснование необходимости наличия динамической структурной составляющей в составе интеллектуального потенциала предприятия как одного из определяющих факторов его успешного функционирования. Полученные результаты могут найти практическое применение на предприятиях всех отраслей российской экономики.The modern practice of production activities of enterprises from different economic branches shows that the existing intellectual potential becomes more and more important for its successful functioning in the market economy environment. With that for each enterprise, notwithstanding its sector profile, will to a great extent determine the effective interaction of all structural components. Just on that ground it is possible to generate competitive advantages of an enterprise, hence the obtaining of certain competitive advantages. The above mentioned confirms the high applicability of the topic of the research hereunder. The subject of the study was determined the dynamic structural component of the intellectual potential of an enterprise. The object of research were selected capabilities and possibilities of the operational transformation of the management structure and of production activities of an enterprise, influenced by changes of environmental factors. As a research method was selected the systemic analysis of the relative influence of changes of environmental factors and of the transformation of terms of production activities of an enterprise. The main result of the performed research is to substantiate the necessity of the dynamic structural component within the intellectual potential of an enterprise as one of determining of its successful functioning. Obtained results can be applied at enterprises of all branches of the Russian economics.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Dynamic structural component of intellectual potential of the enterprise and its effective use for forming competitive advantages»



S.N. Larin1, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Leading Researcher L.Yu. Lazareva2, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Leading Researcher T.V. Stebenyaeva2, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Leading Researcher 1Central Economic & Mathematic Institute at RAS

Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization Institute International Standards of Accounting and Management (Russia, Moscow)

DOI: 10.24411/2411-0450-2020-10309

The article has been prepared with the financial support of the Russian Foundation of Fundamental Research, project № 19-010-00214a.

Abstract. The modern practice of production activities of enterprises from different economic branches shows that the existing intellectual potential becomes more and more important for its successful functioning in the market economy environment. With that for each enterprise, notwithstanding its sector profile, will to a great extent determine the effective interaction of all structural components. Just on that ground it is possible to generate competitive advantages of an enterprise, hence the obtaining of certain competitive advantages. The above mentioned confirms the high applicability of the topic of the research hereunder.

The subject of the study was determined the dynamic structural component of the intellectual potential of an enterprise. The object of research were selected capabilities and possibilities of the operational transformation of the management structure and of production activities of an enterprise, influenced by changes of environmental factors.

As a research method was selected the systemic analysis of the relative influence of changes of environmental factors and of the transformation of terms ofproduction activities of an enterprise.

The main result of the performed research is to substantiate the necessity of the dynamic structural component within the intellectual potential of an enterprise as one of determining of its successful functioning. Obtained results can be applied at enterprises of all branches of the Russian economics.

Keywords: enterprise, competitive advantages, intellectual potential, dynamic component, effective use.

Introduction. Development of the world economics on the modern stage characterized by the active establishment of the new technologic context. To its prevailing trends can be referred the generation of the new knowledge, implementation of innovations, use of information technologies and of products of digital economics almost in all production branches, as well as in the living environments of the world community. With that many experts consider unanimously that the determining factor of the successful development of economics of advanced countries is the growing dependence from the in-

tensiveness of the formation and of the effective use of the intellectual potential of enterprises and of all its structural components.

The developed intellectual potential is important enough for an enterprise, as it can be considered as a quite an effectual resource of its production activities both by functional and temporary characteristics. No enterprise can ensure its transition to innovative production and the implementation of effective activities without an appropriate level of functional development of intellectual potential. Its structural components directed to build up increasing competitive advantages in the

struggle for sales markets, generating new knowledge, increasing the managerial and professional competencies of its specialists, using modern information and analytical management systems, acquiring and effectively implementing dynamic abilities to reorient its production activities under the influence of unforeseen factors. It's plain to see that the above mentioned list of factors, determining the successful functioning of an enterprise in the market, also shows the dynamic structural component of its intellectual potential. This article will disclose the economic essence of the dynamic structural component of the intellectual potential of an enterprise, as well as were revealed ways of the increase of its effective use for the obtaining of additional competitive advantages.

Research purpose. This research purpose is to determine practical trends in the development of the dynamic component of the intellectual potential and to increase its effective use in production activities of enterprises in order to obtain additional competitive advantages.

Materials and methods. Each enterprise disposes of the new specific knowledge, managerial and professional competences, information & analytic management systems, material and other kinds of resources, allowing it to obtain additional competitive advantages. So, each enterprise in a certain case crates the unique option of the use of the new combination of above mentioned factors, what causes permanent changes in the formation of its intellectual potential. According to V. Hayek [1], winners in the competition for sales market are economic entities, which can use its intellectual potential more successfully in order to enhance the efficiency of its production activities and to obtain additional profit.

The consolidation of provisions of both the resource concept and the concept of dynamic capabilities, developed in the beginning of 1990s (see, for example, the work [2, p. 514]), allowed to disclose the new mechanism of obtaining of competitive advantages, based not only on intangible resources of the company, but also on its ability to extract economic profits from it. The concept of dynamic capabilities contributed to the appear-

ance of the new approach for the determination of the intellectual potential of the company. In conformity with the research of Teece D.J. [3, p. 202] the main attention should be paid not only to the knowledge as to the company asset (human capital), but also to its effective use. In this juncture such structural component of the intellectual potential of an enterprise as its dynamic capability to increase other components over time (human capital, production management technologies, analytic systems of the information processing etc.) takes on particular significance, and then it can be used as new competitive advantages for its effective development.

The essence of the dynamic structural component of the intellectual potential of an enterprise is to transform managerial and professional competences in order conditions of the organization of production activities correspond to quickly changing influence of environmental factors. The dynamic structural component is designated for the maintenance of managerial and professional competences of an enterprise in conformity with changing environmental conditions. Besides that this structural component provides for the enhancement of such competences through the acquiring of the new knowledge, contributing to the formation of stable competitive advantages for the enterprise, as well as actively participates in the creation of the additional use value of the production, manufactured by the enterprise [4].

Functionally, the dynamic structural component of the intellectual potential of an enterprise comprises following dynamic capabilities: acquiring of the new knowledge and its management in enterprise interests; organization of innovative activities of an enterprise notwithstanding the environmental influence; permanent orientation to the entre-preneurship. Cumulatively it allows the enterprise full time:

1) to identify new possibilities and trends of the development of production activities;

2) to bring the revealed new possibilities and trends to experts with the high and average management level;

3) be prepared for the practical transformation of revealed new possibilities and of

development trends to production activities of an enterprise.

Possibilities for the reduction of production costs and for the obtaining of profit are generated just in the process of the materialization of the intellectual potential. So, the intellectual potential terminates the production process in the economic system of an enterprise by the formation, replenishment and implementation of its functional specifications as of the most important intangible resource, designated for the development of production activities of an enterprise.

The intellectual potential of an enterprise is being formed on the basis of the use of the previous and new knowledge, accumulating its content in the context of modern realities of production activities of an enterprise. This process is determined: by the intellectual component, capable to progressive changes; growth of professional competences of key specialists of an enterprise in the field of management and production; capabilities for the reproduction of basic models of production activities of an enterprise as a whole and of its separate subdivisions; implementation of digital intellectual information & analytic systems for the management of production activities of an enterprise; capabilities for the operational change of the entirety of production processes, processes for the supply of the ready production, purchase of the equipment and completing parts under the influence of diverse environmental factors.

Results and discussion. The modern stage of economics development is characterized by the principally new approach to the determination of the influence of factors, promoting the enhancement of the efficiency of production activities of enterprises. This circumstance is explained by the whole range of reasons, comprising following basic ones:

- growth of the resource base (quantitative and qualitative), which an enterprise should have for the organization of successful activities in the permanently changing market environment;

- increasing role of intangible resources and the need for their constant reproduction and development;

- new requirements for the level of managerial and professional competencies of enterprise specialists;

- need for maximum compliance of the enterprise to accelerate the pace of changes in the conditions of economic activity;

- determining factors for the enterprise to obtain additional competitive advantages are the introduction of innovative technologies and the production of innovative products;

- the level of development of the intellectual potential of the enterprise increasingly determines the success of its production activities, the quality of the used information-analytical management systems and intellectual capital represented by the specialists of the enterprise.

As information & analytic systems are functioning within the rapidly changing environment, it is necessary to take into consideration dynamic capabilities of each enterprise in the process of its use of information and other kinds of resources for the organization of its production activities. That's exactly why in modern conditions many researchers put more focus to the concept of both dynamic capabilities and key courses of its development [5].

Following basic provisions of the concept of dynamic capabilities, it became necessary to include the new component - the dynamic one [6] into the structure of the intellectual potential of an enterprise. Within frames of such component it is offered to pay permanent attention not only to key structural components (intellectual capital, information & analytic technologies for the management of relations with counteragents and of production activities of an enterprise), but also to its optimal placement, use and reproduction [7]. At this instant such structural component of the intellectual potential of an enterprise, as its dynamic capability to build up over time other components in order to use it as new possibilities for the obtaining of additional competitive advantages and increase of the efficiency of production activities of an enterprise becomes especially important.

If followers of the resource-oriented approach were making the performance of innovative activities of an enterprise dependent from the influence of different factors of the

scientific & technical progress, branch peculiarities and the competition level [8, 9], than in the concept of dynamic capabilities at the forefront were put enterprise capabilities to obtain material resources with its following use and combining with intangible resources in order to achieve a certain effect. With that the efficiency of innovative activities of an enterprise was determined not only by a combination of factors, but also by the use of information & analytic technologies of the management of its production activities, as well as by the level of individual components of its experts.

There is a good reason for the resource-oriented approach theory to be repeatedly attacked for its inability to adequately consider dynamic changes, caused by innovative activities of an enterprise [10]. In the meantime results of innovative activities of an enterprise depend largely on changes, integration and transformation of structural components of its intellectual potential, as well as on dynamic capabilities for the dynamic response to the change of the influence of factors and of environmental conditions. Due to the substantiated use of the dynamic structural component and of its goal-oriented influence on other structural components of the intellectual potential the enterprise can get stable competitive advantages and to enhance it in the course of the following development of its production activities.

So, the dynamic structural component can be considered as one of determining factors for the development of not only innovative

tions. Anyway, this factor is not a single one, as dynamic capabilities can give a desirable result only provided the interaction with all kinds of resources, necessary for the manufacturing of the certain production. In other words, the enterprise cannot carry out innovative activities, while disposing of considerable dynamic capabilities, but meanwhile not having necessary material and other kinds of resources. Only the substantiated combination of dynamic capabilities and resources will allow to obtain expected results of innovative activities of and enterprise in the part of the increment in the additional profit and of the obtaining of stable competitive advantages.

Conclusion. Results of the performed research allowed us to formulate following opinions:

1. In modern conditions the intellectual potential is important for an enterprise, as it can be considered as a quite efficient resource of its production activities by both functional and time-response characteristics.

2. The acceleration of rates of the change of terms of economic activities of enterprises makes it necessary to transform the structure of its intellectual potential, as well as to include the dynamic component in it.

3. The economic essence of the dynamic component is that the enterprise has got dynamic capabilities, allowing it to react promptly to the change of the environmental influence, as well as to timely and efficiently transform other structural components of the intellectual potential of an enterprise in conformity with changing conditions.

activities of an enterprise in modern condi-


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С.Н. Ларин1, канд. техн. наук, вед. науч. сотр. Л.Ю. Лазарева2, канд. техн. наук, вед. специалист Т.В. Стебеняева2, канд. экон. наук, вед. специалист Центральный экономико-математический институт РАН АНО ДПО Институт международных стандартов учета и управления (Россия, г. Москва)

Аннотация. Современная практика производственной деятельности предприятий различных отраслей экономики свидетельствует о том, что наличие интеллектуального потенциала становится все более значимым фактором их успешного функционирования в рыночных условиях. При этом для каждого предприятия независимо от его отраслевой принадлежности уровень функционального развития интеллектуального потенциала будет во многом определять эффективное взаимодействие всех структурных составляющих. Именно на этом основании возможно формирование конкурентных преимуществ предприятия, а значит и получение им определенных выгод в конкурентной борьбе. Вышесказанное подтверждает высокую актуальность тематики данного исследования.

Предметом исследования определена динамическая структурная составляющая интеллектуального потенциала предприятия. В качестве объекта исследования выбраны способности и возможности оперативной трансформации структуры управления и производственной деятельности предприятия под воздействием изменений факторов внешней среды.

В качестве метода исследования выбран системный анализ взаимного влияния изменений факторов внешней среды и трансформации условий производственной деятельности предприятия.

Основным результатом проведенного исследования является обоснование необходимости наличия динамической структурной составляющей в составе интеллектуального потенциала предприятия как одного из определяющих факторов его успешного функционирования. Полученные результаты могут найти практическое применение на предприятиях всех отраслей российской экономики.

Ключевые слова: предприятие, конкурентные преимущества, интеллектуальный потенциал, динамическая составляющая, эффективное использование.

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