DYNAMIC STABILITY OF THE MODERNIZED MINE CLEARING TRAWL UNDER THE ACTION OF EXPLOSIVE WAVE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Ключевые слова
explosive wave / the pressure force of explosive wave / trawl / trawl dynamics.

Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Andriienko A., Nanivskyi R., Yemelianov А., Kulchitskiy S., Malinovskiy N.

For a trawl with a modernized working body in the form of a U-shaped system of rockers and disks at the ends, a method of studying the dynamic stability under the action of a single mine explosion was developed. The technique is based on: a ratio that describes the dependence of the shock wave pressure on the distance; adaptation of this ratio to determine the force action of the explosion on the main parts of the trawl; the interaction mechanism of working disks with the soil of a minefield; kinematic ratios of the U-shaped working body of the modernized trawl; equations of kinetostatics for the relative motion of the trawl as a mechanical system. According to physically substantiated assumptions, the integral force dynamic actions of a single explosion on separate parts of the trawl have been determined. It is shown that they depend on their configuration, the depth of the mine, the distance of the mine center to the trawl parts, the magnitude of its charge in TNT equivalent. The integral force actions of the explosion on the trawl elements together with the stationary force action on the trawl (gravity force of separate parts) and the main ratio, which follows from the kinetostatics, allow to estimate the dynamic stability of the trawl. As for the main vector of explosive action on the trawl, which plays a dominant role in the assessment of dynamic stability, it is largely determined by the action of the explosive wave on the working disk, the force of which on the mine causes its explosion. In addition, the larger is the diameter of the disk, its thickness, the area of the longitudinal section of the rocker and the shorter is the distance between the working disk and the mine, the greater is dynamic explosive action on the trawl, and therefore the probability of losing dynamic stability. As for the configuration of the trawl (at constant dimensions), the dynamic explosive action on the trawl is greater if the angle between the legs of the rocker is smaller. The ratios obtained in the work can be the basis for selecting the optimal parameters during the modernization of the trawl in the working bodies, as well as determining its loading required for mine explosion in minefields with a large modulus value of soil elasticity. By generalizing the results obtained in the work, the relations concerning the dynamic action on roller trawls are obtained with a sufficient degree of accuracy. A comparative analysis of the dynamic explosive action on the roller trawl and trawl with a modernized working body suggests that the modernization of the trawl working body significantly increases its motion stability and maneuverability.

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Список литературы

1. Отходы. URL: Основные виды отходов, классификация, источники загрязнения (musorish.ru)

2. Виды отходов. URL: Экология и отходы


3. Утилизация отходов. URL: Отходы производства и потребления их использование и классификация утилизация производственных отходов (vseomusore.com)

4. Контроль за деятельностью переработки мусора. URL: Обращение с отходами: понятие, деятельность, документация (musor.guru)

5. Анаэробное сбраживание. URL: Анаэробное сбраживание органических отходов для получения биогаза - Энергосбережение в системах теплогазо-снабжения, вентиляции и кондиционирования воздуха (ozlib.com)



Andriienko A.

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Leading Researcher at the Land Forces Science Center, Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National Army Academy

Ukraine, Lviv Nanivskyi R.

Candidate of technical sciences, chief of scientific and organizational department,

Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National Army Academy

Ukraine, Lviv Yemelianov A.

Adjunct of scientific and organizational department, Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National Army Academy

Ukraine, Lviv Kulchitskiy S.

lecturer at the Department of Engineering, Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National Army Academy

Ukraine, Lviv Malinovskiy N. lecturer at the Department of Engineering, Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National Army Academy

Ukraine, Lviv


For a trawl with a modernized working body in the form of a U-shaped system of rockers and disks at the ends, a method of studying the dynamic stability under the action of a single mine explosion was developed. The technique is based on: a ratio that describes the dependence of the shock wave pressure on the distance; adaptation of this ratio to determine the force action of the explosion on the main parts of the trawl; the interaction mechanism of working disks with the soil of a minefield; kinematic ratios of the U-shaped working body of the modernized trawl; equations of kinetostatics for the relative motion of the trawl as a mechanical system. According to physically substantiated assumptions, the integral force dynamic actions of a single explosion on separate parts of the trawl have been determined. It is shown that they depend on their configuration, the depth of the mine, the distance of the mine center to the trawl parts, the magnitude of its charge in TNT equivalent. The integral force actions of the explosion on the trawl elements together with the stationary force action on the trawl (gravity force of separate parts) and the main ratio, which follows from the kinetostatics, allow to estimate the dynamic stability of the trawl. As for the main vector of explosive action on the trawl, which plays a dominant role in the assessment of dynamic stability, it is largely determined by the action of the explosive wave on the working disk, the force of which on the mine causes its explosion. In addition, the larger is the diameter of the disk, its thickness, the area of the longitudinal section of the rocker and the shorter is the distance between the working disk and the mine, the greater is dynamic explosive action on the trawl, and therefore - the probability of losing dynamic stability. As for the configuration of the trawl (at constant dimensions), the dynamic explosive action on the trawl is greater if the angle between the legs of the rocker is smaller. The ratios obtained in the work can be the basis for selecting the optimal parameters during the modernization of the trawl in the working bodies, as well as determining its loading required for mine explosion in minefields with a large modulus value of soil elasticity. By generalizing the results obtained in the work, the relations concerning the dynamic action on roller trawls are obtained with a sufficient degree of accuracy. A comparative analysis of the dynamic explosive action on the roller trawl and trawl with a modernized

working body suggests that the modernization of the trawl working body significantly increases its motion stability and maneuverability.

Keywords: explosive wave, the pressure force of explosive wave, trawl, trawl dynamics.


The safest way to clear mines during making safe lanes on minefields or clearing minefields is to clear them at the site. To do this, different types of mine clearing trawls are used. Their work is based on the principle of detonating explosive device under the condition of the force action not less than the minimum allowable. If we take into account that: a) for the purpose of masking minefields or barriers, mines are located at a certain depth from the surface of the minefield; b) the force action of the most minesweepers on the minefield is transmitted along the surface of their contact, then during passing of the minesweeper over the mine, the action of soil on the explosive device is much less than the product of the mine surface area and the minesweeper pressure on the ground. This difference depends on many factors: the depth of the mine, the type of soil (its physical and mechanical properties), humidity and so on. Therefore, the weight of the minesweeper, as a rule, is much greater than the product of the force required to trigger mines and the number of mines located along the width of the trawl. The last one leads to a significant reduction in the maneuverability of the minesweeper. Mostly the minesweepers with the specified principle of mine clearance are in service with the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In order to partially "correct" this problem and reduce the weight of the minesweeper, in [1-3] there is proposed to make a mine-detonating working body in the form of a U-shaped rocker with discs at the end. The last ones under the action of trawl gravity force can deepen (penetrate) to a certain depth into the ground, while increasing the effective pressure on the mine at the time of passing of the minesweeper over the mine. In addition, in [17], there are studied the dynamics peculiarities of the working body under the action of the explosive wave at different values of the mine charge, the mine depth and the characteristics of the soil. However, such an important issue as the stability of the trawl with a modernized working body (this is an integral dynamic effect of a single explosion on the trawl itself) was not considered. This task is the subject of the work, hence its relevance.

Formulation of the problem. The experience of any armed conflict shows that the use of engineering ammunition is very intensive. This we see today in the east of our country. Laying minefields by non-specialists without compliance with the rules and regulations is particularly dangerous. During the years of hostilities in the area of Anti-Terrorist Operation and Joint Forces Operation, it can be concluded that the requirements for laying minefields of both the enemy and ours are not met. The number of mines on a minefield can be many times more than required by the governing documents. And so the means of reconnaissance and mine clearance can meet on their way such a number of mines for which they are not designed, which in turn can lead to task failure. Today, there are many ways to make safe lanes in minefields. The most reliable of them is mechanical one with the help of mine trawls. The Armed

Forces is armed with the roller minesweeper KMT-7. But this trawl was developed in the 80's and does not fully meet the modern conditions of hostilities. In addition, this trawl is not able to detonate mines equipped with detonators such as MVD-62, which are triggered by double pressing in a short period of time. UR-77 demining systems quickly make a fairly wide lane in a minefield, but there is no 100% guarantee of mine clearance, especially with double-press detonators. There is another way of demining by means of a volume explosion. Many inventors offer different options for delivering the explosive mixture to the demining site, but the principle remains the same. The explosive dissipates above the surface and ignites. The result is a large-scale explosion, which in the speed and strength of the blast wave is greater than that of the brisant explosives, but not having such a destructive force. But in rainy and windy weather, there can be problems with the ignition of the explosive. The Americans built the m130 slufae demining machine in the 1970s on the principle of a volume explosion. But after testing, the machine had to be abandoned due to a number of negative factors. Yes, the explosion really neutralized the anti-tank mines, but after clearing the area, the movement of equipment was complicated by large holes after explosions. In addition, due to the large mass of missiles, the machine had to approach the minefield almost closely, which put the crew in danger. So the method has really proved to be effective, but no country has yet made really effective prototypes.

The proposed modernized working body of the KMT-7 minesweeper in the form of a U-shaped rocker system with semi-cut sphere disks at the ends is able to reflect and scatter most of the explosive force, activate detonators such as MVD-62 and, if necessary, easily replace damaged elements.

Analysis of recent research and publications. The experience of any armed conflict shows that the use of engineering ammunition is very intensive. This we see today in the east of our country. Laying minefields by non-specialists without compliance with the rules and regulations is particularly dangerous. During the years of hostilities in the area of Anti-Terrorist Operation and Joint Forces Operation, it can be concluded that the requirements for laying minefields of both the enemy and ours are not met. The number of mines on a minefield can be many times more than required by the governing documents. And so the means of reconnaissance and mine clearance can meet on their way such a number of mines for which they are not designed, which in turn can lead to task failure. Today, there are many ways to make safe lanes in minefields. The most reliable of them is mechanical one with the help of mine trawls. The Armed Forces is armed with the roller minesweeper KMT-7. But this trawl was developed in the 80's and does not fully meet the modern conditions of hostilities. In addition, this trawl is not able to detonate mines equipped with detonators such as MVD-62, which are triggered by double pressing in a short period

of time. UR-77 demining systems quickly make a fairly wide lane in a minefield, but there is no 100% guarantee of mine clearance, especially with double-press detonators. There is another way of demining by means of a volume explosion. Many inventors offer different options for delivering the explosive mixture to the demining site, but the principle remains the same. The explosive dissipates above the surface and ignites. The result is a large-scale explosion, which in the speed and strength of the blast wave is greater than that of the brisant explosives, but not having such a destructive force. But in rainy and windy weather, there can be problems with the ignition of the explosive. The Americans built the m130 slufae demining machine in the 1970s on the principle of a volume explosion. But after testing, the machine had to be abandoned due to a number of negative factors. Yes, the explosion really neutralized the anti-tank mines, but after clearing the area, the movement of equipment was complicated by large holes after explosions. In addition, due to the large mass of missiles, the machine had to approach the minefield almost closely, which put the crew in danger. So the method has really proved to be effective, but no country has yet made really effective prototypes.

The proposed modernized working body of the KMT-7 minesweeper in the form of a U-shaped rocker system with semi-cut sphere disks at the ends is able to

reflect and scatter most of the explosive force, activate detonators such as MVD-62 and, if necessary, easily replace damaged elements.


For a mine trawl with modernized working bodies in the form of U-shaped rocker system with disks at the ends (Fig. 1) it is necessary to investigate the "dynamic stability" caused by the explosive action of the mine. Note that "dynamic stability" means the property of the trawl to maintain (not maintain) the state of motion along the surface of the minefield (without bouncing). The "dynamic stability" is determined by the obvious magnitude of the integral explosive shock wave force on the trawl as a whole. If the vertical component of this force on the axis 1, through which the movement is transmitted from the tank to the minesweeper, is less than the weight of the trawl, the movement will be stable (the trawl is in full contact with the demining surface and will perform a functional task after mine clearance). It is around this axis that the rockers with discs can rotate, copying the demining surface. In addition to these elements of the mine trawl, there are damper devices - 6, the main purpose of which is to dampen the dynamic action of the blast force on the trawl as a whole, ie to reduce the relative angle of rotation around the axis - 1. It connects the minesweeper to the tank.

Fig. 1. General scheme of the trawl with a modernized working body.

The solution to this problem is based on: ratios that describe the effect of the shock wave on the main parts of the trawl and the mechanism of interaction of the working disks with the soil of the minefield;

kinematic ratios of the U-shaped working body of the modernized trawl;

kinetostatics equations for the relative motion of the trawl as a mechanical system.

The main assumptions about the trawl: the speed of the minesweeper tank, and therefore, the carrying speed of the parts of the trawl is a constant value equal to V;

the total weight of the trawl P and it is transmitted evenly through all working discs to the ground;

the action of the working disks through a small layer of soil or through direct contact of the latter with the mine is not less for triggering the explosive device;

the mine explosion takes place at a moment when the working disk of the trawl (for simplicity, the average) is above the middle of the mine;

the duration of the explosive pulse action is neglected, and therefore the explosive effect on the elements of the trawl is transmitted simultaneously in all directions by the explosive wave;

the mine size during the finding of its explosive action on the elements of the trawl is neglected (the center of explosive propagation coincides with the geometric middle of the upper part of the mine).

Remark. The calculation of the trawl dynamic stability in case of triggering explosive device due to impact of the rear disk is carried out similarly to the following.

Thus, the solution of this problem was reduced to determining the effect of the shock explosive wave pressure forces on: working discs, rockers, horizontal axes, followed by the use of this action in the ratio of kinetostatics for trawl. The last one is the basis for assessing the "dynamic stability".

First of all, let's determine the effect of the blast wave on the working rocker with disks. The explosive

F (Po ) k

effect on the disk is determined by the [17] de-

pendence (see Fig. 2) (Fig. Disk above the mine)



F (P. )= d I





--1 + 0.431---, I +1.4]-

H + h -Lcospo -vR2 - x2 (h + h -Lcosp-VR2 - x2 ) (h + h -Lcosr2 - x2 )



where all the symbols of the specified work are H h

preserved: - parameters that characterize the location of the mine in relation to the rocker axis, R, d, L, 90 - parameters of the U-shaped working body. It is obvious that the specified force under the accepted assumptions has vertical direction.

The explosive effect on the second disk is much smaller than F(^o), because the distance from the explosion center to the first disk is much smaller than to


In addition,




ie H+h- L-coscpo


equivalent of this action is directed at a small angle to the horizon, and therefore its vertical component, which affects the stability of the minesweeper, is negligible. This action is neglected in the study of the trawl dynamic stability. As for the magnitude of the explosive action on the left F1 (90) and right Fr (90) rocker, it is determined according to the dependencies (see Fig. 3)


Fig. 2. Distribution of the blast wave pressure force on the working disk.

In the dependencies (3) and (4) A1©, Ar(Z0, is, respectively, the distance from the mine center to the running point, respectively, the left or right part of the rocker, V(Q and yr(Z0 - the angles that form lines connecting the point that coincides with the geometric

mine center and the running point of the left (right) part of the rocker and a straight line that coincides with it. These parameters are determined according to the dependencies

a' (ç) =7(L - ç)2 sin2 (p0 + [(L - ç) cos (p0 + R + a]2 , / (ç) = arctg

A(ç) = 7(L - ç)2 sin2 p + [(L + ç)cosp + R + A]2 ,^(ç,) = arctg

k' + ctgPo 1 - k'ctgPo

k - ctgPo 1 + k'ctgPo

ki = (l -ç)cos(o + R + a _ (L -ç, ) cos Po + R + a

(l -ç)sinPo

(l + ç )sinPo

Similarly, we find the effect of the shock wave on replaced by the action on the face of the parallelepiped the axis 1 - F1 and 5 - F5. If we assume that their diam- with the face area equal to the largest longitudinal sec-eters are respectively d1 and d5, and the shock wave ac- tion of the shaft). We get tion is transmitted uniformly along the longitudinal section (the action on the cylindrical shape of the shafts is


F1 = 2d J



F5 = 2d 5 J

o,-^ + o.43 +1.4, C ^

_ a, (t, ) (a, (t, ))2 (a, (t, ))3

3 [c 3 I f-<2 p

o.1-C + o.43 ,, + 1.4^-C--a, fe ) (a, fe ))2 (a, fe ))3




a, (t) = ^(R + x + L cos po )2 + (l sin po )2 + £2 a,(t) = ^(R + x + Lcospo)2 + (Lsinpo)2 + £2 .

Explosive action on other rockers is similarly defined. However, taking into account that it is much

smaller, a correction factor a « 1 can be introduced

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to assess their effect. Together, the dependences (1) -(5) allow the condition of dynamic stability to be written in the form X 0 where

X =P-F(90) - F^osPi - F5 cosP5 - (l+a)sin 90[(Fl(^0)+ Fr(^))], P- trawl weight, P1 and P5 - angles formed by the main pressure force vector on axis 1 and 5 with the vertical. Note that from the above obtained results it is easy to obtain the blast wave pressure force on the roller of a roller mine trawl, provided its maximum effect on the mine:

b R

F = JJ




d WR2 -x2 + °'43 (d wR2 -x2 )2 +14 (d WR2 -x2 ) _



the assessment of the general dynamic stability of the trawl.

Table 1 shows for different parameters of the trawl and the magnitude of the mine the dynamic action value on the respective parts and the parameter X, by which

Table 1.

The value of the shock wave pressure force of the explosion on the trawl elements with a modernized working

C, kg R, m di, m H, m h, m h1, m rad F, N Fl, N Fr, N F1, N F5, N

5 0.35 0.003 0.85 0.002 0.2 0.9 6003.078 1.0539 0.2751 0.2822 0.1970

5 0.35 0.003 0.85 0.002 0.2 0.9 7203.47 1.2576 0.3259 0.3344 0.2363

7.5 0.35 0.003 0.85 0.002 0.2 0.9 9004.021 1.5620 0.4015 0.4129 0.2800

10 0.35 0.003 0.85 0.002 0.2 0.9 12004.86 2.0668 0.5261 0.5400 0.3739

12.5 0.35 0.003 0.85 0.002 0.2 0.9 15005.64 2.5697 0.6496 0.6568 0.4609

12.5 0.3 0.003 0.85 0.002 0.2 0.9 17506.39 3.5404 0.7309 0.7337 0.5043

10 0.3 0.003 0.85 0.002 0.2 0.9 14005.51 2.8457 0.5917 0.5939 0.4089

7.5 0.3 0.003 0.85 0.002 0.2 0.9 10504.56 2.1485 0.4521 0.4529 0.3126

7.5 0.3 0.003 0.85 0.002 0.2 0.8 10504.56 2.0540 0.3813 0.4341 0.2965

7.5 0.3 0.003 0.85 0.002 0.2 1.0 10504.56 2.2614 0.5511 0.4749 0.3319

7.5 0.3 0.004 0.85 0.002 0.2 1.0 14006.08 3.0151 0.7347 0.6337 0.4425

10 0.3 0.004 0.85 0.002 0.2 1.0 18674.01 3.9939 0.8306 0.7416 0.5791

10 0.3 0.005 0.85 0.002 0.2 1.0 23342.52 4.9924 1.2068 1.3827 0.7239

10 0.3 0.0075 0.85 0.002 0.2 1.0 35013.77 7.4886 1.8087 1.5574 1.0859


o -R

10 0.3 0.0075 0.85 0.02 0.2 1.0 3507.45 7.3966 1.8005 1.5523 1.0824

10 0.3 0.01 0.85 0.02 0.2 1.0 3507.45 2.4006 2.06974 1.3 1.4432

10 0.3 0.05 0.85 0.02 0.2 1.0 23382.0 49.3108 12.003 10.3487 7.2162

10 0.3 0.1 0.85 0.02 0.2 1.0 46675.97 98.6217 24.0068 20.6974 14.4324

10 0.3 0.1 0.85 0.05 0.2 1.0 18715.02 96.6259 23.8262 20.5845 14.3561

10 0.3 0.1 0.85 0.075 0.2 1.0 12464.54 95.0072 23.6771 20.4908 14.2929

10 0.3 0.1 0.85 0.1 0.2 1.0 9330.89 93.4276 23.5292 20.3976 14.2300

10 0.35 0.1 0.85 0.1 0.2 1.0 8018.20 68.4324 20.8080 18.6227 13.0372


By analyzing the results obtained in the work related to the mine explosive action on a trawl, it was found that the integral explosive force on a trawl with a modernized system of working bodies in the form of a U-shaped rocker system and disks at the ends, and therefore its dynamic stability is largely determined by the action of the explosion on the working disk. As for the influence of the geometric dimensions of the last one on the magnitude of the main vector of explosive action, the larger is the diameter of the disk, its thickness, the greater is the explosive action, and therefore -the probability of losing dynamic stability is greater. In addition, the ratios obtained in the work can be the basis for selecting the optimal parameters during the modernization of the trawl in the working bodies, as well as determining its loading required for mine triggering in minefields with high modulus value of soil elasticity. At the same time, a comparative analysis of the dynamic effect of the explosion on roller-type trawls and trawls with a modernized working body suggests that the modernization of the trawl in the working body significantly reduces the integral effect of the explosion on the trawl and increases its stability and maneuverability.


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