DUAL ACTIVE-SET ALGORITHM FOR OPTIMAL 3-MONOTONE REGRESSION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Математика»

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Аннотация научной статьи по математике, автор научной работы — Gudkov Alexandr A., Sidorov Sergei Petrovich, Spiridonov Kirill A.

The paper considers a shape-constrained optimization problem of constructing monotone regression which has gained much attention over the recent years. This paper presents the results of constructing the nonlinear regression with $3$-monotone constraints. Monotone regression of high orders can be applied in many fields, including non-parametric mathematical statistics and empirical data smoothing. In this paper, an iterative algorithm is proposed for constructing a sparse $3$-monotone regression, i.e. for finding a $3$-monotone vector with the lowest square error of approximation to a given (not necessarily $3$-monotone) vector. The problem can be written as a convex programming problem with linear constraints. It is proved that the proposed dual active-set algorithm has polynomial complexity and obtains the optimal solution.

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Известия Саратовского университета. Новая серия. Серия: Математика. Механика. Информатика. 2022. Т. 22, вып. 2. С. 216-223 Izvestiya of Saratov University. Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics, 2022, vol. 22, iss. 2, pp. 216-223 https://mmi.sgu.ru

https://doi.org/10.18500/1816-9791-2022-22-2-216-223 Article

Dual active-set algorithm for optimal 3-monotone regression

A. A. Gudkov, S. P. Sidorov0, K. A. Spiridonov

Saratov State University, 83 Astrakhanskaya St., Saratov 410012, Russia Alexandr A. Gudkov, alex-good96@mail.ru, AuthorlD: 1083215 Sergei P. Sidorov, sidorovsp@sgu.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4047-8239, AuthorlD: 16120 Kirill A. Spiridonov, kir.spiridonov@gmail.com

Abstract. The paper considers a shape-constrained optimization problem of constructing monotone regression which has gained much attention over the recent years. This paper presents the results of constructing the nonlinear regression with 3-monotone constraints. Monotone regression of high orders can be applied in many fields, including non-parametric mathematical statistics and empirical data smoothing. In this paper, an iterative algorithm is proposed for constructing a sparse 3-monotone regression, i.e. for finding a 3-monotone vector with the lowest square error of approximation to a given (not necessarily 3-monotone) vector. The problem can be written as a convex programming problem with linear constraints. It is proved that the proposed dual active-set algorithm has polynomial complexity and obtains the optimal solution.

Keywords: dual algorithm, isotonic regression, monotone regression, fc-monotone regression, convex regression Acknowledgements: This work was supported by the Ministry of science and education of the Russian Federation in the framework of the basic part of the scientific research state task (project FSRR-2020-0006).

For citation: Gudkov A. A., Sidorov S. P., Spiridonov K. A. Dual active-set algorithm for optimal 3-monotone regression. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics, 2022, vol. 22, iss. 2, pp. 216-223. https://doi.org/10.18500/1816-9791-2022-22-2-216-223

This is an open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY 4.0)

Научная статья УДК 519.85

Двойственный алгоритм на основе активного множества для построения оптимальной 3-монотонной регрессии

А. А. Гудков, С. П. Сидоров0, К. А. Спиридонов

Саратовский национальный исследовательский государственный университет имени Н. Г. Чернышевского, Россия, 410012, г. Саратов, ул. Астраханская, д. 83

Гудков Александр Александрович, студент кафедры теории функций и стохастического анализа, alex-good96@ mail.ru, АиЙогГО: 1083215

Сидоров Сергей Петрович, доктор физико-математических наук заведующий кафедрой теории функций и стохастического анализа, sidorovsp@sgu.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4047-8239, АиШогГО:

Спиридонов Кирилл Александрович, аспирант кафедры теории функций и стохастического анализа, kir.spiridonov@gmail.com

Аннотация. В статье рассматривается задача оптимизации с ограничениями на форму для построения монотонной регрессии, которая в последние годы привлекает большое внимание исследователей. В статье представлены результаты построения нелинейной регрессии с 3-монотонными ограничениями. Монотонная регрессия высоких порядков может применяться во многих областях, включая непараметрическую математическую статистику и сглаживание эмпирических данных. Предлагается итерационный алгоритм для построения разреженной 3-монотонной регрессии, т.е. для нахождения 3-монотонного вектора с наименьшей квадратичной ошибкой приближения к заданному (не обязательно 3-монотонному) вектору. Задачу можно записать как задачу выпуклого программирования с линейными ограничениями. Доказано, что предложенный двойственный алгоритм на основе использования активного множества имеет полиномиальную сложность и дает оптимальное решение. Ключевые слова: двойственный алгоритм, изотонная регрессия, монотонная регрессия, fc-монотонная регрессия, выпуклая регрессия

Благодарности: Работа поддержана Министерством науки и образования Российской Федерации в рамках базовой части государственного задания (проект FSRR-2020-0006). Для цитирования: Gudkov A. A., Sidorov S. P., Spiridonov K. A. Dual active-set algorithm for optimal 3-monotone regression [Гудков А. А., Сидоров С. П., Спиридонов К. А. Двойственный алгоритм на основе активного множества для построения оптимальной 3-монотонной регрессии] // Известия Саратовского университета. Новая серия. Серия: Математика. Механика.

Информатика. 2022. Т. 22, вып. 2. С. 216-223. https://doi.org/10.18500/1816-9791-2022-22-2-

Статья опубликована на условиях лицензии Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY 4.0)


Let z = (zi,... ,zn)T e Rra be the vector of a given function values taken at some points x = (xi,..., xn)T e Rra, n e N. Denote Д» = xi+i — Xi, г = 1,2,... ,n — 1. Then the k-th order finite difference operator Дк (for к ^ 1) is defined recursively as follows:



where Д0Zi = Zi, г = 1,... ,n.

We will call the vector z = (zi,...,zn)T e Rra as fc-monotone with respect to x = (xl,..., xn)T, if Afc Zi ^ 0 for all г = !,... ,n — k.

The shape-constrained problems in statistics (the task of finding the best fitting monotone regression is one of them) have attracted much attention in recent decades [1,2]. The most studied has been the problem of constructing monotone (or isotonic) regression, i.e. the task of finding the best fitted non-decreasing vector to a given vector. One can find a detailed review of isotonic regression in the work of Robertson and Dykstra [3,4].

fc-monotone regression is the extension of monotone regression to the general case of fc-monotonicity. Both isotonic and fc-monotone regression may be applied in many fields, including non-parametric mathematical statistics [1,5], the empirical data smoothing [6-8], the shape-preserving dynamic programming [9], and the shape-preserving approximation [10,11]. Moreover, fc-monotone sequences and vectors are also used in solving various mathematical problems [12-15].

In this paper, we will use the idea of a dual active-set algorithm that proposes and analyzes regularized monotonic regression in the paper [2]. It should be noted that some algorithms for constructing fc-monotone regressions were considered in papers [16,17].

Denote A™ the set of all vectors from Rra, which are 3-monotone. The task of constructing 3-monotone regression is to obtain a vector z e Mra with the lowest square error of approximation to the given vector у e Rra (not necessarily 3-monotone) under condition z e A":


(z — y)T(z — y) = y^(Zi — yif ^ min (1)

z—' zZAi (x)

i=l 3 '

In this paper we propose a dual active-set algorithm for constructing 3-monotone regression and prove that the algorithm has polynomial complexity and obtains the optimal solution.

1. Preliminary analysis

The problem (1) can be rewritten in the form of a convex programming problem with linear constraints:

F(z) = -zTz — yTz ^ min, (2)

where the minimum is taken over all z e Rra such that

9i(z) := — ^AmA,(Am + Ai)zi+3 — A,(A,+2 + Am) ^^ A^ z,+2+ +A,+2(A,+i + A,) ^ Ajj — A,+2A,+i (Aj+2 + Am)z^ ^ 0, (3)

for 1 ^ i ^ n — 3. Problem (2)-(3) is a quadratic programming problem and is strictly convex, therefore there is a unique solution for it.

Let z be the global solution of the problem (2)-(3), then there is Lagrange multiplier

V = .. .,Vn-3)T e R-3 such that


VF (z) +J] frVgi (z) = 0, (4)

i= i

gi(z) ^ 0, 1 ^ i ^ n — 3, (5)

ßi ^ 0, 1 ^ i ^ n — 3, (6)

ßigi(z) = 0, 1 ^ i ^ n — 3, (7)

where Vgi is the gradient of the function gi.

The equations (4)-(7) are the Karush - Kuhn - Tucker conditions. From (4) it follows that


^(zi - yi)2 + ^ßi^ - ДтДДДт + Ai)zi+3+ i=1 i=1 / i+2 \ / i+2 \

+Ai(Ai+2 + Ai+iH ^ ДЛ ^i+2 - Ai+2(Ai+i + Ai) I ^ ДЛ *i+i+ +Ai+2Ai+i(Ai+2 + Дi+l

0, 1 ^ j ^ n - 3.

2. A dual active-set algorithm for 3-monotone regression

In this subsection, a dual active-set algorithm is proposed. It will be shown that it possesses the following useful properties:

- the number of operations required to complete the algorithm for a given input y from Rra is 0(nk) for some non-negative integer k, i.e. it has the polynomial complexity;

- the solution is optimal (the Karush - Kuhn - Tucker conditions are fulfilled).

The proposed algorithm uses as so-called active set. The active set S consists of blocks of the form [l,r - 3] c [1,n - 3], such that [l,r - 3] c S,l - 1 £ S,r - 2 £ S, and

S = [h,ri] U [l2,r2] U ■ ■ ■ U [lm-!,rm-i] U [lm,rm],

where l1 ^ 1, rm ^ n - 3, and m is the number of blocks. If r» = k then the z-th block consists of only one point.

At each iteration of the algorithm, the active set S c [1,n - 3] is chosen and the corresponding optimization problem is solved

1 ra

- y%)2 ^ min, (8)


where the minimum is taken over all z £ Rra satisfying

Ai+iAi(Ai+i + Ai)Zi+s - Ai(Ai+2 + A»+i) ^zi+2+

(S *)

+Дi+2(Дi+l + ДО V Д,- Zi+1 - Дi+2Дi+l(Дi+2 + Дi+l)Zi = 0, У £ S. (9)

The dual active-set algorithm for 3-monotone regression begin

■ Input data у e Rra ■ Active set S = 0 ■ Initial approximation z(S) = у while

z(S) e A? do

■ Change the active set S ^ S U [i : gi(z(S)) > 0} ■ We solve the problem (8)-(9) using values from the active set S ■ Rewriting the vector z(S) end

■ Returning the solution z(S) end

The computational complexity of the dual active set algorithm for 3-monotone regression is 0(n3). It follows from two remarks:

- at each iteration of the algorithm, the active set S attaches, at least, one index from [1,n — 3], which means that the number of the while loop iterations can not be greater than n — 3;

- the computational complexity of solving the problem (8)-(9) is 0(n2).

3. The convergence and optimality analysis of the dual active set algorithm

We need the following auxiliary lemmas, the proof of which can be obtained similarly to the proof of the corresponding lemmas in the paper [16].

Lemma 1. Let z be a global solution to the problem (2)-(3). Then the Lagrange multipliers y = (y1,... ,yn-3)T e R"-3, identified in (4)-(7), are calculated as follows:

( i+2

(Аг + Дг-!)


___zi Hi__.__\J ' / (Д _ Д ),

" _ - Д.+2Д+1 (Aj+2 + Aj+l) + Дг+2Дт(Д+2 + Аг+1 ) (А+1"<-1 - А-2"*-2)+

Дг-2Дг-3(Дг-2 + Аг+3) 1 / / о /1 Л\

+ А,+2А,+1(А<+2 + Ат) "-3, 1 - 3 (10)

and "i _ 0 Уг < 1.

Lemma 2. Let 1 g S i.e. A2yx < 0 and suppose that 2,3,4 G S. Let z\, z2, z3, z4 be the values of linear regression, built on pairs of values (x\,yi), (x2, y2), (x3, y3), (x4, y4). Then the values of the corresponding Lagrange multipliers (10) will be non-negative.

Lemma 3. Let at some iteration of the algorithm the pairs of values Y = {(xi,zi),..., (xk+1, zk+1)} such that [1 : k — 3] cS, A3z^ < 0 for all i g [1 : k - 3],

and k — 2,k — 1,k,k + 1 G S. Let z(0), i g [1 : k] be an optimization problem solution

1 k

2 Ci — zi)2 ^ min,


where the minimum is taken among all values ( g Rk satisfying gi(() = 0 for all i g [1 : k — 3], where gi(() is defined in (3). Moreover, suppose that gk-2(z(0)) < 0 i.e.

xk-2 will be added to the active set S at the next iteration of the algorithm. Let z(i\ i e [1 : k + 1] be an optimization problem solution

1 fc+i

2 - zi)2 ^ min,

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where the minimum is taken among all values ( e Rfc+i satisfying the equality gi(C>) = 0 for all i e [1 : k — 2]. Then for all i = 1, 2,... ,k — 2 get

^ > 0,

where is Lagrange multiplier for z(i) and ^fci-i = = = 0.

Theorem 1. For any initial S c S*, the algorithm converges to the optimal solution of the problem (1) in, at most, n—IS| iterations. Where S* is the active set corresponding to the optimal solution and n is the dimension of the problem.

Proof. The algorithm is designed in such a way that, at each iteration, the active set S is expanded by attaching at least one index point from [1,n — 3]. This point should not previously belong to the set S. In the case of S = [1,n — 3], the number of blocks is equal to 1 and the input vector is already 3-monotone. Another case is IS| <n — 3. Then the number of iterations must be less than n — |5| where IS| is the number of indices in the initial active set S.

If the point i has a negative value of the third-order finite difference A3Zj and is isolated (i.e. i — 3,i — 2,i — 1,i + 1,i + 2,i + 3 e S) then the dual active set algorithm replaces Zi,zi+i,Zi+2,Zi+3 with the values of linear regression constructed by the points (xi,Zi), (xi+i,Zi+i), (xi+2,Zi+2), (xi+3,Zi+3). This situation is considered in Lemma 2 in which is proved that the values of the corresponding Lagrange multipliers are nonnegative.

Another case we should analyse is the case when the violation of 3-monotonicity occurs at several consecutive k > 1 neighboring points, which can be written as follows A3 Zj < 0, j = %,..., i+k and A3Zi-3, A3^-2, A3^-! ^ 0, A3Zi+k+i, A3 Zi+k+2, A3Zi+k+3 ^ 0. In this case, the algorithm replaces values Zi,zi+i,... ,Zi+k+3 with the values of a linear regression constructed by the points (Xi,Zi),..., (xi+k+3, Zi+k+3). This situation is considered in Lemma 3 which shows that the values of the corresponding Lagrange multipliers are non-negative.

In the same way, in this theorem, the non-negativity of the Lagrange multipliers can be proved in other cases. □


The paper presents the algorithm for constructing optimal 3-monotone regression based on an active set. This algorithm has already been applied when constructing regression of other orders and with a constant distance between values [16]. At each iteration of the algorithm, it first determines the active set and then solves a standard least-squares subproblem on the active set with a small size, which exhibits a local superlinear convergence. Therefore, the algorithm is very efficient when coupled with parallel execution. The classical optimization algorithms (e.g. coordinate descent or proximal gradient descent) only possess sublinear convergence in general or linear convergence under certain conditions.


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Поступила в редакцию / Received 03.12.2021 Принята к публикации / Accepted 15.01.2022 Опубликована / Published 31.05.2022

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