Научная статья на тему 'Directions of the improving of the management mechanism of municipal target program'

Directions of the improving of the management mechanism of municipal target program Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Текст научной работы на тему «Directions of the improving of the management mechanism of municipal target program»

the customer information about the volume of the planned funds for program activities within the period set up the arrangements for the preparation of the draft budget municipality "Ulyanovsk" for the next fiscal year and planning period. [2]

On the basis of information about financing activities DRP in the territory of the municipality "Ulyanovsk" from customer management program activities of investment, innovation and public-private partnership of the municipal mayor's office in Ulyanovsk:

- Prepares a quarterly summary report on the implementation of DRP in the territory of the municipality "Ulyanovsk";

- Is at the request of state authorities of the Ulyanovsk region summary, reflecting the progress of the


- Provides information on the College of the City Hall of Ulyanovsk on the participation of the municipality "Ulyanovsk" in DRP operating in the territory of the municipality "Ulyanovsk".[3]


1. Bjudzhetnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 31.07.1998 N 145-FZ (prinjat GD FS RF 17.07.1998) (red. ot 29.11.2010, s izm. Ot 28.12.2010).

2. Kochkarov R.A. Celevye programmy: instrumental'naja podderzhka. M.: Jekonomika, 2014. 223 s.

3. Kirillov L.G. Menedzhment dlja gorodskogo hozjajstva kak politicheskaja strategija upravlenija municipal'nym obrazovaniem. // «Chinovnik##.uapa.ru, Vypusk № 6'04 (34).

4. Butova T.V., Anisimov A.A. Osobennosti sotrudnichestva vlasti i bankovskogo biznesa v gorode Moskve. Zhurnal «MunicipaFnaja akademija», № 2, aprel', 2013.

© A.I. Dunaeva, 2015

УДК 341.51

A.I. Dunaeva

Student of the faculty of "State and municipal management" The Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow




To date, the program targets the most transparent instrument of social and economic policy with support from the federal budget. Federal target programs, the need for them, goals, objectives, a set of measures, implementation time and amount of funding, including from the federal budget, are discussed at meetings of the Government of the Russian Federation, the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. One of the main areas related to improving the efficiency of the federal targeted programs is to find ways to ensure an optimal solution to the problems of their formation and implementation, including financing.


economic policy, the target program planning, indicative planning.

Programme-oriented planning - a type of planning and management, based on the orientation of the activities to achieve these goals. Programme-oriented planning is built on logic "goal-path-ways-means." When program control is of paramount importance not established organizational structure and management elements of the program, program activities.

The best results of program-targeted methods produce while the use of methods and regional macroeconomic forecasting and indicative planning. This relationship is determined by the need to create and track system performance management implementation of targeted programs.

Feature program approach is that it allows to solve complex challenges at the intersection of departmental and branch competence, authority and responsibilities of business entities, enforcement and municipal authorities, through coordination of the overall effort to address the problem. Therefore, there must be institutional mechanisms such connections.[2]

Thus, the key feature of the program management is that is solved by PPB problem can not be solved using standard "routine" management procedures of the authorities, municipal government and commercial structures, as well as in the framework of action exclusively by one of the parties to the process. Consequently, one of the main features of the program-target approach is its complexity and the availability of appropriate organizational forms of program implementation. . Application software approach to address operational management tasks is not appropriate because the program approach is more complex and costly from an organizational point of view, and its use is justified only if the possibility of achieving significant and substantial multiplier effect. [3]

Currently, the program-target method is the most important tool for the implementation of government social and economic policy of the country and its regions, along with the methods of forecasting and indicative planning. Targeted programs are linked to resources, timeframes and implementation of systems research, development, organizational, economic and other measures to ensure the effective solution of specific problems in the field of state-federal construction, scientific, technical, economic, investment, social and demographic, foreign economic, cultural, environmental and regional development of the Russian Federation.

Practice shows that the target program can be effectively used for the management of social and economic processes in the regions. The use of program-target method at every level - national, regional, and municipal - is basically determined by the nature and scale of the territorial origin of the complex problems that affect the reproductive process as a whole.

So, for state-level study program are subject to the problems that have a global impact on the dynamics of the economy and related to the implementation of the regional section of public policy.

At the regional level the program approach requires the solution of such problems as the implementation of fundamental structural changes in the economy, the creation of favorable macroeconomic conditions functioning and development of enterprises in the region.

At the level of municipalities subject study program may be involved in the development of market infrastructure objects of local importance, the problem of social orientation - to support and develop social facilities: hospitals, schools, child care centers, etc.

In this case, to solve problems, to be exploring software in the first place, should be involved resources of the level at which the problem occurred. Resources other levels should be involved in the ascending or descending line "residual" principle.


1. Bjudzhetnyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 31.07.1998 N 145-FZ (prinjat GD FS RF 17.07.1998) (red. ot 29.11.2010, s izm. Ot 28.12.2010).

2. Hramova T.V. Prioritety provedenija reform v regionah / T.V. Hramova // Finansy. - 2011. - №12.

3. Kirillov L.G. Menedzhment dlja gorodskogo hozjajstva kak politicheskaja strategija upravlenija municipal'nym obrazovaniem. // «Chinovmk##.uapa.ru, Vypusk № 6'04 (34).

4. Butova T.V., Anisimov A.A. Osobennosti sotrudnichestva vlasti i bankovskogo biznesa v gorode Moskve. Zhurnal «Municipal'naja akademija», № 2, aprel', 2013.

© A.I. Dunaeva, 2015

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УДК 341.78

A.I. Dunaeva

Student of the faculty of "State and municipal management" The Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow



State law enforcement service - a complex socio-legal institution, the study of which requires a comprehensive analysis of its social and legal framework. This institute is a system of legal rules governing public-service relationship, ie, rights, obligations, restrictions, prohibitions; stimulation, responsible employees, passing through state law enforcement officers, the order of occurrence and termination of the service relationship. There is clearly manifested an institutional character of public law enforcement service. Public service in the internal affairs - a kind of public service, which holds a special place in the mechanism of state power, has a specific means to strengthen law and order, fighting crime and delinquency, ensuring the rights and legitimate interests of citizens of the Russian Federation. Consequently, the public service in the internal affairs should be settled by the law, proven science and practice, and at the same time meet the needs of society.


public law, comprehensive analysis, public administration, disciplinary responsibility.

Began at the end of the last century-scale reforms in Russia and the subsequent change of the constitutional and other laws were made and the Civil Service of the Russian Federation. One of the main directions of its reform is to increase the efficiency of the public service of the Russian Federation and the impact of the professional performance of civil servants, in particular, should involve the specification of the legal status of civil servant, that is a clear legal consolidation of duties, powers, responsibilities and actions of public servants.

Civil servants are required to correlate their actions with the established rules of conduct in the service. Non-compliance should result in disciplinary, and where necessary, and administrative and criminal liability. With regard to the Ministry of Internal Affairs questions the prosecution of police officers at the moment are one of the hottest in the country, as is high time radical changes in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Among the types of legal liability disciplinary responsibility in the internal affairs has a special place, as the likelihood of disciplinary action to the members of the Interior is considerably higher than, for example, measures of administrative and criminal liability.[1]

Thus, the legal responsibility in public administration means that the subject of management, who are entrusted with the corresponding functions, undergoes adverse consequences for the acceptance of unlawful decisions, improper implementation of the tasks and functions. The functions of government is carried out directly state employees.

However, analysis of legislation and other normative legal acts establishing the activities of the executive authorities, showed that the modern mechanism of legal liability of civil servants is defined in them, with varying degrees of detail and not always uniformly resolved some of the issues of liability specified subjects in the field of public administration. If we talk about the officials, they often do not prosecuted, despite the fact that the offense took place, however, was limited to the head against the perpetrator only oral warning or conversation. This situation is quite possible, and we do not call for every little offense to prosecute. However, when the violation of laws and other normative legal acts on the part of a particular officer are regular or their consequences are very significant, the prosecution should be mandatory.[2]

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