Научная статья на тему 'Analysis of the information support of local governments in the Russian regions'

Analysis of the information support of local governments in the Russian regions Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Текст научной работы на тему «Analysis of the information support of local governments in the Russian regions»

measures aimed at improving the legal, organizational, personnel and software for rural development, the expansion of state support for agriculture and rural areas. It provides the framework to develop and approve the district target program "Sustainable development of rural areas YANAD 2020". At this stage it should be evaluated the development potential of rural areas, which will be one of the basic conditions of 2013 the district budget for the implementation of regional and local programs for sustainable rural development.

In the second phase (2013-2020) Sustainable development of rural areas of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District will be provided on the basis of regional economic growth and strengthening of the state support of the village under the program. This will significantly increase the level of employment and incomes, modernize social infrastructure and improve access to public services villagers, increase of residential areas and to preserve the traditional way of life of indigenous northerners in terms of industrial development in rural areas of the Autonomous District.


1. Barzilov S., Chemyshev A. Region kak politicheskoe prostranstvo // Svobodnaja mysl'. 2013. №2. S. 3-13.

2. Osnovnye polozhenija regional'noj politiki v Rossijskoj Federacii // Regionologija. - 2014. №2. S. 1-18.

3. Shtul'berg B.M., Vvedenskij V.G. Regional'naja politika Rossii: teoreticheskie osnovy, zadachi i metody realizacii. M.: Gelios ARV, 2013.

4. Butova T.V., Anisimov A.A. Osobennosti sotrudnichestva vlasti i bankovskogo biznesa v gorode Moskve. Zhurnal «MunicipaFnaja akademija», № 2, aprel', 2013.

© A.I. Dunaeva, 2015

УДК 341.56

A.I. Dunaeva

Student of the faculty of "State and municipal management" The Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow




In our country is becoming a municipal government as an institution of democracy and all issues related to increasing the efficiency of its work, of particular importance. Today, all over the world recognize that information is an important means of organization and regulation of private and public life, a form of consolidation and distribution of existing and acquired knowledge. Information as a collection of any information, data, factors, characteristics of relevant objects, processes, events, relationships, events, etc., collected and systematized in a usable form, form the basis of the municipal government. Management processes - is not nothing but a search, fixation, analysis, evaluation, dissemination of social information, ie information that is associated with reflection and transformation of various forms of human activity.


the municipal government, organization, development, management systems.

The purpose of the Program is to increase the efficiency of public administration, creation of conditions for the development and effective use of information and communication technologies in all areas of public life.

The main objectives of the Programme are the following: the development of information and communication systems interaction of executive authorities of the Republic of Bashkortostan, local governments, budgetary organizations of the Republic of Bashkortostan; access public educational institutions of the republic to

computer networks for public use; development of national information resources and information systems; improving the efficiency of the procurement of goods (works, services) for state and municipal needs through the introduction of information technology; improving the quality of the planning and execution of the budget of the treasury of the Republic of Bashkortostan and local budgets; the use of information technology in the education system; development of an integrated system of payment for services in the field of housing and communal services.[1]

As an example of the information field of the municipality, in this paper we consider the administration of the municipal district Belebeyevsky District.

Main information input means - a personal computer. Each department is equipped with the administration of computers, which are mainly used for a set of documents and store them. Single network does not exist. Now the structural units of the administration of the municipal district and municipal institutions used more than 400 computers.

Separately, it must be said about the software used. Initially working with information is only with the help of standard programs: word processing, spreadsheet, and database systems. With the increasing complexity of the tasks and the need to create specialized software systems management systems and databases of workstations. Development and implementation of such systems within the administration staff is engaged in the information and communication sector information department, created by order of the head of administration of the municipal district.[2]

Expected outcomes of the program - is to increase efficiency, quality and effectiveness of management decisions; development of high-tech tools of analysis of the situation and forecasting the development of the municipal district Belebeyevsky District; creation through the use of modern information and communication technologies favorable information environment for more efficient administration of the municipal district of interaction with the public, business entities, non-governmental organizations; increase in business activity of the population and economic entities district and the city, and as a result, rapid socio-economic development; attracting investment in the economy and social sphere Belebeyevski area.

Consistent implementation of programs of information governments at the federal and national levels will help to create the territory of the Russian Federation a common information space in which the municipal component will be an integral part of a single structure.[2]

Thus, as used in the information resources of organizations such as the State Statistics Committee, the Tax Inspectorate, Department of the Interior under the agreements provide the necessary information about the population and enterprises.[3]

After examining the state of information security in the Republic of Bashkortostan, we concluded that the processes of information are already active at all levels, many activities aimed at the development of information and computer technologies are planned to be implemented in the framework of federal, regional, departmental and municipal programs.


1. Shishkina, A.A. Informatizacija v pomoshh' upravleniju [Jelektronnyj resurs] / A.A. Shishkina. - rezhim dostupa: // http: //www.uglich.ru, svobodnyj.

2. Kiselev A.G. Upravlencheskaja informacija v sisteme gosudarstvennogo regional'nogo upravlenija: sociologicheskij aspekt: dis. Dokt. Soc. Nauk: 14.03.05 \ M.: RGB, 2013. - 388 s.

3. Butova T.V., Anisimov A.A. Osobennosti sotrudnichestva vlasti i bankovskogo biznesa v gorode Moskve. Zhumal «Municipal'naja akademija», № 2, aprel', 2013.

4. Tuhvatullina, M.A. Rol' informacionnogo obespechenija v osushhestvlenii municipal'nogo upravlenija / M.A. Tuhvatullina // Sbornik statej IV Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. - Penza, 2014. - 187 s.

© A.I. Dunaeva, 2015

УДК 341.31

A. I. Dunaeva

Student of the faculty of "State and municipal management" The Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow



The ongoing reform of local self-government involves the launch of mechanisms to ensure dynamic socio-economic development of local communities, a real improvement in the quality of life of their people. This development is determined by factors of a different nature (economic, social, organizational, and others.). The possibility of using the potential of these factors are differentiated by region, representing the authority and control of the federal, regional and local levels. The fundamental importance is also a shift in focus of the budget process from the "management of budgetary resources (costs) to "managing for results". Under these conditions, naturally, the role of Management by Objectives, able to solve complex problems and having a sufficiently extended time foreign and domestic practice application.


socio-economic development, public-private partnership, agreements.

Getting information about drafting regional program (DRP) is carried out by sending a request by the Office of investment, innovation and public-private partnerships municipal mayor's office in the Department of Ulyanovsk targeted programs and priority national projects of the Ministry of Economy of the Ulyanovsk region. After receiving the information from the Department of targeted programs and priority national projects of the Ministry of Economy of the Ulyanovsk investment management, innovation and public-private partnership Municipal City Hall Ulyanovsk forward the information industry (functional) bodies of the City Hall of Ulyanovsk. Industry (functional) bodies, in accordance with the terms of the regional target program (availability of appropriate municipal program or its absence), make a request to the state customers of the regional target program on volumes and activities of the regional target program guide application for participation in DRP government customers, with a copy application and cover letter - to the Office of investment, innovation and public-private partnership of the municipal mayor's office in Ulyanovsk. Since the direction of the application for participation in DRP industry (functional) organs become customers of program activities.

Management investment, innovation and public-municipal partnership City Hall Ulyanovsk after entering its address copy of the application to participate in the ORC monitors the activities of the program activities of customers Ulyanovsk city hall to incorporate proposals of the municipality "Ulyanovsk" in projects DRP.[1]

Coordination of budgetary requests for participation in the program activities DRP Customers:

- Carry out the coordination of budgetary requests from government customers CGO to include program activities DRP in budget requests for the next fiscal year and the planned period. Coordination of budgetary requests is performed on time and in the manner prescribed by the state customer DRP;

- Direct government customers DRP formed and coordinated in the established order budget requests to participate municipality "Ulyanovsk" in the implementation of measures to DRP, both are in the management of investment, innovation and public-private partnership of the municipal mayor's office a copy of the Ulyanovsk formed budgetary requests and a copy of the cover letter thereto, addressed to the state customer DRP;

- Provide interaction with government customers DRP on consideration and adoption of budget submissions.

Management investment, innovation and public-municipal partnership City Hall Ulyanovsk:

- Oversees the activities of the Customer program activities on the formation and direction of budget submissions DRP government customers;

- Submit to the Financial Management City Hall Ulyanovsk DRP list for inclusion in the limits of budgetary appropriations for the next fiscal year and planning period on the basis of program activities to provide

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