Научная статья на тему 'Directions of developmentof the effectiveness of public administration in the region'

Directions of developmentof the effectiveness of public administration in the region Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Текст научной работы на тему «Directions of developmentof the effectiveness of public administration in the region»


УДК 351.74

A.I. Dunaeva

Student of the faculty of "State and municipal management" The Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow




The need to manage economic development in the region is attributable primarily to general shortcomings of the market economy, its focus on obtaining economic benefits and ignoring the problems of social justice. Common shortcomings of the market economy are associated with the so-called "failures" of the market, its inability to take into account the social needs of the population. However, the need to manage economic development in the region is also associated with the specifics of the economic system in a given country, the presence of singularities in the development and distribution of production, its natural climatic and ethnographic features. The effectiveness of government economic development in the region involves the study of problems the relationship of the regional economy and regional policy. In this case we are talking about both the theoretical understanding of issues of regional development in historical perspective, and on a clear definition of the control object - a regional economic complex, including the location of the regional economy in the reproduction process of the country, the characterization of inter-relations of the country, and especially the economy of certain regions of the country.


regional policy, the market economy, economic development, autonomous region.

Yamal-Nenets autonomous region has large reserves of gas, gas condensate, oil, chrome ore, iron ore, coal, forest and other biological resources.

In view of the involvement in the development of unique deposits on the Yamal Peninsula, undeveloped fields distributed subsoil fund, as well as the implementation of the program of licensing unallocated subsoil fund, gas production in 2020 could reach 750 billion cubic meters per year, and oil - 44 million tons per year.

Large-scale development of mineral deposits of the Polar Urals can begin after the completion of the railway Midnight - Ob. In 2020, salable chrome ore production could reach 1.25 million tons of commodity iron ore - 1.2 million tonnes of concentrate non-ferrous metals - 1,6 million tons of gold - 2 tons.[1]

The western sector of the Northern Sea Route from the Norwegian to the Kara Sea is ready for regular swimming with the extended period of navigation. The Northern Sea Route will provide direct access to producers autonomous region to the world market.

The largest number of entries in the register of business entities operates in the field of housing and communal services - 51.8%, in the food market (bakery products, fish, meat) - 15%, transport and communications - 13.1%, pharmaceutical activities - 7.5% other activities 12.6%.

According to the directions of the executive authorities and local governments should provide targeted programs in areas corresponding to the main areas of its implementation.

Policies for sustainable long-term development of rural areas is determined by the general logic of the socio-economic development of the autonomous region, support and development of the traditional lifestyle of indigenous peoples, creating a favorable legal and administrative environment for small businesses and support for socially-oriented sectors of the rural economy, regulation and development of the system of intergovernmental relations.

Implementation of the strategy of sustainable socio-economic development of rural areas YANAD for the period up to 2020 should be implemented in two phases. In the first (2011-2012) Is supposed to implement

measures aimed at improving the legal, organizational, personnel and software for rural development, the expansion of state support for agriculture and rural areas. It provides the framework to develop and approve the district target program "Sustainable development of rural areas YANAD 2020". At this stage it should be evaluated the development potential of rural areas, which will be one of the basic conditions of 2013 the district budget for the implementation of regional and local programs for sustainable rural development.

In the second phase (2013-2020) Sustainable development of rural areas of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District will be provided on the basis of regional economic growth and strengthening of the state support of the village under the program. This will significantly increase the level of employment and incomes, modernize social infrastructure and improve access to public services villagers, increase of residential areas and to preserve the traditional way of life of indigenous northerners in terms of industrial development in rural areas of the Autonomous District.


1. Barzilov S., Chemyshev A. Region kak politicheskoe prostranstvo // Svobodnaja mysl'. 2013. №2. S. 3-13.

2. Osnovnye polozhenija regional'noj politiki v Rossijskoj Federacii // Regionologija. - 2014. №2. S. 1-18.

3. Shtul'berg B.M., Vvedenskij V.G. Regional'naja politika Rossii: teoreticheskie osnovy, zadachi i metody realizacii. M.: Gelios ARV, 2013.

4. Butova T.V., Anisimov A.A. Osobennosti sotrudnichestva vlasti i bankovskogo biznesa v gorode Moskve. Zhurnal «MunicipaFnaja akademija», № 2, aprel', 2013.

© A.I. Dunaeva, 2015

УДК 341.56

A.I. Dunaeva

Student of the faculty of "State and municipal management" The Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow




In our country is becoming a municipal government as an institution of democracy and all issues related to increasing the efficiency of its work, of particular importance. Today, all over the world recognize that information is an important means of organization and regulation of private and public life, a form of consolidation and distribution of existing and acquired knowledge. Information as a collection of any information, data, factors, characteristics of relevant objects, processes, events, relationships, events, etc., collected and systematized in a usable form, form the basis of the municipal government. Management processes - is not nothing but a search, fixation, analysis, evaluation, dissemination of social information, ie information that is associated with reflection and transformation of various forms of human activity.


the municipal government, organization, development, management systems.

The purpose of the Program is to increase the efficiency of public administration, creation of conditions for the development and effective use of information and communication technologies in all areas of public life.

The main objectives of the Programme are the following: the development of information and communication systems interaction of executive authorities of the Republic of Bashkortostan, local governments, budgetary organizations of the Republic of Bashkortostan; access public educational institutions of the republic to

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