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Ключевые слова
observation method / military journalism / dichotomy of concepts / digitalization / метод наблюдения / военная журналистика / дихотомия понятий / цифровизация

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Larina N.A., Smekalina K.S.

In this article the researchers discuss the use of the empirical method of the observation in gathering information by people working as journalists, in particular, military correspondents. To continue the types of the observation from the point of view of various researchers, for example, L.G. Svitich and M.N. Kim, the paper offers two new dichotomies of this concept: real and remote; conscious and unconscious observation. There are some advantages and disadvantages of both real and remote empirical observation methods as a base of collecting information for journalistic activities including concepts such as reliability, efficiency, time saving and others. Reasons for this separation are also indicated. They are based on digitalization of modern society: the active use of modern technology and the convergence of journalism in general. Analyzing the results of the survey of journalism students at one of Moscow institutes show the necessity of studying the observation method. Moreover, its popularity is proved with the help of analyzing articles in the weekly newspaper “The Star.” There is also a table of all studied dichotomies with the addition of a new division. Based on the proposed dichotomies, the work of military correspondents is examined in terms of planning the observation and direct presence in a combat zone. In this sector of the media sphere digitalization is noted to have a great importance and provide military correspondents the additional evidence base for their work, without which one cannot talk about objectivity. The work shows that the method of observation is one of the most important methods of gathering the information in all kinds of journalistic and also for military correspondents.

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В этой статье рассмотрено использование эмпирического метода наблюдения при сборе информации людьми, работающими журналистами, в частности военными корреспондентами. В продолжение классификаций наблюдения с точки зрения различных исследователей, например, Л.Г. Свитич и М.Н. Кима, мы предлагаем две новые дихотомии этого понятия: реальное и удаленное (онлайн); осознанное и неосознанное наблюдение. Выявлены некоторые преимущества и недостатки данных разделений эмпирического метода наблюдения как основы сбора информации для журналистской деятельности, включая такие понятия, как надежность, эффективность, экономия времени и другие. Также указаны причины этих дихотомий. В их основе лежит цифровизация современного общества: активное использование современных технологий и конвергенция журналистики в целом. Анализ результатов опроса студентов одного из московских вузов факультета журналистики показывает необходимость изучения метода наблюдения. Более того, его популярность подтверждается анализом статей в еженедельной газете «Звезда». Также представлена таблица всех изученных дихотомий с добавлением новых делений. На основе предложенной дихотомии рассматривается работа военных корреспондентов с точки зрения планирования наблюдения и непосредственного присутствия в зоне боевых действий. В этом секторе медиасферы цифровизация имеет большое значение и предоставляет военным журналистам дополнительную доказательную базу для их работы, без которой нельзя говорить об объективности. Итак, мы видим, что метод наблюдения является одним из важнейших методов сбора информации для всех журналистов различных сфер, в частности для военных корреспондентов.


13. Ruwitch J. China's Birthrate Drops, As Census Data Warn Of Aging Population. NPR News. Available at: https://www.npr.org/2021/05/11/995490687/chinas-birth-rate-drops-as-census-data-warn-of-aging-population

14. Ignatenko A. Damy izbegayut kavalerov. Gendernyj disbalans v Kitae privodit k poyavleniyu «nevostrebovannyh» muzhchin. Rossijskaya gazeta. 2021; № 47 (8398). Available at: https://rg.ru/2021/03/04/gendernyj-disbalans-v-knr-privodit-k-poiavleniiu-nevostrebovannyh-muzhchin.html

15. Jones T. The Significance of Skin Color in Asian and Asian-American Communities: Initial Reflections. 2013: 1105-1123.

Статья поступила в редакцию 03.11.22

УДК 316.77; 070

Larina N.A., Doctor of Sciences (Philology), Professor, Department of Journalism, Media Communications and Advertising, Moscow University

of A.S. Griboyedov (Moscow, Russia), E-mail: larina-n-a@mail.ru

Smekalina K.S., teacher, postgraduate, Moscow University of A.S. Griboyedov, Department of Journalism, Media Communications and Advertising

(Moscow, Russia), E-mail: kristinamiheeva1996@gmail.com

DIGITALIZATION AS A FACTOR IN THE EMERGENCE OF NEW DICHOTOMIES OF THE OBSERVATION METHOD IN JOURNALISM. In this article the researchers discuss the use of the empirical method of the observation in gathering information by people working as journalists, in particular, military correspondents. To continue the types of the observation from the point of view of various researchers, for example, L.G. Svitich and M.N. Kim, the paper offers two new dichotomies of this concept: real and remote; conscious and unconscious observation. There are some advantages and disadvantages of both real and remote empirical observation methods as a base of collecting information for journalistic activities including concepts such as reliability, efficiency, time saving and others. Reasons for this separation are also indicated. They are based on digitalization of modern society: the active use of modern technology and the convergence of journalism in general. Analyzing the results of the survey of journalism students at one of Moscow institutes show the necessity of studying the observation method. Moreover, its popularity is proved with the help of analyzing articles in the weekly newspaper "The Star." There is also a table of all studied dichotomies with the addition of a new division. Based on the proposed dichotomies, the work of military correspondents is examined in terms of planning the observation and direct presence in a combat zone. In this sector of the media sphere digitalization is noted to have a great importance and provide military correspondents the additional evidence base for their work, without which one cannot talk about objectivity. The work shows that the method of observation is one of the most important methods of gathering the information in all kinds of journalistic and also for military correspondents.

Key words: observation method, military journalism, dichotomy of concepts, digitalization.

Н.А. Ларина, д-р филол. наук доц., проф. каф. журналистики, медиакоммуникаций и рекламы Московского университета имени А.С. Грибоедова,

г. Москва, E-mail: larina-n-a@mail.ru

К.С. Смекалина, преп., аспирант, Московский университет имени А.С. Грибоедова, г. Москва, Е-mail: kristinamiheeva1996@gmail.com


В этой статье рассмотрено использование эмпирического метода наблюдения при сборе информации людьми, работающими журналистами, в частности военными корреспондентами. В продолжение классификаций наблюдения с точки зрения различных исследователей, например, Л.П Свитич и М.Н. Кима, мы предлагаем две новые дихотомии этого понятия: реальное и удаленное (онлайн); осознанное и неосознанное наблюдение. Выявлены некоторые преимущества и недостатки данных разделений эмпирического метода наблюдения как основы сбора информации для журналистской деятельности, включая такие понятия, как надежность, эффективность, экономия времени и другие. Также указаны причины этих дихотомий. В их основе лежит цифро-визация современного общества: активное использование современных технологий и конвергенция журналистики в целом. Анализ результатов опроса студентов одного из московских вузов факультета журналистики показывает необходимость изучения метода наблюдения. Более того, его популярность подтверждается анализом статей в еженедельной газете «Звезда». Также представлена таблица всех изученных дихотомий с добавлением новых делений. На основе предложенной дихотомии рассматривается работа военных корреспондентов с точки зрения планирования наблюдения и непосредственного присутствия в зоне боевых действий. В этом секторе медиасферы цифровизация имеет большое значение и предоставляет военным журналистам дополнительную доказательную базу для их работы, без которой нельзя говорить об объективности. Итак, мы видим, что метод наблюдения является одним из важнейших методов сбора информации для всех журналистов различных сфер, в частности для военных корреспондентов.

Ключевые слова: метод наблюдения, военная журналистика, дихотомия понятий, цифровизация.



The observation method is widely used not only in the scientific researchers, but also in the journalistic practice. Everybody applies data from the observation. So, the main subject of this article is the observation method of gathering the journalistic information.

The main purpose of the study is to make new dichotomies of the observation method based on the theoretical materials and the influence of the digitalization.

The main tasks are:

• to show the importance of method through analysis of questionnaires results about the role of the observation method;

• to show the indispensable of this method with the help of analysis the articles from the weekly newspaper «The Star»;

• to descry the advantages and disadvantages of one new observation dichotomy;

• to show how the new dichotomies work in the military correspondent practice.

Theoretical and/or practical significance of the research results

We observed manuals, monographs and papers of such researchers as N.V. Berger, M.N. Kim, A.V. Kolesnichenko, L.G. Svitich and others.

It's interesting that they try to classify the observation method in journalism. For example, they divided it on the field and laboratory observations, which show the conditions of its realization [1].

Furthermore, controlled and uncontrolled methods illustrate if the observer has a plan. When a journalist hasn't got an outline, he is «focusing only on genera ideas of the situation» [2].

The third dichotomy consists of included and disconnected observation. Svitich explains it in the following way. In the included observation a journalist «observes the situation from the inside». In the disconnected he looks conversely «from the side» [1].

By the atour, she distinguishes active, when «the researcher plans to observe in advance» [10], and passive observation, «when he's limited to the role of the passive observer» [1].

The last separation by L.G.Svitich is the open and hidden observation. In the first case the journalist's goal is open. The second is like a «hidden camera» [1].

Scientific novelty

After examining theoretical base we have found that it is possible nowadays to make other dichotomies. Before explaining, it is necessary to specify, that it is impossible to cover all ways of the employment the empirical observation method. That's why we have focused our investigation only on the war journalism.

There are three reasons to select the observation method in the work of war correspondents:

1. It is one of the most important section in the modern journalism in Russia.

2. The work of the war correspondents is closely connected with the observation method.

3. There is little information about the methods of gathering the information by war correspondents.

The main part

In the Introduction we explain the main aims of the paper. To make it clear, we must elucidate our methods and methodology of the investigation.

Firstly, as usual, it was a monitoring not only a scientific literature, but also a website of the weekly newspaper «The Star». We need it to find the empirical observation method in the article of the war journalists.

The second method, which was very important in our investigation, is the questionnaire design. We questioned the Institute of the Moscow University of A.S. Griboye-dov(further-IILE) studentsof the journ alistic faculty.ltsresultsw illbe intro duced in the nrnt pcpnrr sactlon(ResultsandDiscussion).

"Hie nao( wautheclausificufonmethod. We tried to classify varieties of the ob-uervationmetUun. Ijfulpud insto dintindcisUnawdicUotomiesof thdobduh/adnrii

With tire hnipof tie rnstrbntioumathnU wutHwognt iadn utthe advantages and diawdvautugrn eHhe rs^wc^^^lso^i^mid^U1

Thuresults mustbe wiSlt^ema^n|)u^f)o^^s. Set, detuil

ht thetacts and then make a logical conclusion.

Our first purpose was to show the importance of the investigation the observation mefltoolbyanhlysisUierbsUte oftoeuiuneforina^cs stndente n(t|to IILE.

We quostioned56 so^oo^^ ageafrttur 1 7to 00 ye^nte. dUwf thornwere eirls and 20 were young men.

Tt tva caution «Dt yo fisshhe obsnlu/at¡onmhthmheffhT|vn?» 2« fuma le students a nswered «Yes». It was 72,2% of the total number of surveyed young women. 27,8% (10 opinions) voted in favor of the answer «Sometimes». But no one answered nNoa0

Table 1

The ratio of the girls' responses (in percent)

16 from 20 young men gave a positive answer, and it was 80%. 4 male students answered that they considered the efficiency method of the observation only in some cases - «Sometimes».Thatwas 20%. No one alsoanswered «No».

Table 2

The ratio efeeung mes'a aesponses (in percent)

42 students of the total 56 surveyed ones gave a positive answer, and it was 75% of the total number of opinions. 14 students answered «Sometimes». It was 25m %. The answer«No»was 0m%.


Ratio of total responses without gender separation (percent)

The results of the questionnaire show that most of the future journalists think that the observation method is important and they regularly use it in their study and work. We make a recap that it is very necessary for researchers to study and classify the observation method better because it's rather popular among young journalists.

Anyway, after that we constrict the main paper subject. Our second purpose was te a nalyze the articles from the weekly newspaper «The Star» to show indispensable of the empirical observation method in the war journalism.

The results of the investigation are the following. 30 articles of different genres wnre analyzed. The empirical method of the observation was used in 19 of them. So it was 63,3% of all. Reciprocally, 11 articles didn't contain this method. It was 36,7% of all (table 4).

Table 4

A table of using the observation method in articles of «The Star» (percent)

Tstal number of the analyzed articles 30 100%

With the observation method 19 63,3%

Without the observation method 11 36,7%

The third aim was to make new dichotomies. It was possible only after monitoring and analyzing theoretical materials and studying the classifications of different researches. Their investigations were mentioned in the Introduction section of this paper.

The main problem of an accessibility of information is the rapid development of new technologies. Digitalisation makes its own rules and all people, aspecially journalists, have to use all of its sources. The wide technical equipment provides media convergence. It helps to inform people wider, detailed and quicker. Nowadays every person can try a role of a journalist with the help of modern smartphones and cameras. They can take photos or make videos of incidents they become the eyewitnesses. And then use the Internet to share it. This kind of the observation can be called unconscious because there is no purpose to observe the situation. Another way, journalists often prepare to the observation, for example, make a plan, take gadgets with them, etc. They know that they must observe. This is a conscious observation.

In addition, journalists begin to use various types of video surveillance materials in their investigations, such as, cameras for visualizing traffic accidents, cameras in different museums, shops, in the streets and many others.

In the modern world, with all the technical capabilities, observation can also be divided into real and remote. Through the Internet, online broadcasts, ordinary video recordings, we can watch anything or anyone, without being present in person. So, fo r example, having the possibility of direct inclusion, a commentator can do his work fttln g near a computer.

Table 5 includes all types of the observation according to the researchers' opin-.ons (mentioned and not mentioned in this paper) and our investigation.

Table 5

The list of all kinds of the observation

Structuralized / Controlled Unstructured / Uncontrolled

Field Laboratory

Systematic Non-systematic / Random / One-time

Included / Contributing Disconnected / Simple

A ctive Passive

Open Hidden

Real Remote / Online

Conscious Unconscious

The next purpose was to descry the advantages and disadvantages of one new observation dichotomy. Each of these two types has a number of advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of the real observation consist of:

• Cogency facts. A journalist is a direct participant of events, a witness.

• Reliability of the information. What a journalist notices with his own eyes is incontrovertible.

• The effect of presence. This factor is especially important for a reporting genre. A journalist will be able to recreate this effect, to immerse the reader in the event much better if he was a direct participant in the event himself.

• Attention to detail. In direct presence, some event details are not always visible in the video or photographs.


• Lack of time. With the modern pace of life, a professional tries to appreciate every minute. Sometimes a number of events that a journalist has to attend is «overlapping» with each other. Therefore, he has to choose what he needs to visit in person, and what he can see «in the record».

• Glut of information. There are many different distractions from work at some events. For example, sharp sounds, buffet, conversations. Instead of closely monitoring what is happening, the journalist begins to get distracted by extraneous factors.

In the remote observation there are also some advantages and disadvantages need to be mentioned.


• Time saving. Time is not wasted on the road, for example.

• Rational use of time (not possible with online broadcasting). If the event is recorded on video and posted on the network, the observer has the right to distribute his time himself, when it is more convenient for him to watch it. He can also divide his revising into several parts.

• Lack of contact with a large number of people (for introverts). For people who do not like to be in crowded places and have direct contact with them, so-called «introverts», the opportunity to attend an event online without leaving their home is a great advantage, since they do not need to violate their comfortable lifestyle.

• Re-view. The opportunity to further consider some points and details, provided that an event is not broadcast live, but pre-recorded.


• Lack of contact with a large number of people (for extroverts). Many people find it easier to work interacting with participants of the event. They may be uncomfortable in the absence of this communication.

• Uncomprehensive coverage. During recording, not all moments can «get into the frame». A journalist cannot notice any important details, which lead to a distortion of the meaning of the material.

The last aim was to show how the new dichotomies work in the military correspondents' practice. As an example of the work of these dichotomies, we consider the activities of war correspondents. They use many methods of collecting information in their work and the observation method is among them, as one can see in the Table 4.

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Digitalization covers all areas of the media, including war journalism. Any photo or video recording is an irrefutable evidence base for the journalistic material. That is why it is very important for the war correspondents.

More often a military commander makes informed observation, roughly representing, what awaits him at the scene, how to act and what details he must pay attention to. However, a war correspondent sometimes has to become an unwitting eyewitness to various military operations. In this case, he must use all his knowledge and technical equipment in order to clearly and correctly convey information.

It should be noted that war correspondents more often work in the real conditions, thus conducting field observation. In this regard, field observations and recordings if it necessary complement each other and produce an evidence base. It is impossible to speak about the objectivity of coverage of any event without the correspondent's direct participation.

The results of the research are the following. The necessity of the separation this method with two new dichotomies is found after analyzing the literature about using the empirical method of the observation in the journalistic practice because of the infiltration of new technologies in the modern day life. This sphere develops so quickly, that is why we separate the observation on real and remote. The main idea of them is the direct presence or absence during the observation. Moreover, we separate the method on conscious and unconscious. The essence of these points of the observation is happenstance. Furthermore, we projected the work of these dichotomies on the activity of the military (war) correspondents and found that they used the real observation and mostly conscious one. So, we pointed that the digitalization made a great influence on the work of this sphere.

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Статья поступила в редакцию 03.10.22

УДК 659

Larina N.A., Doctor of Sciences (Philology), Professor, Department of Journalism, Media Communications and Advertising, Moscow University

of A.S. Griboyedov (Moscow, Russia), E-mail: larina-n-a@mail.ru

Michurina D.A., postgraduate, Department of Journalism, Media Communications and Advertising, Moscow University of A.S. Griboyedov

(Moscow, Russia), E-mail: d-mich2007@yandex.ru

ETHICAL COMPONENT OF PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION OF ADVERTISING SPECIALIST. The article substantiates the need for the formation of professional ethical competencies among specialists in the field of advertising and PR. The authors emphasize that the knowledge of the norms of ethical professional behavior has a positive effect on the quality of advertising texts. The article focuses on the need to study the ethical component of the professional standards of PR and advertising specialists and the key universal competencies reflected in the Federal State Educational Standard 42.03.01. Studying the issues of conjugation of professional standards and federal state educational standards, the authors concentrate on understanding new approaches in the training of advertising industry specialists. The authors note that the foundations of professional ethics are laid down in ethical codes, which are the basis for voluntary regulation of the industry. The authors point out the negative consequences of violations of ethical codes and standards when creating advertising content, and justify the feasibility of modernizing training programs for specialists in the field of PR and advertising in accordance with the new conditions for the implementation of professional activities. The article proposes to look at the training of specialists in the advertising industry at a university from the point of view of the need to form an ethical worldview among students.

Key words: ethics, GEF, professional standard, code of ethics, PR, advertising.

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