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Agriculture / digitization / system / power / economic relations / digital economy / economic entities / contactless economy / national economic strategy.

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Fostolovych Valentyna

The main tools for the implementation of sustainable development goals are identified. Prospects of implemen-tation of European integration initiatives of Ukraine in the system of economic activity of enterprises, in the model of interrelations of society, state and business structures are recognized. The importance of intellectual development of a person as a person in the system of innovative development of society is proved. It is demon-strated that the intellectual potential of the state's human capital determines the country's place at the world level. A comparative assessment and rating of the Global Innovation Index of Ukraine and other countries. The importance of financing research and development is noted. Emphasis on digitalization as a tool for post-industrial development of society. The dynamics of realization of the tasks of the Sustainable Development Goals is analyzed. The ways of digital transformation are singled out.

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6. Petrovych Y. M., Panas Ya. V. Evoliutsiia kontrolinhu v suchasnii teorii ta praktytsi upravlinnia vitchyznianymy pidpryiemstvamy // Marketynh i menedzhment innovatsii. 2013. №1. P. 129-137.

7. Prokopenko O. V., Kryvoruchko L.B. Ekonomichna sut kontrolinhu, yoho mistse v systemi upravlinnia pidpryiemstvom // Visnyk SumDU. Seriia «Ekonomika». 2011. №4. P. 27-34.

8. Rudnytskyi V. S. Vydy suchasnoho kontrolinhu // Visnyk Natsionalnoho universytetu "Lvivska politekhnika". 2012. № 722. P. 221-225.

9. Stefanenko M. M. Identyfikatsiia funktsii kontrolinhu v sferi upravlinnia // Ekonomika ta derzhava. 2007. № 3. P. 24-26.

10. Tarasiuk M. V. Henezys kontseptsii kontrolinhu ta perspektyvy yii rozvytku // Investytsii: praktyka ta dosvid. 2008. № 17. P. 18-23.

11. Khailuk S. O. Praktychni aspekty zastosuvannia kontrolinhu v systemi upravlinnia finansamy molokoproduktovoho kholdynhu // Aktualni problemy ekonomiky. 2007. № 3 (69). P. 144-154.

УДК 336.741.242:336.113.12:

Fostolovych Valentyna

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting and Taxation in the

branches of the economy Faculty of Accounting and Auditing of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University,




B cmmammi docrndweuo ocnoem eeKmopu po3eumxy e cucmeMi поcmiндуcmрiаnbного po3eumxy eycnrnb-cmea. The main tools for the implementation of sustainable development goals are identified. Prospects of implementation of European integration initiatives of Ukraine in the system of economic activity of enterprises, in the model of interrelations of society, state and business structures are recognized. The importance of intellectual development of a person as a person in the system of innovative development of society is proved. It is demonstrated that the intellectual potential of the state's human capital determines the country's place at the world level. A comparative assessment and rating of the Global Innovation Index of Ukraine and other countries. The importance of financing research and development is noted. Emphasis on digitalization - as a tool for post-industrial development ofsociety. The dynamics ofrealization of the tasks of the Sustainable Development Goals is analyzed. The ways of digital transformation are singled out.

Keywords. Agriculture, digitization, system, power, economic relations, digital economy, economic entities, contactless economy, national economic strategy.

The post-industrial vector of the direction of development of modern society has prompted humanity to change its approach to values and preferences. The man became the center of the results-oriented actions. The innovative vector of development has become the basis of modern society, the effectiveness of which is measured not by the amount of product created, the level of end user satisfaction with the newly created product with minimal labor costs and resources, waste from which should be used in recycling. Highly productive industry has acquired new features and is implemented with the help of new resource-saving and low-waste technologies. Realizing the planned goals became possible only with the constant improvement of the knowledge industry. As a result, education has taken on a new dimension, needs new approaches and has gone beyond traditional knowledge acquisition. The global pandemic associated with the spread of COVID-19 only increased the need for contactless technologies in all spheres of human life. The economy of post-industrial society needs a high share of high-quality and innovative services in the structure of GDP. The existing high level of competition in both the economic market and the labor market has contributed to a change in approaches to the conditions of operation,

linking the needs of the economy, environment and social sphere with innovative methods and digital technologies. The transition to combined technologies has necessitated an increase in demand for services. Such requirements have arisen not only at the level of a particular state, they have united the entire world community into a single goal, which is implemented at the state level in the form of the Sustainable Development Goals.

The idea of post-industrialism and its main manifestations were described by Daniel Bell [2] while predicting the promising direction of society. In the process of forecasting, it provided for a change in the direction of development of social production: from mass production of goods to the active provision of services, activities based on promising research results, focus on the quality of education, improving the quality of life. Daniel Bell attributes these changes to the growing need for technicians who will be a large professional group. The theoretical knowledge received by experts will become a basis of innovative activity at all levels and in all spheres of economic, administrative and social activity..

In isolating man as a central subject, the cue realizes the goals of the world system and for which this system works. D. Bell provides a central feature: the

spread of science, innovative technologies and knowledge.

To confirm the possibility of Ukraine's transition to post-industrial development of society, we conducted an analysis of the state of dissemination of knowledge, quality of innovation and scientific activity in our country over the past 10 years. Analysis of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine conducted on the basis of statistical observations [3].

Assessing the dynamics over the years, the quantitative and qualitative composition of employees involved in research and development, which have a scientific degree, we noted a decrease in the number of scientists involved, however, we should pay attention to improving the quality of their composition. If in 2010 the number of employees involved in research and development with a doctorate was 11,974 people, in 2020 their number has almost halved (7,060 people). How-

Number of R&D personnel with

ever, in percentage terms of quality, the number of doctors of science in 2020 increased to 9.9%, while in 2010 it was only 6.6%, which is 3.3% less than in the reporting year. In 2020, the number of PhDs involved in research and development decreased by 2.6 times compared to 2010 as of 2010. It is also noted that the percentage of scientists with the degree of candidate of science involved in the implementation of research and development also decreased over the analyzed period by 2.8% in 2020 (17949 people) compared to 2010 (46685 people).

Based on this assessment, it is necessary to emphasize the need of state bodies of Ukraine to stimulate the increase of quantitative and qualitative composition of innovative groups, segments of the population and business working towards global trends and initiatives, fulfilling the points of Ukraine's European integration process..

Table 1

Number of R&D personnel - total, persons Of them have a scientific degree

doctor of science PhD/candidate of sciences

oci6/ persons in percentage of the total number of R&D personnel persons in percentage of the total number of R&D personnel

2010 182484 11974 6,6 46685 25,6

2011 175330 11677 6,7 46321 26,4

2012 164340 11172 6,8 42050 25,6

2013 155386 11155 7,2 41196 26,5

2014 136123 9983 7,3 37082 27,2

2015 122504 9571 7,8 32849 26,8

2016 97912 7091 7,2 20208 20,6

2017 94274 6942 7,4 19219 20,4

2018 88128 7043 8,0 18806 21,3

2019 79262 6526 8,2 16929 21,4

2020 78860 7060 9,0 17949 22,8

^epe^o: Economic statistics. Science, technology an URL: http://www.ukrstat.gov.ua/

Innovative activity is possible only with a sufficient level of funding. In Ukraine, the level of funding for innovation needs to change better. Based on the cost of research and development in the dynamics for 20102020. Assessing the dynamics of the cost of research and development in Ukraine over the past 10 years, it should be noted that it has more than doubled. If in 2010 the amount of expenditures for research and development amounted to UAH 8,107.1 million, in 2020 this figure increased to the level of UAH 1,7022.4 million, which, at first glance, is a positive direction of change. However, estimating the share of research and development expenditures in GDP, we noted the opposite trend. With the growth of GDP in Ukraine, the share of expenditures on research and development in GDP does not increase, but on the contrary - decreases. Comparing the share of expenditures on research and development in GDP in 2010 with its value in 2020, there is a decrease in its percentage by 1.8 times (Table 2).

innovation (2021). State Statistics Service of Ukraine.

Despite the difficult economic situation and the low level of state funding for research and development in Ukraine in 2020 in the annual ranking of global innovation trends ranked 45th in the Global Innovation Index (Global Innovation Index), gaining 37.4 points out of 100 [4 ].

Assessing the level of Ukraine in the ranking among 131 member countries, the leading positions are in terms of sub-rating of the level of knowledge and technological skills (Knowledge & technology outputs) 25th place and the sub-index Human capital & research (Human capital & research) 39 th place. In the dynamics of the assessment for the previous period by the level of the component rating in the field of education in 2020, Ukraine added 20 steps, taking 23rd place and the rating in terms of research increased by 10 steps, taking 44th place.

We present a comparative rating of the overall Global Innovation Index of Ukraine and other countries in 2020 in terms of sub-indices in table 2.

Table 2

GII 2020 rankings overall and by pillar___

Ukraine Poland Germany USA

Overall GII rank 45 38 9 3

Institutions 93 39 18 9

Human capital & research 39 35 5 12

Infrastructure 94 42 12 24

Market sophistication 99 69 24 2

Business sophistication 54 38 12 5

Knowledge & technology outputs 25 36 10 3

Creative outputs 44 47 9 11

^^epe^o: 4. The Global Innovation Index 2020: Who Will Finance Innovation? Report 2020 (13th edition) Soumitra Dutta, Bruno Lanvin, and Sacha Wunsch-Vincent Editors. Cornell University, INSEAD, and the World Intellectual Property Organization, 2020. P. 399

According to their estimates, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Sweden, the United Kingdom and Singapore have been the leaders in the ranking of the Global Innovation Index for the last 5 years among 126 countries on the basis of 80 indicators (parameters). The formation of the Global Innovation Index takes into account groups of indicators from the political situation in the country and the level of education, to the development of infrastructure and the state of business. It should be noted that based on the analysis of the dynamics of this indicator, Ukraine is gradually improving its position in the world rankings. Having conducted a comparative assessment of the Global Innovation Index (GII) and the rating characteristics of

Table 3

Comparative assessment and rating of the Global Innovation Index (GII) of Ukraine and other countries,


Ukraine and other countries in the dynamics over the years, we noted that over 8 years the level of innovation in Ukraine increased more than 1.5 times, reaching 45th place in 2020, while in 2013 year, Ukraine occupied only 71 rankings. However, in the dynamics over the years by the size of the Global Innovation Index, our country has a diverse meaning. Thus, in 2014 the value of the Global Innovation Index of Ukraine was 36.3 (similar to 2020), while in 2015 - the value of this indicator increased to 38.5 with a subsequent decrease next year to a critically low level of 35.7. The sinusoidal dynamics of the Global Innovation Index of Ukraine repeats the political ups and downs (Table 3).

Years Country

Ukraine Germany Poland USA

Index Rating Index Rating Index Rating Index Rating

2013 35,8 71 55,8 15 40,1 49 60,3 5

2014 36,3 63 56 13 40,6 45 60,1 6

2015 38,5 64 57,7 12 40,2 46 60,1 5

2016 35,7 56 57,9 10 40,2 39 61,4 4

2017 37,6 50 58,4 9 42 38 61,4 4

2018 38,5 43 58,03 9 41,67 39 59,81 6

2019* 37,00 47 58,19 9 41,31 39 61,73 3

2020** 36,32 45 56,55 9 39,95 38 60,56 3


*The Global Innovation Index 2019 (2020) Global Innovation Index .Global Innovation Index Report 2019 (11th Edition) URL: https://www.globalinnovationindex.org/analysis-indicator

**. The Global Innovation Index 2020: Who Will Finance Innovation? Report 2020 (13th edition) Soumitra Dutta, Bruno Lanvin, and Sacha Wunsch-Vincent Editors. Cornell University, INSEAD, and the World Intellectual Property Organization, 2020. P. 399

In this negative dynamics in terms of the Global Innovation Index in 2020, Ukraine reached the level of 2014 with a rate of 36.32, but in the ranking of countries on this index rose to 45th place out of 131 member countries.

The Global Innovation Index makes it possible to determine the country's opportunities and prospects for the perception of innovative products, and partner countries - for the feasibility of cooperation and prospects and potential for economic benefits in terms of cooperation. With the onset of the COVID-19 pan-

demic, the global economy and innovative development have received an unprecedented challenge, halting rapid economic growth and, consequently, innovation activity.

Since the basis of innovation is the availability of intellectual resources and financial support, we based on the database of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine conducted an analysis of the dynamics of costs for research and development for 2010-2020. It is important to determine the innovative potential of the state, the innovative capacity of business structures and

the readiness of the social sphere to consume innovative products.

Analyzing the amount of costs for research and development in the dynamics for 2010-2020, we noted an increase in the absolute monetary value of costs incurred almost twice. Thus, if in 2010 the costs of research and development amounted to 8107.1 million UAH, in 2020 this value increased by 8915.3 million UAH, which amounted to 17022.4 million UAH. However, it is important not only to increase the absolute

value of monetary expenditures, but also the share of expenditures on research and development in GDP. In the dynamics of the years (2010-2020), its dynamics was inversely proportional to the total amount of costs incurred for research and development (table. 4). Development in modern conditions is not possible without innovative activity at all levels, without constant improvement and use of modern tools focused on the use of artificial intelligence, digital technologies, robotics.

Table 4

Research and development expenditure by R&D type for 2010-2020

Years R&D expenditure - total, mln. UAH Share of R&D expenditures in GDP, %

2010 8107,1 0,75

2011 8513,4 0,65

2012 9419,9 0,67

2013 10248,5 0,70

2014 9487,5 0,60

2015 11003,6 0,55

2016 11530,7 0,48

2017 13379,3 0,45

2018 16773,7 0,47

2019 17254,6 0,43

2020 17022,4 0,41

Deviation of the reporting to the base year, + +8915,3 -0,34

Source: Research and development expenditure by R&D type for 2010-2020 (2021). Economic statistics. Science, technology and innovation. State Statistics Service of Ukraine. URL: http://www.ukrstat.gov.ua/

Therefore, scientific activity, education, intellectual development became the basis of the value of human capital. Science in modern conditions has become an important prerequisite for creating a new organizational structure of society. The model of state development has changed the industrial vector of development to a new, socially oriented, environmentally oriented and economically justified. Therefore, it should be noted that innovation, educational and research institutions, research organizations are becoming key elements of the modern organizational structure of postindustrial society.

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In order to develop and maintain the conditions of competition, modern society should constantly refocus on new trends and tendencies of world development. At the state level, management staff should anticipate promising innovative areas of development and encourage their implementation of business, the public and society as a whole. Undoubtedly, this is hard work that requires constant improvement of knowledge, skills, investments in education and self-education, intensive development and constant innovation in all areas. The formation of modern business models is focused on creating opportunities for remote work, distance education, remote performance of duties at a convenient time for the client. The transformation of business structures under quarantine restrictions has made it possible to apply new opportunities to some extent, however, this approach requires: introduction of new technologies, provision of technical means to employees, creation of digital platforms, appropriate work with the psychological state of employees, opportunities for remote access in the performance of official duties.

The use of information technology and Big Data resources makes it possible to operate a large array of information for management decisions. Creating opportunities for processing a large array of digital data with the subsequent generation of ready-made algorithms for solutions taking into account the probable risks makes it possible to avoid economic troubles and anticipate probable crises. Only on the basis of such a model of business organization can achieve a combination of interests of the state, society and obtain a sufficient level of economic benefit. The choice of such a vector of enterprise development creates favorable conditions for competition. We believe that due to the intensive introduction of cloud technologies into business activities, a new space of market segmentation is being created and its borders are being opened and expanded..

However, the introduction of cloud technologies makes the personal data of a particular enterprise more secure, therefore, additional costs are required for the organization of the information security system and its protection. Having information about the customer and a competitor provides great advantages in organizing and conducting business. However, a lot of information creates risks of dissemination of personal data and is a threat of damages in their own business. Therefore, in the developed information space an important task for modern companies is the development of data protection technologies. The intensive transition to cloud technologies has caused a demand for employees who have the technology to work in digital systems, know how to operate a database and set up companies to work in an automated management decision-making. The main task of the modern head of the business structure

is to constantly improve the level of knowledge and literacy of a large array of data and digital technologies in the company. Work will be effective when the company's technical support will be of such a level that it can receive data, form a database, process the received information and develop ready-made solution algorithms based on analytical evaluation data. Therefore, the constant involvement of management staff who participate in research and carry out research and development has become a trend in the development of companies. Such an initiative is supported by the state.

At the request of modernity, the Government of Ukraine has decided to implement the Sustainable Development Goals, and to implement the Development

Dynamics of the share of researchers under the age

Strategy of Ukraine until 2030. Every year work is carried out in the direction of implementation of this initiative. An important measure of progressive work towards the implementation of this initiative was the increase in the share of researchers under the age of 40 in the total number of researchers.

According to the assessment of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, it is noted that in Ukraine as a whole the share of researchers under the age of 40 in the total number of researchers in 2020 decreased significantly compared to the base period (2015). Thus, if in 2015 in the total number of researchers in Ukraine researchers under the age of 40 were 36.7%, in 2020 their share decreased by 6%.

Table 3

Territory 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Ukraine 36,7 37,1 35,6 33,5 32,0 30,7

Vinnytsia region 42,4 39,1 38,7 35,6 32,7 30,2

Source: Sustainable development goals. Goal 9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure (2021). State Statistics Service of Ukraine. URL: http://www.ukrstat.gov.ua/

The above situation indicates the need to increase the interest of young people to participate in research and development, to stimulate such activities and make it more promising and attractive. The low level of funding for innovation does not attract young people to participate in innovation. Therefore, an important aspect is to attract investment in education and training of employees of companies, as well as investing in the implementation of systems for processing, analysis of information and artificial intelligence technology..

In the process of improving global digital technologies, business structures need to improve their own business models and approaches to doing business. Changing the format of relationships with customers, contractors and partners requires the development of such a model of relationships and the use of technologies that will be as simple and accessible to their users. Rapid response of business leaders to changes in the operating environment and market needs require rapid transformation in economic activity and in the management system.

Automation of the production process has become the main trend of innovative development. An important trend this year was the automation of not only technological operations, but also automation in the process of organizing the management system and during management decisions, building logistics links. An important tool in working with clients in terms of performing the same type of tasks was the implementation of chatbots, which successfully accept orders, working in the form of automated interfaces, transmit them for execution.

The financial services market has gained new opportunities due to modern tools, such as: crowdfunding, blockchain technology and other methods of financing. The presented technologies completely simplify the procedure of obtaining capital and go beyond the traditional channels of obtaining financial resources.

The use of virtual interfaces is a promising method of implementing business services in various areas of economic activity.

Visualization of the future service provides additional opportunities to determine the buyer the feasibility of obtaining it in a particular company.

The transition to a post-industrial type of development has changed attitudes towards the sustainable development initiative. The pandemic revealed the magnitude of the environmental threat and showed the scale of the likely damage. Therefore, the activities of each state, business structure and society as a whole must change the approach to production and sales and consumption. The quality of goods, work and services - became the basis for choosing technology. The environmental component has acquired a new priority of competitive importance. Management staff of companies should understand the value of environmental orientation of the organization of production and technology not only in environmental safety, but also in economic feasibility. After all, the use of resource-saving energy-saving technologies is manifested in the dual nature of savings: both environmental and economic and social..

At the level of Ukraine, the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals involves the achievement of 17 goals that are implemented in the performance of certain tasks. Within the framework of achieving goal 9 "Industry, innovation and infrastructure" one of the tasks is «..to promote the accelerated development of high- and medium-high-tech sectors of the processing industry, which are formed on the basis of the use of chains "education - science - production" and a cluster approach in the areas of: development of innovation ecosystem; development of information and telecommunication technologies (ICT); application of ICT in the agro-industrial complex, energy, transport and industry; high-tech engineering; creation of new materials; development of pharmaceutical and bioengineering industries ". An important characteristic of this task is the evaluation of the following indicators:

1. Share of value added by production costs of enterprises belonging to the high-tech sector of the processing industry (in particular, production of pharmaceuticals and drugs; computers, electronic and optical

products; air and space aircraft, related equipment in accordance with the NACE), in total added cost of production costs,%;

2. Share of value added by production costs of enterprises belonging to the medium-high-tech sector of the processing industry (in particular, production of chemical products; electrical equipment; machinery and equipment; vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers; other vehicles according to NACE) in total value added by costs production, %;

3. Proportion of employees employed in enterprises belonging to the high- and medium-high-tech sectors of the processing industry (in particular, the production of pharmaceuticals and drugs; chemical products; mechanical engineering; computers, electronic and optical products; air and space aircraft, related equipment in accordance with the NACE), in the total number of employees in industry, %.

These characteristics are assessed by the State Statistics Service of Ukraine. Analyzing the indicators, we noted a low level of achievement of this goal. Thus, the benchmark value of the share of value added by production costs of enterprises belonging to the mediumhigh-tech sector of the processing industry (in particular, production of chemical products; electrical equipment; machinery and equipment; vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers; other vehicles according to NACE) in total added cost of production costs for 2020 is 7.5, but in 2019 its value was only 3.8%.

To improve these characteristics, it is necessary to increase both high-tech production and the share of workers employed in enterprises belonging to high- and medium-high-tech sectors of the economy. According to the analytical assessment, it is noted that this value in 2019 was 21.5, and did not reach the planned target for 2020 (26.0%).

Table 4

Dynamics of implementation of sustainable development goals in terms of implementation Task 9 "Promote the accelerated development of high- and medium-high-tech sectors of the processing industry, which are formed through the use of chains" education - science - production "and cluster approach by


Indexes 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Target set for 2020

Share of value added by production costs of enterprises belonging to the hightech sector of the processing industry (in particular, production of pharmaceuticals and drugs; computers, electronic and optical products; air and space aircraft, related equipment in accordance with the NACE), in total added cost of production costs,% 1,9 1,9 1,7 1,4 1,2

Share of value added by production costs of enterprises belonging to the medium-high-tech sector of the processing industry (in particular, production of chemical products; electrical equipment; machinery and equipment; vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers; other vehicles according to NACE) in total value added by costs production,% 4,7 3,3 3,4 3,8 3,8 7,5

Proportion of employees employed in enterprises belonging to the high- and medium-high-tech sectors of the processing industry (in particular, the production of pharmaceuticals and drugs; chemical products; mechanical engineering; computers, electronic and optical products; air and space aircraft, related equipment in accordance with the NACE), in the total number of employees in industry^ 21,2 21,1 21,5 21,6 21,5 26,0

Source: Sustainable development goals. Goal 9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure (2021). State Statistics Service of Ukraine. URL: http://www.ukrstat.gov.ua/

All of the above indicates the need for significant work towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and the implementation of tasks that enable the implementation of goals. Ukraine's desire to achieve the results set by the Sustainable Development Goals is obvious, and the potential for their implementation is sufficient. Thus, given Ukraine's desire to move to an innovative direction of development in 2020, Ukraine was included in the list of top 30 countries in the global ranking of startups - StartupBlink. This rating evaluates ecosystem startups among 100 countries and 1,000 cities around the world. In the ranking of startups "StartupBlink" Ukraine took 29th place. This indicates a sufficient level of desire and action. Which are implemented and implemented in the direction of implementing the Sustainable Development Goals and the implementation of Ukraine's development strategy until 2030 [5].

Rapid digital development contributes to the realization of Ukraine's European integration aspirations. Based on the goals of digital development set by the Board of the European Commission, the ways of digital transformation are identified. [7].

Since the problem of contact full-time education arose in the context of the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, the development of digital education opportunities became a very important issue. This direction of development in the field of education has opened new opportunities not only for learning within educational institutions and various scientific institutions, but also opened the prospect of distance learning outside the country for various professionals. The need for training educated specialists in the field of digital technologies has become a priority. Today there is a priority need for training of educated specialists in the field of digital technologies.

Thus, analyzing the number of enterprises that had access to the Internet and the average number of employees who used a computer with Internet access, by type of economic activity and with a distribution by the average number of employees in 2018-2019, we noted that 88 , 0-86.4% of Ukrainian enterprises operate with Internet access. More than 90% of enterprises use information technology in the following areas of activity: processing industry; supply of electricity, gas, steam

and air conditioning; water supply; sewerage, waste management; information and telecommunications; repair of computers and communication equipment. It should be noted that the use of the Internet is more active, where more employees work. Thus, if at enterprises with the number of employees from 10 to 49 people the Internet is used by 86.3-84.4%, then at enterprises with more than 250 employees - this indicator is 95.9-94.8%.

Table 5

The number of enterprises that had access to the Internet and the average number of employees who used a computer with Internet access, by type of economic activity and by distribution according to the average

Type of economic activity of enterprises Number of enterprises that had access to the Internet

units in% to the total number of enterprises

2018 2019 2018 2019

Total 43303 43785 88,0 86,4

Processing industry 10878 11089 90,0 89,5

Supply of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning 701 709 93,2 92,3

Water supply; sewerage, waste management 1130 1138 93,8 92,4

Construction 4783 4883 87,9 83,9

Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 10759 10742 88,1 86,1

Transport, warehousing, postal and courier activities 3462 3553 87,8 87,9

Temporary accommodation and catering 1279 1261 81,4 77,2

Information and telecommunications 1949 1946 90,0 89,2

Real estate transactions 2704 2697 87,8 86,3

Professional, scientific and technical activities 2636 2685 88,4 87,2

Activities in the field of administrative and support services 2958 3024 80,4 78,2

Repair of computers and communication equipment 64 58 94,1 86,6

Including with the average number of employees:

from 10 to 49 people 32910 33169 86,3 84,4

from 50 to 249 people 8247 8444 93,5 93,0

250 people and more 2146 2172 95,9 94,8

Source: The use of information and communication technologies in enterprises. Economic statistics. Economic activity. Information society (2021). State Statistics Service of Ukraine. URL: http://www.ukrstat.gov.ua/

The use of digital technologies in all spheres of economic activity will develop when there are adequate resources and a sufficiently developed digital infrastructure. The introduction of digital technologies in global facilities with limited access to them by the general population will not ensure a sufficient level of their dissemination. It is important to develop a digital infrastructure and develop technologies to protect the information disseminated using cloud technologies. The Technology Development Strategy of Ukraine until 2030 is focused on such technologies.

It should be noted that Ukraine should work towards the development of digital technologies for doing business. With the rapid spread of "cloud" technologies and the formation of a database of Big data, businesses should learn to use them intensively

A large information base with sufficient awareness of the operation of analysis and forecasting technology by analysts of companies will help reduce risks for business structures and develop business models that will be competitive in domestic and global markets. Anticipating changes in consumer needs and forecasting economic spikes in the financial market brings businesses to a new level of economic activity. Only

those companies that have suitably trained specialists and technical means and technologies that make it possible to use digitalization to the full can develop a large database and use cloud technology resources.

Any idea launched at the state level will be effective when the government itself will not only initiate, but also implement and put into practice the proposed innovationThe use of digital communication between the government and the social sphere makes information quickly accessible, provides a high level of communication, and automates the services provided by the state to the population. That is, the state must constantly work to increase access to digital services and contact, to introduce digital communication technologies.

The more public services can be implemented online, the more open will be the connection of the population directly with the management staff. The formation of a triad of connections (state, society and business) makes it possible to constantly compare the needs of the social sphere for which the state authorities and business structures function. Maximum dissemination

of digital identification will facilitate the implementation of state functions in accordance with the needs of the population within the legal field.

In order to determine the main vectors of Ukraine's development this year, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the National Economic Strategy for the period up to 2030 [9]. Within the framework of the strategy, guidelines, principles and values in the economic policy of Ukraine are highlighted. Important principles are the implementation of the principles of European and Euro-Atlantic integration (implementation of the strategic course of the state for Ukraine's full membership in the EU and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization). It is worth paying attention to the state's understanding of the need to implement the Sustainable Development Goals, one of the elements of which is the decarbonization of the economy (energy efficiency, renewable energy development, circular economy development and synchronization with the European Green Course initiative).

An important vector of Ukraine's development at the level of government bodies is the construction of an effective digital service state and the creation of compact state institutions (development of the digital economy as one of the drivers of economic growth in Ukraine) [9].

Coordinated actions towards the implementation of elements of digitalization and cloud technologies will ensure a high level of development of society and the state as a whole. Integration of the above-mentioned tools of innovative development in the field of digital technologies in business activities, in all spheres of community life and business structures.

Conclusions. Thus, the post-industrial development of society has combined all the components of the functioning of natural, social and business. The choice of vector for the movement focused on the development of human capital and the dissemination of knowledge -put at the center of human development, its needs, security and well-being in all its manifestations: economic, environmental, health. All the above parameters are the basis of sustainable development of society and meet global trends. Digitization is a tool that facilitates their implementation. Globalization in the direction of digital education, the use of cloud technologies, the implementation of artificial intelligence in technological processes, in the formation of closed production technologies from producer to consumer, which allows to accumulate maximum value added and ensure the expected economic results. Contactless economy is not a delusion, but a necessary way for society to function. Тому, затвердження

Therefore, the approval of the National Economic Strategy for the period up to 2030 [9] is focused on finding opportunities to realize the geographical, resource and human potential of Ukraine. Innovative economic growth is at the heart of the tools for ensuring

the well-being, security, rights and freedoms of every citizen of Ukraine. The basic principles of advanced economic growth are the main goals of sustainable development and the need to achieve climate neutrality.

The National Economic Strategy is an instruction for coordinated action based on the elements and tools of digital development. These initiatives will encourage international partnerships, thanks to the possibility of digital communications.


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