DIGITAL MARKETING AND CUSTOMER ACQUISITION IN AN AGRO-INDUSTRIAL COMPANY Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Russian Law Journal
Ключевые слова
Digital marketing / content marketing / customer acquisition

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Estela-Yomona, Reylis Michel, Jorge Antonio Vasco Vasco, Juan Carlos Pomaquero Yuquilema, José Fernando López Aguirre

The present study presented as a general objective to determine the level of relationship between digital marketing and customer acquisition in the company Agroindustrias Dane S.R.L., Tarapoto, 2022, the methodology used was basic, correlational scope, quantitative approach and non-experimental cross-sectional design. , the study sample consisted of 201 employees of the company, who provided information through a survey with a questionnaire consisting of 20 items measured on the Likert scale, being validated by the opinion of 5 experts and presenting high reliability. through Cronbach's Alpha statistic. The results found were that a Spearman's Rho coefficient = 0.770 was determined between digital marketing and customer acquisition, a Spearman's Rho coefficient = 0.622 between content marketing and customer acquisition, a Spearman's Rho coefficient = 0.673 between social media marketing and customer acquisition. The conclusions reached were that there is a direct and high significant relationship between digital marketing and customer acquisition, in addition there is a direct and moderate significant relationship between content marketing and customer acquisition, as well as for social media marketing and customer acquisition.

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1Universidad César Vallejo reylisestela@gmail.com https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4473-0158 2Docente Investigador Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo Facultad de Administración de Empresas, Carrera de mercadotecnia, jvasco@espoch.edu.ec https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4198-3459 3Docente investigador Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo - jpomaquero@espoch.edu.ec

https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0952-943X investigador Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo - josef.lopez@espoch.edu.ec https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9706-5115


The present study presented as a general objective to determine the level of relationship between digital marketing and customer acquisition in the company Agroindustrias Dane S.R.L., Tarapoto, 2022, the methodology used was basic, correlational scope, quantitative approach and non-experimental cross-sectional design. , the study sample consisted of 201 employees of the company, who provided information through a survey with a questionnaire consisting of 20 items measured on the Likert scale, being validated by the opinion of 5 experts and presenting high reliability. through Cronbach's Alpha statistic. The results found were that a Spearman's Rho coefficient = 0.770 was determined between digital marketing and customer acquisition, a Spearman's Rho coefficient = 0.622 between content marketing and customer acquisition, a Spearman's Rho coefficient = 0.673 between social media marketing and customer acquisition. The conclusions reached were that there is a direct and high significant relationship between digital marketing and customer acquisition, in addition there is a direct and moderate significant relationship between content marketing and customer acquisition, as well as for social media marketing and customer acquisition.

Keywords: Digital marketing, content marketing, customer acquisition.


Currently, there has been a permanent technological growth of digital marketing due to the covid-19 pandemic, in that sense Alshaketheep et al. (2020) argue that quarantines, recession and social distancing in the economy led to a transformation in digital marketing and the way tore-engage consumers. While Rashid et al. (2021) state that digital marketing allowed to get much closer to the customer in a new way, using relevant digital marketing strategies to attract customers. As we can see, digital marketing has been growing steadily, being the case that there are currently many companies that do not apply digital marketing lose the attraction of new consumers.

Gupta et al. (2021) They argued that digital marketing is responsible for guiding organizations to adapt relevant methods of digital marketing to achieve adequate customer acquisition, trying to meet the demands of these. In these times we can see that in social

networks there is a massive traffic of digital marketing material, as well as there are emails, websites, and other electronic means of digital marketing that are focused on attracting new customers. For his part, Barrera (2021) mentioned that at the beginning of the pandemic, in our

Peruvian territory there was an increase in activities aimed at strategic digital marketing, in this context as there were no purely face-to-face activities due to the health measures provided by the central government, companies and microenterprises had to migrate to digital marketing to attract new customers, presenting some difficulty for its adequacy of the same. Bravo (2021) said that in Peru companies have tried to implement their digital marketing operations according to or with the current circumstances, where digital marketing strategies have undergone certain variations to be able to attract new customers.

The company Agroindustrias Dane S.R.L., applies traditionalmethods of digital marketing, hindering the acquisition of new customers. Frente to this problematic reality, this research had the purpose of knowing the relationship between digital marketing and customer acquisition in the company Agroindustrias Dane S.R.L., Tarapoto, year 2022. The general problem that was raised in this research was the following: What is the level of relationship between digital marketing and customer acquisition in the company Agroindustrias Dane S.R.L., Tarapoto, 2022? While the specific problems that were raised were: What is the level of relationship between content marketing and customer acquisition in the company Agroindustrias Dane S.R.L., Tarapoto, 2022? and What is the level of relationship between social media marketing and customer acquisition in the company Agroindustrias Dane S.R.L., Tarapoto, 2022?

This research was justified in a practical way in the managerial convenience of the study company, who knew the relationship between digital marketing and customer acquisition. While the theoretical justification was based on existing theories about the relationship betweenboth study variables, the same that served the study company for business decision making. The methodological justificationof this study was based on a solid methodology that facilitated knowing the relationship between digital marketing and customer acquisition in the company Agroindustrias Dane S.R.L., Tarapoto, 2022.

The general hypothesis established in the research was the following: There is a significant relationship between digital marketing and customer acquisition in the company Agroindustrias Dane S.R.L., Tarapoto, 2022. While the specific hypothesesthat were raised were the following: There is a significant relationship between content marketing and customer acquisition in the company Agroindustrias Dane S.R.L., Tarapoto, 2022; and, there is a significant relationship between social media marketing and customer acquisition in the company Agroindustrias Dane S.R.L., Tarapoto, 2022.

The general objective established in this research was the following: To determine the level of relationship between digital marketing and customer acquisition in the company Agroindustrias Dane S.R.L., Tarapoto, 2022. While the specific objectives that were raised were the following: Determine the level of relationship between content marketing and customer acquisition in the company Agroindustrias Dane S.R.L., Tarapoto, 2022; and, determine the level of relationship between social media marketing and customer acquisition in the company Agroindustrias Dane S.R.L., Tarapoto, 2022.


Pizarro (2022) conducted research on digital marketing and customer acquisition in restaurants in Ica, during the period 2021; theresearch concluded that there is a significant direct relationship between digital marketing and customer acquisition in restaurants in Ica. For his part, Hernández (2019) developed an investigation on digital marketing and customer acquisition of a legal office in Callao, 2019;the study concluded a significant direct relationship between digital marketing and customer acquisition in a legal firm in Callao. While Elera (2020) conducted research on digital marketing for customer acquisition in a metal organization in Motupe, Lambayeque; the results found was the incidence of digital marketing in an 86.6% correlation of Pearson with customer acquisition.

Bravo (2021) carried out a research regarding digital marketing and the result originated in SMEs of Gamarra, Lima; the study concluded that SMEs of Gamarra are regularly applying digital marketing. While Silva and Ramos (2019) developed an investigation regarding the methods of

digital marketing for the improvement of university student recruitment, Chiclayo; the study concluded that the execution ofdigital sea keting improves the procedure of attracting university students. For their part, Ordoñez and Vives (2021) carried out research on digital marketing and increased sales in the NPC general services organization, in the city of Chiclayo; the study concluded that digital marketing has a significant impact on sales, according to the correlation level r = 0.442 qualified as average positive.

Suyón (2019) carried out a research regarding the planning of digital marketing to renew the fundraising in a children's village of Chiclayo; the study concluded by proposing a digital marketing planning for its management in the fundraising of the children's village of Chiclayo. On the other hand, Noerlina and Mursitama (2022) conducted a research regarding the participation of digital marketing in SMEs and Educational Institutions in Indonesia; the study concluded thatdigital marketing facilitates educational institutions and SMEs to interact directly with consumers. While Pollák and Markovic (2021) conducted research regarding an empirical analysis of digital marketing in SMEs operating in the Central European market; the study concluded that organizations that actively use digital marketing tools evaluate the contribution to their business very positively.

Hagen et al. (2022) conducted research on digital marketing activities carried out by Dutch associations; The study concluded that digital marketing leads to increased use of digital channel update activities. Novytska et al. (2021) conducted research on digital marketing to promote organic products; the study concluded that the application of social media is the main digital marketing channels of organic companies. While Herhausen et al. (2020) conducted research on digital marketing capability gaps; the study concluded that the deficit found reflects a considerable separation from the evolution of digital marketingin the industrial organization.

Regarding the theories that relate to the theme Setkute and Dibb (2022) mentioned that digital marketing had its first events between the years of 1990 and the year of 1994 through the launch of Archie, which was at that time the first search engine for information. Later in the years of 1997 comes to market one of the social networks known as SixDegrees.com, then in the year of 1998 the appearance of Google is established, Microsoft opening MSN, Yahoo! establishes Yahoo! As a web browser. Daud et al. (2022) mentioned that at the end of the twentieth century, blogging was born as digital marketing, to after five years have the existence of more than fifty million blogs; however, at the beginning of the year 2000 many companies of the SixDegrees.com that were small search engines came to disappear.

Adaviruku et al. (2021) mentioned that by 2003 social media such as Facebook, MySpace and Linkendln emerged, and in 2005 Google search engines began to establish a more personalized platform, based on search records with the purpose of continuously modernizing their algorithm and organizing the availability of their websites. Then YouTube appears, the same that is currently a web platform widely used by the population. On the other hand for the years 2006 to 2008 begin to appear Chrome, Twitter, iPhone, being the case that digital marketing has achieved an accelerated and permanent development for decades to the present.

Digital marketing is defined as the use of digital tools to offer services or products to a certain population (Nuseir and Refae, 2022), considering the predispositions and tendencies of acting and feeling of customers (Goldman et al, 2021), adapting the elements and particularities of digital marketing in the use of novel virtual mechanisms (Kalugina and Ryapukhin, 2021), in this way it will be possible to identify the most effective and efficient way to reproduce a value to customers so that they can perceive the products through digital tools (Lazo et ál., 2021).

Digital marketing is the tactic that an individual or organization uses through thedigital platform whose objective is to attract new consumers (Chinakidzwa and Phiri, 2020), managing to enhance the commercial identification of the product offered by the company (Busca and Bertrandias, 2020), for this relevant methods of content marketing and social media marketing are used. (Rosokhata et á L., 2020) , considering that digital marketing has the purpose of reaching the mind of the customer to offer a product or service, knowing their preferences and behaviors to improve products and / or services (Dwityas et ál., 2020).

Digital marketing are the activities carried out using content marketing and social media marketing, with the purpose of offering a certain service or product (Busca and Bertrandias, 2020). The first dimension of digital marketing is content marketing, as it is a method aimed at attracting customers through various digital media; while the second dimension is social media marketing because it is a social media positioning strategy using digital channels to attract customers.

Makrides et al. (2020) They argued that the theoretical models of digital marketing have evolved according to the requirements of consumers and the context of the company. Rahim et al. (2020) mentioned that digital marketing had as a theoretical model the four Fs established by four dimensions that are flow, feedback, loyalty and functionality. Soedarsono et al. (2020) referred to network theory as a theoretical model of digital marketing, where the relationships between people are strategically analyzed to know the patterns that develop within society and make better business decisions. Rosokhata et al. (2020) argued that digital marketing had as a theory the collective intelligence of the Internet phenomenon, pointing out that the use of the Internet helps to attract consumers and integrate for business advertising campaigns.

Meire et al. (2017) mentioned that customer acquisition had its beginnings in 1922 through the launch of the first advertisements made on a radio station in New York for commercial purposes; also, in 1941 the first television advertisements are made with the purpose of attracting customers for various commercial companies, for the year 1950 Telemarketing is born as a common practice of reaching customers, while in 1973 the digital era appears with the Motorola mobile phone, three years later Apple launches a new mobile device as a tool for customer acquisition.

De Vries et ál. (2017) mentioned that in 1985 obtaining customers was done through digital desktop publishing software that facilitated the creation of customer acquisition strategies; likewise, in 1994 Spam or unwanted emails emerged to attract new customers, while in 1995 AltaVista and Yahoo implemented customer acquisition. For the year 2000 Google creates advertising tools for customer acquisition; while in 2004 Facebook was created, two years later Twitter, both digital tools were effective in attracting consumers.

Soedarsono et al. (2020) mentioned that consumer acquisition in 2011 was carried out through social networks, being the case that in 2012 social media was used as a channel for customer acquisition; also, in 2013 YouTube was more successful in attracting customers, since consumers chose to watch videos from this channel and then get agency of some product or service offered in said commercial publication, being that today is still used both social networks and other digital media to attract new customers. Customer acquisition is defined as the process in which new customers are incorporated into a certain company (Farías and Orihuela, 2020), in order for these customers to achieve their satisfaction by buying new products and / or services offered by a company (Apaza, 2019), in addition the purpose of attracting new customers is that they become a source of utility for the company (Vicente and Cano, 2022).

Customer acquisition involves converting potential customers into real customers of a company and who are willing to make the purchases offered by it (Oré and Vicente, 2021), for which various communication channels will be used establishing alliances with partners and creating new production lines considering the requirements of consumers (Kumar and Kumar, 2019). Customer acquisition are procedures for incorporating new consumers into an organization after achieving the satisfaction of their expectations and making constant communication with the client (Farías and Orihuela, 2020). The first dimension concerning this variable is the satisfaction of expectations, as it is the fulfillment that is made against customer requests; while the second dimension is communication with the client, as it is an interactive method used by organizations to attract consumers.

Oklander et al. (2018) They mentioned that the theoretical models of customer acquisition are made by satisfaction, creativity, benefits, selection, promotion and information. Rahim et al. (2020) mentioned that the theoretical model on which customer acquisition is based are the stimuli, learning, experience in the satisfaction behaviors that customers have after making the acquisition of a specific service and / or product.


This study had a cantitative approach, in that context Hernández and Mendoza (2018) argued that an investigation with a quantitative approach is probative and sequential, in this research approach each stage precedes the next without being able to avoid steps. Jonsson and Nyberg (2022) mentioned that quantitative research is associated with statistics. Yousuf and Zainal (2020) mentioned that quantitative investigations offer possibilities for broader results based on magnitudes. Thisstudy was of a basic type, in that sense Shi et al. (2022) mentioned that basic research is responsible for producing theories and knowledge, so this research provided knowledge about the relationship between digital marketing and customer acquisition. The level of study was correlacional, Wang et al. (2021) mentioned that correlational research associates variables or concepts that allow predictions, in addition to quantifying relationships between variables or conceptos. This research aimed to determine the correlation between the study variables.

The design of this research wasno experimental, Tavakol and Pinner (2019) mentioned that research with non-experimental design does not manipulate the variables deliberately. In this research, the phenomena were observed in their original context, because the variables studied were not manipulated, since the study was carried out in their natural context. This research wastransversal, Ekaterina (2019) mentioned that cross-sectional investigations collect information at a single time. This research was carried out in a single period of time, that is, it was carried out only in the period 2022. The method used in this study was hypothetical deductive, Novins et al. (2018) argued that research with a quantitative approach employs reasoning or deductive logic, while hypotheses are the axis of the deductive method. In this study it was proposed as a general hypothesis thatthere is a significant relationship between digital marketing and customer acquisition.

Variable 1 ofthe study is called digital marketing, qualitative in nature; Silva and Ramos (2019) reported that digital marketing refers to the use of internet-based ICTs, as well as devices that allow access to the internet to make such communication, with the commercial purpose between the organization and potential customers. Variable 2 of the research is called customer acquisition, of a qualitative nature; Farias and Orihuela (2020) mentioned that customer acquisition indicates the adequacy of the organization to the new demands of customers about their expectations, managing to convert them into potential buyers.

This study had a population of 237 collaborators of the study company, during the year 2022. Casteel and Bridier (2021) mentioned that the population of a research is constituted by the objects or people under study. The results of the sample after applying the probabilistic method gave us a sample size of 201 collaborators of the study company, during the year 2022; where a 3% margin of error and 97% confidence level were applied. Ghnatios and Barasinski (2021) mentioned that the sample is determined through the application of formulas and estimation of probabilities.

The technique used for the collection of information was through the survey, for which the questionnaire instrument was used. Badu et al. (2019) mentioned that surveys are procedures of a descriptive research that is applied to collect information through a questionnaire. The validity of the content of the information collection instrument was by experts and the V of Aiken, considering clarity, relevance, relevance and sufficiency. Rozali et al. (2022) mentioned that expert judgment is a validation procedure that helps verify research reliability, in which they issue their experience opinion according to the study. The reliability of the instrument was carried out through the pilot test with 15 items in a Cronbach's alpha test measured on the Likert scale. Hashim et ál., (2020) mentioned that the reliability of the instrument ensures that the applied instrument provides the same results. The result of Cronbach's alpha reliability test was .871 for digital marketing with 10 items, while for customer acquisition it shows a result of .9 17 with 10 items,which indicates that the instrument has reliability and was applicable for both study variables.

The KMO test for the digital marketing variable resulted in 66.9% greater than 50% and a level of Sig. ,000 less than 0.05 for Bartlett's sphericity test, for these two conditions we proceeded

to perform the exploratory factor analysis test. Likewise, the KMO test for the customer acquisition variable was de 80.9% greater than 50% and a level of Sig. ,000 less than 0.05 for the Bartlett Sphericity Test, for these two conditions was directed to carry out the exploratory factor analysis test. The analysis of the total variance explained for digital marketing with a sum of loads was equal to 5 5.363% for 4 categories, therefore being greater than 50% is determined that the instrument isstrong and solid. Likewise, it was carried outfor the variable customer capture with a sum of charges equal to 51.287% for 3 categories, therefore being greater than 50% it is determined that the instrument is strong and solid.

The procedures applied in the present study for thecollection of information were through informed consent. Badu et al. (2019) mentioned that the procedures carried out in an investigation guarantee the quality of the data obtained. In this study, having categorical qualitative variables , the descriptive analysis method was used, the inferential analysis method was also applied using the Kolgo morov-Smirnov normality test, since data were greater than 30 respondents. A hypothesis test was also performed based on the answers of the normality tests. Ma and Wan (2021) mentioned that information analysis methods havethe purpose of achieving theobjectives of a research through statistical techniques.



Frequency table with grouped digital marketing data and its dimensions

Deficient Moderate Efficient

Frequency % Frequency % Frequency %

Content Marketing 1 0.50% 46 22.89% 154 76.62%

Marketing social media 0 0.00°% 29 14.43% 172 85.57%

Marketing digital 0 0.00°% 30 14.93% 171 85.07%

Table 1 shows 14.93% and 85.07% moderate and efficient perception for digital marketing. Likewise, for content marketing it shows 22.89% and 76.62% of moderate and efficient perception. While for social media marketing shows 14.43% and 85.57% of moderate and efficient perception. This shows that digital marketing and its dimensions have a positive perception for its efficient evaluation percentages of 85.07%, 76.62% and 85.57% respectively. Table 2

Frequency table with grouped customer acquisition data and its dimensions

Deficient Moderate Efficient

Frequency % Frequency % Frequency %

Meeting expectations 4 1.99% 43 21.39% 154 76.62%

Communication with the

client 1 0.50% 27 13.43% 173 86.07%

Customer acquisition 1 0.50% 24 11.94% 176 87.56%

Table 2 shows 11.94% and 87.56% of moderate and efficient perception for customer acquisition. Likewise, for the satisfaction of expectations it shows a 21.39% and 76.62% of moderate and efficient perception. While for communication with the client shows a 13.43% and 86.07% of moderate and efficient perception. This shows that customer acquisition and its dimensions have a positive perception for their efficient evaluation percentages of 87.56%, 76.62% and 86.07% respectively.



Hypothesis test result of symmetric measures

Value Asymptotic standard errora Approximate Tb Approximate significance

Tau-b de Kendall Ordinal by ordinal _,_ , „ , ,, Tau-c de Kendall ,679 ,597 ,048 ,041 11,657 11,657 ,000 ,000

Number of valid cases 201

Table 3 shows p value = 0.00 < 0.05, then we proceed to reject H 0 and accept H^ also a coefficient Tau-c of Kendall = 0.597, so it was concluded that there is a significant, direct and moderate relationship between digital marketing and customer acquisition in the company Agroindustrias Dane S.R.L., Tarapoto, 2022.

Specific Hypothesis 1 Table 4

Hypothesistest result of symmetric measures

Value Asymptotic standard errora Approximate Tb Approximate significance

Ordinal by ordinal Tau-b de Kendall ,647 ,062 10,067 ,000

Tau-c de Kendall ,528 ,035 10,067 ,000

Number of valid cases 201

Table 4 shows a p value = 0.00 < 0.05, so we proceed to reject the H 0 and accept the H^ also a coe ficiente Tau-b of Kendall = 0.647, so it is concluded that there is a significant, direct and moderate relationship between content marketing and customer acquisition in the company Agroindustrias Dane S.R.L., Tarapoto, 2022.


Table 5

Test result of hypotheses of symmetric measurements

Asymptotic standard Approximate Approximate Value error3 Tb significance

Ordinal by ordinal Tau-b de Kendall ,659 ,068 12,741 ,000

Tau-c de Kendall ,585 ,027 12,741 ,000

Number of valid cases 201

Table 5 shows a p value = 0.00 < 0.05, so we proceed to reject the H 0 and accept the H^ also a coefficient Tau-c of Kendall = 0.585, so it is concluded that there is a significant, direct and moderate relationship between social media marketing and customer acquisition in the company Agroindustrias Dane S.R.L., Tarapoto, 2022.

Table 6

Normality tests


Statistical Gl Itself.

Marketing digital ,074 201 ,001

Content Marketing ,140 201 ,000

Marketing social media ,096 201 ,000

Customer acquisition ,118 201 ,000

Meeting expectations ,167 201 ,000

Communication with the client ,148 201 ,000

Table 6 shows the p value data, all < 0.05, so we proceed to reject H0 and accept H1,

concluding that the data do not have normal distribution, so a non-parametric test must be


Table 7

Spearman's Rho General Hypothesis Test Result



Correlation coefficient ,770

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Rho de Spearman Marketing digital Sig. (bilateral) ,000

N 201

Table 7 shows a p value = 0.00 < 0.05, so we proceed to reject the H 0 and accept the H1,

also a coeficient Rho de Spearman = 0.770, so it concludes that there is a significant, direct and

high relationship between digital marketing and customer acquisition in the company Agroindustrias

Dane S.R.L., Tarapoto, 2022.

Table 8

Spearman's Rho Specific Hypothesis Test Result



Correlation coefficient ,622

Rho de Spearman Content Marketing Sig. (bilateral) ,000

N 201

Table 8 shows a p value = 0.00 < 0.05, so we proceed to reject the H 0 and accept the H1,

also a coeficiente Rho de Spearman = 0.622, so it concludes that there is a significant, direct and

moderate relationship between content marketing and customer acquisition in the company

Agroindustrias Dane S.R.L., Tarapoto, 2022.

Table 9

Spearman's Rho Specific Hypothesis Test Result 2



Correlation coefficient ,673

Rho de Spearman Marketing social media Sig. (bilateral) ,000

N 201

Table 9 shows a p value = 0.00 < 0.05, so we proceed to reject the H 0 and accept the H1? also a coeficient Rho de Spearman = 0.673, so it concludes that there isa significant, direct and

moderate relationship between social media marketing and customer acquisition in the company Agroindustrias Dane S.R.L., Tarapoto, 2022.


The general objective of the study was to determine the relationship between digital marketing and customer acquisition in the company Agroindustrias Dane S.R.L., Tarapoto, during the period 2022; in the research was determined a coefficient Rho of Spearman = 0.770, in which there was a significant, direct and high relationship between both variables of study, partiendo of this we can mention that this research came to determine that there is significant, direct and high relationship between digital marketing and customer acquisition of the study company. Result similar to the study conducted by Pizarro (2022) who conducted research on digital marketing and customer acquisition in restaurants in Ica, the sample was 70 employees of the study company, resulting in a Spearman's Rho correlation value of 0.688, who concluded that there is a significant direct relationship between digital marketing and customer acquisition in restaurants in Ica, from this we can mention that this research showed that digital marketing has a significant direct relationship with attracting customers from restaurants in Ica.

The firstspecific objective of this study was toend the level of relationship between content marketing and customer acquisition in the company Agroindustrias Dane S.R.L., Tarapoto, 2022; obtaining a Spearman's Rho coefficient = 0.622, in which there was a significant, direct and moderate relationship between both study variables, from this we can mention that this research came to determine that there is a significant, direct and moderate relationship between content marketing and customer acquisition of the study company. Result similar to the study conducted by Hernández (2019) on digital marketing and customer acquisition in a legal office in Callao, which had a sample of 80 workers of the study organization, resulting in a Spearman's Rho correlation value of 0.759, who concluded that there is a significant direct relationship between digital marketing and customer acquisition in a legal study in Callao, from this we can mention that this research showed that digital marketing has a significant direct relationship with attracting customers from a law firm in Callao.

Likewise,the second specific objective of this study was to determine the level of relationship between social media marketing and customer acquisition in the company Agroindustrias Dane S.R.L., Tarapoto, 2022; obtaining a coefficient Rho of Spearman = 0.673, in which there was a significant, direct and moderate relationship between both study variables, from this we can mention that this research came to determine that there is a significant, direct and moderate relationship between social media marketing and customer acquisition of the study company. Result similar to the study carried out by Elera (2020) who conducted a research on digital marketing to attract customers in a metal company in the city of Motupe, Lambayeque, considering that this research was developed with a sample made up of 151 clientes of the study company, finding as a result through a Pearson's correlation coefficient that digital marketing affects 86.6% with customer acquisition, from this we can mention that this researchshowed that digital marketing has a significant impacton the capture of consumers of a study company.

Setkute and Dibb (2022) mentioned that theories regarding digital marketing had their first events between the years of 1990 and the year of 1994 through the launch of Archie, which was at that time the first information search engine. Daud et al. (2022) mentioned that at the end of the twentieth century, blogging was born as digital marketing, and after five years have the existence of more than fifty million blogs. Adaviruku et al. (2021) mentioned that by the years 2003 social media such as Facebook, MySpace and Linkendln emerged, and in 2005 Google search engines began to establish a more personalized platform. Digital marketing is the use of digital tools to offer services or products to a certain population (Nuseir and Refae, 2022), considering the predispositions and tendencies of acting and feeling of customers (Goldman et al, 2021), adapting the elements and particularities of digital marketing in the use of novel virtual mechanisms (Kalugina and Ryapukhin, 2021), in this way it will be possible to identify the most effective and

efficient way to reproduce a value to customers so that they can perceive the products through digital tools (Lazo et ál., 2021).

Digital marketing are the activities carried out using content marketing and social media marketing, with the purpose of offering a certain service or product (Busca and Bertrandias, 2020). The first dimension of digital marketing is content marketing, as it is a method aimed at attracting customers through various digital media; while the second dimension is social media marketing because it is a social media positioning strategy using digital channels to attract customers. Makrides et al. (2020) argued that theoretical models of digital marketing have evolved according to consumer requirements and the context of the company. Rahim et al. (2020) mentioned that digital marketing had as a theoretical model the four Fs established by four dimensions that are flow, feedback, loyalty and functionality. Soedarsono et al. (2020) referred to network theory as a theoretical model of digital marketing, where the relationships between people are strategically analyzed to know the patterns that develop within society and make better business decisions. Rosokhata et al. (2020) argued that digital marketing had as a theory the collective intelligence of the Internet phenomenon, pointing out that the use of the Internet helps to attract consumers and integrate for business advertising campaigns.

Meire et al. (2017) mentioned that customer acquisition had its beginnings in 1922 through the launch of the first advertisements made on a New York radio station for commercial purposes. Soedarsono et al. (2020) mentioned that consumer acquisition in 2011 was done through social media , being the case that in 2012 social media was used as a channel for customer acquisition. Customer acquisition is the procedure which new customers are incorporated into a certain company (Farias and Orihuela, 2020), in order for these customers to achieve their satisfaction by buying new products and / or services offered by a company (Apaza, 2019), in addition the purpose of attracting new customers is that they become a source of utility for the company (Vicente and Cano, 2022). Customer acquisition involves converting potential customers into real customers of a company and who are willing to make the purchases offered by it (Oré and Vicente, 2021), for which various communication channels will be used establishing alliances with partners and creating new production lines considering the requirements of consumers (Kumar and Kumar, 2019).

Oklander et al. (2018) They mentioned that the theoretical models of customer acquisition are made by satisfaction, creativity, benefits, selection, promotion and information. Rahim et al. (2020) mentioned that the theoretical model on which customer acquisition is based are the stimuli, learning, experience in the satisfaction behaviors that customers have after making the acquisition of a finished product. The strengths of the methodology used in this study was that it was developed through a solid methodology of quantitative approach, in that context Hernández and Mendoza (2018) argued that an investigation with a quantitative approach is probative and sequential, where each stage precedes the next without being able to avoid steps. For their part, Jonsson and Nyberg (2022) mentioned that quantitative research is associated with statistics. While Yousuf and Zainal (2020) mentioned that quantitative investigations offer possibilities for broader results based on magnitudes. Likewise, the study that was developed was of a basic methodology, in that sense Shi et al. (2022) mentioned that basic research is responsible for producing theories and knowledge, and that this research provided knowledge about the existing relationshipbetween digital marketing and consumer acquisition.


Regarding the general objective, this research determined the level of relationship between digital marketing and customer acquisition in the company Agroindustrias Dane S.R.L., Tarapoto, 2022; with a Spearman's Rho coefficient = 0.770 as evidenced in Table 7, concluding that there is a significant, direct and high relationship between digital marketing and customer acquisition of the study company. In relation to the first specific objective, this research determined the level of relationship between content marketing and customer acquisition in the company Agroindustrias Dane S.R.L., Tarapoto, 2022; with a Spearman's Rho coefficient = 0.622 as

evidenced in Table 8, concluding that there is a significant, direct and moderate relationship between content marketing and customer acquisition of the study company. While in the second the specific objective, this research determined the level of relationship between social media marketing and customer acquisition in the company Agroindustrias Dane S.R.L., Tarapoto, 2022; with a Spearman's Rho coefficient = 0.673 as evidenced in Table 9, concluding that there is a significant, direct and moderate relationship between social media marketing and customer acquisition of the study company.


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