Shermukhamedov Abbas Tairovich,
doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, professor, Tashkent branch of the Russian Economic University named after G. V. Plekhanov
Kabulov Abror Ahrorovich,
candidate of Economic sciences, associate professor, Tashkent branch of the Russian Economic University named after G. V. Plekhanov
Abdullaeva Dilora Kuisunovna,
candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, Tashkent branch of the Russian Economic University named after G. V. Plekhanov
Annotation: The article discusses the innovative complex of transport services and its technological solution with the digitization of physical objects using the examples of "digital train" and "digital railway", which will create a platform for monitoring and increasing the capacity of the railway line.
Keywords: intellectual mobility; digital logistics; intelligent transport systems; transport and logistics systems; land transport routes.
цифровая логистика: инновационный комплекс
транспортных услуг
шермухамедов Аббас Таирович,
доктор физико-математических наук, профессор, Ташкентский филиал
Российского экономического университета им. Г. В. Плеханова
Кабулов Аброр Ахрорович,
кандидат экономических наук, доцент, Ташкентский филиал Российского
экономического университета им. Г. В. Плеханова
Абдуллаева Дилора Куйсуновна,
кандидат экономических наук, доцент, Ташкентский филиал Российского
экономического университета им. Г. В. Плеханова
Реферат. В статье рассматриваются инновационный комплекс транспортных услуг и его техно -логическое решение с оцифровкой физических объектов на примерах «цифровой поезд» и «цифровая железная дорога», что позволит создать платформу для мониторинга и увеличения пропускной способности железнодорожной линии. ,
Ключевые слова: интеллектуальная мобильность; цифровая логистика; интеллектуальные транспортные системы; транспортно-логистические системы; наземные транспортные маршруты.
Introduction. Digital logistics in the transport sector is associated with intellectual mobility. Digital logistics creates a range of innovative transport services depending on the ever-changing needs of customers. A number of consumers of digital logistics products in the field of freight transportation are small and medium-sized enterprises that experience an acute need for information-analytical systems and technologies for the purpose of managing business processes.
The technological solution with the digitization of physical objects using the examples of "digital train" and "digital railway" allows you to create a platform for monitoring and increase the throughput of the railway line.
Digital transport can ensure the creation of a unified IT environment for interconnected systems, complexes and technologies for the organization of movement and control of a single technological process. The creation of a mechanism for the development and effective
functioning of transport and logistics systems and complexes based on the digital transformation of logistics will create a platform for cooperation for the coordinated development of Euro-Asian transport links, the development of priority Euro-Asian land transport routes (corridors) under the UNECE-UNESCAP project.
Methods of analysis. When writing articles used synthesis methods.
Discussion. In modern conditions, the globalization of logic is changing under the influence of many factors. Increasing consumer requirements for B2B and B2C segments in terms of speed, quality and transparency of processes. New market models (consumer economics, crowdsourcing, etc.) Change the nature of logistics processes and chain architecture, a reduced number of links. New players are entering the logistics market: these are start-ups offering more flexible pricing solutions for delivery using new technologies (for delivering the "last mile", freight rates, etc.), and large players from hightech industries (autonomous transport, UAV and other). Digitalization of logistics is based on the internal digital basis of companies, the introduction of new business models and services.
This issue presents several key areas of the transformation of the logistics sector: the use of the "physical" Internet, crowdsourcing in organizing the delivery of goods, and solutions for delivering the "last mile". Logistics companies need to use their resources optimally, while increasing the average load of passenger and transport trains.
The introduction of the "physical" Internet, based on the Internet of things, already now contributes to the growth of cooperation between market players, the unification of the protocols and systems used, the improvement of transport safety, process automation and, as a result, cost reduction. Direct delivery of goods to consumers depends on human labor and modern transport. It carries most of the costs and ultimately determines customer satisfaction from the purchase.
Automation and digitalization of delivery processes on time will allow customers to choose the most suitable option for receiving an order, and companies to reduce costs at one of the most expensive transportation stages.
The "physical Internet" is a global open logistics system based on the interconnection of physical, digital and operating environments
through publicly accessible "protocols" similar to the regular Internet. The concept involves placing goods in standardized containers equipped with sensors, creating single hubs and driving routes with absolute transparency of all processes and data analysis at each stage. The Internet of things is already making real-time monitoring of this process possible. Logistic providers combine sensor data with customer information. This will enable companies to offer a wide range of dedicated and proactive delivery services in the B2B and B2C segments. Highly developed and modern transport and logistics systems are key factors in the economic competitiveness of Uzbekistan. Railways facilitate the unification of production, agricultural and resource areas, population and employment centers, as well as international exchange.
Maintaining and improving efficient transport and logistics infrastructures for the movement of people and goods continues to be important in today's national and global markets, especially given the projected population growth and inevitable dramatic changes in industry, energy (especially in the oil and gas sectors) and agricultural production. The movement of goods and production components between their producers, the growth of urban logistics, international supply chains and logistics are already the junction of such phenomena as the digital economy and new industries.
The creation of intelligent transport systems, as well as the occupation and retention of leadership in the creation of international transport systems, is an urgent problem. Logistics costs vary greatly and can be a negligible component for purely digital products sent over the Internet, up to 60%. Logistics in the digital economy is becoming
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Fig. 1. Digital Logistics: Electronic Marketplace «Freight transportation»
creating intellectual mobility for the transition to a new economy. Supply chain management is a key factor and driver for restructuring production to meet the demands of the digital economy.
A significant part of the change is new, fast-paced digital manufacturing and logistics, which are extremely fast-paced.
Many organizations have begun actively restructuring their manufacturing and business models to prepare for these changes. Their goal is to become more customer oriented and competitive. Supply chain management will be a key factor and driver for achieving this, so supply chain managers will have to deal with an even higher level of complexity in the future. Both a wider product portfolio and their wider diversification, various parts, more cost-effective movement of goods, more suppliers, more interfaces along the value chain and taking into account the individual requirements of new markets are needed.
Infrastructure projects for the digital transformation of transport have a huge impact on logistics for industry, commerce and people in the digital world. The basis of digital transport will be the digital railway, in which, through the use of innovative technologies, it will be economically viable and fast enough that it will be possible to increase the capacity of existing and new railways by at least 50% in environmentally optimal ways, while also reducing the cost of transportation by 50%.
For the development of digital production-related logistics, it is necessary to take into account the role of digital technologies, where production and marketing without a calculated supply chain to and from the consumer will be successful, given the development of workforce skills related to the information and communication technology infrastructure in business. Equally important are the financial and economic issues that are necessary for the development of logistics from the perspective of the digital economy. With the development of digital logistics, there has been a sharp expansion of their areas of application. All modern standardization organizations are already moving towards the formation of standards in these abstract languages (BSI, this is a pattern language).
Innovative standards bring huge economic benefits that will only grow with proper and scientific use.
At the beginning of 2017, the Japanese group of world standardization of industry already had to apply innovative standards to reflect the complexities of smart manufacturing and the associated logistics. It is advisable to use new digital forms of service more widely in railway transport.
It seems that for Uzbekistan, which is geographically located between the centers of new industries and on the new Eurasian transit route, the development of conditions for digital
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logistics and supply chains is quite naturally a priority. On the one hand, this will create opportunities for identifying competitive domestic industries and their inclusion in the international division of labor, and on the other hand, it will allow us to mix the production of European, Chinese, Japanese, American and other companies on our territory for deliveries to both Asia and to Europe.
The development of digital logistics in Uzbekistan in the future is associated with innovative programs using exclusively electronic documents, which will reduce the time required to process documents several times, while the effective digital interaction between the railway and regulatory authorities creates incentives to increase the level of containerization of domestic and foreign trade flows.
Due to the combination of Uzbek Railways information systems and customs services, a single convenient product is provided for shippers. Literally in minutes, anywhere in the world using this technology, you can arrange transportation in electronic form. The implemented information technology is based on the existing regulatory framework. In Uzbekistan, it is advisable to create a modern information and logistics service that will accompany the transportation of the container of any forwarder or operator with electronic data along the entire route, provide the necessary electronic information not only to interested parties, but also state regulatory authorities. In addition, the introduction of mobile workplaces for railway station employees allows optimizing the design of technological it is advisable to introduce innovative solutions. Among them - an automatic train control system to ensure a stop on the platform with positioning accuracy up to 50 cm, as well as an intelligent traffic control system that provides the formation of an actual train schedule in real time in case of emergency.
Conclusion. We consider it expedient to create a consortium for unmanned traffic in Tashkent in the following areas:
- algorithms of computer vision in the rolling stock control system;
- development of their architecture in the rolling stock control system;
- develop requirements for unmanned rolling stock.
To ensure a phased transition to completely unmanned control, construction of LTE standard communication networks, the creation of a unified
center for managing electric trains, as well as updating the regulatory documents governing the operation of unmanned vehicles on the railway network will be required.
Uzbekistan should strengthen its position in the global market for data processing and storage services (from the current share of such services on a global scale of less than 1% to 10% by 2024).
Broadband Internet access at a speed of at least 100 Mbps is advisable.
In pursuance of the Decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan [1], as well as in order to create conditions for the accelerated development of the digital economy in the republic, modern information technologies in the public administration system, as well as ensuring information security, the Cabinet of Ministers coordinates the activities of state and economic government bodies local government on the development and implementation of information systems and resources, software products and electronic services, and also the creation of conditions for attracting foreign investment in the development of the digital economy of the country and the information technology market, including through the organization of the activity of technology parks and co-working centers on the basis of public-private partnership [28]. Minimization of costs for creating a rational mechanism for the development and effective functioning of transport and logistics systems can be achieved by:
- use of unified elements (architecture, interfaces, etc.);
- combining the life cycles of information systems, technologies and applications;
- combining part of the functions and tasks of process management in one organizational managerial link;
- use of a unified IT infrastructure (servers, databases and data banks, etc.);
- harmonization of internal standards and regulations (taking into account the interests of the carrier and customers).
When these requirements are met, the total costs of an integrated management system built on a value chain based on the principles of digital logistics will be minimal, and the total return on capital investments in its development will be higher than the sum of the effects of similar investments in the development of each subsystem separately.
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