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Ключевые слова
differentiation education / computer technologies / classroom activities / independent work / professional activity / дифференцированое образование / компьюторные технологии / аудиторные занятия / самостоятельная работа / профессиональная деятельность

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Chornenkaya Zh.A., Kozub S.A., Sholominskaya S.I.

Rapid development of computer technologies, more and more penetrate into our daily life and all spheres of activity, gradually become an integral part of the differentiated teaching and professional activities of the teacher. Due to the achievements of the differentiated education, the classroom classes become more informative and the independent work of the students is more creative and original, which is reflected in the improvement of the quality of education.

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Быстрые темпы развития компьютерных технологий, все более проникают в нашу повседневную жизнь и все сферы деятельности, постепенно становятся неотъемлемой частью дифференцированого обучения и профессиональной деятельности преподавателя. Благодаря достижениям дифференцированог образования аудиторные занятия становятся более информативно наполненными, а самостоятельная работа учащихся более творческой и оригинальной, что находит свое отражение в повышении качества образования.


medical and epidemiological measures - neutralization of the source of infestation and rupture of pathways of the pathogen. For this, as the authors emphasize, it is necessary to take prophylactic Vormil according to the scheme: 2 times a year for the whole family, adults and children over 2 years old take 1 tablet (400 mg) or 10 ml suspension (400 mg) once a day after meals for 3 days.

Vormil (as a broad-spectrum drug) can now be used to prevent the development of parasitic diseases, namely, for preventive treatment. Modern approaches to the treatment of helminthiases suggest a comprehensive treatment regimen, which consists not only in taking anthelminthic drugs, but also in correcting disorders from various organs and systems that arise both against the background of the invasion itself and against the background of taking these drugs. At present, during the specific anthelminthic therapy, it is recommended to use Vormil Fito.

The anthelmintic effect of plant components is provided by paralysis of the musculature of parasites, disruption of energy processes in helminth cells and blockade of neuromuscular transmission. In the complex therapy of helminthiases, Vormil Fito also contributes to the normalization of general well-being: in helminthic infections, not only a significant improvement in objective and subjective symptoms is observed (reduction of headache, increased emotional lability, pathological fatigue, insomnia, impaired appetite, sleep, attention and other symptoms of helminthic invasions ), but also correction of disorders caused by taking anthelmintic drugs.

So, helminthiases are an actual medical and social problem, an effective way to eliminate which from the

host organism is the use of the drug Vormil (albendazole), which provides high efficacy of helminthiasis treatment. Today the brand Vormil is supplemented with a new product - Vormil Fito, as modern approaches to the treatment of helminthias suggest a comprehensive treatment regimen that consists not only in taking anthelminthic drugs, but also in correcting disorders from various organs and systems that arise as against the background of the invasion itself, and against the background of taking these drugs.


1. Масюкова С. А. Акне : проблема и решение : Consilium Medicum / С. А. Масюкова, С. Н. Ахтя-мов // Дерматология. - 2002. - № 4. - С. 5.

2. Mouser P. E. Propionibacterium acnes-reactive T helper-1 cells in the skin of patients with acne vulgaris / P. E. Mouser, B. S. Baker, E. D. Seaton, A. C. Chu // J Invest Dermatol. - 2003. - 121 : 1226-1228.

3. Олисова О. Ю. Патогенетические подходы в лечении стероидной розацеа / О. Ю. Олисова // Экспериментальная и клиническая дерматокосметоло-гия. - 2008. - № 5. - С. 44-47.

4. Суворова К. Н. Юношеские акне - клиника, патогенез, лечение (Рос. журн. кож. и венер. Болезней. - 1999. - № 3. - 14-18.

5. Корнева Е. А. Гормоны и иммунная система / Е. А. Корнева, Э. К. Шхинек ; АН СССР, Ин-т физиологии им. И. П. Павлова. - Л. : Наука, 1988. -250 с.

6. Виноградов В. В. Гормоны, адаптация и системные реакции организма / В. В. Виноградов. -М. : Наука, 1989. - 235 с.


Черненькая Ж.А.

ВДНЗУ «Буковинский государственный медицинский университет» к.м.н.,

доцент кафедры социальной медицины и ОЗО.

Козуб С.А.

ВДНЗУ «Буковинский государственный медицинский университет», студентка 4 курса 20 группы.

Шоломинская С.И.

ВДНЗУ «Буковинский государственный медицинский университет» студентка 4 курса 20 группы.


Chornenkaya Zh.A.

Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine «Bukovinian State Medical University», PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Medicine and Public Health

Kozub S.A.

Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine «Bukovinian State Medical University»,

4-th year student. Sholominskaya S.I.

Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine «Bukovinian State Medical University»,

4-th year student.


Быстрые темпы развития компьютерных технологий, все более проникают в нашу повседневную жизнь и все сферы деятельности, постепенно становятся неотъемлемой частью дифференцированого обучения и профессиональной деятельности преподавателя. Благодаря достижениям дифференцированог образования аудиторные занятия становятся более информативно наполненными, а самостоятельная работа учащихся - более творческой и оригинальной, что находит свое отражение в повышении качества образования.


Rapid development of computer technologies, more and more penetrate into our daily life and all spheres of activity, gradually become an integral part of the differentiated teaching and professional activities of the teacher. Due to the achievements of the differentiated education, the classroom classes become more informative and the independent work of the students is more creative and original, which is reflected in the improvement of the quality of education.

Ключевые слова: дифференцированное образование, компьютерные технологии, аудиторные занятия, самостоятельная работа, профессиональная деятельность.

Keywords: differentiation education, computer technologies, classroom activities, independent work, professional activity.

One of the ways to improve the learning process in a modern university, the implementation of the principles of humanism and individual characteristics of students, the implementation of a personally oriented approach in training specialists is the differentiation of tasks and teaching methods, depending on the capabilities of students. The principle of humanization of modern education involves focusing on the personality of each student, creating the conditions necessary for the development of inherent in nature. One of the possible ways of its implementation is the differentiation of education.

The direction of differentiated learning on individual-typological peculiarities of students ensures the formation of their ability to learn, the need for self-education, the emergence of the desire to generate ideas, to seek alternative solutions to standard and problem situations, etc.

Differentiated (lat. differentia - difference, difference) learning - specially organized educational and cognitive activity, which, given the age, individual peculiarities of subjects of learning, social experience is aimed at optimal physical, spiritual and mental development of students, assimilation of the necessary amount of knowledge, practical actions under different curricula and programs.

The differentiated approach of the teacher involves using under the condition of an arbitrary training of all possibilities of diversification of educational components: the choice of educational disciplines from the sample subjects of the curriculum, special courses, special seminars and electives: the choice of the topics of the abstracts, course papers and diploma papers; choice of research work; choice of long-term tasks of independent work, etc.

In contrast to the secondary school, where the ideas of differentiation are implemented quite intensively, the development of theoretical positions and their introduction into the practice of higher educational institutions is slower. When approving the generally accepted provisions of personally oriented learning, the focus of the educational process on the "average" student continues. In this regard, the introduction of differentiated education technology in a higher education institution becomes more and more relevant as

such training creates conditions under which each student acquires a level of professional training that corresponds to his or her capabilities.

Differentiation of study at a higher educational institution is an effective means of ensuring the individual student's learning style, which involves an independent choice of their way of learning the material, allows them to objectively determine the level of training, as well as improve their knowledge. The essence of differentiation lies in the openness and variability of learning, the variety of methods, means and forms of organization of learning activities through activities that provide each student with the acquisition of knowledge and skills within its capabilities. The success, the effectiveness of differentiated learning is determined by the specific tasks of each stage of study, the ways of their solution, taking into account the peculiarities of students and the teacher's teaching skills.

Differentiation of training is aimed at:

a) achievements by students who have different initial level of training, the same level of knowledge, skills and abilities;

b) assimilation by students having the same level of knowledge and skills, different levels of knowledge from different cycles of educational disciplines;

c) achievement of different levels of knowledge acquisition by students who have different initial level and different possibilities.

In essence, the very differentiation of training is a means of stimulating students to study and intensify their cognitive activity, creative development of the individual, the creation of a desire for self-education and self-improvement, etc. Depending on these motivational positions, the differentiation of education is divided into external, profile and internal, level differentiation.

External differentiation is the organization of the educational process, in which the individual characteristics of students are taken into account in specially organized groups. That is, the acquisition of these groups by students is based on certain criteria. Such criteria are factors of inclination, ability, future professional interest.

Internal differentiation is an organization of the educational process in which the individual peculiarities of each student are taken into account under the conditions of the usual group. There are two scientific and pedagogical approaches to the organization of the educational process in view of the final learning outcomes.

Level differentiation is a differentiation in ability and success in learning, and profile - in terms of inclination and interests.

Differentiated learning as an independent pedagogical technology has its own scientific apparatus, is based on certain methodological bases, solves most effectively individual tasks, provides specialist training in accordance with certain laws.

The methodology of differentiated learning includes three stages:

1. Philosophical position: the essence of human activity; activity management; integration of science and production.

2. Scientific approaches: activity; systemic, technological.

3. Pedagogical principles: activity and consciousness in the study and taking into account age and individual characteristics of students; integrity, structural, hierarchy, integrability and external conditioning of the learning process; diagnostic purposefulness, scientific-ness, optimality, modernity, completeness of learning, conscious choice, cooperation, measurability of learning outcomes and objectivity of assessment.

Purposeful differentiation of training is carried out in several ways:

1. Consistent training. In the first two to three years in a university, students study general and general-subject subjects in regular educational groups according to common programs. Therefore, on the basis of the results of the student's progress and the student's inclinations and interests, they are fixed in certain departments, and they study special subjects individually or in groups.

2. Parallel training. Throughout the course of study, students work in regular training groups. Specialization is achieved through intra-group differentiation in the study of various cycles of academic disciplines, optional courses, different content of all types of practices, etc.

3. Step-by-step training. This is a widespread system of training specialists of different levels in one educational institution abroad. After the first three years of study, graduates receive a first level diploma. Those wishing to continue education (selection of competition) study for another year and receive second-level diplomas. Certain intragroup differentiation in the study of disciplines is already at the first stage of study. Ukrainian higher education acquires the experience of a step-by-step training system.

4. Individual training. It envisages the possibility for students to study according to individual plans. Ways of differentiation of training are selected in accordance with the requirements of training specialists from different professions.

Differentiated learning is implemented in three forms: individualized (each student performs individual tasks), individual-group (part of the tasks is individual, the remaining tasks are performed by the group) and the group (the task is performed by the entire group). The most common of these is a group form. According to his psychophysical possibilities and under the conditions of appropriate material equipment and stimulation, the teacher can work at the same time with a maximum of three or four different typological groups.

Differentiated learning has a certain system of evaluation aimed at eliminating the negative impact of the assessment on the mental development of students and the process of learning in general. It implies:

- assessment of only the knowledge that is the basis of the subject;

- correspondence of the range of estimations of amplitudes of oscillations in the mental development of students and in the levels of their learning;

- all grades are positive (ignorance is not evaluated);

- structure of the teacher of the educational material according to the available assessments, which provides a conscious study of students with a focus on a certain assessment.

The system of evaluation of P. Sikorsky is of interest. He formulated the general requirements for each assessment:

- "6" - brilliant, students not only mastered the program material, but it deepens the process of self-education, studying for elective courses is actively involved in local, regional and national competitions;

- "5" - excellent: student fully mastered conceptual apparatus of the subject, laws and laws relevant facts, justifies and proves appropriate statement to successfully comply with the writing assignments, participating in student clubs, competitions; systematically preparing for seminars, practical and laboratory work, conscientiously fulfills all the homework, there is a high level of myslytel- their operations;

- "4" - well: the student has mastered the conceptual apparatus of the subject, laws and regularities, supports them with concrete examples, actual material, but at the time of proving allows for inaccuracies, loses the logic of justification; systematically prepares for seminars, honestly performs homework;

- "3" - satisfactory: the student has mastered the definition of the basic concepts, the formulation of laws and properties, understands and supports them by examples, but their weakness in their substantiation, proofs: performs written exercises with the same type of operations, that is, at the level of skills; during self-fulfillment of written assignments of educational or controlling character may become confused and in need of help, often for an insignificant hint of the task fulfills;

- "2" - mediocre: the student has mastered the definition of basic concepts, laws, often not aware of their content; Simultaneous written exercises of the simplified type perform only with help; weak self-fulfilling homework, control work.

- "1" - after listening: the student cannot learn and convey the meaning of the definitions of basic concepts, laws and properties, therefore the teacher basically requires at least familiarization with them. Homemade, independent and control work is done with the help of a teacher or students.

On the basis of the formulated general requirements for assessments, methodological associations of teachers specify them in accordance with the subject, taking into account the requirements of the curriculum, the typological composition of the students. The formed evaluation system has a sufficient range to take into account the state and results of the training of students of typological groups during differentiation.

The peculiarities of technology of differentiated learning and the system for evaluating its results require the development of a special methodology for controlling the educational and cognitive activities of students and verification of the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities.

Differentiated learning also involves the differentiation of the content of didactic materials used to control the state of mastery of students skills and abilities. It is about basic knowledge, the selection of exercises on a specific topic or section of a subject that will be made on thematic, modular, or subject control and evaluation. Students will get acquainted with the samples of these tasks at the beginning of the study of the topic with the appropriate psychological setting and didactic accents.

Such training sets its requirements and the organization of the homework of students, monitoring it: the message of a homework must be logically grounded and conducted on time; homework should be differentiated in content and correspond to the level of students of typological groups; students, after completing their written homework, carry out self-assessment, indicating how much time it took to complete and whether it was performed on its own.

Differentiated training requires a thorough training of the teacher. He should be well aware of the individual characteristics of students, skillfully divide them into groups, clearly think over the content and structure of each class, the system of monitoring and checking the results of their work. It is important during the lesson to combine the individual, group and frontal work of students.

Positive in differentiated learning is the availability of opportunities to put before the students educational tasks involving the search. As a rule, the solution of educational tasks occurs in the process of communication of members of the group, which promotes the education of collectivism, responsibility for learning outcomes, the formation of communicative qualities, division of labor between members of the group. The advantage of differentiated learning is also the indirect leadership of the teacher by the learning process.

Such an approach to learning has the advantages: it helps to overcome stressful situations during the period of study at universities, psychological overload that arises due to the temporary restriction of students in connection with the compilation of tests and examinations. This system of learning, based on the division of the studied material, and the modules, on the student's right always receive advice, individual help on this material, in composing a score only when the student is aware of the independent readiness to test his knowledge - is a cardinal solution stress and deductible problems.


1. Obolensky O. Yu. System analysis of public administration (education) // Problems of education. -2011. - N 2. - Art. 39

2. Suschenko V. Problems of Reforming Legal Education in Ukraine in the Context of the Bologna Process // "Education". - 2010. - No. 5. - Art. 10-15

3. Dmitrichenko M.F. Bologna process - no alternative // 64 scientific-practical conference of scientific and pedagogical workers, post-graduate students, students and structural subdivisions of the University. - K .: NTU, 2009. - p. 347-352.

4. Yablonsky V. Ukrainian Higher School and Bologna Standards // "Education". - 2011. - No. 34. - Art. 8-11.

5. Yazvinsky O.M. Application of innovative educational technologies in the context of the introduction of a credit-module system of educational process organization // 63 scientific-practical conference of scientific and pedagogical workers, post-graduate students, students and structural subdivisions of the University. -K .: NTU, 2008. - Art. 347-349.



Котельбан А.В.

ВДНЗУ «Буковинський державний медичний унгверситет» асистент кафедри стоматологи дитячого в1ку

Мороз П.В.

ВДНЗУ «Буковинський державний медичний унгверситет»

асистент кафедри хгрургИ № 1

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