DIFFERENCES BETWEEN PHRASAL VERBS AND PHRASEOLOGISMS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
language / statum / global / world / experience

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Nargiza Abduraxmanovna Xurramova

The article dwells on the linguistic and extra-linguistic factors of phraseologization in scientific and technical texts. The phraseologism functions in technical texts are designated. The terminologization phenomenon of phraseologisms is identified. Interaction principles between phraseologism and its context are formulated. The main directions of contextualization in terms of discourse are determined. Idiomatic contexts are considered as mythological discourse components. Due to that point, the technique of analyzing and translating phraseologisms is defined. In the given article the terms phraseologism and idiom are considered as fully interchangeable. As nouns the difference between phrase and collocation is that phrase is a short written or spoken expression while collocation is (uncountable) the grouping or juxtaposition of things, especially words or sounds

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Предварительный просмотрDOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-7-99-102
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ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-7-99-102


Nargiza Abduraxmanovna Xurramova

Teacher, Termez state university


The article dwells on the linguistic and extra-linguistic factors of phraseologization in scientific and technical texts. The phraseologism functions in technical texts are designated. The terminologization phenomenon of phraseologisms is identified. Interaction principles between phraseologism and its context are formulated. The main directions of contextualization in terms of discourse are determined. Idiomatic contexts are considered as mythological discourse components. Due to that point, the technique of analyzing and translating phraseologisms is defined. In the given article the terms phraseologism and idiom are considered as fully interchangeable. As nouns the difference between phrase and collocation is that phrase is a short written or spoken expression while collocation is (uncountable) the grouping or juxtaposition of things, especially words or sounds.

Keywords: language, statum, global, world, experience


Phraseology is a unique treasure of any language. Being highly informative language units, phraseologisms/idioms, constant combination of words with holistic meaning [1], reflect the history of people, the uniqueness of people's culture, the events which once happened. As a result, the question of phraseologism/idiom translation into other languages is of particular importance in the science and practice of translation. Moreover, there is a tendency to use phraseologisms not only in belles-lettres but in technical texts, as well. The aim of the given article is to offer phraseologism translation technique based on the author's interpretation approach to English idioms.


According to the author's point of view, any phraseologism has its cognitive center. The center is of a myth type [2, 119-124]. To know the myth means to interpret the necessary phraseologism in the right way, consequently, to translate the text itself into another language adequately. The author's approach to understanding idioms gives wide opportunities for further discoveries in representing


ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-7-99-102

knowledge in mythological terms of language and speech analysis, which is the sphere of anthropologists, linguists and political scientists, in the course on intercultural communication, in the theory and practice translation. The research materials are well-known English idioms/phraseologisms and newly formed ones. The research is focused on phraseological identification method [3]. Among linguists there are several notions which exist on the point how to translate texts from original language into other languages. Some scholars suppose that the information expressed by author in the text should be "reexpressed" by translator; others offer not to translate the words but to translate the text impression. In spite of the differences in approaches to the process of translation, we have to admit the fact that we can't do without translation process today. As we live in the time of globalized world, we have to expand cooperation between states, to conduct intercultural dialogue, to be aware of great deal of information in various professional spheres. Accordingly, not only professional translators but, the great majority of population as well, have to do different sorts of text translation day by day. For subsequent research, it is necessary to define the content of the term "text". In the given article, the definition of Kintsch and van Dijk, based on cognitive linguistics principles, has been chosen [4, 5]. According to the scientists' approach, discourse is considered to be the broadest linguistic object encircling not only the language structure of the speech product, but also the typical parameters of the communicative situation. In contrast to discourse, text is a more specific phenomenon, which does not go beyond the actual structural and semantic parameters of speech works. In speech activity communicants can move from discourse to text and vice versa, depending on their role at a certain period of time. The first way is the production of speech, the search for linguistic means of expression of the information that speaker/writer intends to inform listener/reader, i. e. from discourse to the text. The second way is the action of listener/reader. If the interpreter wants to penetrate deeper into the meaning of a particular text, as in the case of translation, he has to derive the necessary information out of the discourse components. Exactly discourse gives information about things or people, about events or actions, i. e. about the precise fragments of the world called a situation or models. As a result of the text understanding is the text meaning presentation in episodic memory in the form of a text base. The text base represents the meaning of the given context, whereas a model represents the referred situation (denotation of the text). This kind of model plays an important role in such mental activities as reasoning, image creation, recollection, recognition, etc. The above detailed review gives the opportunity to analyze texts with phraseologisms/idioms in their content


ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-7-99-102

more adequately. As it was mentioned above, the two terms phraseologism and idiom are regarded as interchangeable. It is considered that idioms might be used for more expressiveness in belles-lettres only.


However, with all its stylistic distance from fiction rich with expressive means, idioms can be used in scientific and technical texts, as well. The examples below are the illustrations to the given affirmation. 1. The Achilles' heel of X-ray laser turned out to lie in how tightly the beam can be focused. (Helmholz association of German research center) [6]. 2. The Achilles' heel of senescent cells: from transcriptome to senolytic drugs [7]. 3. Risk compensation: the Achilles' heel of innovations in HIV prevention? [8]. 4. BIS Working Papers No 456 The international monetary and financial system: its Achilles' heel and what to do about it [9]. 5. While translating the first sentence including the idiom "the Achilles' heel", we are to take into consideration the fact that X-ray laser has a destructive flaw which leads to fatal consequences. Such conclusion has to be done because of the extra information implicit in the discourse. No doubt, in any text where an idiom is used, an addresser/addressee "extracts" extra knowledge out of his episodic memory. As a rule, such information is of a myth type. While analyzing the first example, we deal with the Greek legend about Achilles, a historical character, who was dipped to the water of the river Styx in order to be invulnerable. His mother held him by his heel, and consequently that was the only invulnerable part of Achilles' body. Later, Achilles, a man of war survived in many great battles, was killed with a poisonous arrow got shot exactly to his heel [10]. The idiom Achilles' heel becomes a mythological discourse unit where are no taxis relations. Exactly, the mythological discourse is the integer from which the part (idiom) is extracted from. The anthroponym Achilles as a part of the idiom is included harmoniously in the discourse structure which possesses the mythological narration. Accordingly, the use of phraseologism "Achilles' heel" in the given above extract is not accidental but purposeful, viz. to persuade scientists to improve the laser quality as the use of it might lead to mortal consequences. Many scientists specify the mythological contexts which denote knowledge (Losev, 1994, Pyatigorsky, 1996, 2004, Pakhomov, 2012) [11; 12; 13]. There is nothing haphazard in the world. Any myth is originated by facts. As any personalities or events are unique, they are the "core" of phraseologisms with its universal significance. Thus, myth is a symbol which has a generalized principle of semantic content further explication. It is considered, that all


ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-7-99-102

phraseologism components have equal parts in its formation [14]. Nevertheless, it is possible to make more radical affirmation. The affirmation is about cognitive center of phraseologism which represents specific knowledge of a mythological type [2, 7378]. It is the center where illocution and proposition are in one. Being the cognitive center of phraseologism, it irradiates on the rest components by its symbolic meaning.


Thereby, the translation of the text including phraseologism is implemented with taking into account the information, incorporated into the phraseologism generally and to its center, particularly. It is absolutely clear how to interpret the sentence or a text which includes phraseologism and this phraseologism is with a proper name in its structure. However, far not all phraseologisms are formed with proper names. What is the way to translate the texts with phraseologisms, trying to preserve the meaning that the author intends to bring to addressee's mind? The Russian linguist Retsker Ya.I., distinguishes three ways to transfer phraseologisms into a foreign language.


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