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Theory and Practice of Physical Culture
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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Naboichenko E.S., Istomin S.O.

Objective of the study was to determine the level of involvement of children aged 57 years in hockey (sports activities). Methods and structure of the study. In the course of scientific work, the following were carried out: interviewing; pedagogical observation; method of studying the products of activity; conversation; testing the general, special and technical readiness of young hockey players aged 57 years (n=120), who are engaged in the Sports School of the Olympic Reserve "Spartakovets" in order to determine the level of participation over a period of three years (20142016). Results and conclusions. Children 57 years old with an active level of participation in hockey have in the future: one hundred percent enrollment rate; high sports results of the implementation of the sports training program for the sport of hockey in full. The presented results can be used as indicative norms for the selection of young hockey players for the initial stage.

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Diagnostic tools for determining the level of involvement

of children in hockey

UDC 796.966

PhD, Associate Professor E.S. Naboichenko1 S.O. Istomin1

1Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg

Corresponding author: e.s.nabojchenko@urfu.ru Abstract

Objective of the study was to determine the level of involvement of children aged 5-7 years in hockey (sports activities).

Methods and structure of the study. In the course of scientific work, the following were carried out: interviewing; pedagogical observation; method of studying the products of activity; conversation; testing the general, special and technical readiness of young hockey players aged 5-7 years (n=120), who are engaged in the Sports School of the Olympic Reserve "Spartakovets" in order to determine the level of participation over a period of three years (20142016).

Results and conclusions. Children 5-7 years old with an active level of participation in hockey have in the future: one hundred percent enrollment rate; high sports results of the implementation of the sports training program for the sport of hockey in full. The presented results can be used as indicative norms for the selection of young hockey players for the initial stage.

Keywords: introducing children to sports activities; criteria, indicators and levels of involvement of children aged 5-7 years in hockey; young hockey players selection for the initial stage of sports training.

Introduction. The specificity of team sports, which include hockey, makes high demands on the individual characteristics of athletes. It can be argued that the level of involvement in hockey is the basis for the successful development of the sports training program for the sport of hockey.

The federal standard of sports training for the sport of hockey defines the minimum requirements for enrolling children aged 8 to undergo sports training at the initial stage in sports organizations [8]. Program standards evaluated in exact units of measurement (meters and seconds) do not reflect and do not take into account such an equally important element as introducing a child to sports activities, expressed by him in the form of interest in playing hockey, manifestation of independence, emotional and volitional qualities, self-organization, knowledge about hockey, motivation for their sports development.

Despite a significant contribution to the development of the theory of physical education for children aged 5-7 years, the studies performed do not fully solve the problem of involving children of senior preschool age in sports activities, its theoretical and methodological foundations, methodological and pedagogical justification for the possibility of involvement.

Senior preschool age is significant for the development of physical qualities, satisfaction of motor needs, attraction to sports activities. Currently, many pedagogical studies consider the problem of involving preschool children in sports activities in the context of forming interest in sports activities, developing motivation in children 5-7 years old by means of playing activities, generating interest in various sports, preparing children for sports, sports education, development of motor creativity [12].

The partial absence of age standards for involvement in sports activities for children aged 5-7 does not

Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I teoriya.ru I december I № 12 2022

allow to fully carry out the procedure of complex control and selection when enrolling in organizations that provide sports training at the initial stage.

Objective of the study was to determine the level of involvement of children aged 5-7 years in hockey in the context of its consideration as a factor determining success in further sports activities.

Methods and structure of the study. To determine the level of involvement in sports activities and hockey, in particular, diagnostic tools were substantiated in accordance with the criteria and indicators we have identified (Table 1).

In our opinion, the presented diagnostic tools in Table 2 can be considered the most suitable for studying the level of involvement of children aged 5-7 years in hockey (sports activities).

The work was carried out among young hockey players aged 5-7 years (n=120), involved in the sports school of the Olympic reserve "Spartakovets" in order to determine the level of involvement for three years (2014-2016).

Results of the study and their discussion. According to the results of the study, we determined the

levels of involvement of children aged 5-7 years in hockey: formal, sufficient and active, which are complex in nature, and the inclusion criteria are equivalent. The results of the study are presented in table 3.

The results obtained were used by us as additional ones when conducting the selection procedure for the stage of initial sports training, all other things being equal, for the test subjects to fulfill the control standards, and also played a special role in the design and monitoring of the individual trajectory of young hockey players' sports training from 2016 to 2022 -a personal way of realizing personal potential every child. The individual trajectory was accompanied by a personal map, which included: personal result and achievements; fulfillment of milestone requirements for general, special and technical-tactical training and reflected their success in sports activities. Indicators of mastering the sports training program by children are presented in Table 4.

As can be seen from the table above, children who have an active level of involvement in hockey (sports

Table 1. Criteria and indicators of involvement of children aged 5-7 years of age in hockey (sports activities)

Criteria Content and indicators of the criterion

Motivational The need for exercise. Interest in sports activities (games, exercises). Positive attitude towards sports and sports games. Awareness of oneself as a subject of sports activity.

Emotional-volitional Volitional tension in solving problems of sports activities. Emotional responsiveness to participation in sports activities. The desire to improve physical qualities.

Appraisal-behavioral Ability to navigate sports activities. Activity and independence shown during the performance of sports exercises. Awareness of one's own active position in sports activities

Physical readiness Speed, agility, flexibility, spatial orientation, strength, coordination. Performing a wide range of physical exercises. Mastering the basics of technique and tactics of the game of hockey.

Table 2. Diagnostic tools for studying the criteria for involving children in hockey (sports activities)

Criteria Diagnostic methods

Motivational Methodology for studying the interest of preschoolers in physical exercises and sports games [6]. Diagnosis of motivation for attending sports classes in older preschoolers [4]. Modified methods of T.A. Nezhnova, L.L. Venger, D.B., Elkonin-Davydov [12].

Emotional-volitional Methods for studying the manifestation of volitional qualities in motor activity by children of senior preschool [3]. Participatory observation of children's behavior in experimental situations. Adapted methods for studying the emotional sphere of a preschooler [5]. Adapted technique «Get the rattle» [11].

Appraisal-behavioral Diagnostics of the abilities of young hockey players [2]. Methodology for studying the manifestations of motor independence of children of senior preschool age [1]. Verbal test Torrens «Improvement of toys» (modification).

Physical readiness Technology for assessing the physical readiness of hockey players [7]. Methods that determine the level of motor activity of the child [9]. Control standards for general, special and technical readiness of children aged 5-7 years [10].


Table 3. The results of determining the level of involvement of children aged 5-7 years in hockey (sports activities)

Amount of Formal level Sufficient level Active level

children % amount % amount % amount

120 13,34 16 43,33 52 43,33 52

Table 4. Individual trajectory of mastering the sports training program from 2016 to 2022, (number of people)

Involvement level Research result Enrollment at the initial stage 2016 Enrollment for the training stage 2019 The presence of a youth category 2020-2021 The presence of a sports category 2021-2022 Member of the national team of the Sverdlovsk region 2021 Member of the national team of the Russian Federation 2022

Formal level 16 8 2 1 0 0 0

Sufficient level 52 38 9 3 0 0 0

Active level 52 52 49 48 34 28 3

activities) have a more successful trajectory of mastering the sports training program upon enrollment.

Conclusions. Thus, it was found that the indicators of the level of involvement of children aged 5-7 years are interrelated with success in passing the individual selection procedure for enrollment in sports organizations and have a correlation with sports results and achievements in mastering the sports training program; the presented results of children aged 5-7 can serve as indicative norms for the comprehensive control and selection of young hockey players.


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