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Ключевые слова
diagnostics of change needs / diagnostics of transformation opportunities / innovative development / catalysts for transformational processes / smart change management methods / transformational processes / smart change management / sustainable development / диагностика потребностей изменений / диагностика возможностей трансформации / инновационное развитие / катализаторы трансформационных процессов / методы умного управления изменениями / трансформационные процессы / умное управление изменениями / устойчивое развитие

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Tatyana Yu. Krotenko

The problem and the purpose of the study. Organizational change should not be an end in itself. However, in today's ultra-stable environment, a well-made transformation gives the company a chance to survive. Those firms that conduct pre-education in a thoughtful, timely and reasonable manner are developing progressively and effectively. The purpose of the article is to identify diagnostic tools in the field of change management. Materials and methods of research. The basis for the analysis was the sacred problem of domestic and foreign sources of the last one and a half to two years. The following methods were used in the study: analysis of a set of terms combining socio-cultural, economic, managerial, organizational and psychological meanings; reflection of research and pedagogical experience in the segment of transformation management and diagnostics in this area; an online expert survey conducted during the "second quarantine": it was at this time that the need for research and a practical look at the problems of intellectualization of transformational processes in organizations significantly intensified; content analysis of answers to open questions offered to respondents. Research results and discussions. As a result, methods of intelligent change management, qualitative diagnostics of transformation needs and opportunities have been identified. The issue of socio-psychological prerequisites of transformation is discussed. Conclusion. Changes made by willpower are ineffective. The efforts of leaders are certainly necessary, but their use should be prepared through a deep analysis of existing problems, clear goals, a vision of the situation and the future, as well as the formation of reliable communication channels.

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Организационные изменения не должны быть самоцелью. Однако в современной сверхнеустойчивой обстановке качественно произведенная трансформация дает компании шанс на выживание. Поступательно и эффективно развиваются те фирмы, которые проводят преобразования продуманно, своевременно и обоснованно. Цель статьи – выявить средства диагностики в области управления изменениями. Основой для анализа послужили посвященные проблеме отечественные и зарубежные источники последних полутора-двух лет. В исследовании использованы следующие методы: анализ совокупности терминов, сочетающих социокультурный, экономический, управленческий, организационный и психологический значения; рефлексия исследовательского и педагогического опыта в сегменте управления преобразованиями и диагностики в этой области; проводимый в период «второго карантина» экспертный опрос в режиме онлайн: именно в это время существенно обострилась потребность в исследовании и практическом взгляде на проблемы интеллектуализации трансформационных процессов в организациях; контент-анализ ответов на предлагаемые респондентам открытые вопросы. В результате выявлены методы интеллектуального управления изменениями, качественной диагностики потребностей и возможностей трансформации. Обсужден вопрос о социально-психологических предпосылках трансформации. Изменения, проводимые силой воли, неэффективны. Усилия лидеров, безусловно, необходимы, но их использование должно быть подготовлено с помощью глубокого анализа существующих проблем, четких целей, видения ситуации и будущего, а также формирования надежных каналов коммуникации.


HaynHaa CTarba

DOI: 10.15593/2224-9354/2023.3.3 YflK 316.42: 005.332.3

T.Yu. Krotenko


The problem and the purpose of the study. Organizational change should not be an end in itself. However, in today's ultra-stable environment, a well-made transformation gives the company a chance to survive. Those firms that conduct pre-education in a thoughtful, timely and reasonable manner are developing progressively and effectively. The purpose of the article is to identify diagnostic tools in the field of change management.

Materials and methods of research. The basis for the analysis was the sacred problem of domestic and foreign sources of the last one and a half to two years. The following methods were used in the study: analysis of a set of terms combining socio-cultural, economic, managerial, organizational and psychological meanings; reflection of research and pedagogical experience in the segment of transformation management and diagnostics in this area; an online expert survey conducted during the "second quarantine": it was at this time that the need for research and a practical look at the problems of intellectualiza-tion of transformational processes in organizations significantly intensified; content analysis of answers to open questions offered to respondents.

Research results and discussions. As a result, methods of intelligent change management, qualitative diagnostics of transformation needs and opportunities have been identified. The issue of socio-psychological prerequisites of transformation is discussed.

Conclusion. Changes made by willpower are ineffective. The efforts of leaders are certainly necessary, but their use should be prepared through a deep analysis of existing problems, clear goals, a vision of the situation and the future, as well as the formation of reliable communication channels.

Keywords: diagnostics of change needs, diagnostics of transformation opportunities, innovative development, catalysts for transformational processes, smart change management methods, transformational processes, smart change management, sustainable development.

Introduction. For a modern organization operating in a highly volatile world, a well-executed transformation becomes the main chance for survival. Experience shows that successful companies are not chaotic "improvements", but timely and reasonable changes. That is, a noticeable breakthrough is provided by its careful preparation [1; 2].

Any company is a complex socio-economic organism. An ill-conceived reconfiguration of an integral system with spontaneous replacement of its elements, even for more advanced ones, is fraught with irreversible adverse consequences. Serious intellectual social action (and transformation is a serious step) requires a preliminary diagnosis of the needs for change and the possibilities of their most likely implementation [3; 4].

© Kp0TeHK0 m, 2023

Tatyana Yu. Krotenko - Cand. Sc. (Philosophy), Associate Professor, Department of Management Theory and Organization, State University of Management, e-mail: krotenkotatiana@rambler.ru.

Transformations occur in various areas of the organization. At a certain stage of the company's life cycle, as well as due to various external and internal complications, they become an urgent need [5-7]. The deterioration and obsolescence of the company's management system, its organizational structure, financial, technical and personnel policies, as well as the emergence of technological gaps can be diagnosed in advance, before the onset of an organizational disaster, in order to take appropriate preventive measures [8]. One thing is certain: changes are not an end in themselves, they must be justified, instrumental and serve the sustainable functioning and planned development of the organization. This requires smart change management, which means high-quality diagnostics of needs and opportunities for transformation [9]. As a rule, the leadership of the organization thinks about changes at the moment when the environment begins to give tangible signals. Political, sociocultural and international factors serve as a catalyst for transformational processes, but above all factors of economic and technological development [10]. The forces of the global and national economy that affect the social system require high-quality diagnostics and assessment in terms of threats and opportunities for the functioning and development of the organization. Indicators of the state of the company's economy can be different indicators - from inflation to the business activity of market participants.

Technological changes caused by world scientific progress are no less significant factors for launching organizational transformation processes. Scientific and technological progress, on the one hand, creates the prospect of market self-realization for the company, on the other hand, it is a constant source of existential threat from competitors. In any case, a constructive search for ways to further develop the organization requires regular monitoring of the technical and technological component [11; 12].

Changes in the sociocultural sphere also have a powerful impact on the organization and are a full source of transformative action. The pandemic forced us to take a different look not only at economic and technological processes, but also caused a transformation in the field of organizational communication and managerial decision-making [13]. Social expectations, professional interests, labor relations, ways of interaction of people in the company, their value-target orientations have been revised. The norms of social behavior and attitudes towards the processes of work and leisure have changed significantly, although in a stable world these basic components of people's lives change very slowly. Diagnostics of the changes accompanying the transformation of social norms, with a mandatory forecast of the consequences for the organization's activities, is certainly necessary for making managerial decisions.

Of great importance is the study of the political component of the external environment of the organization. The processes of globalization and integration, political instability, the priorities set by national governments in various sectors of the economy, the intentions of state and regional authorities, the development of legisla-

tion and the judiciary, political actions and programs of leading parties should become the obligatory attention of leaders. organizations focused on competent transformation [14; 15]. The assessment of international economic, technological and political factors is especially important for those companies that have chosen a region-wide development strategy. Many changes in the national character are extremely difficult to predict, but organizations striving for a long international life should definitely strive for this. To become an active participant in the global playing field, a company simply needs to have serious diagnostic tools [16].

A diagnostic base is also needed to assess the organization's internal transformative forces. Problems of management and ordinary employees of the company, failures in the adoption and implementation of managerial decisions, violations of interrelated communication processes lead not only to weakness and untimely decisions, but to a general collapse, which begins with inhibition of reactions to internal and external changes in the environment.

In order to adequately respond to the challenges of a changing world, smart transformation management is required, and, consequently, a qualitative diagnosis of the needs and opportunities for transformation.

Materials and methods. The analysis of research content from the official websites of consulting companies made it possible to answer a number of questions outlined in the introduction to the study. For consideration, those organizations whose activities are aimed at "change management", "smart management", "changes and transformations", "diagnostics of transformation needs and opportunities" were taken. These terms were present in the names of companies, their missions, goals. The material used is domestic and foreign articles published on the Internet pages of these institutions.

Of particular interest were scientific reviews and monographs of the last one and a half to two years on the problems of diagnostics in the field of change management. Along with working with these sources, the following methods were used in the study: a) analysis of a combination of terms combining socio-cultural, economic, managerial and organizational-psychological meanings; b) reflection of research and pedagogical experience in the segment of transformation management and diagnostics in this area; c) an online expert survey conducted during the "second quarantine" (it was at this time that the need for analysis and a practical look at the problems of intellectualization of transformational processes in organizations was clearly identified); d) content analysis of answers to open questions offered to respondents,

In November 2022, the author's survey "Smart Change Management: Diagnostics of transformation needs and opportunities" was conducted. It was attended by experts in the field of change management, experts from consulting companies, teachers of several leading Russian universities. 48 experts of consulting companies in the change management segment and recognized creators of scientific and educa-

tional content in the field of organizational diagnostics answered the following open questions:

1) What are your current change management priorities? If possible, please explain your preferences.

2) What diagnostic tools do you think are available in theory and work in practice in the field of intelligent change management?

3) Specify the most appropriate methods for qualitatively diagnosing the needs and opportunities for transformation.

Results. As we expected, one of the main problems at this stage in the development of the theory and practice of intelligent change management is the problem of assessing the need and possibility of changes for the organization. In the field of change management, this study is a priority for the majority of respondents (87 % of respondents).

Depending on the factors that constantly or fragmentarily affect the organization, and on the circumstances in which it finds itself at a certain phase of the life cycle, preference is given to various diagnostic tools. Accordingly, some methods can be strong in theory, while others can really help a particular company in practice. Let's define the methods that the respondents name and use for a qualitative diagnosis of the needs and opportunities for transformation.

Methods for analyzing the "force field" of changes. This was mentioned in our survey by 56 % of respondents. This model, as part of Kurt Lewin's concept of transformation management after World War II, still works today. Usually, at critical moments for the development of a company, it is influenced by forces that promote transformation, and influences that restrain them. The sources of these forces are both outside and inside the organization. To implement the company's plans, it is important that the company's management learn to objectively assess the driving forces of development and the forces of opposition, achieve a positive balance, and coordinate the needs and opportunities for the company's growth.

The forces that contribute to change can be assessed using methods for analyzing the internal and external environment of the organization (83 % of respondents). In particular, it is very popular to identify the strengths (advantages) and weaknesses (disadvantages) of the company, opportunities (favorable circumstances) and threats (events that may have a negative impact on the operation and development of the enterprise). Today, consultants actively use SNW analysis with an assessment of the average market condition, it acts as a more flexible tool (compared to the SWOT analysis matrix). 86 % of respondents noted the effectiveness of this method.

According to 89 % of respondents, STEP-analysis is used to assess the macro environment in order to improve the quality of making various types of market decisions. With the help of this method, social, technological, economic and political factors are studied in dynamics. A special effect is provided by the regular assessment of the company's indicators of interest. In this case, a model of the company's

response to the challenges of the macro environment is actually created and a model of the company's experience is formed.

Another working tool that is used in the development of an enterprise strategy is the analysis of the environment profile. This method is useful for comparing indicators of the internal environment, micro- and macro-environment, assessing the significance of certain factors and pooling the resources needed for a "breakthrough".

Another tool - the method of analyzing the dangers and opportunities of the macro environment - also has its advantages. It is done by ranking a list of 10-15 factors and events that are significant to the organization, assessing upcoming external challenges, clear yet invisible resources and opportunities for the development of the company's environment, as well as the necessary analysis of weaknesses and strengths. This method minimizes the entropy inherent in every socio-economic system.

More than three-quarters of respondents (77 %) believe that methods for assessing the organizational structure of an enterprise are instrumental. Among the most popular forms of transformation based on preliminary tests are special projects and tasks (as a transitional form from the usual to the special structure); target groups (as temporary substructures to help determine the need for change); experiment (allowing in a short time to take transformational measures in two or three divisions and assess their relevance for the entire company); demonstration projects (also in a limited number and with minimal financial investments and risks, to test the effectiveness of the new scheme of work before it is extended to the entire organization); a new approach to organizing work; innovative organizational units with additional infrastructure elements responsible for information, technological, marketing and educational support of innovations.

When discussing methods for diagnosing organizational transformation opportunities in their responses, respondents often (two thirds of responses, 67 %) mention the importance of assessing the innovation climate required for organizational transformation.

Discussions. The topic of the transformative possibilities of the company's organizational culture became the subject of discussion in the author's survey. Only half of the respondents believe that certain characteristics of organizational culture create a favorable environment for change. The reason, as it seems to us, is the inattention to the factors of organizational culture and the fact that the respondents understand it differently, that there is no clear definition.

Undoubtedly, each organization, depending on its organizational culture, determines the optimal pace of change, creating a balance of development and stability. And management, by initiating change, can create a platform for transformation, to change outdated collective norms based on the valuable ideas of ordinary employees of the company, and to encourage innovation, since resistance to justified innovation and conservatism is often fatal for everyone [17]. Transformative thinking and creativity are not limited to senior managers. Managers in this case should

not miss interesting ideas, pay attention even to those proposals that, in their opinion, are not included in the company's priorities [18-20].

Conclusion. In conclusion, I would like to touch upon the important issue of the socio-psychological prerequisites for transformation. According to 73 % of respondents, changes carried out by willpower are ineffective. The efforts of leaders are certainly necessary, but their use must be prepared through a deep analysis of existing problems, clear goals, a vision of the situation and the future, as well as the formation of reliable communication channels (they allow reliable information about the situation to be delivered on time and without distortion). It is important to know the mood of the people in the team, their understanding of their readiness to change established norms, the intentions of external participants (competitors, partners) and the motivational resources of the company, which increase the chances of innovation success [21].

The flexibility of the organizational structure and the effectiveness of the mechanisms for promoting gifted, talented and valuable employees to management are very useful. Of course, this requires, first of all, respect for the staff as the main creative force, recognition of the personal uniqueness of each member of the team, understanding that the creativity of the organization is the result of setting a goal that stimulates creativity. Participation in talent, creating a transparent springboard for interesting proposals and risky ideas requires a careful allocation of the necessary resources. A manager with knowledge, experience, responsibility and initiative can do it. An intellectual and at the same time emotional leader can, by his personal example, infect the team with faith in success and in the benefits of transformation.

The manager must constantly be in search of opportunities for continuous improvement of the company, resources for the development of all elements of a complex socio-economic system, consider the organization as a learning organization, use various forms of individual and group development [22]. This requires a constant influx and cultivation of people who can manage their own development and personal growth; enriching the company's tools with techniques and methods that encourage and reinforce mutual learning, for example, through mentoring in various forms; stimulation of productive group and team work; striving for healthy experimentation and avoiding conformity; understanding that the survival and growth of the company depends primarily on the human potential of its employees; aligning needs and opportunities for transformation with quality diagnostic tools [23-25].

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2. Mottaeva A.B. Sovershenstvovanie sistemy upravleniia transportnymi potokami [Improving the traffic management system]. Vestnik Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo oblastnogo universiteta. Ekonomika, 2021, no. 1, pp. 109-118. DOI: 10.18384/2310-6646-2021-109-118.

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7. Gileva D.V. Tsifrovizatsiia v bukhgalterskom uchete [Digitalisation in accounting]. Vestnik universiteta, 2022, no. 2, pp. 108-113. DOI: 10.26425/18164277-2022-2-108-113.

8. Rogozin D.M., Solodovnikova O.B., Ipatova A.A. Kak prepodavateli vuzov vosprinimaiut tsifrovuiu transformatsiiu vysshego obrazovaniia [How university teachers view the digital transformation of higher education]. Voprosy obrazovaniia, 2022, no. 1, pp. 271-300. DOI: 10.17323/1814-9545- 2022-1-271-300.

9. Alferova T.V. Modelirovanie kak osnova issledovaniia ustoichivogo razvi-tiia regiona [Modeling as a basis for the study of region's sustainable development]. PNRPU Sociology and Economics Bulletin, 2022, no. 4, pp. 220-235. DOI 10.15593/2224-9354/2022.4.16.

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Оригинальность 78 %

Поступила 23.03.2023 Одобрена 20.04.2023 Принята к публикации 02.09.2023

Т.Ю. Кротенко


Организационные изменения не должны быть самоцелью. Однако в современной сверхнеустойчивой обстановке качественно произведенная трансформация дает компании шанс на выживание. Поступательно и эффективно развиваются те фирмы, которые проводят преобразования продуманно, своевременно и обоснованно. Цель статьи - выявить средства диагностики в области управления изменениями.

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Основой для анализа послужили посвященные проблеме отечественные и зарубежные источники последних полутора-двух лет. В исследовании использованы следующие методы: анализ совокупности терминов, сочетающих социокультурный, экономический, управленческий, организационный и психологический значения; рефлексия исследовательского и педагогического опыта в сегменте управления преобразованиями и диагностики в этой области; проводимый в период «второго карантина» экспертный опрос в режиме онлайн: именно в это время существенно обострилась потребность в исследовании и практическом взгляде на проблемы интеллектуализации трансформационных процессов в организациях; контент-анализ ответов на предлагаемые респондентам открытые вопросы.

В результате выявлены методы интеллектуального управления изменениями, качественной диагностики потребностей и возможностей трансформации. Обсужден вопрос о социально-психологических предпосылках трансформации.

Изменения, проводимые силой воли, неэффективны. Усилия лидеров, безусловно, необходимы, но их использование должно быть подготовлено с помощью глубокого анализа существующих проблем, четких целей, видения ситуации и будущего, а также формирования надежных каналов коммуникации.

Ключевые слова: диагностика потребностей изменений, диагностика возможностей трансформации, инновационное развитие, катализаторы трансформационных процессов, методы умного управления изменениями, трансформационные процессы, умное управление изменениями, устойчивое развитие.

Кротенко Татьяна Юрьевна - канд. филос. наук, доцент кафедры теории и организации управления ФГБОУ ВО «Государственный университет управления», е-mail: krotenko-tatiana@rambler.ru.

Received 23.03.2023 Approved 20.04.2023 Accepted for publication 02.09.2023

Финансирование. Исследование не имело спонсорской поддержки.

Конфликт интересов. Автор заявляет об отсутствии конфликта интересов.

Вклад автора 100 %.

Просьба ссылаться на эту статью в русскоязычных источниках следующим образом:

Кротенко, Т.Ю. Диагностические инструменты управления изменениями: анализ потребностей и возможностей организационных преобразований / Т.Ю. Кротенко // Вестник ПНИПУ. Социально-экономические науки. - 2023. - № 3. - С. 40-51.

Please cite this article in English as:

Krotenko T.Yu. Diagnostic tools for change management: analysis of needs and possible organizational transformations. PNRPU Sociology and Economics Bulletin, 2023, no. 3, pp. 40-51.

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