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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Krotenko T.Yu.

The problem and purpose of the work. The conditions for the development of society, culture, and the economy, which the rapidly changing world enters, expand the world outlook, change the optics of perception of interpersonal roles in the processes of knowledge transfer, form new properties of the educational space and persistently suggest the need for topical subjects for the study of education, the choice of new vectors of study. The purpose of the article is to identify promising areas of research in the field of lifelong education. Materials and research methods. The following methods were used as research methods: a) analysis of the combination of terms that integrate meanings from the field of philosophy, culture, economics, education; b) analysis of the author's pedagogical experience in the formats of formal, non-formal and spontaneous education; c) online survey of experts; d) content analysis of detailed answers to open-ended questions offered to respondents during the survey. Research results. The article outlines previously dubious, implicit sources for creating a transdisciplinary methodological framework, the emergence of which can be foreseen at the intersections of various fields of knowledge, in practical-oriented research aspirations to implement the ideas of transdisciplinarity. The author's research reveals unfamiliar, fundamentally new methodological impulses that exist in science and modern philosophy when considering continuous cognition as a vital companion of modern man. Conclusion. Possible resources are analyzed, hidden in incredible combinations for the usual look and at the junctions of previously isolated, hermetic knowledge spheres. This is valuable for solving the problem of preserving anthropic qualities. This task is particularly prominent in the course of the chaotic development of learning systems that integrate human nature and artificial intelligence. The scientific novelty of the work consists of conclusions about research methods that are most appropriate for the formation of new psychological and pedagogical knowledge about permanent education.

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Научная статья

DOI: 10.15593/2224-9354/2023.1.2 УДК 378.016:004-043.86

T.Yu. Krotenko


The problem and purpose of the work. The conditions for the development of society, culture, and the economy, which the rapidly changing world enters, expand the world outlook, change the optics of perception of interpersonal roles in the processes of knowledge transfer, form new properties of the educational space and persistently suggest the need for topical subjects for the study of education, the choice of new vectors of study. The purpose of the article is to identify promising areas of research in the field of lifelong education.

Materials and research methods. The following methods were used as research methods: a) analysis of the combination of terms that integrate meanings from the field of philosophy, culture, economics, education; b) analysis of the author's pedagogical experience in the formats of formal, non-formal and spontaneous education; c) online survey of experts; d) content analysis of detailed answers to open-ended questions offered to respondents during the survey.

Research results. The article outlines previously dubious, implicit sources for creating a transdisciplinary methodological framework, the emergence of which can be foreseen at the intersections of various fields of knowledge, in practical-oriented research aspirations to implement the ideas of transdisciplinarity. The author's research reveals unfamiliar, fundamentally new methodological impulses that exist in science and modern philosophy when considering continuous cognition as a vital companion of modern man.

Conclusion. Possible resources are analyzed, hidden in incredible combinations for the usual look and at the junctions of previously isolated, hermetic knowledge spheres. This is valuable for solving the problem of preserving anthropic qualities. This task is particularly prominent in the course of the chaotic development of learning systems that integrate human nature and artificial intelligence. The scientific novelty of the work consists of conclusions about research methods that are most appropriate for the formation of new psychological and pedagogical knowledge about permanent education.

Keywords: continuing education; educational space; vectors of education development; measurements of educational space; education research methods; transdisciplinarity; digital development vector.

Introduction. From the moment when the special term appeared in the reference, reporting, normative documents of UNESCO, continuous education begins to appear as a special subject of scientific research. The idea of the continuity of knowledge as an independent concept is being actively developed along with the first steps aimed at the development of universal education. The idea of continuous learning becomes the slogan of the post-war era in the 40s and 50s of the 20th century, a kind of expression of people's hope for life in a society that will reveal their potential for the benefit of peace, friendship and progress.

© Кротенко Т.Ю., 2023

Krotenko Tatyana Yuryevna - Cand. Sc. (Philosophy), Associate Professor, Department of Management Theory and Organization, State University of Management; External part-time assistant, Department of Public Administration and Personnel Policy, Moscow City University of Management of the Government of Moscow, e-mail: krotenkotatiana@rambler.ru.

Starting from the 60s of the 20th century, the following have come to the fore as the central topics of study: compulsory education of adult citizens; training of people who find themselves in a difficult life situation; vocational education that meets the social and technical and technological development of states; additional training that keeps the vocational training of workers up to date; economic models that enable permanent access to developing environments, etc. [1]. Gradually, there is a shift in emphasis from the issues of guaranteeing education with the help of appropriate institutions in a multi-level system to the problems of forming motivation for learning throughout life, the readiness of the individual to continuously learn, cultivating the value of self-education.

The real life of a constantly developing society and the pedagogical reality before our eyes tend to post-non-classical ideals and take on the corresponding features. Strategies, values, meanings and models of behavior of subjects of education are being transformed [2]. However, the reflection of education still takes place using the mental tools of classical pedagogy: ideas about the infinity of learning are poorly supported by data on the nature of cognitive processes and often come down to pragmatic interpretations under the Olympic motto "Faster, higher, stronger!". The birth of a different methodology for studying the continuous educational space, in our opinion, can be predicted at the junctions of various fields of knowledge, in practice-oriented research attempts to implement the ideas of transdisciplinarity [3].

Aspirations to discover fresh impulses for education research are faced with the need to answer the question: what and why should be studied in the phenomenon of "continuous education". Then - with the importance of determining what new methodological sources are available in science and modern philosophy, what opportunities are fraught with seemingly paradoxical combinations and intersections of previously completely independent knowledge spheres. Also essential is the question of research methods that are most appropriate for the formation of new psychological and pedagogical knowledge about permanent education.

The emergence of new directions and subjects of research in the educational sphere is strongly required by the socio-cultural, environmental, economic circumstances in which the constantly changing world finds itself. And today there is no need to prove how complex and unpredictable it is.

Methodology. The problems of studying lifelong education outlined in the introduction are quite clearly visible when considering the reporting and reference documents of the UN and UNESCO, materials of domestic and foreign educational institutions, their official Internet pages with articles published on them, research reviews for the last three years and monographs, which touch upon the issues of education throughout life and the formation of people's readiness to learn constantly.

In the study, in addition to studying the above sources, the following methods were used: a) analysis of a combination of terms that combine philosophical, soci-ocultural, economic and educational meanings; b) analysis of the author's pedagogi-

cal experience in the formats of formal, non-formal and spontaneous education; c) an expert survey conducted online in October 2021 (in the course of distance learning activities during the quarantine period, the need for a serious attitude and a comprehensive look at the problems of lifelong education became especially acute); d) content analysis of detailed answers to the questions proposed to the respondents.

Experts in the field of multi-level education, teachers from several leading Russian universities participated in the local author's survey "Modern Opportunities for Continuous Educational Space". Seventy-five highly qualified specialists in educational activities, professional creators of scientific and educational content answered a number of open questions:

1) Name the subjects of study that are significant for you today in the phenomenon of continuous education. Please explain your preferences.

2) What theoretical and conceptual sources can be found today, in your opinion, in science, philosophy, at the intersections of various knowledge spheres.

3) Designate the most appropriate methods for the formation of modern scientific and practical pedagogical knowledge in a situation of avalanche-like changes in the world.

Results. Socio-cultural, economic, ecological, technological circumstances of the last decades form new properties of the educational space, expand world outlook, change the optics of perception of interpersonal roles in the processes of knowledge transfer [4]. Globalization, informational openness, fuzziness of demarcation lines between the real and virtual worlds, multilevel forms and variability of methods of obtaining and processing information, commercialization of many aspects of life, transformation of behavioral strategies of subjects of education give rise to previously unfamiliar qualities of the educational sphere [5]. And, consequently, the need to discover new areas and subjects of research in the field of education [6].

Almost all participants in our survey (97%), in similar formulations, identified the following problem: we are dealing with a clear lack of information about the arguments for the personal choice of directions, forms, methods of education. We lack knowledge about the culture of a particular social stratum involved in the education process, about the characteristics of the life of students and teachers as a result of changing educational standards (especially if the formats of education urgently, revolutionary change, as happened during a pandemic and self-isolation) [7]. The concepts of "continuity", "interdisciplinarity", "development", "education", "education", "continuity" need a completely new understanding.

Definitions of the subjects of study of education that are significant today appear both while maintaining the boundary between formal, non-formal and informal education, and when they are purposefully "blurred" by research. Within the framework of the formal direction, goals, tasks, actions, meanings are discussed. Informal and spontaneous areas of learning are built into the fabric of life in such a way that they involuntarily expand the horizons of consciousness, set the "zone of proximal

development", educate, and inform [8]. The interweaving of these categorically different lines gives rise to variability, individual educational trajectories [9]. This point seemed important to 78% of respondents.

The answers of experts to the second question about the theoretical and conceptual sources that can be found today in science, philosophy, at the intersections of knowledge spheres deserve research attention and are simply interesting [10].

Between life and knowledge in many philosophies put an equal sign. When discussing the phenomenon of lifelong learning, the philosophy and psychology of existentialism are especially suitable. In them, any behavioral act is treated as cognitive. And the links "knowledge and life", "teaching and life", "self-realization and life" find a philosophical and psychological interpretation. Education in the area of existential meanings is understood as an expansion of the possibilities of self-actualization, as an attributive component of creative development, self-construction. Here, it may be attractive to study the formation of an existential "branching" of self-realization, increasing its forms by keeping the position of permanent apprenticeship up to date, fixed not only by the institutional status of the student, but as a way of life. Such a research locus is attractive for a third of experts (33 %). Learning, observed in continuity, as a life-long process, generates interest in the life models of the learning and teaching subjects, close attention to their intersubjective interaction, without which there is no integrity of the learning process.

The idea of continuity, according to 43% of respondents, echoes the basic principles of humanistic psychology: focus on the individual, the integrity of human nature, awareness of experience and the desire to be able to "learn lessons from life", self-realization and self-actualization. Here, longitudinal studies would be extremely useful, in which the same subjects of education would be observed for a long time and the paths of personality development and its individually and socially significant achievements would be correlated with the chosen or imposed educational routes.

It is in constant learning that the main source of perception of being is contained - positive, promising, giving a chance. About this is the psychology of positivism, which discusses the mobilization of vital resources against grief and failures, a change in attitude to life, a change in existential accents, motivation, a person's desire to constantly overcome internal barriers, the ongoing problematization of "taken heights", their previous achievements and results. Scientific arguments in line with this trend are closely related to continuing education for 37% of respondents.

The desire to know as much and better about a person as possible resonates in modern anthropological searches (again, at the intersection of philosophy and psychology): the formation of understanding, reflection, cognitive and communication abilities, and the formation - in relation to the sensitivity of a particular stage of growing up to named categories. 63 % of experts are actively discussing the transformation of the anthropological features of our contemporary, which leaves an imprint on the cognitive capabilities of the individual. We are talking about rapid maturation, the appearance in

children of previously unfamiliar features of thinking, perception, emotions, or slow aging, an increase in the duration of active and useful life.

Many previously unknown manifestations and reactions are partly caused by digital transformation [11]. Modern information and communication technologies change not only the properties of computers and mobile phones, but also affect the structures of human cognition and thinking. And not always positively, from the point of view of anthropological psychologists, physiologists. An individual, experiencing chronic stress as a result of the consequences of global digitalization, is forced to live and stoically put up with the fact that attention is scattered, it is simply impossible to concentrate on one urgent task [12]. Although, as cognitive psychologists emphasize, the IQ of the average computer user has increased markedly in recent years. By developing the speed of reaction, peripheral vision, increasing IQ, a person runs the risk of not developing in the emotional-volitional, motivational-need areas. This deficiency certainly affects the formation of the child as a subject of knowledge, and at the very first stages of lifelong education. The solution, without exaggeration, of acute problems in this area attracts the attention of 87% of the experts who participated in our survey.

Pedagogy clearly lacks knowledge about cognition, which is constantly being built up in the natural sciences. More precisely, pedagogy is making half-hearted and so far rather feeble attempts to interpret them. We are talking about the functions of the brain, its capabilities, the specifics of the work of the hemispheres, sensory, subconscious reactions, etc. When creating humanitarian pedagogical technologies, according to 58% of respondents, developments in cognitive and gender psychology can help, for example, about forms and ways of organizing existing experience, about the study of physiological correlations and thought processes, about the unconsciousness of many cognitive acts, about the accumulation and syn-ergistic effect of cognitive programs, etc. At the same time, the question of how different learning options affect creation of such programs with a certain degree of probability. These and other issues can be discussed, according to experts, at the intersection of dynamic and synergetic approaches. In such a space, the personality itself determines the importance of educational "events", which in each specific case guarantee her the success of memorization, a quick and high-quality decision, and further effective action. Self-organization mechanisms are switched on [13]. The importance of the independent choice of methods and forms of teaching, the individual trajectory of cognition, which, in the case of continuity of education, can be a vertical, parallel, horizontal, with elements of virtuality, openness, is increasing [14]. There is not only a spatial, but also a temporal dimension, a kind of chronotope [15].

Living and acting in the information and educational spheres at the same time, a person "rediscovers" himself anew. In the context of pedagogical influence, it becomes necessary to diagnose the temporal properties of the subject of learning, for example, in order to assess the appropriateness of a particular educational step, as-

sess readiness to present one's level of learning, diagnose a particular stage of individual development in terms of sensitivity to the next portion of knowledge, assessment of motivation, striving for the next "reset" and the resumption of learning. As 45% of respondents say, works on goal-setting and meaning formation, intentionali-ty of actions, intentionality of consciousness and emotional assessment of what is happening on the educational path, on the dependence of the actual cognitive position and past experience acquire special weight.

Of particular importance is work in line with interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches, where it is not only the complexity of the interdisciplinary knowledge given to the student, but the connection between informatics and communication theory - to create such humanitarian technologies that would prevent the manipulation of consciousness. Another significant research focus is the problem of preserving the quality of human capital in education, the problem of transformations and deformations of the "I" in the interaction of natural intelligence and artificial intelligence. The removal of the new generation, most often involuntary, from the development of the "wealth developed by mankind", is apparently also rooted in the fact that these riches are rapidly moving into databases, the carrier and custodian is no longer a person, but a machine. The computer still weakly feels the internal emotional state of the "interlocutor", is not able to respond with empathy about what he saw, heard, felt, for example, from the field of art. There is an acute problem of socio-cultural continuity [16].

Another feature of the time: education in the minds of our young contemporaries is increasingly associated with individual success, career growth, worldly order, well-being, predestination, and rarely with personal movement forward and upward. Things, in general, do not exclude each other - it is important how priorities are set. At the same time, there is a decrease in the significance of tolerance, empathy, sensitivity to the motives of the behavior of another. Eric Fromm's maxim "to be, not to seem" becomes extremely relevant in a situation of growing imitative educational activity.

Another point that lifelong education, according to experts, should not be overlooked: the number of people who are not employed in the real sector of the economy, older people or young people, citizens who do not adapt well to the realities of the fifth and sixth technological ways of life that do not feel in line with the trends of the times, people with experience, perhaps unique, which is difficult, but must be used usefully, reasonably, effectively. As you know, the problem of "extra people" and the problem of premature mortality are closely intertwined. A person begins to take responsibility for his being, most often in a specific social action that is significant not only for him. It is these categories of citizens who, more than anyone else, need continuous education and the disclosure of the possibilities of its application. An appropriate system of diagnostics, motivation, retraining, involvement in the learning process throughout life is required.

Of extraordinary interest are research works at the intersection of pedagogy, economics and management. This is mentioned in their detailed answers by 63% of

respondents. Education is interpreted as a sphere of capitalization of knowledge, as a space for the transformation of knowledge into intellectual potential [17]. At the same time, there is an understanding that the increase in the diversity of forms of educational work and institutions responsible for the continuity of education should not turn into an unmanageable process. Here, one should rely only on verified up-to-date data and the results of qualitative forecasting, since education deals with the fate of specific people and with responsible investments in the general perspective of the development of culture and society.

Discussion. Discussing the issue of the openness and infinity of the information space and the paradoxical unwillingness of a person to use its seemingly limitless possibilities, interesting and promising areas of study are found at the intersections, for example, ecology and psychology, ergonomics and sociology, axiology and cognitive science. A striking example of the limitation of behavioral options is the modern general education school, the future of which was discussed by more than three-quarters of the respondents (78%). There is a problem of finding tools for the purposeful design of educational situations and environments in which the lack of variability would be excluded [18].

Universal connectedness, media communication has become characteristic identification marks of the era of the digital revolution. Worthy of high-quality study, say almost two-thirds of experts (66 %), such bundles as "information -knowledge", "knowledge - education", "information - training", for example, for the formation of a structured information and educational space and simultaneous self-education students [19].

Here, the resources of the information approach are invaluable, within the framework of which (in relation to lifelong education) it is possible to study the problem of accessibility, infinity, uncontrollability of information flows and deformation of the value substructures of the personality, a distorted sense of the world around [20]. In this case, the way out is seen in the study of the possibilities of effective and sparing consumption of content, the competent design of information retrieval, the conscious use of network resources - to remove, rather than increase life's uncertainties, improve the quality of life.

What is actually poorly understood in this research field are the mechanisms that make extracting the necessary information from the informational chaos truly working tools. The emergence of the so-called "information pedagogy" is seen as an important movement towards understanding the processes of information transmission and its assimilation in the educational process. Here, of course, work is required with such concepts as "interactive action", "information technology", etc.

Conclusion. Many of the problems that are raised in the study are identified and discussed, which is extremely valuable, by the teachers themselves, who regularly, as part of their profession, create educational content and broadcast it to students. And, as experts note, there is a clear lack of methodological base for resolving

these problems. In the areas where practical interests and the most diverse areas of scientific research meet, new impulses for studying the educational sphere arise.

Answering the research questions posed at the beginning of the article, we can say: only time and the joint efforts of professionals will show how much pedagogy can solve the identified problems. According to the institutional theory developed by economists, innovative development follows the improvement of institutions that are responsible for the formation of new knowledge. Science lays vectors, directions of movement, in which it is possible to unite fundamental and applied research of a mul-tidisciplinary order. At the points of intersection of scientific interests and the needs of practice, clusters are born in which innovative potential is accumulated [21]. Perhaps clustering would be useful in the field of continuing education.

Education has an important mission that cannot be shaken either by technological revolutions or by environmental catastrophes and economic transformations: it is a space in which the inevitable contradictions of man and society must be purposefully, productively and subjectively meaningfully resolved. By turning to education with divergent research and practical interests, humanity preserves itself, since both social and biological life exist due to the transmission of knowledge and the reproduction of positive ways of thinking. Education, to put it somewhat pathetically, is intended for an important, lasting, ideally lifelong, meeting of man, society and culture.

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Оригинальность 93 %

Поступила 02.06.2022 Одобрена 27.06.2022 Принята к публикации 15.03.2023

Т.Ю. Кротенко


Условия развития общества, культуры, экономики, в которые попадает стремительно меняющийся мир, расширяют миропонимание, изменяют оптику восприятия интерперсональных ролей в процессах передачи знания, формируют новые свойства образовательного пространства и настойчиво подсказывают о необходимости актуальных предметов исследования образования, выбора новых векторов изучения. Цель статьи - обозначить перспективные направления исследования сферы непрерывного образования.

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В качестве методов исследования применены: а) анализ сочетания терминов, интегрирующих смыслы из области философии, культуры, экономики, образования; б) анализ авторского педагогического опыта в форматах формального, неформального и спонтанного образования; в) опрос экспертов в режиме онлайн; г) контент-анализ развернутых ответов на открытые вопросы, предложенные респондентам в ходе опроса.

В статье намечены ранее сомнительные, неявные источники для создания трансдисциплинарной методологической основы, возникновение которой можно предвидеть на пересечениях различных областей знания, в ориентированных на практический выход исследовательских стремлениях реализовать идеи трансдисциплинарности. В авторском исследовании выявляются незнакомые, принципиально новые методологические импульсы, имеющиеся в науке и современной философии при рассмотрении непрерывного познания как жизненно важного спутника современного человека.

Проанализированы возможные ресурсы, скрытые в невероятных для привычного взгляда сочетаниях и на стыках ранее обособленных, герметичных знаниевых сфер. Это ценно для решения задачи сохранения антропных качеств. Эта задача особенно рельефно выступает в ходе хаотичного развития обучающих систем, интегрирующих природу человека и искусственный интеллект. Научную новизну работы составляют выводы об исследовательских методах, которые наиболее точно подходят для формирования нового психолого-педагогического знания о перманентном образовании.

Ключевые слова: непрерывное образование; образовательное пространство; векторы развития образования; измерения образовательного пространства; методы исследования образования; трансдисциплинарность; цифровой вектор развития.

Кротенко Татьяна Юрьевна - канд. филос. наук, доцент кафедры теории и организации управления ФГБОУ ВО «Государственный университет управления»; внешний совместитель кафедры государственного управления и кадровой политики ГАОУ ВО «Московский городской университет управления Правительства Москвы», е-mail: krotenkotatiana@rambler.ru.

Received 02.06.2022 Approved 27.06.2022 Accepted for publication 15.03.2023

Финансирование. Исследование не имело спонсорской поддержки.

Конфликт интересов. Автор заявляет об отсутствии конфликта интересов.

Вклад автора 100 %.

Просьба ссылаться на эту статью в русскоязычных источниках следующим образом:

Кротенко, Т.Ю. Актуальные измерения пространства образования: «цифровой» и «нецифровой» векторы развития / Т.Ю. Кротенко // Вестник ПНИПУ. Социально-экономические науки. - 2023. - № 1. - С. 20-32.

Please cite this article in English as:

Krotenko T.Yu. Current measurements of the space of education: "digital" and "non-digital" vectors of development. PNRPU Sociology and Economics Bulletin, 2023, no. 1, pp. 20-32 (In Russ).

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