УДК 62-2.62-3.62-5
Е. С. Дорофеева Научный руководитель - А. В. Стручков Руководитель по иностранному языку - С. В. Шелихова
Сибирский государственный аэрокосмический университет имени академика М. Ф. Решетнева
Российская Федерация, 660037, г. Красноярск, просп. им. газ. «Красноярский рабочий», 31
Е-mail: [email protected]
Представлено обоснование необходимости исследования демпфирующих свойств элементов трансмиссии, как составляющей динамической нагруженности трансмиссии. Предлагается одно из онструктивных решений вспомогательного устройства для исследования свободных колебаний элементов трансмиссии и определения их демпфирующих свойств.
Ключевые слова: свободные колебания, динамическая нагруженность, трансмиссия, демпфирующие свойства, логарифмический декремент затухания.
E. S. Dorofeeva Scientific Supervisor - A. V. Struchkov Foreign Language Supervisor - S. V. Shelikhova
Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University 31, Krasnoyarsky Rabochy Av., Krasnoyarsk, 660037, Russian Federation Е-mail: [email protected]
The report provides the reasons for the study of damping properties of the transmission as a part of dynamic response of transmission. The author suggests one of the constructive solutions for support devices to research free vibrations of transmission and damping properties.
Keywords: free vibration, dynamic response, transmission, damping properties, the logarithmic decrement damping.
Transmission of any road-building vehicle and industrial intradoses is a complicated oscillatory system with a big amount of messes. Many factors, that make oscillation of transmission shaft line, define the wide scale of frequency in free and compelled oscillation in the transmission. This often increases the possibility of appearing resonant regimes and decreasing longevity of details and transmission units. One of the main aims in creation road-building vehicles is effective decreaseof dynamic parts oftorsion oscillation of transmission shaft lines and expelling resonant and near-resonant effect [1].
To lead the theoretical research and analysis of inner dynamic of road-building vehicles with different types of transmissions the following torsional oscillation dynamic and mathematic models of transmissions systems with stretching and amortizing characteristics of transmission elements are developed [2-4].
For checking the approximation of amortization meanings index that were got by counting way and comparing them with index amortization made by other authors, we conducted an experimental research for defining index amortization at the transmission of researching tractor.
The research consists of: (Pic. 1) at the defined part of transmission studied the shaftline end is hardly fixed, at the leading wheel 2 by special handle 4 a singlerotation moment is set, the handle separates suddenly from leading wheel. As a result the part ofthe shaftline finally makes decreasing free oscillation, the AFR are written with strain-gage installations.
äktyamhbie npoernubiäbhäuhhh kocmohäbthkh - 2016. tom 2
Fig. 1. Scheme of experimental installation for defining index amortization
Fig. 2. Oscillogram of decreasing torsional oscillation at left and right half shafts of the back axle
After processing of oscillograms data (Pic. 2) the damping logarithmic decrement (1) for study sample of transmission and index amortization are obtained (2):
8 = ln-SL
b =ln-a
where an, an+1 areoscillatory amplitudes, delaying from each other at one period.
To make the experimental researchand identify amortizing features of tractor transmissions elements were made special device which looks like dynamic handle that allows to separatesuddenly the device from shaftline when it gets the definedsingletorsional moment. It is planned to make an application for a useful model.
1. Kerov I. P.,Yanson R. A., Agapov A. B. Osnovnie tendensii razvitiya stroitelstva dorozhnoi tehniki. [The Main tendencies of development of construction and road machines] // Construction and road machines, 2008. No. 3. P. 9-16.
2. Struchkov V. A. Issledovanie I uluchshenie chastei gidro-mehanicheskoi transmissii buldozera. [Study and improvement of elements of hydro mechanical transmission crawler bulldozer: dis. ... candidate. tech. Sciences]. Krasnoyarsk, 2009. 179 p.
3. Eresko S. P., Aresco T. T., Struchkov V. A., Klimov A. A., Coskun V. S. Matematicheskoe modelirovanie dinamicheskoi zagruzki transmissii podverzhennoi dissipativnim prosessam [Mathematical modeling of dynamic loading of transmission systems subject to dissipative processes] // Construction and road machines: Scientific-technical and production journal. Moscow, 2013. No. 12. P. 32-37.
© Дорофеева Е. С., 2016