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Ключевые слова
technique / function / transport / logistics / passengers. / technique / function / transport / logistics / passengers.

Аннотация научной статьи по Гуманитарные науки, автор научной работы — Meliqo‘Ziyeva Z.A.

The article clarifies the concepts of "transport system" and "transport-logistic system" (TLS), "transport service", "logistics service" and "transport-logistical service". The main types of transport and logistics services for the transportation of goods and passengers are identified. The sequence of an estimation of economic efficiency of functioning TLS is established. The technique of an estimation of economic efficiency of functioning TLS which will allow raising accuracy of analysis TLS, to estimate profitability of its work is offered.

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The article clarifies the concepts of "transport system" and "transport-logistic system" (TLS), "transport service", "logistics service" and "transport-logistical service". The main types of transport and logistics services for the transportation of goods and passengers are identified. The sequence of an estimation of economic efficiency of functioning TLS is established. The technique of an estimation of economic efficiency of functioning TLS which will allow raising accuracy of analysis TLS, to estimate profitability of its work is offered.


Meliqo 'ziyeva Z.A. postgraduate student Tashkent state transport of university


Annotation. The article clarifies the concepts of "transport system" and "transport-logistic system" (TLS), "transport service", "logistics service" and "transport-logistical service". The main types of transport and logistics services for the transportation of goods and passengers are identified. The sequence of an estimation of economic efficiency of functioning TLS is established. The technique of an estimation of economic efficiency of functioning TLS which will allow raising accuracy of analysis TLS, to estimate profitability of its work is offered.

Key words: technique, function, transport, logistics, passengers.


One of the most promising and rapidly developing areas of modern logistics is transport logistics. Its key role is due to the fact that without the transportation it is impossible to promote the material flow. The geographical position of the Republic of Uzbekistan predetermined its role as a transit state. This facts Ets the task of forming the national transport and logistics system (TLS) as a priority in the general economic policy of the state, which in turn will ensure the effective use of the republic's economic potential and its integration into the world economic system.

Literature review

Various aspects of transport logistics and the problems of the formation of TSL are presented in the works of foreign and domestic authors such as D. Kloss and D. Bowersox, T. Goldsby, A. Harrison, A. Chernovalov, D. Kurochkin, V. Bulavko, P. Nikitenko, I. Elovoi, etc. Despite the great attention of scientists to the issues of logistics, the current conditions for economic development dictate the need for the development of theoretical aspects of logistics and the constant updating of methods and methodology, the development of new assessment methods that are based on the principles of logics and took into account the specifics of the country's development.

Research findings and discussion

The methodological basis of end-to-end management of material flows, as well as the concept of logistics in general, is a systematic approach, which is the direction of the methodology of scientific knowledge, which is based on the consideration of the object as a system: an integral complex of interrelated elements; aggregate of interacting objects; the totality of entities and relationships.

For developing a methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the operation of the TLS based on the system approach, the following steps can be distinguished:

Step 1: Determine the purpose of the system. The main goal of TLS is the maximum economic effect with sufficient level of reliability and quality of services within the limits of available resource constraints.

Stage 2: setting requirements that the system must meet based on the analysis of the purpose of the operation. To achieve this goal, it is necessary: improving the organization of export and increasing transit cargo flows; expansion of the list of transport and logistics services and ensuring their high quality; reduction of time costs for transportation of goods; ensuring high speed of processing and moving cargo; reduction of transport costs; information and analytical support of cargo; creation of conditions for high-quality passenger service.

For TLS, which provides a wide range of services, there are problems in allocating revenues and in spacing costs for individual components of the complex of services, and in this connection it is proposed to allocate a group of transport (T) and logistic (L) services for each mode of transport (Table 1.)

Table 1 - Interrelation of the components of the evaluation methodology

with the structure of indicators

Type of transport Types of services Income

freight transportation the income of railway transport from a cargo transportation

Railway transport transportation of passengers, baggage, cargo, mail the income of railway transport from passenger transportation T

logistics services The income of the railway transport from the provision of logistics services L

freight transportation income of road transport from cargo transportation

Automobile transport passenger transportation the income of motor transport from passenger transportation T

roadside service incomes of roadside service

logistics services income of road transport from the provision of logistics services L

cargo transportation income of air transport from cargo transportation

Air Transport transportation of passengers, baggage, cargo, mail income of air transport from passenger transportation T

logistics services The income of air transport from the provision of logistics services L

The method of assessing the effectiveness of the transport-logistic system (3) assumes the calculation of the effect of the transport (ETS) (1) and transport-logistic systems (Ets) (2):


3TC / T



Where n is the number of private indicators accepted for counting, t is transportation services,

T - Incomes from rendering of transport services by all kinds of transport.

n n n

t=1 l = 1 C=1

where n is the number of partial indicators taken for calculation, t - transport services,

T - incomes from rendering of transport services by all kinds of transport; l - logistic services, according to the classifier, L - income from the provision of logistics services, C - synergistic effect,

c - indicators of the effect of the formation and functioning of the transport and logistics system.

3 = -— * 100%(3),

where 3- is the effectiveness of formation of TLS, 3tls - effect of functioning TLS,

This is the effect of the functioning of the transport system.

The proposed valuation methodology is based on the aggregate analysis and calculation of partial criteria (revenues from all types of transport and additional effect from the provision of logistics services), which makes it possible to improve the accuracy of the TL analysis, assess the functioning of the TL and the profitability of its operation. The formation of TLS will significantly improve the reliability and efficiency of operational planning in all phases of the transportation process and obtain an additional effect. This effect is characterized by cost savings and additional income generation (synergistic effect).


The task of forming a national transport and logistics system is one of the priorities in the general economic policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The developed TLS will ensure the effective use of the economic potential of the republic and its integration into the world economic system. TLS is a complex system that performs transport and logistics operations in accordance with the requirements of clients at minimum (given) time and cost costs, consisting of the following subsystems: various modes of transport; subjects and objects of

transport and logistics infrastructure; logistical flows that accompany the material flow.


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